• Published 4th Jun 2015
  • 9,625 Views, 418 Comments

Monkey Business - FrostTheWolf

The plan was to dress up as a Faunus from RWBY. Specifically Sun Wukong. But plans don't always go the way we hoped. I just hope that my newfound abilities and skills don't get myself in Major trouble. [Displaced][RWBY/MLP Crossover]

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Tail 10- Meet the Fiancé

Monkey Business- Meet the Fiancee

Fluttershy’s cottage

The fresh morning air began to help Sun wake up in the morning bright and early as he strolled over to the kitchen to grab himself an apple. With Ammy and Chibi meeting him the other day, he needed to take a breather and thought that the best way to do that was a nice long nap. Now, it was five o’clock in the morning and he was up bright and early… Along with one other small figure. Turning around, he noticed that Angel Bunny was rubbing his head against his pant leg as he got down on the floor.

“Oh… Morning. Sorry if I woke you up.” Sun apologized, but then noticed that the rabbit was holding something. It looked a lot like… a picture. Not the one with his cousin Lance, the kids and his fiance… but just the girl. Max, was it? Well, Sun couldn’t remember the name, but then realized that this picture was not exactly like the other one as he began to hear something in his head. "Time, the real final frontier. This is the token of Max Caulfield, the Master of Time. Its mission: to seek out those who would protect others and tear down tyranny; to boldly go before me so that I may be called when the time is right."

“Well, that’s new.” Sun said to himself, thanking Angel. “Maybe I should call on her? Get the chance to see what she’s like.” With that, Sun got up, made sure to equip his weapons and the gem Loki gave him before he engaged the summoning. However, something different began to happen. Instead of the token letting him summon Max, it instead summoned a small void that swallowed the Faunus and caused him to disappear. Angel would be scared, but he wasn’t this time.

It was just a typical tuesday in Ponyville after all.

Equestria (Home of the Prophet)

Max was sitting down at the dining room table with an undisguised changeling-unicorn +hybrid sitting next to her. “One moment, Glimmer, someone’s trying to-”

She was interrupted by a golden tailed figure with an unbuttoned shirt, jeans, and golden like hair slamming into her. “I pulled too hard....” Max groaned from her place on the floor.

“Oww… Next time, Sun. Look before you leap.” He told himself as he shook his head and looked at Max, which almost gave him a nosebleed. “Oh…… Am I interrupting anything?”

“Not really, Glimmer there just asked if I was really a guy originally,” she said, nudging Sun off of her. “This isn’t how I would’ve liked to meet you.”

“Likewise. Still though, I think we haven’t properly introduced ourselves. I’m Sun. Sun Wukong.” He replied, offering a handshake.

Max stood and gave a slight bow. “I am Grandmother Maxine Caulfield, current ruler of this Equestria and resident Free Love specialist.”

“Nice to meet you. Oh and before I say anything else, congratulations on you and Lance getting married.”

She giggled and said, “It’s still four months away.”

“I know… After all, that’s what it said on the invitation.” The Faunus replied, showing Max the parchment that he received from Lance and also the photograph. “He also said he wanted me to be his best man.”

“I can see why.” Max’s eyes traveled up and down Sun a few times. “You are more of a hunk than the anime showed~.”

“Umm… Thanks?” He said, noticing her eyes. “And sorry for crashing into you.” Before he could speak any further though, he noticed a rainbow maned filly crawling on him.

“Who dis, Mama?”

“This,” Max said slowly walking towards Sun sensually. “Is your dear uncle, Sun Wukong.” She lightly ran her hand over his chest.

Rainbow held her hooves up to the faunus and said, “Sunny!”

“Hello there, youngster!” Sun reached out, playing with the pegasus a little. Soon, Rainbow decided to have some fun by chasing the Faunus’ tail. But it wasn’t just her though. Light Sweet and Golden Sparks decided to join in as well. “Looks like they like my tail.”

“I’ll just leave you... five to your family bonding,” Glimmer said.

Max froze for a second, then turned to her other guest and said, “I’m so sorry about that. Here, I’ll let you ask any question you want.”

Glimmer thought for a moment then asked, “How good were the princesses in bed?”

The question caused Sun to raise his head and look at Max, heart beating a little faster than normal. Were they seriously asking this? In front of kids no less!? One thing he didn’t notice was his tail stiffen as Rainbow crawled over it like a vine in a jungle.

Max gave Sun a devious grin and leaned a bit closer to the mare. “How about we discuss that after the foals go to bed? Preferably after you help me get... Uncle Sunny to help us scratch an itch?”

Sun raised an eyebrow, not knowing what exactly Max was talking about, but assumed that her back was sore. After all, she was raising four foals and that could make things complicated. “Sure I guess. You must be sore after being with the kids all day right?”

