• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 5,642 Views, 141 Comments

Fireproof - Dragon Sage

Sequel to "The Dragon Sage." Spike and Twilight live and love comfortably in their tree-castle. But a princess in love with a dragon and life-long friend certainly attracts attention. How will everypony else react?

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Monster Mash

A few days passed and, much to their relief, little had changed. Twilight’s life with her friends continued on as if nothing had occurred. Applejack still bickered with Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy and Rarity stopped by for tea in the afternoon. Pinkie Pie was the only one to bring up Spike and Twilight’s new relationship, but only because she still wanted to throw them a party. Twilight got the impression that she was using it more as an excuse for party-throwing, which did not surprise her at all. Most importantly, Spike continued to help out in the castle library just as he always did. He occasionally fell from the ladder, and the resulting crash was a little louder than usual, but he picked himself back up and reorganized the books with ease. In fact, the only change Twilight really noticed was the occasional peck on her cheek she received whenever he brought her a book, and this was a welcome change indeed.

One afternoon, the pegasi were all gathering the denser clouds preparing for a much needed spring thunderstorm. Twilight gazed out the library window and up at the sky. Many of the thunderclouds were as black as night. They were sure to release their lightening on their own if the pegasi didn’t act soon. But the storm would likely be a loud one. Perhaps it would be a good night for a scary book. She walked over to Spike’s desk and observed him hard at work.

“How is it coming?” she asked.

“Eugh,” Spike grunted. “From what we recovered of the Golden Oak’s records, I’ve been able to account for plenty of destroyed books. I’ve been placing orders all day for replacements, but there’s no way I can get all of them. Some of those were one-of-a-kind, and more weren’t even on the list,” he said and propped his head up, resting his elbow on the desk.

“Hmm,” Twilight pondered. “We won’t be able to fully restock the Golden Oaks collection, but that’s okay. As long as we do the best we can, we’ll be just fine.”

“I just wish there was some way we could learn which books would be missed the most,” Spike said with a frown. Twilight’s ears popped up as an idea sprung up.

“That’s it Spike!” she said with a short excited jump.

“What is what?” he asked.

“We need to ask the ponies in town which books they’ll miss the most! That way, we can restock the library with everypony’s favorite,” she said. Spike mulled the idea over and smiled at her.

“That’s a great idea! What if we make it a book drive? We could ask for extra books ponies want to donate to help replace the stock,” he suggested.

“You’re a genius,” she said with a cheeky smile. He returned the smile with a smug look on his face.

“I know, I’m awesome,” he said. She rolled her eyes and gave him a short kiss on his cheek, returning the many he had given her all day.

“How do we go about it?” she asked.

“Well, if we want to make a book drive big enough to get everypony in town involved, it’ll have to be an event. We’ll have to get somepony who’s good at planning events. Perhaps someone who’s got experience with things like celebrations, soirees, get-togethers and such. Do you know who we could go to for help?” His tone was dripping with sarcasm and his sly smile gave Twilight the impression that his question was as rhetorical as it sounded.

“You mean like a party-pony? Nope. No idea,” she said, which made Spike giggle.

“I’ll go run by Sugarcube Corner and ask her about it,” he said and got up from his desk and walked towards the door. Twilight walked him out.

“Just be sure to hurry back. That storm will be starting up soon, and it’s going to be a good night to just curl up next to the fire, maybe read a few scary stories?” She said with a hopeful smile.

“I like the curling up by the fire idea better, but a scary story or two doesn’t sound too bad. Do you want me to bring something back from Pinkie’s?” he asked. Twilight’s head perked up at the suggestion, and she dashed off to the library closet, before quickly returning with an empty saddlebag.

“Get some s’more stuff like marshmallows, chocolate, crackers if she has any,” Twilight said and threw the bag around his back behind his wings before tossing in a few bits.

“Now we’re talking,” he said with another smile. “I’ll be back before the storm gets too crazy. If I get caught up somewhere, I’ll send you a letter.”

“Tell her I say hi. I love you, and hurry back,” she said sweetly.

“I love you too,” he said and leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips. She took the opportunity and threw a hoof around his head and pulled him closer. This caught him by surprise as she passionately locked her lips with his, before quickly breaking away and giving him a sly smile. His eyes were wide open, and his face was slightly blushed.

“Hurry back. Got it,” he said slightly flustered, and with that, he made his way out the door and took off towards town, waving back at Twilight as he flew.

