• Published 30th Oct 2014
  • 2,628 Views, 184 Comments

La Vie En Rose - Summer Dancer

Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie are hired to throw an anniversary party in Paris for the Mayor and her husband. Unfortunately, a band of thieves also has their sights set on the party, with every intention of crashing it.

  • ...

Help Me Make The Most Of Freedom

As memory served, the Aunt Blueberry he knew was a small mare. She had a pale blue coat, a long violet mane, and wide, dark blue eyes. She had changed a lot, that’s for sure. Her mane was no longer violet but dark brown, which was tied in a low, messy ponytail with a few strands of hair escaping the band. She looked older, and her smile seemed more worn than before. Her eyes were now the color green instead of blue; she was probably wearing contacts. Even her posture was different. She seemed fit, but her shoulders were slightly slumped.

The only thing that hadn’t changed about her was the color of her coat, her height, and possibly her cutie mark, which consisted of three blueberries. However, Cheese couldn’t tell, since she was wearing a long black sweater.

Even though Cheese knew that it was indeed Aunt Blueberry that stood before him, he still couldn’t believe it. Why? How? When?
He continued to stand there, unable to move or speak. Tears started to appear in his eyes.

Blueberry smiled softly as she gazed lovingly at her nephew. “You are so handsome, Cheese. You’ve grown so much…”
Cheese’s breath hitched in his throat. Emotional tears started to stream down his face.
“Oh, Honey… Don’t cry.” Blueberry reached her hoof through the bar openings. With trepidation, Cheese touched her hoof with his. His breathing became erratic. He barely managed to suppress a sob. The normally cheerful party pony felt an onslaught of mixed emotions coursing through him. Sadness. Joy. Longing. Anger. Happiness. Confusion. Emptiness.

His mind buzzed with questions.

How did she get here? Is this the place she’s been all these years? Why didn’t she say goodbye? Why didn’t she take them with her or at least tell them that she was leaving? Why would she choose to be with these ponies? Didn’t she know how ruthless and dangerous they were? Why didn’t she write? Did she know what happened to her brother?

So, so many questions that he needed answers to.

So many puzzle pieces that needed putting together; but all he could manage was “…How…”

Blueberry nodded in understanding. “I know you must have a lot of questions, but we don’t have much time.” She glanced around suspiciously. “Tomorrow is Pinkie’s last day before they take her to Chrysalis,” She whispered. “When you return to work, I might be able to sneak her to the back of the furnace. You know where that is, don’t you?”

Cheese quickly nodded.

“Good. On your break be sure to try to meet us there. We have to figure out your escape plan.”

“Escape?” Cheese repeated in surprise.

“Yes. There’s no telling what the Queen could do to her. She’s more ruthless than you think. That incident in Canterlot you’ve probably heard about is just the tip of the iceberg.”

Fear gripped Cheese’s heart. If something awful happened to Pinkie Pie…well, he didn’t know what he would do exactly. But he did know he would never be able to forgive himself for as long as he lived. Everyone would be lost without her. He’d be lost without her.
“They also might never let you go,” Blueberry said earnestly. “Make you one of them.”

Cheese stared at his aunt. “…Is…Is that what they did to you?”

Blueberry smiled sadly. “I’m afraid so, Nacho dip.”

His heart hammered inside his chest. She didn’t leave on her own… she was taken, just like he was! He hiccupped as he held back tears. How awful…how horrible…Why hadn’t he figured it out sooner? “I’m so sorry, Aunt Blueberry,” He whispered. “This was all my fault… why didn’t I think of that?!”

“No, Cheese! Don’t blame yourself…please. You were just a colt. It was most definitely not your fault…” A tear escaped her eye. “It was mine.” Before Cheese could ask what she meant, someone suddenly entered the hall. Blueberry instantly stepped back and wiped her eyes. A mare came up next to his aunt. Cheese was flabbergasted. She looked exactly like Rainbow Dash. Only her coat was white, her eyes were the color of rubies, she only had about three colors in her mane...and she was really short.