“They’re nothing but sweet angels when I’m around,” she dismissed taking a few steps towards him. “But I know you’ll be sore come the dusk, if you know what I mean....”

“Dusk? Do you mean dawn by chance or is there something I don’t understand here?” The Faunus asked, a little confused as Rainbow climbed onto his shoulder.

“Ponies are nocturnal in this universe. Everything is basically reversed when it comes to day and night,” Max said, almost like she had said the same thing several times. Sun himself was quite surprised to hear that, but hearing the whole nocturnal part made him think of some vampire like scenario like in Anita Blake, where the supernatural like Vampires and Werewolves are legal citizens and raising zombies is actually an occupation. His attention was soon directed elsewhere when someone else entered the room.

“Madam Maxine, can I-. Oh… Who do we have here?”

Sun himself was surprised. “A…… reindeer? Well, that’s a first.”

Max chuckled, levitating a newspaper in front of Sun. “You should see the headlines.”

Sun looked. His eyes soon widened. “This guy ran you over? Really? Should I take offense or no… Because I have my gunchaku on my back if that’s a yes.”

“You mean these?” A thestral asked from Max’s left side, holding the weapons.

“Right… You do realize that’s only one pair right.” Sun replied, but to his surprise, he pulled out a banana instead. “Seriously?”

Another thestral appeared at Max’s right side holding the other pair.

“You’re killin me, smalls.” Sun deadpanned. “Question though, do those… machines run on magic?”

Both of the thestrals replied, “These bodies are completely organic and work exactly like any regular pony’s.”

Max sighed and said, “Sol’s the one who replaced one of your... weapons with a banana.”

The thestral to her left giggled, “I noticed during the scan that you were part monkey.”

“Well, technically, I am a Faunus. Meaning I’m a human with animal characteristics. For me, I have the speed and reflexes of a monkey along with the tail. Which Rainbow really seems to like.” He pointed out as Rainbow was shown hugging it like it was a teddy bear. Sun himself chuckled a little as he used the tail to tickle and tease the filly, making her sniffle a few times every time the tail bopped her on the nose. Soon, Lucky himself trotted over and was personally surprised to see the monkey like human in the room.

“Grandmo-.... Mom… Who is this?”

“Lance’s cousin, Sun. You can call him uncle, though,” Max said, disappointment on her face for a fraction of a second. “So where’s Light and Golden?”

“Sleeping. I... asked one of the guards to watch them to make sure we know when they wake up.”

“Thank you for doing that, Lucky. You don’t need someone to watch you if you’re watching out for your sisters.”

“Quite a responsible colt if you ask me.” Sun smiled, Rainbow now climbing onto his shoulders.

“Sunny!!” Dashie proclaimed, bopping Sun on the nose with an outstretched hoof.

“Dashie, don’t lean so far from where you’re holding on unless you plan to fly,” Max admonished. “It’s not safe.”

Rainbow stopped and slowly leaned back against Sun. “Sorry mommy....”

“It’s okay, Dashie. You’re probably just tired.” Sun told her, rubbing behind her ears. “Lucky? Could you make sure that Rainbow gets some sleep?”

Lucky nodded and trotted over to let Rainbow sit on his back. “I’ll put her with her sisters.”

“Thanks, Lucky.” Sun asked, hoof bumping one of his hooves in a fist pump like motion. He soon turned back to Max, Rutherford and Glimmer.

Max watched the foals leave the room, turning back to Sun saying, “So about my offer....”

Sun raised an eyebrow, looking at Prince Rutherford before looking back at Max. “What offer? The one you said about that itch?”

Max stepped up to him again, circling him once and giving his arm a light squeeze.“Oh yes. You, me, and Glimmer. My bedroom. All day long~.”

Sweat began to roll down his neck. “Seriously? All that for a massage?” Clearly, he wasn’t understanding Max’s statements… Or in her book, foreplay.

The next night

Sun awoke to being drenched in ice water and two laughing ladies. “You slept through midnight,” Max explained when her laughter subsided. “It’s almost time for dinner, so I thought you’d like to wash up.”

“And just when I thought I needed the rest.” The Faunus groaned. He looked down to realize that he was in a new set of clothes, but without a shirt. “Where are the clothes I had on me?”

“I told Rarity that you were going to be the best man and she decided to start making you a suit just after breakfast. She said you did stir a bit, but you didn’t wake up at all.”

“And she decided to put the pants on me while I was asleep? Talk about an invasion of privacy.” Sun then hopped onto his tail like he was tigger from Winnie the Pooh before going back onto his feet. “Do I at least get to choose what I want to wear for me, shirt wise?”