A few minutes later, Spike was in town and walking towards Sugarcube Corner. The stormclouds were so thick that anypony not on the weather team was advised not to go near them, just incase the lightning shorted out early. So, not long after taking off, Spike had decided to walk the rest of the way. The sky was already dark and a cool wind whipped around his scales. The storm would probably start a little early, so he thought it best to hurry.

He made his way to the front door of Sugarcube Corner, only to find it closed. So much for s’mores, he thought. He looked in the window and saw that the lights were on inside. Clearly somepony was inside, but he did not see who. He knocked on the door firmly and waited a moment. At first, he didn’t hear anything. Right before knocking again, he could hear hoofsteps from the other side of the door. A second later, the door creaked open and Spike was greeted with a soft smile.

“Hi Spike! Sorry but the Cakes aren’t here today, so we’re closed for the rest of the night,” she said with a disappointed frown.

“Hi Pinkie. Twilight says hi. And that’s ok, I’m actually here to talk to you,” he said.

“Me?” she chirped.

“Yeah. Is it alright if I come in?” He said and looked back towards the clouds, which started to move faster.

“Oh, yeah. Just try to be quiet okay?” she said and opened the door up to let the dragon in. Spike quietly walked in and put his saddlebag down next to the door. Pinkie quietly shut it and sat down at one of the vacant tables. Spike joined her.

“If the cakes are gone, why are you here?” he asked.

“I’m foalsitting the baby-cakes. I put them to bed not long ago, but they’ve been having nightmares recently. They keep seeing monsters and spooky things. I tried my ‘giggle at the ghosties’ routine but that didn’t work! Can you believe it?” she said looking downright insulted.

“Poor foals. You put them to bed early hoping they’d sleep through the storm?” He deduced.

“Uh-huh,” she nodded. “But let’s talk about the thing. You know, the thing you wanted to talk about. What’s up?”

“Well, Twilight and I are trying to replace the books we lost in Golden Oaks Library, and we were thinking of getting the rest of Ponyville involved. We’d like to have a book-drive, so everypony can donate old books and tell us which books they liked at Golden Oaks so we can get new ones. We were wondering if you would help us throw a sort of book-bash,” he suggested.

Pinkie’s eyes lit up like fireworks. She gasped and nearly leapt out of her seat. Her smile was too wide to fit in any picture, and Spike swore he saw her mane puff like a balloon.

“Of Course!” she said a little too loudly. She quickly covered her mouth with her hooves and gazed up towards the stairs, listening for the baby cakes. After a satisfying silence, she simply smiled with and audible ‘squee’ at Spike.

“Thanks Pinkie. Let us know what you need from us and we’ll get this book drive going.”

“You know I’ll do anything I can to help, especially if it involves a party,” she said, holding in her usually loud excitement.

“Thanks. Well, I better get back before . . .” he started, and as if on cue a flash of lightning lit up the windows with a bright blue light. A few seconds later, it was accompanied by a rumble of thunder. Not a moment after, a faint cry could be heard from the stairs.

“Oh no,” Pinkie said with a sigh. She left the table and trotted up the stairs to sooth the crying twins. Spike listened as she consoled them as best she could. He debated heading home, as the storm was only minutes away, but it would have been rude to leave right as Pinkie got flustered. He decided to see if he could lend a claw and headed up the stairs.

When he got to the twin’s bedroom, he saw Pinkie hunched over the crib trying desperately to coo the children to sleep again. He stood and watched as the twins gradually stopped crying. However, they continued to sniffle and frown as Pinkie reassured them that the thunder was not scary.

“Now, now, Pumpkin Cake, there are no monsters here, ok? Everything is alright,” she said softly.

“Is there something I can do to help?” Spike said in a whisper and began walking towards them.

“Huh? Oh no, that’s okay. I’ll get them to sleep eventually.”

Just then, Pound Cake looked at Spike approaching and began crying louder than before. Pumpkin soon saw him too and joined her brother in shrieking with fear.

“Monster!” one of them called out. Pinkie followed their eyes to where they were cowering from and looked as Spike in shock.

“Oh, no, that’s not a monster, that’s just . . .” she tried to say, but the screaming overpowered her.

Spike realized that he was terrifying them, and looked down at his claws. He had sharp claws that looked dangerous, menacing even. His teeth were the only things sharper, and his broad shoulders, dragon eyes, and scaled skin must have looked completely terrifying to the two foals. Of course he was the monster, and the thought chipped away at his heart. He looked down and turned to leave.