“What’re doing with the prisoner, Lilly?” The mare asked, throwing Cheese a dirty look. Blueberry reached into a bag that sat at her hooves and pulled out a dark blue blanket. “Just bringing him some blankets,” She replied quietly. “Esme said I could.”

“Mmm-hmm. What’re you staring at, slim?” The mare demanded.

Cheese gulped. “I-I’m sorry, it’s just that you look a lot like a friend of mine.”

The Pegasus rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, Rainbow Dash, I know. I get that a lot. And I hate it. I hate her. It’s goodie two-hooves like her that make me sick. And I have to freaking share her face! I’d kill her if I had the chance. I would. I wish I could wring her little neck with my own two hooves and bury her six feet under, and then hammer her down another six feet. Boy, I’d be happy if I could do that. And I would if I ever saw her face to face.” She glared at Blueberry. “You think I couldn’t!?”

Blueberry quickly shook her head.

She turned to Cheese. “Do you?” He bit his lip. “Weeeell, I’m not saying you wouldn’t try, but…Rainbow’s tough as nails. I’m just saying that y’know…you might have a hard time with that.”

“I think you’d might like her, Prism, if you got the chance to meet her.” Blueberry said quickly.

Prism scowled. “As if. I would rather throw myself into a pack of ticked off Griffons before I make friends with her. Or better yet, I’d rather throw her to the Griffons. C’mon, it’s time for dinner.”

Blueberry nodded, and slipped the blanket through the bars before walking off with Prism. Cheese longed to tell her that he loved her and that he missed her so much. He wanted to tell her about his travels and his passion in life. But then he remembered, that he would see her again tomorrow. Tomorrow seemed a gazillion years away. Without a word, he wrapped the soft blanket around himself and plopped down onto his cot. He thought about what Prism had said, and smirked. Rainbow would so clean your clock any day of the week, my friend.

The express train had finally come to a stop at Rainbow Falls. The sun had just started to peek over the distant mountains. Spike hopped off the train first, and scanned the area. Only a few ponies were wandering around the station, none of them noticing the baby dragon. “All clear!”

One by one, his friends piled out of the train and onto the ground. “Can we take these hoods off now?” Applejack whispered before yawning.

“No, there are still ponies about, and we can’t risk blowing our cover!” Rarity whispered back.

“It’s six in the mornin’…who’s gonna recognize us in this light?”

“I think somepony has recognized us,” Fluttershy whispered with a frightful expression on her face.

Twilight frowned. “What? Who?”

Fluttershy slightly nodded her head towards a stallion a few feet away. He was staring right at them.

Rainbow Dash scowled. “I’ll handle this.” She moved in front of the others and lifted her head. “Hey! Why don’t you take a picture, it’ll last longer!”

The stallion jumped. “I-I’m sorry! But I couldn’t help but notice that you look like the mares—and dragon—in the photograph!”

Spike and the girls looked at each other in confusion and then back at the stallion.”What photograph?” Twilight asked.

“The one that a mare carried with her in her saddle sack, the pink one, the one who went missing… I believe her name was…”

“Pinkie Pie!” They exclaimed.

The stallion broke into a wide grin. “Pinkie Pie, yes! And that Cheese Sandwich fellow!”

Twilight quickly walked over to the stallion, followed by her friends. “You knew them? Did they come this way?” She asked hopefully.

“They didn’t just do that. I served them their breakfast—or rather, they helped themselves.”

The small group gasped excitedly. “We came to the right place!” Rarity bubbled.

Finally, a lead!” Rainbow Dash grinned.

Twilight turned to the stallion. “Please, Mister…”

“Giles, my lady.”

“Giles. We need to find out as much as we can about Pinkie’s and Cheese’s whereabouts before they…went missing.”

“And we need to get to Paris, and quick,” Spike added.

