• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,625 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 11- Crimson Rose

Author's Note:

Blame Red vs. Blue for the name of Sun's new pet... and ElementBrigade for the new set of knuckleheads

Next time: Monkeying around in Manehattan

Monkey Business- Crimson Rose

Fluttershy’s Cottage (Evening)

When Sun woke up, it was sometime past 8 o’clock in the evening and he woke up to the sight of Discord standing in the room and Fluttershy sleeping next to him on the couch. It was alright for the most part, until Sun realized that he was being watched the whole time by the Chaos spirit. Waiting patiently for him to wake up.

“So… how was your nap?”

“Discord!” Sun stammered upon seeing him at first glance. “You startled me!”

“Happens to everypony, Sun. On a more serious note though, I need your help with something though and it can’t wait.”

Now the Faunus looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Oh? What’s that?”

“Well, thats the thing. For you, you have a different type of energy residue that I can distinguish from most ponies, but four different energy sources that are similar to yours just popped up in Canterlot not too long ago. I was going to check on it, so maybe you can come along and see if they are these ‘Displaced’ like Loki mentioned when he was here.”

“Something tells me that they probably are,” Sun replied back. “Just give me a second to get ready. I need to leave a note for Fluttershy so that way she knows where we are when she wakes up.”

“That’s…… a good idea.” The Chaos spirit soon snapped his talon, handing the Faunus a paper and a quill & ink bottle so he could write the message. After some trial and error with the quill dip pen, Sun was able to make a legible note for the pegasus and left it on the nearby nightstand so she can see it when she wakes up.

“Okay, we’re all good to go?”

“Yep, next stop, Hall of Elements.” With that, everything faded out as Discord snapped his Talon again, teleporting the two of them to Canterlot Castle.


When Sun arrived, he was outside the main door to the Hall of Elements. He remembered the room from last time when Loki had summoned Lance and another Displaced named Nicko. But this time though, he began to hear something else going on instead. His Faunus traits allowed him to have an extended sense of hearing and as he entered through the door and slipped into the shadows of a nearby corner, he could see and hear exactly what was going on.

There were four girls. Each one of them looking like a member of Team RWBY. Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long. Celestia herself had just entered the room alongside her sister and now had offered to introduce themselves in exchange for the girls to do the same. However, the girl that was Ruby soon called for a group huddle and the first thing he heard from her caused him to look at her with a confused expression.

“I think they might be in league with the FBI.”

‘Can someone please explain how that makes sense?’ Sun asked himself. Moments before Weiss stepped in.

“Ruby, you’re an idiot. They don’t have the FBI here. Anyway do you think we can trust them?”

‘Well, now that makes sense’

“They seem to know a bit about us and what’s going on. What I’m curious to know is how they know all of this. Something tells me that someone else told them about Humans and Faunus. I hope they can’t tell that I have cat ears though.” The one that was Blake said before asking Yang for her opinion. Sun was beginning to recognize who these four were and in his mind, some things began to click.

‘That could be useful information...’ He thought to himself.

“For the time being let’s follow them and see how this goes. If anything weird happens, we’ll make a break for it.”

Around the time Yang said that was when Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, decided to fly in through a window without making a scratch. “Evening Princesses? What do we have here?”

“HOLY CRAP WHAT IS THAT THING?!” Yelled Ruby pointing at Discord. “IT LOOK LIKE SOMEONE JUST THREW A BUNCH OF ANIMAL INTO A BLENDER AND MADE THAT!-” Before she could say anything else, Discord snapped his talon and a piece of duct tape covered her mouth.

“For your information, I am Discord. Spirit of Chaos and also… I am NOT A THING!!! I am a draconequus.” He sighed. Looking at the rest of them, he smirked. “Well, just when I thought that having one of you in Ponyville was tricky enough.”

“What do you mean by that?” Asked Weiss, who was a bit annoyed by that statement. Considering his options, Sun thought it would be best see how this played out and only interrupt when he thought it was necessary.

“Well, I know that not all of you are like Ms. Rose, but I’m sure you’re aware of it… Unless Celestia and Luna didn’t tell you about Sun yet.”

“Wait... you... the actual character or someone cosplaying as him?” Asked Yang.

“Why do you ask? Did you four get yourself in the same situation that he did? Because so far, I’m getting the feeling that you might have the same story as he did.”

Ruby removed the tape that was covering her mouth. “OW! Much better.” She then turn her attention towards Discord. “W-We don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Around now was Sun’s queue for him to step in. “Like I haven’t heard that before. You may act like them, but I can tell that you’re in the same boat as me. I can tell that they’re Displaced.” However, the response he got from Yang and Ruby were not what he expected.