“Once I learned about this, I told her she was to work on the dresses only. Lance’s Rarity will work on the suits, so you’ll have to ask her if you can just wear your normal outfit.”

“Okay, where is she-?”

“-Right through here,” Rarity said, leading another mare that looked exactly like her into the room. “Oh, you’re awake. I am dreadfully sorry about invading your privacy earlier.”

“It’s alright. You’re forgiven.” He replied. “Oh… Hello there.”

“Yeah, I can’t tell them apart either,” Glimmer said.

“Then let me fix that, darling.” The second Rarity replied, putting on a specialty headband with a clear sapphire gem that was just near her right ear. “There we go. I’m Rarity or as I am known as back home, Radiance.”

“I can see why.” Sun chuckled. “So you know Lance?”

“Indeed. He is quite lucky to be with Madame Maxine and I am quite lucky to be helping out with the planning of this event. Now, what ideas did you have in mind for the top half of your clothes?”

“I was thinking something casual. I am NOT a fan of heavy tuxedo’s.”

“Why don’t we ladies let him get ready and wait in the dining room?” Max suggested.

“That’s a great idea.” Max’s Rarity replied. But before they left, Sun had one last question for Max.

“Hey… uh… where are my weapons? If I may ask?”

“In the banana tree out in the gardens,” Max sighed. “I might be Sol and Mun’s commander, but I rarely give them orders.”

“Well, they have a poor sense of humor if they think that’s funny. Surprisingly, they didn’t take my tokens.”

“They know not to mess with those now. Had to help fight off the worst thing they could ever have messed with.” Max pulled out what looked like a long barreled desert eagle with an inscription on the side that read: Hellsing 454 casull auto.


“One of Alucard’s guns, yes.” Max put it away and continued, “That one though, has become unstable and tries to kill as many as he can before finally killing the one who summoned him. It’s a good thing you have to be holding the token in order to summon someone. A word of caution; if you ever find that token, don’t say ‘b*tches love cannons’ with it in your hand.”

“Noted.” Sun replied. “Speaking of Tokens, have mine.” He then flipped a coin over to Max that had a monkey insignia on it as she caught it with a spare hand.

She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. “Already had it. Thought it would be weird if I summoned you since I- dammit!”

“I tried summoning you, remember?”

Max stared at him for a moment then glanced around. “Uh, yeah. Let’s go with the thought train of summons. So how many times have you met different Displaced?”

“Hmm… Lets see… There was Neltharion, or as he preferred to call himself Deathwing-.”

“Is he giant like in the game?”

“Yes, but he has a human form and I believe an Alicorn form as well. Speaking of Alicorns, that brings me to the second Displaced I met. Queen Lauren…… I think the last name was Faust?”

“Waitwaitwait. There’s a universe where Lauren Faust -- Lauren F*cking Faust -- is Queen of Equestria?!”

“Well, she is known as the mother of Celestia and Luna, not to mention the adopted mother of Discord. I don’t know all the details.” Sun shrugged. “All I do remember though is Deathwing and I having to fight a LOT of Grimm in a pocket dimension. Including a Behemoth.”

Max leaned in and whispered, “Lauren is also the one who remade My Little Pony and made to where anyone could like it.”

“That might explain a lot… Moving on, the next Displaced I met was personally one of the ones I hated the most. He basically demolished all of his Equestria, threw the princesses and the elements into what he called “The Nether” and had all other ponies be lambs to the slaughter.”

“Let me guess, he was Steve from Minecraft?”

Sun shook his head. “Worse…… Herobrine. He even could summon monsters and have them do his bidding.”

“Eh, Steve is worse in my book. I watched a lot of lets plays where people killed every villager they came across.”

“Yeah, but Herobrine is seen as a God.” Sun told her. “Never mess with him… Moving along, I met Lance and Nicko, but that was when Lance had to run because of something that came up. Nicko was also pretty interesting as well. He knew Rune Magic and his companion was the daughter of Discord, Eris. That was also where I met the Displaced Draconequus, Loki.”

“That might be when I gave him the news. I’d just found out I was two months pregnant and kinda freaking out about it.”

“I would’ve done the same thing if I was in your position.” Sun told her, leaning back in a chair. “Lastly, for Displaced, there was Vinyl, Ammy and Chibi, and now… you. So that’s the people I met.”

“Someone got Displaced as an actual pony?”

Sun shook her head as he took out the Ipod that was her token. “Nah, she’s a human version of that pony. I keep on forgetting to call her Rhythm in order to not get confused. Speaking of her, I was actually going to bring her as a guest for the wedding if that’s okay?”

“Having a pony version and a human version of her?” Max smiled. “Have to have a DJ battle. It just has to happen. I’ll ask her if she’d like the gig if I meet her.”