“I can do that, and then some,” Giles said with a smile. “Come with me. I can get you on the train to Paris for free, and I can tell you all you need to know on the way. The conductor owes me.”

“Thank you kindly, Giles,” Applejack said sincerely as they followed Giles inside the train.

“You have no idea how much this means to us,” Twilight agreed.

“Oh, I think I might have an idea,” Giles replied. He gave her a sideways glance, smiling oddly. “Your Highness.”

Everyone’s eyes widened. Giles chuckled. “You mares aren’t exactly keeping a low profile.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “I won’t tell a soul.” The girls chuckled sheepishly and bowed their heads gratefully. Spike scratched the back of his head, suppressing a grin.
Giles led them to a table. When everyone was seated, he began to serve them breakfast. He poured them some tea. “The departure time will be in 20 minutes, which gives us time to talk openly. Now…what would you like to know?”

“Take ten!” Dusty screamed over the roar of the flames. Cheese dropped his shovel and sighed in relief. If Dusty kept this up, it wouldn’t be long before Cheese would wind up in the infirmary. But he had other plans. He let himself get lost in the swarm of workers as the pushed past him. He ducked and weaved his way through the crowd, hoping that he was concealed well enough. As he crept around the furnace, the heat got more intense. At one point, he couldn’t breathe. But he pushed himself forward, knowing that his Aunt and Pinkie Pie were counting on him.

Sweating beyond measure, the stallion finally reached the very back of the furnace. He looked left and right, but did not see the mares anywhere. The heat burned his eyes. Tears blurred his vision. What if they got caught? What if—

“Cheese!” He heard a voice call softly. He hastily wiped the water from his eyes, and squinted upwards. He saw a blue and black blur waving at him. He smiled, and wiped his eyes again. She was standing on a railing above him. Next to her was a tired but happy Pinkie Pie. She waved at him erratically with both hooves. Cheese’s grin broadened. He quickly jumped up on a separate machine just below the railing and leaned over.

“Cheese!” Pinkie cried happily, and hugged him tightly. “I was sooooo worried about you!” She pulled back to look at him. “Are you okay?”

Cheese gazed at the energetic pink pony. A bulb light behind her gave her face a soft, heavenly glow. The strands of her mane blew slightly against her face due to the force of the fire. Her blue eyes glowed in the darkness. Her optimistic smile melted his heart in many ways. Oh, Pinkie. Don’t you know how beautiful you are? Don’t you know how much you really mean to me?

“…I am now.” Cheese said finally. He grinned at his aunt. “Thank you…Aunt Blueberry.”

Blueberry seemed to relish those words. She wiped her eyes with a smile. “You’re very welcome, Cheese. Now we need to figure out a way to get you two out of here. They leave with Pinkie to search for Chrysalis after sundown. This needs to happen tonight.”

“And you too!” Cheese said. Pinkie nodded in agreement.

The older pony solemnly shook her head. “I’m afraid I can’t go with you, hon.”

“Why not? Of course you can!” Cheese exclaimed. “We can do it…all three of us; we can make it out of here!”

“We can’t leave without you!” Pinkie protested.

“It’s too risky,” Blueberry insisted. “The fewer ponies there are, the better chance of you getting out of here. It would be easier if it were just the two of you.”

“But…we can’t just leave you here,” Cheese said quietly. “I just found you…I don’t wanna lose you again!”

Blueberry smiled a little and placed her hoof on top of her Nephew’s. “You won’t lose me, Cheese. Perhaps when you get to safety, the authorities will come here and put an end to all this. There isn’t much time. Esme should be back from her meeting in five or six minutes. You two listen carefully. I’ll take Pinkie back to her cage, and you return to work. When the day is done, I’ll come visit you, Cheese, and give you the keys to her cage. Esme and the others will be at dinner. Are you clear so far on this?”

Both ponies nodded.

“Then I want you to go downstairs as quickly as you can, the last floor, and turn left; you’ll see a manhole. Get yourselves inside and follow the directions of my map; I’ll make you one while you’re at work. There might be certain guards roaming about, but I’ll try my best to keep them away from you.”

