• Published 15th May 2012
  • 3,948 Views, 158 Comments

Dashed Hopes and Reformed Dreams - ChaoticHarmony

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Suited for the Job

Chapter 10: Suited for the Job

Soarin flapped idly as he watched Rainbow fumble around for an answer, a blush showing through the cyan color of her coat. He looked over to Spitfire, and saw a grin on her face that mirrored his own. He looked back at the mare in front of him, who was looking around for something to save her. Wow... She's pretty cute when she's embarrased and trying to hide it.

"Well...you see...um..."

"Spit it out Rainbow, it's all right." Spitfire moved closer to her and Rainbow flew backwards into a sky pillar. Soarin chuckled at Rainbow's embarrasment, earning him a double glare from the mares in front of him. He backed away from them, lowering his altitude a little in case they decided to attack him. Mares can be crazy like that sometimes. I remember that crazy yellow pegasus that was at the Gala with all those animals. Boy, that was a fun night...at least I got some pie there.. He had to surpress another smile at the memory lest the two pegasi think it was directed at them.

Rainbow went back to glancing around rapidly as Spitfire approached her again, reaching out with a hoof. Spitfire placed her hoof on Rainbow's shoulder and then jumped away at the explosion that sounded through the quiet night air. "IJUSTGAVEITTOMYFRIENDBUTHELOSTITANDIDONTKNOWWHEREITISNOW!" She practically blasted through the sky pillar, sending peices of condensed cloud flying everywhere. She shot towards the other end of the stadium, landing in the stands and laying on the bench shivering. Soarin watched as Spitfire rubbed at her ears with her hooves, groaning at the pain of her ruptured eardrums. She muttered to herself as she flew in a disoriented flight path towards the now-frantic cyan pegasus.

Even at this distance, Rainbow's shout had sent pain flashing through his ears. I do NOT envy Spits right now. She was right there. He winced in sympathy and trailed after his long-time friend. It seemed to take forever to reach the spot where Rainbow had landed, but when they did Rainbow dug a small hole into the clouds and stuck her head in. Soarin chuckled lightly to himself, which would have earned him a kick in the face if Spitfire had been able to hear it.

Spitfire rubbed her ears one last time before she tapped Rainbow on the flank. Soarin nearly burst out laughing at the look on Rainbow's face as she lifted her head from the cloud. Spitfire let her breath in and out before speaking. "Dash, I don't think you shouted loud enough. I didn't catch all of it."

Rainbow's face flushed and she lowered her head sadly. "I gave my suit to my friend to get cleaned...but I took off from my party because of...well, I took off before I got it and now I don't know where it is." She visibly wilted in front of them and Soarin walked up to her, nudging her playfully on the side.

"You left your own party? Why would ya do that?" The rainbow-maned pegasus turned away from him, but not before he saw tears well up in her eyes. Way to go Soarin. Bucking IDIOT! He reached over and patted Rainbow on the back. "Hey, it's cool if ya don't wanna talk about it." He already knew the problem anyway, seeing it all of the time with the colts who threw themselves at Spitfire. Jealousy is never a good thing among friends. Problably has to do with her "friend."

Rainbow pulled away from him, wiping a hoof across her face and looked back at them defiantly. "So I don't have my suit, what does it matter? I'm still one of the coolest pegasi in Equestria!" She struck a heroic pose after she said that last part, smiling confidently.

Soarin glanced at Spitfire, who looked back at him with a slightly worried expression. She nodded to him, and he sighed. Of course I have to break the bad news.. "Well, yes Dash, you'd still be...well...you. But, we don't have any spare suits.". He covered his ears as she processed this information, but instead of shouting she drooped towards the ground. "Wait now, you said your friend had it right? We can just go out and get it you know." He dragged Rainbow over to the edge of the cloud, grunting and groaning overdramatically. It obtained the effect he desired; to hear her laughing again. He smiled to himself as he reared back. "Off we go!"

He and Spitfire leapt after her and together they soared towards Ponyville.

You know, I think this is Life's wierd way of showing us not to tease people. Having nopony else to talk to makes it so much worse too. The sound of a door opening and closing made him crack open his eyes. The room was dark except for a single ray of light shining in through the hallway. He huffed a sigh. Problably just another nurse coming to check my bandages or something. When the door didn't open further, he slapped a hoof on the railing. "Well, the door's open. Come in already!"

The voice that answered him made him nearly jump up out of the bed. As it was, his different appendages twitched and spasmed, sending sharp jabs of pain stabbing into his nerves. "All right then, if you think you can handle the most awesome pegasus in Equestria." He heard hooves clopping on the tiles, steadily getting closer to his bedside. "Hey Spitfire, think ya can turn on the light?". In reply, the lights flashed on and blinded him. He clamped his eyes shut and placed his hooves over his eyes in an attempt to shield himself from the bright light, but another pair of hooves grabbed them and pulled them down. "I know, it's hard not to be blinded by excellence."

He snorted and opened his eyes. When his vision had adjusted, he took in the image of a confident Rainbow Dash posing in her skin-tight jumpsuit. She had a pair of goggles strapped on her head and a smile spread across her face as she waited for his opinion. "Looks fine." He grunted and rolled over, a bad descision. Pain racked his body, but he ignored it. Thinks she can put me in the hospital and them everything be okay? Not how it works Dash. The anger in his thoughts surprised him, but he did nothing to stop it.

"What...what's wrong Cuts?" He felt a small touch at his shoulder, but he ignored it. It came again, harder this time. "Hey! I asked what's up! You gonna give me an answer Cuts? Is this how you'd treat a fri-". She cut off as he sat up and glared at her angrily.

"Oh yeah? Would tackling them at a party and breaking 8 ribs be how you treat your friends Dash? Cuz I don't see any of those girls you hang with here wrapped in bandages."

She was taken aback by his outburst, backing a small distance away before steeling herself. "Look...I just sorta...lost control at the party. If it means anything to you, I'm sorry." He saw small tears well up in her eyes as he glared at her, and regret filled his heart to the brim. He felt his face soften a bit and he held out his hooves to her, the universal sign for a hug. Her warm body pressed against him and she wrapped her hooves around him. He breathed deeply as she nuzzzled into his mane. She smelled just like she always had, like sweat and dirt.

"You know, I followed you after the party. Falling out of the sky isn't fun with broken ribs. Also, getting turned into stone is prety sucky too, I wouldn't recommend it." She pulled out of the hug and looked at him worridly. "Oh, I'm fine now, thanks to your friend Fluttershy." He chuckled and her eyes narrowed. He held up his hooves innocently. "Nothing happened! She just chased away the cockatrice and brought me here. Pegasus Swear!"

Rainbow laughed and elbowed his side gently. "I was only pulling your wing. Besides, Fluttershy is already dating Rarity. Wait," her mouth dropped open, "you got turned into stone? I guess you were 'stoned' right?" All of the other pegasi in the room groaned at her lame joke. "Okay bad jokes aside now, I have to make it up to you somehow! How about free tickets to a Wonderbolt show?"

"Um, I'd love that, except that...well...you know..." He gestured to his wrapped up wings, and her face fell.

Spitfire walked up to the bedside, patting Rainbow on the side and whispering into her ear. Rainbow's face lit up with a large smile, one of the largest he had ever seen on her. She walked closer to him to whisper in his ear. "Hey, Spitfire has a cool plan. She said that, pause for dramatic effect, you can still come."

"Oh? How's that gonna happen? Got a spare set of balloons?"

His sarcasm had no effect on them as Spitfire walked up. "Nah, she is just gonna take my place for now. I'll give ya a ride up to Cloudsdale to see the show."