“Right… Oh and if I remember correctly… I think Eris left me an extra one of Nicko’s tokens for in case I lost it. Since I don’t really see the purpose in having two, you can keep the other one.” Sun then tossed the Rune Slayer’s mark, which Max caught again. “Oh crap, I forgot. Weren’t you and the girls going to the dining room?”

“Oh yeah. Ask Mun if he can give your tokens a magnetic field so they attract each other. It’s kinda like how the microbots in Big Hero 6 moved around, but it’s controlled by a simple AI.” Max said, waving the mares along. “It’ll make sure you don’t lose them.”

“Okay, where are Sol and Mun?”

“Find one of the hulls- sorry, an Abrams and ask for Mun, he’ll find you eventually.”

“Something tells me that they’ll come to me the moment I get Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang out of the tree they put them in.” The Faunus retorted, now looking at Rarity. “Sorry for making you wait, Rarity. Now, how should we begin?”

“I was thinking that we could see what your normal look is like,” Rarity said, sorting through a mound of cloth that went unnoticed by the faunus so far.

“Normally, I wear an unbuttoned collared shirt and jeans. Don’t want anything too tight to where my tail would feel uncomfortable.” At the moment Rarity heard that, she turned to see Sun putting on an unbuttoned collared shirt, leaving the medallion across his upper chest as she gazed at him from her position.

The fabric in her magic dropped, but her horn stayed lit as she stared at him. “Um- uh- ha- duh- I-I think that’s a, um... very good look for you.”

Sun just raised an eyebrow, confused. “Thanks……… Are you okay? Your cheeks are turning red.”

“I-I-I.... Yes, I’m fine. Just- You’re getting an open shirt with your suit.”

The Faunus sighed to himself, thinking that it would be for the best if he buttoned his shirt. Not all the way of course, but most of it. “Suits might cramp my tail. Maybe something loose fitting with a good tie?”

Rarity looked thoughtful for a moment until her face lit with inspiration. “Idea~!”

“Oh? What did you have in mind?” He asked. Curious to see what creation Rarity had in store for him.

She pulled out a drawing notebook and a quill. “Yes, loose, but not too baggy, we don’t want you looking like you don’t know how to wear pants. Hmmm.... No, not black. Maybe blue? Oh yes! A belt, a place to put your... charming weapons that Maxine has told us about. Now, should I go with the collar up, or folded? What do yo- oh. Oh my.” Rarity turned back to Sun just in time to catch him buttoning up his shirt halfway and her notebook in her hooves.

“Is something wrong, Ms. Rarity?”

“Shirt....” She shook herself and cleared her throat. “Buttoned shirt it is. Stiff collar, possibly black, that would mean a white tie....”

“I am so going to keep a copy of this,” Rarity muttered.

“May I see what you had in mind?” The Faunus then asked, sitting on the floor so he could be at the same level as the Unicorn and not look like he was looming over her.

The white mare bit her lip and nodded, turning the book so Sun could see.

“Wow… that looks… to put it in the context that Rainbow Dash would use, awesome!!”

“The real thing is much better,” She muttered, pulling out some fabric from the pile.

“Would you mind if I lend you a hand or would you be okay on your own? I do need to be able to find Sol and Mun, but I can wait if it’s okay with you.”

“All I need to do really is get your measurements down, but it would be better to see the fit while you are here.”

“Can’t you do the measurements based on the shirt that I was wearing the other da- I mean night? Maybe if you saw me with that, you’ll have a good visualization of where to go from there.”

“Use someone else’s measurements? Please darling, that is what second rate dressmakers do.” She pulled a tape measure out of a bag.

“Well, if you insist.”

The measuring was close to awkward for Sun, what with the mare nuzzling him every so often and using her hooves instead of her magic to manipulate the tape. By the time she was done, it was almost four in the morning. Sun saw this as… odd at first. But after a while, it felt comfortable to feel hooves along his body. Just in the right spots of course. By the time that he was use to it though, Rarity was soon finished with the measurements she required. But, for a couple of moments, Sun realized that Rarity was not actually measuring him… and it felt like she was hugging him instead. “Rarity? You okay? You look… Distracted.”

“Mmhmm…… I’m distracted by a big, strong, gentlecolt.”

The thought had Sun realize something, before he said anything back to Rarity. “Hey, Rarity? Can I ask you something? It might sound strange…… but back where I’m from… I think one pony I know has feelings for me, but is a bit scared to share them. When you blushed earlier, it sort of reminded me of her.”

“Oh? Well, take her out for dinner, or a romantic evening.”