Cheese still looked a little concerned. “But what’s going to happen to you when ponies realize we’re gone?”

“Don’t worry about me—Nopony here knows about you and me. I should be the least of your worries. Please, this is my way of protecting you…something I failed to do for you and your brother years ago. What matters now is that you and Pinkie get out safely.”

Pinkie Pie spoke up. “Don’t worry! When we get out, we’ll get the royal guards and Princesses over here in a jiffy, and we’ll make sure that nothing happens to you—Pinkie promise!”

Blueberry tilted her head to the side. “Pinkie promise?”

“Yep! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

Cheese smiled. “It’s her thing.”

“So what do we do when we get out of the sewers?” Pinkie asked.

“Just follow the north star,” Blueberry replied. “That’s where civilization will be, but it will take days on hoof. Travel only by night and stay hidden during the day. The others will be hunting for you.”

“Two minutes!” They heard Dusty shout.

“I’d better get back to work before Dusty suspects something,” Cheese said regretfully. He didn’t want to part with the two most important mares in the world to him for one second.

He knew by the expressions on their faces, they didn’t want to go either. Blueberry leaned forward and kissed Cheese on the cheek. “See you tonight, Nacho dip.” Pinkie gave him a bright smile. Returning the smile, he leaned in carefully and slowly started to nuzzle her. Pinkie leaned her head against his and nuzzled him back, their forelocks intertwining.

“One minute!”

The young ponies broke apart, and Cheese hopped down from the machine and left without a word. There was nothing left to say. All they could do was hope for the best.

In the past several hours Cup Cake had been able to calm down considerably, knowing that several ponies were looking for her daughter figure; not to mention the touching tribute to her here in Ponyville. Visitors have been pouring in daily, bringing in pink flowers and offering condolences and encouraging words. The whole store and living room was covered with flowers, candy, and stuffed animals. Her husband had put up a big, shimmering pink ribbon on the front door—something Pinkie would be ecstatic to see if she returned home—when she returned home.

Pumpkin and Pound were rather confused on what was happening. They were surrounded by multiple things that reminded them of their Aunt Pinkie Pie, yet there wasn’t any sign of her. They were used to a lot of ponies coming in the store, but this time, it was twice the amount. More ponies were inside their living room than out front. All they heard was “Pinkie, Pinkie, Pinkie, Cheese, Pinkie, Cheese.” Neither one showed up. What was going on?

“Her vigil will take place later tonight, as soon as the sun sets,” Mayor Mare told Mr. and Mrs. Cake. “A lot of ponies will be coming from all over.” She tried to smile. “Hopefully she’ll come back to us soon. She truly is the spirit of Ponyville.”

Carrot Cake nodded. “Thank you Mayor Mare. This means so much to us.”

Just then, the front door flew open and a mare, a stallion, and two more mares burst into the room. Cup Cake’s face paled. “Oh no…”

“Where’s Pinkamena!?” The oldest mare shrieked. “Where’s my baby!?”

“Here we are,” Giles announced as the train started to come to a complete stop. “I hope I’ve given you viable information.”

“You’ve done more than enough,” Applejack said warmly as they got off the train. “Much obliged.”

“Thank you so much, Mr. Giles,” Fluttershy smiled.

“You’re quite welcome ladies. Your friends and I said our goodbyes here, and then they were escorted to the mansion.”

“Where’s that?” Rainbow asked, flying overhead.

“Down that street, to the left, you’ll see the town square. Keep going straight until you reach Channel Boulevard. Turn left, and there you will find the mansion.”

Twilight nodded and turned to her friends. “Come on guys.” She stopped for a moment. “Thank you for all your help, Giles, as well for your discretion. We appreciate it.”

“My pleasure. Do say hello for me when you find them!”

“We will!” The group chorused. Together, they galloped down the slippery streets with new found determination and high spirits.

