• Published 8th Sep 2015
  • 4,390 Views, 1,265 Comments

The Velveteen Mask - Crystal Wishes

Everypony knows her as a cute, bubbly mare with a penchant for playful mischief, but is that just a mask she wears? Who really is Velvet Step?

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Making Faces

When faced with a difficult choice, how were decisions normally made? With a list of pros and cons, of course.

The cons were obvious. Velvet knew Runic personally, he knew Silent, and Silent knew Crystal. That defeated the whole purpose of secrecy in the first place!

The pros, on the other hoof, were also hard to ignore. As long as it was sold in the store, it was likely to be the best of its kind, and Runic had never shown an interest in gossip. He was eccentric, but not untrustworthy.

Velvet groaned and rubbed both hooves against her temples. She had an hour to pick a direction. The Phial and Filly, Greenwall's Pharmacy, or Canterlot Value Store?

Think. Think, think, think. Make a choice.

She slowly stood up as a long sigh was dragged out of her. The choice had been made long before she sat down on the bench just outside the Phial and Filly. Wandering aimlessly had landed her at the front door, wandering purposefully had brought her back, and sitting down sealed the deal.

The door chime made of rocks clattered against the frame as she entered and her coat stood on end when Runic looked at her. Crabapples. She had hoped maybe that surly pegasus fellow would be working the register, but no, the universe had other plans.

"Hey, Velvet!" he called. "Out of shampoo already?"

Velvet replied in a suspiciously squeaky voice, "Nope! Fine! Browsing!"

Runic smiled in apparent or polite ignorance. "Okay. Let me know if you need anything. Or just want to chat. It's been a slow day."

"Okay." Velvet tried to look casual as she walked down an aisle, gaze darting about. Her legs felt like wooden splints were tied to them. Her knees refused to bend properly. Her muscles seized up with nerves.

Shampoo, conditioner, volumizer, curl remover, curl enhancer, coat shine, hoof polish, wrinkle reducer, tail lifter… Lotions, creams, serums, and potions of all kinds. And not anything for family planning in sight.

Velvet went through the maternity aisle that featured prenatal oils as well as the foals' section of bubble baths. She even checked under the tables. When she had searched the store from wall to wall, floor to ceiling, she arrived at the register with dread in her soul.

Runic smiled. "Having trouble?"

"Nope!" Velvet squeaked. She coughed, cleared her throat, and glanced around. Mercifully, the only other customer had already left. "I, uh, I'm looking for a potion."

"Well, you're in the right place!" Runic spread his hooves wide. "Those are my specialty!"

Velvet's nose twitched. "Yup. I'm looking for a particular potion."

"What is it? If I don't have it, I'm sure I can have something for you by the end of the week." He leaned against the counter.

Deep breaths. Stay calm. Don't act like it's weird. It's not weird, right? Ponies buy this sort of thing. It's normal. "I think you already have it."

"Oh, great! How much is it?" His hoof reached over to the register, hovering above the buttons.

"I don't know." Her mouth was dry. Why was it dry? Her lips were dry, too.

Runic nodded. "No problem. Just bring it up and I'll ring it up!"

What was it called again? Anti-foal serum? Pregnancy prevention? Wait, no. "Planning," she blurted out.

Runic stared at her a moment, but his smile never faltered. His hovering hoof returned to rest on the counter and he shrugged. "Oh, okay. Well, just let me know when you're done planning!"

Velvet gave a quick shake of her head. "N-No, I want the planning potion. You know. To plan."

His brow knitted just slightly. "What? But that's still experimental."

What?! No! Experimental Runic potions were dangerous! She took a few steps back, but before she could speak, he continued, "The results have been iffy. Sometimes it gives me lots of forward thought and I can plan out my whole day in about fifteen minutes. Sometimes it just tastes like grape juice. One time it made me forget what I had for breakfast. Turned out, I hadn't had anything, but I forgot that!"

"Huh?" Velvet stopped and her ears fell flat to the sides. "No, I'm talking about the planning potion."