“Well, that’s kind of the thing… I’m a little nervous about saying it to her. After all, she was the one who let me stay in her cottage.” The mentioning of the last detail served as a MAJOR clue for the fashionista. Now she knew who exactly the Faunus was talking about.

“Ah, Fluttershy! Why didn’t you say so? Well, it isn’t easy to get her comfortable around somep-one, but you might be able to get away with tiring her out somehow and tucking her in. Maybe even sneak in a kiss on the forehead.” Sun considered the suggestion, thinking it through thoroughly as he then asked her another question.

“That’s a good thought, but what do you think I should do to show how much I appreciate her?” It was a tough question, but Sun had to ask it. The last few weeks had made him think that Fluttershy was really helping him out so much that he needed to repay her for the kindness she showed her. That and he rather not ask for Discord’s advice.

“Maybe tell her to take a day off once in a while and let you take care of the animals? Or if you’re -- I hate to think this, but -- if you’re lucky, you might run into a hurt animal and be able to take care of it yourself.”

Sun then thought of the last one, soon replying to what she said. “To show how much I learned for her? That actually sounds like a good idea. Thanks Rarity.”

“Well, I-I-I-I-”

Before Sun left the room, he went over to the Unicorn and kissed her on the forehead. As he left though, the Faunus had no idea what kind of reaction that caused as Rarity soon passed out a few seconds later, shortly after Sun closed the door. As the Faunus walked through the hallway, looking for Sol and Mun, only one thought was in his mind.

“Nailed it!”

On the way through the halls, though, Mun found him instead. “Heard you were going to be looking for me?” The thestral tossed Sun’s weapons to him. The Faunus caught them, placing them back behind his shirt.

“Yeah. Thanks for giving these back.”

“Even though my sister and I are twins and can share our thoughts, putting your weapons in the tree was a bit far. Anyways, Max said something about turning your tokens into magnets so you don’t lose them?”

“Something along that line. She said for it to be like Microbots from Big Hero 6?”

“She must mean nanobots. My replicators can probably scan your tokens and copy their schematics so I can.... Well, it might bore you to hear the details.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Sun said, taking out the tokens he did have and giving them to Sol and Mun. “You might need these?”

“Yes, I will.” Mun took the tokens and led the faunus to what looked like a miniature Abrams with a midnight-themed custom paint job situated to the right of the throne. “Here we are, my hull.”

“Wow… That looks awesome.”

“Yeah, even though we’re tiny to be effective in the castle and city, don’t underestimate our power.” A hatch opened in front of the turret and Mun dropped the tokens in one at a time. “We’ve been trying to get Max to let us build a version for ponies to drive with its own AI, but she keeps saying something about copyrights.”

“Yeah, those can be a real pain in the ass to deal with at times.” Sun sighed. “Trust me, a lot of them leads to legal action if they’re violated.”

“Yeah, but after we changed the designs, she said to make them smaller. That we were getting into ‘the super tank range’ and that ‘would be a whole other copyright we’d violate’. Personally, I think making them smaller would put the crew at risk unless Elementium is used in the hull.” Sun’s Ipod was returned first with what looked like a plain bracelet. “Ah, put that on and try throwing it against the wall.”

He was hesitant at first, but then, Sun did what Mun had told him and threw it at the wall… Behind him. “You never said which wall.”

“Doesn’t matter which one. If it hits something hard enough, or goes past a certain range-” The Ipod burst into dust right before it hit the wall, flowing back through the air and reforming at Sun’s feet. “It returns to you unharmed. You can change where it goes if it needs to catch up to you, and you can use the nanobots as a weapon if you stretch the bracelet around your head. The limits of doing that are your imagination, but after four minutes it’ll need to switch to a different form if you use more than one token.”

“Does it work for just tokens and weapons or can you use them to create other things too?”

“You won’t be able to make anything organic, but yes. You can use them to create anything you can imagine.” Max’s picture popped up then and Sun took it without thinking. “It is limited in size to the combined mass of how many tokens you use, so you can’t use them to create a city-wide shield.”

“By organic, you mean living beings like Nature and Animals?”

“Yes. You can’t use them to make clothes or rope that are made of plant fibers or animal hair. Anything synthetic like rubber or computer parts you can form. I’ve also made it so you can’t turn them into any kind of fuel.”

“That may come in handy for other things… Is there a way where you can replicate it? Like make two bracelets?”

“Having two won’t increase the time you... can....” Mun thought for a bit then continued, “Actually, I could probably increase the control over the nanobots by adding something similar to TSDS to the bracelets.”

“I wasn’t asking for an increase in time. I was wondering if it could be used by more than one person. Say… if someone I cared for is attacked while I’m gone and they needed something to protect themselves.”

“Well then they’d need priority over you in the programming. Or I could just make a surplus of nanos, have you and this other person carry your own.”