Cheese’s heart refused to stop pounding in his chest as he waited for his aunt to appear with the map and keys. He had worked for eleven more hours today, but he didn’t feel exhausted this time. He was too on edge to feel tired. At least he was able to get his yellow shirt back to “sleep in”, but it didn’t ease the pain.

Cheese had never ever done anything like this before, and several things could go wrong tonight. But he tried to push those thoughts aside and focus on what was ahead. He had to admit he was terrified, but he knew he needed to get Pinkie out of this mess, one way or another. He couldn’t fail her this time. Cheese barely noticed when Blueberry hurried in and unlocked the bars to his room and eased it open.

“We need hurry,” She whispered urgently. She handed him the map she drew as well as the keys. “Remember what I said. Follow the north star, travel by night, never by day, got it?”

With a lump in his throat, he nodded. Cheese quickly embraced her in a hug with tears running down his face. “I love you,” He choked. “I missed you so much!”

Blueberry held him close. “I love you too. I love you so much, Cheese.” She gently pulled away and rushed him down the hallway. “Esme’s room is upstairs, and down the hall, it’s the last room. Now go.” She gave him a quick kiss and ran the other direction.

With a heavy heart, Cheese galloped up the stairs, just as he was instructed. There weren’t any ponies around, but he moved as quickly and quietly as possible, trying his best not to draw any attention to himself. For Cheese, it was easier said than done, since he spent most of his life doing the exact opposite. He reached Esme’s room and quietly knocked on the door just to be safe.

“Hello?” Pinkie’s voice was timid. Cheese grinned and opened the door. Pinkie was sitting in a giant bird cage, watching cartoons that Blueberry must have put on earlier. “Cheese!” Pinkie chirped excitedly.


“Oops. Sorry.”

Cheese quickly unlocked the cage and Pinkie happily bounced out and tackled Cheese in a bear hug. “My hero!” She whisper-shouted.

Cheese blushed slightly. “Heh heh...Ahem. Come on, let’s go.” Pinkie released him and nodded firmly. They first poked their heads out to see if anyone was coming. The cost was clear. Together, they moved down the hall and down two flights of stairs.

“This is kind of exciting,” Pinkie whispered. “But it’s also kind of nerve-racking. I feel—"

“Nervouscited?” Cheese finished.

Pinkie smiled wide. “I thought I was the only one that used that word!”

“Yeah. It’s how I feel too.” They reached the last floor. “Now, where did she say that manhole was again?”

“Here!” He turned to see that Pinkie was far to the left of him. She was already moving the manhole cover aside. With one last look around, Cheese gestured Pinkie to hop inside. After she did so, Cheese followed suit and replaced the covering over the hole to avoid any suspicions.

The inside of the sewers was dark and really smelly, but they could see well enough to tell where they were going. There was a solid surface next to the waste so they wouldn’t have to walk through it. Cheese pulled out the map and held it open in front of him with his forelock. “Now, let’s see… we go straight down until we see different openings, and then we go down the third one to the right.”

“Then let’s go go go!” Pinkie said enthusiastically. They started moving forward.

“I’m glad we’re together again, Pinks—even if we are in the sewers.”

“Same here! I missed you a whole lot, you have no idea!” She looked a little sad. “I was afraid that I’d never get to see you again! That would’ve been awful.”

Cheese looked down at her, and then glanced away. “I don’t know what I would’ve done If I never saw you again, Pinkie. I…I love…having you around. I mean, you’re like my best mare friend. I-I mean, not like marefriend I meant my best friend…who’s a mare. Yeah.”

“Aww, shucks!” Pinkie gushed. “And you’re my best friend who’s a stallion! I said it right, didn’t I?”


“When this is all over, we ought to have a “We Survived the Sinister Six” party!”

“And we’ll invite all our friends from Paris,” Cheese agreed.

“I hope the kids got out alright,” Pinkie said thoughtfully.