“Awww I’m sorry Spike. They’re just too young to understand,” she consoled.

“It’s okay, Pinkie. I should have known I’d be a monster to them,” he said and frowned. He looked back at the cowering young foals and saw the terror in their eyes.

Just then, an idea struck.

“Hey Pinkie, I have an idea,” he said and walked back towards them. The twins began sobbing a little louder as he approached. The crib gate was lowered so there was nothing between Spike and the cowering children, who began huddling close to each other as they looked at Spike.

“Monster!” Pound Cake called out and hugged his sister close. Spike took a deep breath and showed a sinister smile.

“That’s right, little pony. I am a monster!” he said and grinned, showing them his teeth. They both screamed in response.

“Spike!” Pinkie called out. He put a hand up to hush her and gave her a wink before turning and facing the foals again.

“See these teeth? See these claws? I’m the biggest, scariest monster you will ever see!” he said and finished with an evil laugh. The twins were nearly petrified and shook wildly as they held onto each other for dear life.

“But I’m not like other monsters,” he said and bowed his head down and looked at them in the eyes. “You know why?” he asked slowly. The twins simply sniffled and shook their heads.

“W-w-why?” Pumpkin Cake asked.

“Other monsters gobble up little ponies like you. But do you know what I eat?” he said and rose above them again. “Other monsters!” he said loudly and laughed again. The twins sniffled again, but stopped shaking as they watched him.

“That’s right, I’m a monster who eats monsters! Pinkie Pie told me that you have some monsters hiding in your room, and boy am I hungry!” he said slowly so they could understand. “Now, can you tell me where the monsters are? I’m going to gobble them up for dinner,” he said with a smile. Pumpkin Cake continued to huddle next to her brother. With another sniffle, she raised up a little hoof and pointed it towards the other side of the room. Spike followed her hoof and smiled.

“The closet? Perfect,” he said and licked his chops. He bounded towards the closet and threw the door open. “I’m coming for you, monsters!” he said and closed himself in the closet door. Pinkie watched as the closet door shook and Spike let out snarls and scarfing sounds as he pretended to eat up an imaginary monster. A few seconds later, he emerged from the closet door and looked back at the twins, who watched Spike with intrigue.

“Where else?” he asked happily. Pound Cake continued to frown, but cocked his head in curiosity. He pointed with his hoof downwards towards the floor. Spike walked over to them and followed his hoof.

“Under the crib? Of course!” he said and smiled widely. “Come here monster! Om nom nom nom!” he said and dove under the crib. The twins bounced up and down a little as the crib shook with his vigorous eating. His tail whipped back and forth in the air as he swayed from side to side. Pumpkin actually began to giggle as she bounced up and down. Spike heard, and smiled widely from underneath the crib. It’s working he thought. He re-appeared and licked his chops again in front of the now smiling foals.

“Mmmm that one was delicious! Where are the others?” he said with a happy smile on his face. Pound Cake laughed and pointed a hoof towards the door.

“One more!” he squeaked.

“In the hallway? That one is for desert!” he said and ran out into the hall, diving behind the door and out of sight. He continued to make vigorous eating noises and pounding on the ground. He finished with a loud slurp and came back into the bedroom.

“Pffffttthehe” Pinkie cracked. She was beside herself, holding in her furious laughter that bubbled out from her mouth. The two twins laughed happily and clapped their hooves together as Spike proudly walked back into the room. He walked over to them and smiled, before arching his back and opening his mouth wide.

“uurrrp!” he belched and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “That was delicious, I’m full,” he said and laid his head down on the edge of the crib in lethargy. The twins slowly walked over to his head and looked at him carefully. He watched patiently as Pound Cake raised a little hoof and cautiously placed it on Spike’s snout. The foal smiled and prodded his nose playfully. Pumpkin Cake soon joined in and began to climb up onto his nose, letting herself droop over his snout. Spike felt their warm and fragile little bodies against his scales, and his smile grew a little wider.

“Thank you!” Pumpkin said happily.

“Any time,” Spike said sweetly. “If you ever have monster troubles again, just tell them about your friend Spike, ok? They’ll be so scared that they’ll never come here ever again.”

At that time, another flash of lightning came out, followed by a rumble of thunder. The twins piped up and cowered next to Spike, gazing up at the window.

“Don’t worry,” Spike said and placed a hand on either of their heads softly. “Thunder and Lightening are actually monsters like me. They eat other monsters too, and they're trying to protect you. Every time you hear thunder or see lightning, that means that they just ate another monster.” The twins looked up at the window again in wonder. Another flash, and another boom echoed through the sky.