“Just don’t give him a gourd, Mun,” Max said as she walked into the room. “Don’t want to make him look like Gaara.”

“Could it be the size of a hoof?” Sun then asked. He was first thinking about who to get it for. Then, he remembered his conversation about Fluttershy. She was important to him for all she had done for him. The least he could do was help provide a sense of security.

“I can make it any size you want; make it look, feel, and act like an animal. Even make it so they break down matter to make it even more believable.” By now, Sun had all his tokens back in his various pockets.

“So who’s the extra bots for? A girlfriend?” Max asked, ruffling Sun’s hair with a noogie.

“You can say it like that… I told Rarity that back in my world, I believe Fluttershy has feelings for me. So I wanted to show her how much I appreciated her. I thought one of those ways could be a gift.”

“I’d suggest a necklace or a set of bracelets, then. Non-leathal auto-protect lines in the programming and maybe something to make them destroy any nonorganic thing that tries to fall on her, or is thrown at her.”

“Now that you mention it, the necklace sounds like a good idea.”

“I can make a hat to go along with it to hide the band that allows her to control the nanos, as well,” Mun said, a silver necklace with a deep blue sapphire popping out of the hatch.

“Could the band resemble a Hairband?” Sun asked. “I don’t think it should look too obvious.”

“I think Mun means something like a gardening hat that she can wear around her house,” Max said.

“Right, but what if she’s in public?”

“The band won’t work unless it’s touching her scalp, though I might be able to get away with a sort of feelers to slowly reach for her scalp.”

“That might work best.” Sun replied, soon being given the second set of bands by Mun. “Thanks for the help. You as well, Max.”

“If you’re going to be serious about Fluttershy, I’m going to consider her family like you. Oh, don’t tell Lance this, but I’m going to have Sol and Mun place sentry guns in hidden alcoves around the Power Ponies’ base,” Max said.

“These lips are sealed… Do the Power Ponies know by any chance?”

“I’m... kinda putting them in secretly. All in the halls, on top of the building, outside the entrances....” She sighed. “I’d rather they not get snuck up on.”

“You sound like you’re trying to prepare for World War III.”

“You would as well if you were in my position. Gryphons hate Zebras, wyrms hate dragons.... The only reason they haven’t wiped each other out is because of Luna using the sun and moon as bargaining chips for the last thousand years.”

“So, what are you planning now? Holding a peace conference? Making Allies? Because, in this day and age, some people are just too stubborn to work with their enemy. Take a look at what’s going on back on earth. There’s government, the peace deals, terrorism. All of it is just a ticking bomb. I’m honestly glad I’m not there anymore.”

“None of those. I’m building up the army and advancing the technology. Metal airships instead of wood, magic powered laser cannons, and fighters.”

“Is Lance aware of all of this?” Sun asked. “He should know if the two of you are going to get married soon.”

“He has... old friends to worry about in his universe. I’d rather not put more on his plate right now.”

“Well, you should inform him. Secrets in a marriage are like cracks in a window. It’ll break eventually.”

“I’m not keeping this a secret. If he walked into my office looking for me or followed me to the air docks, he’d learn what I plan. I’d rather let him take care of his universe before worrying about the politics in mine.”

“Okay, but from me knowing him, he wants to make sure that the people he cares for are okay. Now that he’s a father, times change like the tide as it rises and falls.” Sun soon turned around. “Wanna come with me? I might need to get my clothes from Rarity.”

Max shook her head. “It’s almost time for me to lower the moon. I need to get the foals to bed as well.”

“I understand. Maybe I can help with the foals?”

She gave him a smile. “Thank you for asking, but with Lucky helping me for now I can get them to sleep within ten minutes.” She motioned for Mun to follow her as she moved towards the door. “By the way... your fly’s undone.”

“Oh come on!! Seriously!?” The Faunus shouted out, hurrying to fix that problem as quickly as possible. Only to realize it wasn’t a problem.

“Made ya look!”

“Dammit Max!!” Sun retorted. “I can’t tell when you’re joking around or not!”

“That’s the beauty of being a ruler,” Max sang as the door closed.

“Sol again?” Max said, chuckling behind her hand at Sun’s predicament.

“No, Rainbow. There’s a little multihued hair pushed right up against my nose,” Sun replied, trying to pull the bucket of peeled bananas from his head.

“Well, I don’t think I’d want to quash her mischievous nature. Even if it gets a bit vexatious.” She tapped the bucket’s rim, forcing it up enough for Sun to remove it the rest of the way. “Anyways, I was looking for you to see if you’d like to watch the hijinks that ensue.”

“Hijinks? What kind of hijinks?”