“I’m sure they did. They deserve a real party after all they’ve been through. Right turn here. Are all your adventures like this?”

Pinkie thought for a moment. “Kinda sorta. All adventures we’ve had were different, but none were like this. Come to think of it, ever since Twilight came to Ponyville, my friends and I became pretty much inseparable. I’ve never been away from them this long before. But I don’t mind so much, because I have a super duper party pony best friend right here with me.”

Cheese blushed and smiled. “Heh, gosh. Thanks. Aaaand now we turn left…”

“This is kinda like that movie I saw with Gummy… y’know, when that pony was falsely accused and had to escape through the sewers…like we’re doing now?”

Cheese raised his eyebrows. “Huh. I guess. I was thinking that this was like that other movie in which two mares got taken from Paris and one of the mare’s Dad tries to find them—Only I’m Kim, and you’re Amanda.”

“Hey, you’re ri—hey, wait a minute!” Pinkie glared at him. “Why do I have to be Amanda?”

“I dunno—reasons. Besides, what’s wrong with Amanda?”

“…She dies at the end!”

“…Oh.” He grinned sheepishly. “I didn’t watch it all the way through.”

Just then, they heard muffled shouting from above and frantic clopping of hooves. The party ponies looked at each other in panic. “Oh no! They found us out!” Pinkie squeaked.

Cheese looked up and then back at the pink mare. “Run!”

“Where is she? I need to know where she is!” Cloudy Quartz, Pinkie’s mother, demanded.

The bakery was now empty since Carrot had kindly asked everyone to leave just for the moment. To his relief, the citizens understood completely, but now he had to deal with Pinkie Pie’s family…how where they going to explain this?

Cup Cake was struggling with her words. “Mrs. Pie…I’m so very sorry, but Pinkie…Pinkie’s…gone.” Cloudy’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

Limestone quickly spoke up. “What do you mean she’s gone? All we know is that she and a stallion were taken away somewhere!”

“Our neighbor told us,” Marble added. “Our radio was broken. What happened?”

Cup Cake glanced over at her husband helplessly. He went over to his wife, and spoke for her. “Y-You see…uh…Pinkie got a letter from the mayor of Paris asking for her to plan her anniversary with Cheese Sandwich—He’s a party planner too—and she asked if she could go, and—“

“You let her!?” Igneous Rock interrupted furiously.

“W-Well, yes, I’m afraid, yes we did. A-And she did…and…” He stole a look at his wife. “During the party, t-the Sinister Sixty came and robbed them.”

Sinister Sixty!” Cloudy gasped, stumbling backwards. Her husband quickly caught her and held her close.

Carrot started sweating and swallowed hard before he spoke again. “Y-Yes, and…t-they tried go after the little fillies and colts, but Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich stopped them… and the Sinister Sixty… they—they took them.”

Cloudy was truly on the verge of fainting. “How could you let this happen?” She cried weakly. “Why did you let her go?”
up Cake lurched forward and hugged Cloudy tightly. “I’m so sorry!” She wailed, sobbing in the older mare’s mane. “She wanted to go so badly, and I didn’t want to disappoint her…I was the one who made the final decision, and I was wrong! I’m so sorry, Mrs. Pie, I’m so sorry…” The Pie family’s expressions softened a bit and Igneous and his two daughters gave Cup an awkward hug.

Igneous cleared his throat roughly. “I’m…sorry for snapping at you like that,” He told Carrot. “I’m just worried about Pinkamena. She’s our youngest and…I’d be devastated if anything happened to her.”

Carrot smiled sadly. “No need for apologies. You have every right to feel anxious…no parent should have to go through this.”

Cloudy wiped at her tears. Cup quickly handed her a handkerchief out of her apron. “Thank you,” She sniffled. She blew her nose. “What’s happening now? What can we do?”

“Well, the Police are looking for them, as well as the Royal Guard,” Carrot said.

“What about her friends?” Marble asked. “Where are they?”

