• Published 15th May 2012
  • 3,949 Views, 158 Comments

Dashed Hopes and Reformed Dreams - ChaoticHarmony

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Rookie in the Ranks

Chapter 5: Rookie in the Ranks

Not being able to fly around sucked. Being stuck in a room that smelled like bleach sucked just as much. I can’t believe the doctors are making me stay here! Rainbow mentally pouted, I just want to go out and try out the aerodynamics of my suit! Rainbow could hardly stop staring at the suit, spread over a spare chair. It was mocking her with its limpness, almost as if was daring her to throw it on and leap out of the window.

Sighing to herself, she looked over at her keeper. Wind napped on the chair that was next to her bed, drool dripping out of his mouth. Rainbow smiled at Cuts' expression. He looked so stupid when he slept, he had no idea how many other pegasi made fun of him. Of course, it’s MY job to mess with him, not theirs. Those feather-brains didn’t know what hit them after they got rained on! Rainbow smiled even more at that thought. It had been so much fun to pour a raincloud onto those stupid fillies.

Sighing again, Rainbow looked back over at the suit. Oh how much it hurt to not be able to fly with it on her. Of course, Wind had done her the kindness of at least letting her try it on. Of course he did, he knows I’d smack him one if he didn’t! Rainbow shifted in her bed, and winced as her recently-fixed wing twitched painfully. Cmon Rainbow Dash! Just one more day, then you’ll be out and flying again! Even with the mental cheering, Rainbow still felt depressed. The Wonderbolts would want her in top condition, and the doctors had given her orders not to do stunt-flights for another two weeks. Rainbow Dash groaned internally. Ugh, two weeks is WAY too long for somepony as cool as me to not show everypony else how cool I am!

As if he could hear her thoughts, Wind snorted loudly. She softly poked him with a hoof, smiling at his strange way of sleeping. When he started shifting in his chair, she rolled over, pretending to be asleep. She tried to keep in her laughter as he shifted in his chair, mumbling out “Just five more minutes mommy.” Rainbow could barely contain her laughter as he started snoring again, his five minutes granted by “mommy”. She shook her head at her friend’s laziness. A bomb could drop and he wouldn’t wake up. That guy is a hard snoozer, almost as good as me. Smiling to herself, Rainbow shifted position again and watched the moon’s effect on her new suit, the yellow bolts reflecting in the silvery light.


Spitfire walked back into the locker room, drenched in sweat. They had just finished their practice and she was eager to end it. Being the captain, she was the one in charge of ending and beginning practice, but she would never end a practice early, it was too much like giving up for the day. So she and the rest of the team gritted their teeth and plowed on with their routine. She had already changed out of her sweaty flight suit into a clean one by the time the rest of the team had flown in with drooping tails.

They all dressed in silence, not wanting to talk after the practice they had. Spitfire was grateful for it; she didn’t want to tell them what was on her mind. She caught the rest of the team glancing at her occasionally, as if they wanted to say something, but were too scared to ask her. As she began to make her way out of the stadium, she heard the flapping of wings behind her. When she turned around, nopony was behind her. When she turned to leave, Soarin was suddenly right in front of her with a concerned expression on his face.

“Hey...uh….Spit?” He asked the question as if he was afraid she might slap him. Do I really look that mad? When she didn’t answer, he went on, “What happened out there today? You almost never fly that badly unless something is really bugging you.” He nudged her with a wing. “Everything ok?”

She batted him with a wing playfully, smiling a little at how he cringed away from her. “Of course I’m allright. I’m just wondering how our newest recruit is gonna do.” The lie in her voice was almost tangible to her, but the rest of the team bought it. Well, most of them did anyway. She groaned internally as Soarin narrowed his eyes at her, showing that he wasn’t fooled by her lie, and pointed at her with a hoof to show that he would get the truth out of her later. She wasn’t looking forward to that conversation.

The team began to file out, the two of them saying they had something they had to check on first. After the last of the blue-suited ponies left, Soarin turned towards her. She returned his stare without batting an eyelash, waiting for him to make the first move. He took in a deep breath.

“What’s really got you upset Spits?”

She shook her head and shrugged, “It’s nothing Soarin, just a bit of worry is all.” She left out exactly which pony that worry was directed to.

Soarin wasn’t fooled, and he poked her chest as she made to exit the locker room. “Oh no, I’ve known you for years Spits. I know when you’re lying.” He looked her in the eye. “What is the matter?” He accented each syllable by stamping a hoof into the concrete.

Mind racing, Spitfire looked around for an escape, but saw none. Sighing in defeat, she prepared to tell him. Just as she began to say her feelings, a janitor walked in the room to see the two of them close together. He backed out, afraid he had interrupted something. Stupid janitor, why couldn’t you have stayed here? She felt defeated, bullied by her own friend. “It’s about…. It’s about that one pegasus who was with Rainbow Dash.”

Soarin glared at her with a ferocity she had seen only a few times before. “What did he do to you?” The danger in his quiet voice was frightening. When she didn’t answer, he repeated the question. “What did he do?”

Spitfire kicked at the ground, biding for time. “It’s… nothing. He didn’t do anything. I’m just… I’m just thinking at how strong he was at the hospital yesterday. We could use a strong flyer like that on the team. I just feel bad because…” She petered off, thinking of how to say the words.

“Because we only had one spot, and Rainbow is in it now?” Soarin supplied.


Soarin laughed and hugged her with a hoof. “You silly filly! How could you just make me get all worried about you over nothing like that?”

She put on a weak smile. “Yeah, sorry about that.” She slipped out from his hoof, walking out of the locker room. “Won’t happen again. You coming?” She didn’t even turn around as she flew off, knowing Soarin would follow her out.


Rainbow’s enthusiasm was infectious. Wind Cutter couldn’t help but grin as she waited to get discharged from the hospital, with orders to keep it slow flying for a few days. If I know Rainbow, those orders will be ignored, and nopony will tell her otherwise. He shook his head as she nearly leaned off her bed, waiting for the doctor to come in. She’s like a school-filly before summer vacation.

When the shadow of the unicorn she was expecting crossed the closed blinds, she began to flutter her good wing in excitement. Wind placed a hoof on her shoulder, dropping his voice to a whisper. “Rainbow, listen, if you look all excited to fly, he will put a brace on you that won’t let you flap those wings.” When she folded her wing back for fear of a bandage, he spoke up again in a normal tone. “Don’t worry Rainbow; you’ll be able to fly soon.” He winked at her, and she smiled back.

As if that was his queue line, the doctor barged into the room, throwing the door open with magic. “Allright Rainbow Dash, you’re all clear to leave now.” He leaned down to look her in the eyes. “And I want you to listen to my orders. No stunt-flights for two weeks. Any pressure on those wings and they could snap.” Wind hated seeing other ponies try to intimidate Rainbow, but he knew already that the doctor’s words fell on deaf ears.

After the doctor did one last check-up, he walked them out of the hospital. He tugged a bit on Rainbow’s wing teasingly with magic. “Remember Rainbow…. You can’t be flying around much on that wing now. Try to take it easy.” Rainbow rolled her eyes, and the doctor sighed, finally admitting defeat.

They reached the doors, held open with the doctor’s magic. Wind felt a rush of wind as Rainbow took off into the air. The doctor turned to Wind with pained eyes. “Keep an eye on her will you?”

Laughing, Wind took off, following her rainbow trail.