"Right?" He tilted his head. "Me, too."

"No! The—" She sucked in a breath before clenching her eyes shut and saying as quickly as she could, "The potion to prevent pregnancy. The pregnancy prevention planning potion."

"Oh! Why didn't you say so?" He leaned under the counter, rustled around whatever was back there, and resurfaced with a potion in hoof. It had a nondescript label with some kind of symbol on it that she hoped to Celestia meant something to him. "I have to keep them back here. I got in trouble with a mare whose foal asked her what it was. Apparently she wasn't ready to have that talk yet."

Velvet glanced between the potion in his hoof and his casual smile. "That's it? Are you sure?"

Runic nodded as he slid the potion across the counter to her. "Yup! Oh, wait." He pulled it back. "What flavor did you want?"

The question sent her stomach on a topsy-turvy ride and she tried to say calmly, "Not mint. Anything but mint."

"Sure! Well, this one is raspberry. It's the second most popular." He started to ring it up as if it were a bottle of shampoo or something not awkward at all.

There were popular flavors? Seriously? She glanced at the bottle. "What's the most popular?"

"Mint, for some reason! I guess mares like having fresh breath."

Her dinner threatened a second visit and she clenched her eyes shut, shaking her head. She groaned under her breath, "Why did I ask?"

The register chimed and he looked at her. "That all for today?"

"Yes." She winced. "No."

He tilted his head to the side, ears flopping. "Which is it?"

Velvet put a hoof on her face and groaned out, "Runic, this has to be a secret."

"A secret?" He leaned in, expression going serious—or, at least, serious for him. "I can keep a secret. What is it?"

"This." She gestured at the potion. "I never bought this."

He nodded slowly. "Right. Because you haven't paid for it yet."

"What? No—" Even she had to laugh a little at that. She shook her head, dropped the amount of bits the register displayed on the counter, and tucked the potion into her satchel. "I want you to keep it a secret that I bought this. Especially from Crystal."

After staring at her for a moment with a curious frown, he smiled and nodded. "Okay! I can do that. Should I keep it a secret from anypony else, or just Crystal?"

Velvet fought back the urge to roll her eyes. "Everypony! It should be a secret from everypony. Okay?"

He blinked. "'Okay' what?"

"Do you understand?" She glanced out the large windows at the front of the store. It was getting dark; she needed to go soon.

"Understand what?"

She looked back to see a coltish grin on his face, one hoof tapping the side of his muzzle. "Are you being cheeky with me right now?"

"No idea what you're talking about!" He raised the hoof to salute. "I know nothing! Have a good day, Velvet-who-bought-nothing-today!"

Oh, she really, really hoped this hadn't been a mistake. She smiled as best she could and hurried to the door. "Bye, Runic!"

Retrieving a hat from her satchel and putting it on, she walked with as much confidence as she could toward the palace. Thunder Tumble lived on base, which meant there were a lot of chances for her to be seen. But she had the Sunridge Sweets delivery cap and a box of cupcakes in her bag—which also had the bakery's logo on it.

She was just a delivery mare. Nopony would think twice. Who didn't order cupcakes? Everypony ordered cupcakes!

The plan rumbled around in her head as she thought it over one more time. She'd show up, be invited in, explain things so she didn't end up with a second Dawn, and go from there. Tumble had wanted to woo and court her… She started to frown, her pace slowing.

Was this a mistake? He was looking for a relationship. Had she been clear enough at the bakery? What had she even said? Oh, crabapples, why was this so complicated?

Sucking in a breath, she pressed onward, the main gates of Canterlot's Royal Guard base coming into view. It was too late now; she had already messed with his feelings enough as it was to then stand him up. The least she could do was go on a date with him, if that's really what he wanted, and then say she didn't think it would work out.

When she passed through the main gates, her gaze darted about to seek out the housing building she was looking for. Just a minute or two more and she'd be at his door. She really hoped that he would be up for a tumble in the sheets and nothing more. That would make things so much easier on her.