“Well… not everypony knows about this, but they’re looking for Pinkie separately to avoid the Sinister Sixty’s radar. Everypony else believes they’re being treated at the Canterlot castle for emotional trauma. They should be in Paris by now.”

Cloudy nodded in approval. “Good on them. Maud has told me about how much those girls care for Pinkamena. I trust them completely.”

“Is there anything we can do?” Igneous asked. Cup Cake sighed. “Not much, I’m afraid. The security is tight these days. They won’t let anypony out of town for safety precautions.”

“You got that right,” Limestone agreed. “They only let us in because we’re Pinkie’s family—and because of Mom’s wrath.”

Cup nodded. “Yes, and I doubt that they’ll let you back out again, but you can stay with us for as long as you’d like. There’s also a campaign that some fillies started…it would mean so much to everypony if you joined.”

Cloudy straightened her spectacles. “Yes…we saw all the decorations on the way here…I must say, I’m…rather touched. I had no idea how much this town cared for my little Pinkamena.” She smiled. “We’d be honored.”

Pinkie and Cheese galloped hastily through the sewers. Cheese was careful to follow the directions of the map, or else it would be the end for the both of them. “Right!” He declared. Even though Pinkie was shorter than him, she kept excellent pace beside him without breaking a sweat. “Left!” More angry shouting was being heard from above.

Pinkie’s heart was beating erratically but she was more than determined to make it out than ever before. “Just a few more turns, then we’re home free!” Cheese panted.

“I think that awful spaghetti is catching up to me,” Pinkie groaned, her tongue lolling out. “Bleh!”

“Don’t puke on me now, Pinkie! We’re almost there!” After a few minutes, they came to a abrupt stop under a hole above them. “This is it,” Cheese said, double checking the map before putting it inside his mane.

“I got it!” Pinkie sang. She jumped up and pushed the manhole covering aside. They saw the sky and its beautiful colors as the sun was beginning to go down. “

Alright!” Cheese cheered.

“Yay!” Pinkie shouted as she bounced up again, and started to climb out. She suddenly let out a short yelp as she was yanked upwards by someone outside.

Cheese gasped. “P-Pinkie?”

He heard a low chuckle from above. “Come on out, Sandwich. Don’t be shy.”

Cheese felt his blood run cold. Shaking, he hopped up and climbed out of the manhole. He stumbled onto soft green grass and the air smelled ten times better. But Cheese was barely paying attention to any of it. He gazed in horror at the sight of Steel holding a knife to Pinkie’s throat. Her eyes were wide with fear, but she was as still as a statue. Steel stared at Cheese with a dark smirk on his face. “Well, well, well. Looks like we got a couple of flight risks,” He chuckled.

“Leave her alone! P-Please! Take me instead, just let her go!” Cheese pleaded. He only got a cruel laugh in response.

“Oh, I don’t think so,” Steel purred. “Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to take you back…” He nodded his head at Cheese. “Red Herring will most likely kill you…” Pinkie grunted and kicked out her hooves at his words, but Steel only held her tighter. “And you, Miss Pie, are going straight to Chrysalis—in what condition, though, I’m not so certain.”

“Just you wait, mister!” Pinkie shouted angrily. “When my friends gets a hold of you, you’re gonna get it! You’re gonna get it BIG TIME!!!”

Steel laughed again. “I doubt your friends will ever get a hold of me, or you for that matter. In fact, you two will never see anypony ever again…heck, I’ll make sure you won’t see each other again. How’s that?”

The two party ponies sadly stared into each other’s eyes.

Cheese felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. I’ve failed her…again. Steel stared back and forth between the two, and his smile widened maliciously. “Ohhh, I see,” He sneered. “You two care for each other, don’t you? How sweet.” He nuzzled his face into Pinkie’s mane, much to her dismay.

Cheese felt something strange rise up from within him. He felt…angry.

