• Published 15th May 2012
  • 3,951 Views, 158 Comments

Dashed Hopes and Reformed Dreams - ChaoticHarmony

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A Mug of Cider and Some Extreme Sports on the Side

Chapter 19: A Mug of Cider and Some Extreme Sports on the Side

“C’mon, Soarin! You promised that you would come.”

“I don’t want to talk to them! You told me that they wouldn’t be here!”

“Well, I lied. Get in there now!”

“I’m not going, Dash!”

“Oh yes, you are!”

The passing pegasi in the street stopped doing whatever it was they were out to do and turned to watch as the cyan mare pushed against a sky-blue stallion, attempting to force him into a cheerful-looking building. Angry shouts of “No” and “Yes” came from the two shoving ponies, not to mention the few words of insult that drifted between them, the kindest of which being “Stupid Stallion” or “Controlling Mare”. A few of the older observers looked to each other and shared knowing smiles before the mare finally succeeded in shoving the stallion through the door.

“You don’t have to do this, Dash. I don’t want to talk to those two.” Soarin glared at his marefriend, who returned the look with ease. “I told Spits that if she figured it out, she could come to me. Not the other way around.” A hoof punched lightly, but firmly into his shoulder, pushing him further into the bar’s common room. “Would you stop hitting me?”

Rainbow Dash smirked and punched him again. “Not until you realize how stupid you sound.” She lashed out with another hoof, this one hooking him behind his neck and pulling him forward into her lips. When she pulled away, he had lost his retaliation for her comment. “You two need to make up. All this is doing to you is making you stay down. It shows, Soarin. You might not think so, but everypony else on the team does.”

He heaved a resigned sigh. “Fine. I’ll go and talk to them.” Suddenly reaching up and pulled her into another kiss, he chuckled at the dumbfounded expression on her face. “That’s what you do to me all the time. Only fair I get you back for it.”

The cyan face became tinged with red as Rainbow Dash uncharacteristically blushed before she could push the sky-blue pegasus toward an empty table. “Shut up and go in already.” He chuckled as he sat down, watching his marefriend walk over to the bar and wait for the barkeep’s attention. His gaze drifted as he waited for her to return, passing over the patrons momentarily before returning to the prismatic mane that kept drawing his eyes over.

“They’re late.” Rainbow Dash looked over to the clock that hung lopsided on the wall. “I wonder what’s taking them so long. Hopefully nothing’s wrong.”

“Yeah, hopefully.” Soarin barely heard her words as he attacked the slice of apple pie that Dash had procured for him, as well as taking big gulps of cider from the tankard next to him. His marefriend shook her head and sighed, looking out of the window into the street, her eyes searching for her friend and her idol.

“I wonder what they’re doing that is making them late.”


“Hey, c’mon, Wind Cutter. Nopony is watching.” The orange pegasus leaned over and brushed a wing against his side. “It’ll be fun, I promise.” He looked over into her eyes, which smoldered gently as she stepped closer to him. “What’s so bad about doing it?”

“Well, it’s my… er… my first time doing it… I don’t know…” Another bunch of feathers tickled his ribs again. “Would you stop doing that? I’m trying to think.”

“Why think? Just let yourself flow free. Do what feels natural.” Spitfire’s lips brushed up against his ear and nipped it gently. “Come on, it’ll be fun.” He didn’t have a chance to object as her hooves forcefully wrapped around him and pulled him down.

His scream of surprise was shoved back into his mouth by the sheer force of the air blowing past him. His wings, strapped to his sides by a length of rope, strained to flap by instinct. He looked over to the mare that had sentenced him to this oblivion, who returned his look with excited eyes. Her mouth moved around words that were ripped apart by the wind, but he could understand what she had meant to say.

“No, this isn’t fun! I’m terrified!” He threw the words into the rushing wind before looking down at the rapidly-approaching cloud below. “We’re going to punch through that thing!” His hooves flailed wildly as panic overtook him, his wings still futilely straining against the ropes that held them in place. He spiraled out of control, his world spinning in a thousand different directions. “Help me! I’m gonna die!”

A warm body pressed up against his back, orange hooves wrapping around his and stilling them. “Calm down, Wind. Geez, you’d think you were scared or something.” His panic slowly ebbed away as they fell faster than ever, the comforting embrace of his marefriend being there the entire time. With a surprisingly soft impact, they came to a stop in the folds of white, puffy cloud.

His eyes, which had been clenched shut, slowly opened to see a pair of orange ones looking back at him. “Well? How was it?”

He smiled slightly as he tried to stand up on his wobbly legs, earning himself a mouthful of cloud for it. Spitfire chuckled as he removed the small bits of cumulus from his teeth. “It- blah- it was fun. Scary, but fun.” A hoof hitting his shoulder nearly pushed him over the edge and into the sky below. “What was that for?!” He glared at the Wonderbolt, who had the most-mischievous face he had ever seen plastered over it.

“I told you it was fun. Don’t worry, nopony saw you screaming like a filly.” She dodged the playful wing he swatted at her with. “Except me of course.” She stepped around his wing again and nipped his ear again. “C’mon, filly boy. I think it’s time to go meet Soarin and Rainbow.”

“Yeah, yeah, let’s go already.” He grumbled under his breath, prompting another light-hearted laugh from the pegasus next to him. They continued on like that for a while before he looked over to her. “So, why in Equestria did you want to take me ‘wingless flying’?”

“Hm? Oh, that. Well, I remember doing it with Soarin one time. By the way, he screamed louder than you did, so you don’t have to feel all that bad about it.” She smirked at the glare he directed at her. “Well, I figured I should take my special somepony along to do it if I did it with my best friend.”

He walked on for a few more moments before speaking again. “Ah, so Soarin is just a friend?”

The Wonderbolt sighed and shook her head before kissing him suddenly. When she freed her lips to speak, her voice was filled with confusion. “I don’t know anymore. I knew he always felt something for me, but I always put it off as a stupid big-brother feeling. And now that you and I are together, I don’t know what to think.”

He nodded slowly. “I think I get what you mean.” He pulled her over to him with a wing, reveling in the warmth of her body. The front of the inn loomed up in front of them, its cheery windows shining with a welcoming light. “We’re here, ready?” He shook her slightly with his wing when she didn’t immediately answer, and when she did it was with a shaky voice.

“Y-yeah. Let’s go talk to them.” They stepped inside the warm room and walked over to the table where the pie-loving pegasus was attacking the slice in front of him and the cyan pony was looking upon the spectacle with wondering eyes. “H-hey guys, what’s up?”

Author's Note: Don't worry guys, this next chapter should be a longer-length one. I hope this is enough to at least sate your thirsty eyes for a week until I get a chance to write the next chapter update! Also, troll Spitfire is best troll.