“Sounds like they’re hungry!” Spike said with a smile. The two foals laughed and clopped their hooves together again.

Pinkie Pie soon walked over and propped the crib gate back up. She put a hoof on Spike’s shoulder and winked at him.

“Okay now, sleepy time okay? You don’t have to worry about monsters anymore. Now, can you say goodnight to Spike?” she said happily.

“Night Spike,” they called out in unison and waved up at him.

“Goodnight, my little ponies,” he said. He gingerly twiddled his claws back at them and turned to leave. Pinkie followed him out, putting the night-light on before closing the door. Spike walked towards the staircase before being caught off guard by Pinkie, who threw her arms around his shoulders and squeezed him tight.

“Grr-ugh, Pinkie! Can’t breath,” he whispered, and she let him go.

“Thank you so much Spike! You were such a great help!” she said in a hushed tone, leading him down the stairs.

“Anything I could do to help. Plus, I like being a good monster,” he said.

“There’s gotta be something I can do to pay you back,” she said and picked up his saddlebag for him. That reminded him of what Twilight had asked for.

“Well, Twilight said she wanted some s’mores stuff for tonight,” she said.

“It’s on the house!” she said and dashed into the kitchen, dashing back in the room with a hoof full of marshmallows, chocolate, and crackers. She stuffed them into his bag and tied it up with a smile.

“Thanks Pinkie. Have a good night,” he said and turned towards the door.

“Spike?” she asked. He turned to face her.

“What’s up?”

“I just wanted to say that I think you and Twilight are perfect for each other. I know other ponies might not think so right away, but they’re just flat out wrong. If you ever have anypony giving you a hard time, you let me know and I’ll . . . I’ll . . .” she searched for the right words.

“Gobble them up?” Spike suggested with a shrug.

“Yeah. I eat monsters too,” she said and smiled. He waved at her and quickly turned and left, shutting the door behind him firmly. The wind was kicking up, so flying was out of the question, but the rain had not started yet. He did not fancy getting stuck outside when it did, so he held the bag close to him with his wings and began to run home. Another flash of lightning, another boom of thunder, another monster gone.

“So what did they do then?” Twilight asked with a mouthful of s’more. Her face was covered in white fluff and chocolate and her voice muffled by the treat in her mouth. Spike smiled and raised a thumb up to her cheek and wiped his claw across the chocolate on her cheek before placing it in his mouth and savoring the sweet taste. They laid beside the fire on a soft rug. The warm amber light from the fireplace cascaded over their faces as they talked.

“Then I told them that thunder and lightening are monsters like me too, and that every time they hear thunder, it means one less monster to worry about,” he said and raised a fork over his head. He placed a marshmallow on the end and gently blew a bright green flame at it for a few seconds. The flames danced across the marshmallow, fork, and his hand, which thankfully was made of dragon scales. When it was roasted brown, he popped it into his mouth and finished his story.

“After that, they went to bed. Pinkie gave me the stuff and I high-tailed it back here.”

“Spike, that was the sweetest story I’ve ever heard. I had no idea you were so good with foals,” she said with a smile and another bite.

“Me neither. I mean, I know I probably look like a monster to lots of ponies, but if I can convince them that I’m a good guy, then I won’t scare anypony,” he explained.

“Spike,” Twilight said and swallowed the rest of her s’more, “You are no monster.”

“Oh I beg to differ,” he said and got on his feet and slowly crawled towards her menacingly.

“No no no, Spike don’t!” she said fighting back a giggle.

“Remember those years you tickled me to the point of tears? Well it’s payback time!” he said and bounded forward. She leapt to the side and began sprinting away from him.

“No no! Spike, that’s not fair! You’re bigger than I am now,” she called out while he chased her. He let out a maniacal laugh and continued to chase her in circles around the room. She laughed as well, keeping just enough distance from him. The two of them continued the chase as the storm raged on outside. The rain pelted against the window and the wind howled against the roof. On the other end of town, two little ponies slept soundly as the storm raged on. Another crack of lightning shook the town, but it did not scare them anymore.

Author's Note:

This one was a joy to write. Sometimes the story writes itself. I've always wanted to dive into this slice-of-life style of writing. It's just so fluid. If an idea strikes, it's much easier to run with it if the plot can be condensed to one chapter.

Let me know your thoughts.

As always, thanks for reading.