“Young love,” Steel sighed. “So precious…so fragile…” He brought the knife closer to her throat. “Such a pretty mare,” He said in mock disappointment. “It’s a shame that I’ll have to bash her face in before the trade is made. I'll just say she had an accident while trying to run away. Then, I'll get all the glory. How do you like that?”

That was it.

Cheese’s face turned red, and he gritted his teeth with rage. All the anger and heat was beginning to boil up to the surface. “My father wasn’t around much,” He growled. “But he did teach us one thing,” He stepped closer. “And that was to NEVER RAISE A HOOF TO A MARE!!!” With that, he threw his accordion at Steel, and it knocked the knife from his hoof.

Pinkie immediately raised her hind legs and bucked him to the ground behind her.

Steel growled, and started to get up, but Cheese tackled him back down, and punched him as hard as he could. Unfortunately, he was smaller and physically weaker than Steel, so he was immediately thrown off, sending him flying with a high pitched squeal. Steel got back up, but Pinkie let out a fierce growl and jumped onto his back, wrapping her hooves around his neck. Steel roared in anger and spun around, trying to fling her off, but Pinkie had a tight grip on him.

"Get off me!"


Cheese sat up and shook off his rough impact on the ground. He looked up and gasped when he saw Pinkie swinging around on Steel’s back. “PINKIE, WHAT THE FUDGESICLE? WHAT IS THAT EVEN DOING?”


He looked at his accordion lying on the grass. “Oh! Okay!” he grabbed his favorite instrument and ran up to Steel and Pinkie. Steel was swinging too fast for Cheese to get a perfect aim on his head. “Pinkie, hold him still!”

“What do you think I’m trying to do!? Just hit him! HIT HIM!!!”


With all the strength he could muster, Cheese swung the accordion and hit Steel right on the side of his head. Steel instantly fell to the ground in a heap. Pinkie sprung up. “It worked!”

Cheese blinked realizing it did work, and started to laugh. “We did it!”

“We did it!”

“Yeah!” He hopped up and down. “YEAH, get, some, get some!”

“You just got Pied!” Pinkie joined in. “And Cheesed, what now!”

“What now!”

“Yeah! It wouldn’t surprise me if it was your birthday today, ‘casue we totally wrapped it up and tied it in a BOW!”

“Make a wish!”


Pinkie and Cheese stopped. They could see that they were a few feet from the back of the mountian. A mare was hovering around the mountain, flying this way and that. “Steel!”

Pinkie’s jaw dropped. “Dashie?” Cheese shook his head. “No, that’s Prism, her doppelganger."

"Rainbow has an evil twin?"

"Yes. I mean, no...I mean...we'll talk about this later! No time to explain!” There was a Forrest a few miles from where they were standing. “Come on, let’s go!” Cheese ran towards the Forrest with Pinkie at his heels. Even though they weren't out of danger yet, victory swelled in their hearts...as well as more "In your face" puns. The sun gradually dissapeared over the horizon, thus beginning the night.

"I'm sorry, Esme," Blueberry apologized, trying to look as disappointined as possible. "They got away."

Esme drew in a sharp breath, looking more angry than anyone had ever seen her. She leaned forward over her desk with a murderous glint in her eyes. "Find them."

Author's Note:

Yeah! Free, free at last! But for how long? :trixieshiftright: Sorry this took so long, but you know...Holidays and such. :twilightblush:

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas, and the New Year is a few days away! Boy, 2014 sure went fast... Also, Prism wasn't just a character, in fact, she was an OC created by my very good friend Those Kids In The Corner! I hope she wasn't too ruthless Kids!

This isn't the last of Prism... Arnold S voice: She'll be back!

If you have an OC that you would like to see in this story, don't hesitate to ask! There's going to be at least three or four new character in the next chapter, at least two have to be nice :scootangel:

I was also thinking of this song when I wrote this chapter

Hence the title! Is that weird? :rainbowlaugh: I hope things weren't too dramatic for you guys... although if I were Micheal Bay, there would be more explosions :rainbowdetermined2:

See you guys next time!