Velvet waited a moment to prepare herself—and ensuring that the number matched the one on the order sheet—before knocking on the door. She licked her lips to ensure they were moist and inclined her head to catch the light in her eyes. It was a trick Crystal had taught her a long time ago.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the door opened and she did everything she could not to laugh. Thunder Tumble was wearing a little bowtie. Well, she supposed that did constitute as 'appropriate attire'.

"Delivery for Mr. Tumble," she said, swishing her tail to draw his attention there. "Pink velvet cupcakes with extra frosting. Do you want me to bring them in for you?"

Tumble's mouth flapped open a few times before he swallowed, nodded, and stepped to the side. "I, uh, yes, please?"

"Thanks." She pranced inside, brushing her shoulder against his chest. Then she froze and glanced around. "You don't have a roommate, do you?" she hissed under her breath.

Tumble closed the door and turned to her. His wings were tight against his sides and his ears were perked straight up. "I do, but he's out for the night." He rubbed a hoof against the back of his neck, gaze darting away. "I told him that I had some family dropping in on short notice and wanted to stay here, so he bailed."

"Ooh, so the model guard told a lie?" She slipped the bag off, tossed her hat to the side, and stepped up to him. "Naughty colt."

His face turned bright red. "I-I, uh, I—" He swallowed and put a hoof on her chest, pushing just enough to put a bit of distance between them. "Look, before this goes any further, we need to talk."

Velvet glanced between his hoof and him, her brow raised. "Okay?"

"I don't know a lot about you. I just know that you seemed interested, and… I was willing to give it a shot." He shifted from one hoof to the other. "I can't do a long-term relationship. I have a lot of career plans, and—"

She smiled as excitement fluttered in her chest. Had she said he was perfect earlier? Well, he was even more perfect now. She put a hoof on his lips and hushed him softly. "Stud, I don't want a relationship at all. If you want to have some fun, then we can play together." She patted his cheek. "Sound good?"

He blinked a few times. "Really? It's that easy?"

"Do you want it to be more complicated?"

With a quick shake of his head, he replied, "I'd really prefer it to not be complicated at all, actually. With my schedule and my plans, I've not really had any time for mares, so… Easy sounds good."

"Great. Easy it is." She peered up at him, batting her lashes. "So, stud, how do you want to do this?"

"I, uh—I hadn't thought that far ahead?" His wings twitched and he laughed breathlessly.

Velvet eyed him from head to hoof before she gestured at the bunks against the far wall. "All right, then. Go make yourself comfortable and I'll get ready." She watched him as he hesitated before doing as he was told.

Her heart started to race as she rummaged through her bag and fished out the potion. This was really happening. Her hooves trembled, nearly fumbling with the cork. The smell of raspberries and a hint of something unpleasantly chemical hit her nose. She did her best not to react, instead mustering all of her resolve. Well, it was too late now. Bottoms up!

From the bed, Tumble gave a nervous laugh. "Looks like you came prepared, huh?"

Velvet smacked her lips, unable to keep from scrunching her nose. "Yeah. I also brought, uh, other stuff. But we can deal with that in a minute." She walked over, pulled herself up onto the bunk, and traced his form with her gaze.

He shifted under the weight of her stare, his cheeks turning red. "S-So…"

Heat coursed through her veins as she thought of all the things she wanted him to do to her. He looked like he was waiting for her to make a move, however, and she was in no mood to take charge. "Tumbler." She stretched out on the bed next to him. "It's been a while since you've been with somepony, right?"

He flinched and glanced away. "Yeah."

"And you've been spending the past, like, months thinking I was interested in you, right?"

His gaze returned to hers, albeit hesitantly. "Yeah?"

"Surely you've"—she trailed a hoof along his chest, lowering her voice to a sultry tone—"had some fantasies about me?"

He swallowed. "Y-Yeah?"

She rolled onto her back with what little space there was between him and the wall. "Pick one and go with it, handsome. I'm all yours tonight."

There was only one more moment of hesitation before Tumble's reservations faded away and the stallion took over from there.