“I just sent Twilight the journal with the unfinished spell that will turn her into an alicorn. I figured that if she was turned into an alicorn it’d strengthen my position. Besides, I can’t run Equestria by myself.”

“So it’s like you have a Vice President?” Sun asked, the only thing he could think of at the minute.

“Kinda. I’m gonna see if I can fade into the background as well so I have more time for other things. Like tracking down that undead motherf*cking cat.” Max hugged herself and shivered. “Scourge was killed two months ago when he tried to attack me by Gilgamesh. I-I thought that would be the end of it.”

“Wait… Scourge is a cat? Something tells me that getting rid of him might be harder than you think given what you just told me.” The Faunus replied, causing Max to look a little confused by what he was saying.

“I know that. Apparently Scourge and his entire Clan are being backed by a demon that came with them through the portal.”

“It’s not just that. You said that you killed him once before right? Isn’t there a saying that cats have Nine lives?”

“Well, yeah. Firestar and the other leaders of the four Clans start with nine lives when they first become leaders. BloodClan, though, came from the city and don’t have StarClan watching over them.”

“It sounds like the same rule still applies. After all, we are in a land of magic. Anything can happen at this rate right? I mean, I honestly didn’t know what to expect of the whole Nanobot thingamajig earlier until you guys actually did it. Sometimes, you need to expect the unexpected.”

Max shuddered again. “I should’ve given him a proper burial then. No, I should’ve cremated him. Stupid. I try to follow those rules, but then I make a stupid mistake like this!”

“Well, at least you know so that way, you’re prepared next time around.”

“Yeah. I want to send an airship to look for him, but there aren’t any made of metal that are finished, and I haven’t even started on giving researchers my idea for magic powered laser cannons yet.”

“Laser cannons? Should you focus on some kind of radar or sonar like tracking system so you can find who you are looking for first?” Sun asked. “Otherwise, it’ll be trying to find a needle in a haystack. Which makes me wonder one other thing… Do you have any allies with these “Clans” that you speak of?”

“Yeah, Firestar and his Clan -- ThunderClan --, then there’s RiverClan, WindClan and ShadowClan. They came through first and their leaders approached me. I gave them the Everfree so they would feel more at home instead of forcing them to adapt to civilization.”

“My suggestion is that you call for a meeting with them, share your thoughts on the matter, and then ask for their opinions of how they think the situation could be dealt with. They might know more about Scourge than you think. Other than that, I don’t know what else to suggest.”

“I know as much as they do about him because of the books. More so, now that he’s come back alive.” She sighed. “I get what you’re saying though, that’s why I was going to put a unicorn that knows tracking spells on the ground where they attacked.”

“I’ll leave that to you then. I don’t want Fluttershy to worry about me if I’m gone too long. I kind of left while she was still sleeping.” Sun smiled sheepishly before scratching the back of his head.

Max gave him a glare. “You didn’t tell anyone what you were doing?”

“Hey, When I found your token, the original idea was for me to summon you, not the other way around.” He pointed out. “Plus, the only one who did see me leave was Angel Bunny.”

Her expression softened and she said, “The only reason I pulled was because you didn’t say anything when you tried summoning me. It’s common courtesy to say why you’re summoning someone at least.”

“Sorry, Grandmother. I’ll do better next time.”

She smiled and gave him a hug. “I’m not your grandmother, I’m your sister. I’ll see you later, brother.

Sun smiled a little, “Charming. Glad to have you be part of the family then.” With that, he used his token to open up a doorway to his world and jumped on inside before it closed behind him. Leaving Max by herself with Sol and Mun.

Elsewhere (On Sun’s World)

The middle of Manehattan was not the best place to end up on an ordinary afternoon today, but given the circumstances for one mare, things weren’t exactly “ordinary” for her the moment she woke up. She had to use one of her vacation days today, but it wasn’t really a vacation back in her apartment. Especially when she had three strange creatures end up in her apartment under unknown circumstances. Each one of them didn’t have major injuries, but after one of them woke up and she began to talk to him. It took some time to understand it, but soon, they figured out quite a few things.

“So… let me see if I understand this… You and your two friends were trying to find another friend of yours… but somehow ended up here?”

“That’s right, Coco.” The male human replied. He turned around to notice that his colleagues were starting to wake up on their own and crossed his arms. “Excuse me for a minute, my two teammates need a little bit more motivation in order to wake up.”

He walked on over, using the blunt end of his weapon to poke the first of his friends that were passed out on the floor on the head. “Samuel? You alright?”

The dark skinned boy with green hair mumbled a little as his eyes opened up. “N-nathan? Where are we?”

“That… I was trying to find out. Only thing I can tell for sure is that we're not in Texas anymore,” The boy said, tilting his head at the cream colored mare outside the room. “Not by a long shot.”

