• Published 15th May 2012
  • 3,942 Views, 158 Comments

Dashed Hopes and Reformed Dreams - ChaoticHarmony

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Sick Days

Chapter 12: Sick Days

He strained against the straps, pushing against the bonds with all of his strength, and sighed as once again they held. He looked over to where Spitfire lay sleeping, a lock of her hair bobbing as she breathed deeply. His mouth turned up into a smile of its own accord, and he shook his head sharply. What are you doing smiling at her? She’s famous, a wonderbolt! He shifted a little in his bed, trying to become slightly more comfortable but with no success. Still, she offered to fly you to the show. That’s something. A small voice in his head broke the semi-silence of the room. But what about Rainbow Dash? Would you give up on her?

He shivered as the angry face of Dash loomed up in his mind, her eyes filled with the sting of betrayal. The spot where her hoof had connected with his face throbbed slightly, as if reminding him further of her anger. That mare. Ugh. That totally wasn’t my fault! What did she expect? For me to sit down and let Soarin beat me up? He felt heat wash over his face in his rage. Oh yeah, that’s right… she looooves Soarin just cuz he’s a Wonderbolt. He felt the anger spread, working its way through his entire body. He felt shock splash over him as if somepony dumped a bucket of water on his face. Why am I thinking these things about her? I love her! Get a hold of yourself Wind! He wished he could have raised a hoof to slap himself out of it completely, but the bonds were still in place.

The nurse who had slammed open the door after Rainbow had made her escape wasn’t too happy with the scene. A wounded pegasus who should be in bed lying amongst the wreckage was just one of the things that she had been worked up about. She had cared for neither his nor Spitfire’s explanations, saying that “He shouldn’t be out of bed in the first place.” Of course, he might have escaped the straps if he hadn’t told her to go eat a cloud. But no, he was now strapped to a bed, one of the greatest fears that pegasi have and the nurse was cruel enough to make the fear a reality.

The yellow pegasus on the couch mumbled in her sleep and his thoughts drifted back to her. Heat rose to his face as the sounds of her giggles drifted to his ears. “Oh Wind, you can’t eat the food if it gets on your chest.” He shifted a little on his bed, the memory from earlier that day still fresh on his mind. Being strapped into his bed made things like eating difficult, and the nurse wasn’t about to spend her time feeding a rude pegasus. Therefore, the flame-maned Wonderbolt was given the task to feed the grey patient. She had been reluctant at first, complaining about how uncool it would be to have to feed a grown stallion like a baby, but the trusty foal-eyes had worked on her and she acquiesced.

He almost wished that she hadn’t. It turned out that Spitfire quite enjoyed her task, taunting and teasing him all the while. His face burned as he remembered the part that she was apparently dreaming about. He was eating the hospital food, enduring the taunts and the bad taste, when suddenly a spoonful of the stuff fell onto his chest. He and Spitfire had both stared at it for a few seconds, waiting for the other to do something. Of course, he couldn’t have done anything to fix the situation, being bound in the bed, so Spitfire had leaned down and licked the food from his chest. She had looked up at his shocked face and giggled, saying that line that she said in her sleep.

She giggled again in her sleep, as if she could feel his uncomfortable thoughts. This is gonna be a long wait to go flying again. Then he recalled another thing that Rainbow and Spitfire had said to him. He whimpered aloud, unable to contain his fear. “Oh Celestia…”

“Hmm? What’s up, Wind?”


“All right team! Let’s give them the best buckin’ show they’ve ever seen!” Her cheer was only half-heartedly returned by the rest of the blue-suited pegasus before they turned and flew out into the stadium. Defeat seemed to poison her thoughts, images of failure flashing before her eyes. “Was it something I said?”

“Nah Rainbow, it’s just that...well...there’s nopony out there, and this isn’t a real show.” The second-in-command Wonderbolt sighed beside her, his hoof arcing gracefully to connect with his forehead. “They just have a hard time believing that Spits would put you in charge instead of me. And, well, it’s a little hard to take you seriously. A-a-at least for them.” He amended as she directed a glare towards him.

“Whatever then, let’s get flyin!” She spread her wings and galloped out of the locker room. The wind flowed over her wings and lifted her into the sky, her hair blowing back behind her as she flapped higher and higher to hover with the rest of the Wonderbolts. Part of her couldn’t believe the whole situation, but the other part knew that she had to focus. She looked back behind her and waited for Soarin to catch up before speaking. “Okay team, we all know the routine right?” A round of nods. “All right then! Let’s do this as if the princess’s themselves are watching!” Their gazes were skeptical as the looked around at the completely deserted stadium. One of them raised a hoof hesitantly. “Yes Shockwave, I know that there’s nopony here. That doesn’t mean tha-“

The electric-blue hair waved as the pegasus shook her head. “No, not that. It’s just that…well…we are only three days into the practice. You can’t expect that we’d have it perfe-“

“I’m not looking for perfection Shockwave.” Rainbow interjected, “But that doesn’t mean we can’t practice it as if we DID have it perfect. If you’re gonna practice it, practice doing it right.” With that, she waved away the rest of them and flew into her place at the head of the formation. “Start routine, Feather Flight, go.” In an instant, the rest of the team peeled away from her, leaving the cyan pegasus to fly higher into the sky. The blue-clad ponies spun around the stadium in a perfectly synchronized star shape, dragging behind them clouds that were puffy and white.

She turned around in midair, looking down at the now-compacted clouds that were directly below. The team spiraled upwards, causing lightning to shoot upwards from the surface of the white clouds after them. They didn’t pause as they began to create a cyclone that pulled at her body. Wasting no time, she turned downwards in a dive, the wind pulling at her wings and hooves. Tears fell from her eyes as she gritted her teeth against the speed, pushing herself to move even faster against the howling wind. For a moment, there was a resistance, one that she was all too familiar with, and in that same instant, it was gone.

Sound escaped her as she rocketed towards the compacted mass of white, punching through it easily and doing a large arc over the stadium that painted the sky with her rainbow trail. She looked back at the gathered clouds, smiling when she saw their rainbow puffs. A flash of light from the group blinded her, her eyes shutting down as they attempted to recover. Numbness passed through her body, starting at her leg but spreading alarmingly fast. She flailed wildly as she began to lose control of her flight, heading straight for one of the walls of the stadium. A thud filled her ears, coupled with a grunt of pain. She couldn’t even tell if it had come for her or not. She groaned and looked up into the darkening face of Soarin before all feeling was pulled from her body.

Author's note: I sincerely apologize for the time it had taken for me to write this chapter. I just got distracted with all of my sadfictions that I kind of forgot about this one! I'm sorry, please forgive me everypony! I promise that I'll give out more frequent (and hopefully more lengthy) updates to this story!