"Wow," Tumble murmured, his chest rising and falling with each erratic breath. Sweat clung to his coat, darkening the hue of the normally straw-colored yellow. "Wow."

Velvet stared at the ceiling while tingles of pleasure continued to course through her veins. It was a state of euphoria beyond fireworks. She felt like she could do anything at that moment, but all she wanted to do was lie there and enjoy the sensation. "Seconded."

Tumble turned his head to look at her through half-lidded eyes, his breath hot on her cheek. "I—I had no idea a pony could bend like that."

"Oh, yeah." Velvet tried to laugh, but the sound came out more as a strangled breath. "Perks of being a ballerina." She nudged his side with her elbow. "Not so bad yourself. You kept up pretty good for a pony who's been without for a while…"

"Perks of being a guard," he teased. With a small grunt, he pushed himself upright and glanced over at a door set against one wall. "I'm gonna take a bath…" He looked at her, hesitating.

Velvet leaned in toward him and nuzzled his chest, breathing in the smell of stallion, sweat, and sex. It was a delicious combination. "Sounds good. I'll join you."

Tumble slipped down from the bunk, a couple flaps of his wings keeping his fall controlled, then he offered a hoof to her. "It's not a very big tub."

"I'm not a very big mare." She eyed the hoof, shrugged, and accepted his help. Her legs did seem a little wobbly, and she did feel kind of lightheaded.

He guided her over to the door which, unsurprisingly, led to a small bathroom. It was pretty standard, with only the bare necessities and no personal touches. While he started the bath, she sat on the edge of the tub, her back propped up against the wall.

"So, uh, how is your new job at the Royal Ballet?" he asked, glancing at her.

Velvet waved an idle hoof. "It's tough, but great." She yawned and tilted her head back. "What about you? What big career plans do you have?"

There was a pause. Perhaps he was considering whether or not she was being sincere. Or perhaps he was just focused on the temperature of the bathwater. Either way, she was content to just sit there.

"My family works at the weather factory in Cloudsdale," he finally started. "None of them are really military-minded. I wanted to do something different, so I went to the guard academy. I… I did okay, I guess. I got posted as an archive guard in Canterlot Palace. It's more of a ceremonial job than anything else."

Velvet's ear flicked. She lolled her head to the side to see the bath filling up, so she slipped into the hot water. Carefully, Tumble stepped into the tub, shifting until he found a comfortable position where they faced each other. It was a little cramped, but she didn't mind.

"So, well, I thought that's all I was good for. I guess I got complacent. I forgot about the whole 'wanting to be different' motivation and just… did my job. Day in and day out. Then the changeling attack happened. I did what I could to help, and then I met Silent Knight."

A smile crossed Tumble's face. It was a sweet smile, actually.

"He's really something, you know? He's not complacent. He took charge and made a difference when the lieutenant at the time did nothing. It made me remember who I wanted to be. I want to be a pony that makes a difference. I don't know how yet, or where it'll happen, so I'm trying to be open to any opportunity that might come my way."

Velvet gazed at him for a moment while the hot water coaxed her muscles into a state of relaxation. "Good for you, then. Glad something good came out of the changeling attack." Finally, after some thought, she asked, "So your parents work at the weather factory? The one that makes rainbows?"

Tumble blinked, then nodded. "Yeah?"

"What do they make rainbows out of, anyway?" she mused as she sunk down lower into the tub to feel more of the hot water, grinning at the way he blushed when that put them in closer quarters.

"Oh." He cleared his throat. "It's kind of a secret, but, well, ponies."

"What?!" She jolted upright, the water sloshing in the tub from the sudden movement. "Are you serious?!"

He burst into a short bout of laughter and shook his head. "Of course not! That would be insane! No, rainbows are made out of liquefied gems that are sprayed into a mist."

She eyed him suspiciously before settling back down. "I'm onto you, Tumbler. Under that sweet, blushing exterior, you're just as twisted as the rest of us, aren't you?"

He just laughed again.