“......... F***.”

“It’s a saiyan!!”

Sun’s ears began to twitch upon hearing that. “I’m not a freaking saiyan!! How many times do I need to explain what the hell a Faunus is?”

“Well you have golden hair, and a tail so you must be one.”

Sun personally sighed, looking at the other girls in the room and ignoring Ruby’s sense of logic. “Is she always like this?”

“She wasn’t always like this from the start. Originally she was a bit of a bitch until she landed on her head.” Said Weiss. “Now she’s kinda stuck like this.” Now the pieces had finally came together on where Sun had seen these girls before.

“Either that or she swapped personalities with someone in particular…… Ice queen.” Sun smirked. “Now that I think of it, I think I saw you four before.”

“Okay one, call me ice queen again and you’ll be having blue balls for the next two weeks. Second how do you know us?” Said Weiss.

“I saw you guys at RTX. You were entering for the group cosplay competition around the time when I passed by to get my badge. My friend snapped a photo of you guys while your back was turned and then said that Yang was hot, but that’s his problem, not mine.” To prove a point, Sun showed the image that was forwarded to him for the girls to see.

“Huh? Well that explains how you knew us from RTX.” Said Blake.

“Indeed it does, Kitty cat.”

Blake’s bow began to twitch as the girl looked a little bit nervous now. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about, monkey boy.”

“Your bow. It’s been twitching on it’s own for the past few minutes.” The Monkey Faunus replied. “A good place to hide a pair of ears if you ask me.”

“............” Just as Blake was about to say something, everyone from inside the room they were in heard a loud banging sound.


“That wasn’t me!” She said as she pointed at a random royal guard passing by. “It was him!”

Without her noticing, Sun used the staff form of Ruyi and Jingu bang to pluck Crescent Rose out from behind her, the barrel still smoking hot. “You were saying?”

That made Ruby quite… embarrassed by the stunning revelation. “Um…...A ghost took control of me and made me do it.”

“Idiot.” Weiss said with a deadpanned expression on her face.

“Well at least she’s not acting like a jerk anymore.” Said Yang.

“Right… Well, I’m going to go back on a nice walk…” Sun said as he began to walk out the door. As he went into the next room though, he began to speak about some of the possible things he could to to himself, despite the fact that the hallways could echo anything that was said throughout the room. “… Kill some grimm… maybe get summoned by another Displaced? Who knows? Maybe Max needs me to help take care of her fillies. Rainbows a real cute one.”

As he stepped out through the walls to the city, trouble just happened to show up in the form of grimm. Both types of ursa’s were coming out of the woodlands and saw him as fresh meat. He prepped both of his guns for combat, but just as he got himself ready, the shiny edge of a scythe blade came swooping in and decapitated a ursa minor grimm in two.

“Out of my way foxhead!” Ruby yelled as she landed perfectly next to Sun.

“Well now, nice to see that you can fight. Guess your gonna give me a hand with these guys then?” The faunus asked as he blew off the face of an incoming grimm on his right hand side.

“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” Ruby said as Crescent Rose began to change into the firearm mode, and shot a hole through a Grimm’s chest. “Then again I was getting bored waiting so I might as well help.” Sun smirked to himself as he changed his weapons to take the form of a bo-staff and block the incoming claws of the next two grimm he faced.

“Glad to see you in action then… I’ll take the twenty on the right? You take the twenty on the left?” He asked, taking a moment to reload his weapons before reforming his staff again.

“Okay, but try not to get into my line of fire.” Ruby warned as Crescent Rose tranformed into a scythe again, a devilish grin appeared on her face. “I have a nasty habit of hitting others in my way sometimes.”

“Won’t be a problem.” Sun replied back, clapping his hands together and using his semblance to make two doppelgangers of himself before they exploded into another pair of grimm and making an opening for him to leap into. “Just focus on your opponents and I’ll focus on mine!”

“No promises.”

Sun smiled. He liked his odds. As they continued to fight, the faunus used the tactic of having some grimm become meat shields so they get ripped at by the shots that Ruby didn’t exactly aim when they went off. Another thing that was to his advantage was his speed and flexibility. Making dodging bullets… not a problem.

“Now this is fun!!” He proclaimed… a little too soon. Ruby was preparing something that Sun had no idea of until she actually did it. And the results… were not what he expected.