“Damn… It’s just been one crazy thing after another. We weren’t able to find Sean throughout all of RTX and on the third day, some crazy salesman happened to have the things we want. I knew that seemed too good to be true.” He looked at his other friend, who was still lying down on the nearby couch. “Did Santana wake up yet?”

“Not yet-.”

“Ugh… did anyone get the license plate on that tr-,” The third one, referred to as Santana, who had hair that was a dark red that faded to black and had strange clothes on. “Guys… Where the F*** are we?”

“From what I know, it sounds like a bad pun on Manhattan. Not only that, but it seems like we got some… changes that we need to adapt to.” The first human, named Nathan, spoke. “First, the civilians are ponies. Second, the weapon I bought has now become an actual weapon and the same goes for Samuel’s gauntlets and tattoos. As for you, remember those gloves you bought. The ones that you theorized that were woven with Dust?”

The third boy looked at him, only one eyebrow raised since his other eye was covered by his hair. Then, he turned to his gloves that he had. “Are you saying that-?”

“I’m not saying anything. I’m just presuming that something like that happened given the circumstances for me and Samuel…… Hey, remember when Sean was suppose to meet us for RTX, but we didn’t see him on the show floor the whole time? Call me crazy, but what if he was somehow stuck in the same situation as us?” The three humans soon noticed the presence of the mare that was not far from them, each of them given mixed reactions.

“Oh, and this is Coco Pommel… We kind of crashed into her apartment.”

“Kind of?”

“We did… Now, just follow me on this one.” He said, sighing as the tan colored boy with the red jacket and white dress shirt underneath. “Thanks for all of your help, Ms. Coco.”

“Y-you’re welcome…… Mister…?”

“I’m Neptune. My friends are Sage and Scarlet.” The Blue haired human with goggles replied. “There used to be four of us, but I don’t know about the whereabouts of a friend of mine. Back home, we know him as Sean. But I think he now goes by Sun Wukong.”

The cream mare scratched her chin. “You know, I think I heard of that name once before…” While she was looking around the small Complex, Sage was trying get himself adjusted to his new surroundings and came across something. Something that his teammates needed to know.

“Uhh guys…” Sage caught their attention, holding up the front page of a newspaper. The picture of a familiar monkey faunus running through a town called Ponyville in the dead center of the paper. “I think I found Sun.”

Fluttershy’s Cottage (Same time)

The moment that Sun Wukong returned to his world, he hadn’t set a foot on the ground by the time Fluttershy tackled him to the ground.

“Y-you’re okay!!!”

“Uh, of course I am? Why did something happen? How long was I gone? What time is it?” Sun asked in a rapid fire like tone.

“Angel said you left around eight-thirty, so you’ve only been gone for like fifteen hours. Still, though, you had me worried!!”

“I-im sorry, Fluttershy. I should’ve thought about it a little more.” Fluttershy was now hugging him, crying into his chest as Sun tried to straighten himself up. “It’s okay… I’m here now.”

“W-why were you gone though?”

“Well, you probably didn’t hear about this since you were in the other room with Reson and Honeydew when we went to Canterlot, but I’m a Displaced. There are more people like me in other versions of Equestria who either need my help or need me for advice. I was called upon my cousin’s Fiance, who’s getting married and she needed my help with a few things before the wedding in a few months.” He explained. “Tell you what, If I need to go anywhere, I’ll let you know first beforehand. Heck, maybe you can come with me sometimes.”

“O-okay… I guess.” Fluttershy said, blushing a little.

“Just as a word of warning though, a Displaced could call upon me at any time, so we’ll need to be ready for if anything unexpected happens.” That’s when the Faunus began to stroke the pegasus’s mane and rub her ears. “You know, I almost forgot to tell you thank you.”

“Thank you?” Fluttershy said before she giggled. “Thank you for what?”

“For everything you’ve done for me.” Sun told her as he began to walk up the stairs. “Well, I need to get some sleep. See you in the morning-?”

“W-wait!” Her timid voice squeaked. “C-can I come with you?”

Sun was quite surprised by the way that she was acting. But after a few seconds, his reply was a nod of the head. “Sure.”

End Tail 10

Author's Note:

Well, This one is certainly interesting. It helps in my preparations for Lance and Max's wedding, plus helps develops Sun's character. Killed two birds with one stone

Added new tag for Sexual humor. Go to Moon_fire if you want to see what really went down. :raritywink:

Oh and here's a perfect image to represent what Max and Rarity were paying attention too.

In addition, now the rest of Sun's team is involved. Shenanigans ensue?

EDIT: 11/19/2015: Given the new additions to Sun's team in season 3, I had to change some of the equipment the rest of his team has.

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