“Prepare to have your heads cut off.” Ruby said as she pulled out a metal like string from under her cape, and wrapped it around the end of her weapon. “Because you’re about to see Ruby’s Crescent Boomerang attack that I just made up.” She said as she begun to swing her scythe around like ball hooked to a chain.

“Oh boy.” Sun first immediate action was to hit the deck and jump to safety. Either this was going to go really well… or end up really bad. However, the one thing he could tell immediately was that she was not paying attention to anything in front of her… at all.

Ruby began to increase the speed of her swinging as she tossed her scythe at the Grimms heads. During this this time she started singing a song from her mp3 player she was listening to. “God or demon? What am I? It’s time for me to chose my path. Power of. My Crescent Scythe. No evildoer will get past.”


Ruby couldn’t hear Sun’s warnings as she continue to cut, toss, and singing her way through the grimm that previously was there, but not anymore. “Hand to hand going fist to fist. Killing Grimms or Twist your wrist. Crescent Scythe keep my pimp hand strong. So trust me or you won’t last very long.” Around now, she wasn’t slicing at grimm anymore, but the environment around her as she was caught up in the lyrics of the song. Now though, Sun had one idea in order to knock some sense into her. Hurrying as fast as he could, he narrowly dodged the spinning blade of the twirling scythe and went towards Ruby. He had only one chance and he rather not blow it.

“Dragon kick your ass into the milky way!-”


Ruby did not know what hit her as Sun gave her an uppercut to the chin and knocked her backwards so hard that he felt like he broke his hand. No matter though. There wasn’t a spinning twister of death trying to kill anypony intentionally. As the smoke cleared, Sun noticed how close Ruby was from hitting the train that was trying to get out of the station. “Note to self: NEVER sing while fighting.”

“OW! That hurt! What was that for!?” Ruby asked in a demanding tone as she rubbed her chin.

“While you were singing to yourself, you cut down all the trees in the area after you killed off the grimm and ALMOST KILLED ME! Hell, if you continued, that scythe might’ve hit that train of passengers over there.” The monkey stated, pointing it out to her while she was looking.

“Oh……..I’m not apologizing for doing that.”

“The singing or almost killing me? Because one of them I will take offense to.”

“Both, and to be fair I did warn you didn’t I?” She had a point. But it didn’t mean that it was going to stop Sun from explaining to her how she lost control.

“Yeah, but when you started destroying things OTHER than Grimm, I had to step in. You still have a long ways to go, even do you do have some pretty good moves.”

“Well why did you think I went all out on them. The only time I do something like that is when no one is around or when facing something like we just fought.”

“Yet, you ignored what I tried to tell you earlier and you were singing Hand to hand going fist to fist. Killing Grimms or Twist your wrist?” Sun said, raising an eyebrow.

“Well I guess you should’ve tried harder enough huh?” Ruby said as she looked around herself. “Geez look at all the damage we caused. I have to say it looks kinda cool.”

“More like damage YOU caused. All of this happened because of your stunt earlier.” He then asked her another question. The lack of experience, the attitude, the lack of control… it had to add up to something. “How long have you been in Equestria for?”

“About two to three days, why?”


“I’ve been here a LOT longer. Two MONTHS longer.” Sun said, going through the wreckage and finding something that caught his attention. A hurt wolf pup. Carefully, he picked the pup up and applied some bandages to it that he had in his back pocket, not noticing the golden retriever that was sitting down by Ruby’s legs.

“The longer you’re here, the more you will see that there are consequences to your actions. I’m sorry Ruby, but I gotta go. This pup from the shelter you destroyed need immediate medical care.” With that, Sun left, taking the hurt wolf pup with him back to where ever he was going. Leaving Ruby in all the collateral damage.

Sun felt bad for having to say that to Ruby, but he needed to speak the truth to her. If he didn’t, then who exactly would? She needed to learn that there were consequences for her actions and that some things weren’t easily fixable. The Faunus himself hopped onto the back end of the friendship express on the flat cars that would normally be used for holding down big shipments. But the Faunus was using it for two purposes.

One, he needed to attend to the baby wolf that he was trying to take care of that he found in the aftermath of Ruby’s destruction.

Two, he didn’t have a ticket for the train.

‘Well, this isn’t the first time I’ve used my five finger discount’ He told himself, focusing on trying to suppress and stop the bleeding. Thankfully, it worked.

“Let’s see… No broken bones… Teeth look healthy… Not malnourished… yep, the only thing that’s a problem is the cut paw. You are a very lucky pup,” Sun smiled, petting the head of the small wolf as it barked joyfully. “Hmm… what should I call you? … Lucky? Nah, I’ll confuse you with Lucky back in Max’s world…”

Around then was when he was looking at the wolf pup, who was laying on the train bed very lazily. Lazy… Hmm… “How about Grif?”

The ears of the pup perched up as he looked at Sun. “You like that name, boy?”

“Grif” barked in approval as he hopped into Sun’s lap. “Grif, it is then. Hope you don’t act too lazy around Fluttershy okay?” The wolf pup happily nodded his head as he nuzzled himself into the faunus’ lap while he looked for the right point in order for them to get off. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes ticked on by until Sun found the right point to decide and get off. Picking up Grif, he jumped off before the train pulled into the station and made his way back to the cottage. All without any bruises.

When he made it back though, the first thing he told Grif was to make sure and please stay quiet. It worked… for only five seconds. Until he saw Angel bunny…


“Grif! Don’t do that, you’ll wake up the entire house.”

“Too late.” The voice of a mare that Sun knew told him as Fluttershy flipped on the lights. “I saw your note, but what was all the-. O-oh my!! Who’s this poor fellow?”

“That’s Grif. I found him at an animal protection facility that got destroyed by grimm. Had to patch up his paw, but other than that, he has a clean bill of health.” He rather not mention that Ruby was the one who ended up destroying everything on accident.

“Aww… He looks so cute for a dog…”

“Actually, he’s a wolf pup. Hey, Fluttershy, is Raven here? I need to talk to her.”

“Someone called my name?” The black haired human asked as she walked down the stairs. “Oh… so this is what the fuss is all about?”

“Actually, I need to talk to you on a different matter,” Sun insisted. “In private.” Raven then sighed as the two of them stepped out of the cottage for a minute and were by themselves.

“What is it that you need to tell me, monkey boy-.”

“There’s more of them… ” Sun stated. Raven was initially shocked, but soon, was confused by what the Faunus said. Noticing this, he began to speak again. “There are more humans besides us now.”

“What? How-? Who?”

“I don’t know, but I do know that there are four of them in Canterlot. All of them girls and they got sent here as Team RWBY.”

“Can you describe them?” Raven asked, a little more intent on asking then before.

“Well, the girl named Ruby apparently use to be bossy, but is now clumsy and can’t concentrate when she starts singing to herself. Weiss is kind of a jerk since she points out the obvious and not in a good way. Blake reminds me of Twilight. Smart and knowledgeable, but sometimes an outcast. Lastly, Yang is a lot like Rainbow Dash. A party girl with a big sense of Pride. Ruby and Yang, like in the show, are also sisters.” He explained. “I also get a strange feeling that there are others out there besides them. Others that aren’t like… you know… Adam.”

“What makes you think that?” The huntress asked.

“On the day I got Displaced, I was with my friend Nathan. He was dressed up as Neptune and the two of us were waiting on two other friends of ours; Samuel and Santana. They were dressed up as the other two members of Sun’s team, Scarlet and Sage.” Sun took a brief pause to catch his breath before he continued. “I’m just worried that they got into this whole mess somehow if they were trying to find me.”

“Well, we can’t tell right now until we know for sure. One thing we should focus on though is the Changelings. There are supposedly two other children who might’ve survived the siege on the colonies.”

“Yeah, but we still got to keep Reson and Honeydew safe.”

“We are. Which is why I’m going to help Kreed. His old weapon broke when he tried to take on Adam, so I’m going to build a new one for him and teach him how to fight. You should help Fluttershy and her friends to make sure everything is under control and nothing strange is afoot.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Sun replied, using his tail to salute Raven.

“Oh and one other thing…” Raven said. “About Ruby and Yang…”

“Yes?” Sun asked, looking at her in confusion.

“Back home… I had two daughters… Both in which acted like the way you described them. If that’s true…” Raven paused for a minute, trying to sum up the words she was going to say. But she couldn’t let her emotions affect her either. “Then the Ruby and Yang you saw were them.”

“Wait… Ruby and Yang are your kids?”

“Yes. But theres more to it… Remember Adam?”

“Yeah, why?”

“He’s their father.”

That got Sun’s attention real quickly. The murderer of a hive of Changelings is the father of two of the girls he met earlier today… Yeah, that’s going to take a while to sink in. A VERY long while. Especially with Ruby knocking down buildings still fresh in his mind and that wasn’t helping Sun try to come back to his senses.

“Something tells me that won’t be the only surprising news that we might be getting.” Sun warned. “This seems just like the first of many events to come.”

End Tail 11

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