• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 4,989 Views, 738 Comments

Absolution 2 - ed2481

After Cres left, Applejack thought that she'd never have to hear the words 'Pokemon' again outside of Twilight's constant questions. However, it seems that hope was misplaced. With only the help of Cres, can she find her way back

  • ...

Chapter 10

Giratina’s mind buzzed as a splitting headache pierced his skull. He groaned a bit as he placed a hoof to his head and rubbed it slightly. I haven’t felt this ways since... my small scuffle with dad... he moaned in his mind.

“Ah, you are awake,” a stern, yet very familiar female voice said, her voice lowered politely.

His eyes snapped open and he glanced to his left to see a tall dark blue alicorn standing next to the medical bed he was laying in. “Luna... I see you’re back,” he said casually as he began to stretch out his stiff neck.

“Indeed I am,” the blue alicorn said, her eyes never leaving him. “Thanks to a certain purple alicorn you met.”

The changelings brow furrowed a bit. “Ah yes, Twilight, the third installment of this royal system,” he said as he went back cracking a few bones... which shouldn’t really be possible, causing him to frown a bit.

“Fourth actually,” Luna replied, causing Giratina to perk his head to the side slightly. “Also, I would not recommend your getting out of bed at the moment, your doppelganger did a real number on your body.”

“That’s the problem, my body shouldn’t be aching this much,” he said as he moved his very sore body around a bit. He felt every muscle, bone, and a felt a heart pumping as if... he wasn’t a ghost type anymore. “....damn you dad and your bloody types changing trait...” he muttered under his breath.

“Yes, I’m afraid that you appear to be very real at the moment my dear friend,” Luna said, her expression softening a little. “Honestly, what were you doing here without contacting Tia or I?”

“Originally it was going to just be a quick stop to figure out a small mystery, now it’s seems to be much more than small,” he said with a frown as he began to push himself off the bed, despite the pain his body was sending to him.

“I see,” Luna said, bringing a hoof up to his chest and easily pushing his weakened form back down to the bed. “And yet you still didn’t think to contact Tia... or I.”

Giratina rolled his eyes. “Look I don’t need help for every little thing, and how I supposed to know about that... doppelganger? No one else should have my abilities to freely open Distortion World portals without my say so.”

“That is hardly what I’m talking about,” Luna replied, her eyes narrowing slightly. “The first time in around two thousand years since you and I last spoke to each other and it’s not because you came to visit me but is instead because you ended up hospitalized?!”

“Well, first off I didn’t even know you were free yet. Second, I was on a tight time schedule, and thirdly... I haven’t thought that up yet but give me time,” he said with a small thoughtful frown. “Speaking of which... how long have I been knocked out?”

“Around a day,” Luna answered. “And don’t change the subject Giri, you could have at least asked this ‘Cres’ to look into things... I thought you cared more.”

“Considering Cres nearly got arrested here, I thought against it... and I do... it’s just... I’m been very busy,” the changeling said with a stiff sigh. “Look... we can talk more about this later, but right now I need to head back to the Pokemon World and warn Matt about this and find a way to bring one of your subjects back.”

Luna looked down at him with an indecisive frown for a moment before she let out a sigh. “Please promise me that you’ll come back Giri... you didn’t last time.”

“I’ll... try,” Giratina said with a small sigh as he rested his head against the pillow.

“Thank you,” she said, bending down to give him an affectionate nuzzle before her horn lit up and a large mirror floated to his other side. “You had best go.”

“Right...” the changeling lifted a hoof up in the air and touched the mirror to... gently push against it. Giratina frowned as he pushed hard, only resulting in shoving the mirror slightly away from him. “Come on!” he shouted in annoyance as he began to rapidly tap against the mirror with no hint of succeeding at summoning a portal.

Luna pulled the mirror away and frowned. “It would seem that you’re not capable of doing it at the moment,” she said carefully. “Which is for the best really, you are very wounded. What would happen to you if you were ambushed within the Distortion World by your doppelganger in this state?”

“It shouldn’t matter... I’m my strongest in the Distortion World and my body rapidly heals inside of it,” he answered with a frown as he study his hoofs. “What doesn’t make sense is why I can’t summon a portal... maybe... “ he closed his eyes and his horn began to glow, but nothing happened. A sudden look of dread fell across his face. “All of my ghost type moves are blocked...”

“You do appear to be bug type at the moment,” Luna replied with a frown. “So it would make sense for you to lose access to your ghost type abilities... as far as I understand your realm’s way of doing things... it has been two thousand years since we last saw each other after all.”

“But that’s the problem... if I’m a bug type and can’t use my ghost moves... I’m stuck here... forever...” he said his eyes glancing down in dismay. He then frowned and pounded the side of the bed. “That bloody doppelganger must have done something to me to change my type! I just need to figure out a way to reverse it and-” He was cut off as a jolt of harsh pain traversed through his body starting in his spine and traveling all the way up to his neck.

“Giri, lay down, and calm down,” Luna commanded, her magic glowing around his body and forcing him against the bed, holding him there. “Nothing will be solved by you working yourself into a rage and being inconsolable.” She paused for a moment. “Besides... I hate seeing you in such pain.”

Giratina glared at her with irritation for holding him down before closing his eyes and letting out a long sigh. “You’re right... I need to focus... I need to rest... I need... some food I think?” he said with a small puzzled frown as he began to notice a bubbling groan in his chest.

“Well that should be simple enough to solve,” Luna said as she bent down to lay a light kiss on his cheek. “After all, this is hardly the first time you’ve been hungry here in Equestria.”

Giratina blinked blankly for a moment both from the kiss and from her tone of voice. “Refresh my memory about changelings...”

“They feed off of Love Giri,” Luna replied as she gave him a light nuzzle. “How you’ve managed to forget that, I don’t know.”

“Ah... that’s right,” he said with a small nod, feeling a warm spot growing in his chest... not knowing if it was some sort of blush or him starting to feed. “Heh... lucky me I don’t have to search that far... huh?”

“I’d agree with that,” Luna replied as she laid another kiss on his cheek. “Of course... you realize that this means that you and I are going to be having a very serious talk very soon.”

“I’m counting down the time till then...” he replied, the warm feeling in his chest only growing.

“Good,” Luna said, her lips touching gently against his, a small sigh building within her throat.

Giratina could only just stared at her in mild shock, mostly from the kissing, and the rest from the surge of warm growing inside him. Definitely feeding off of her... he commented to himself.

Luna pulled away and looked down at him with a small frown. “Are you not going to kiss me back Giri?”

“I... got a bit distracted by how natural my body seems to be feeding off of your love...” he said casually as he could. “You seem to have lots of it in you....” he added softly under his breath.

“Two thousand years worth... one thousand of which was spent on the moon,” Luna replied quietly, looking away.

“...yeah... I’m... sorry I didn’t try to come back when you were released... I... lost track of the time...,” the changeling said slowly.

“I imagined as much,” Luna said softly, letting out a small sigh. “You never were on time to our dates.”

“Blame my sister,” Giratina said with a small chuckle, which shortly faded away. “She can never keep our time streams straight...”

“Oh well, you always showed up eventually,” Luna replied with a small sigh before she bent down to kiss him on the lips again.

Yet it’s never at the right moments... thought with a mental sigh as Luna kissed him.

The lunar alicorn held the kiss for a bit longer before she pulled away. “How do you feel now?”

“Better,” Giratina replied, feeling his hunger pang fading away a long time ago. “Thanks for... filling me up I guess.”

“You’re welcome,” Luna stated before her expression softened. “Giri... I know that you’d prefer to solve this mess by yourself, but I am going to help you.”

The changeling closed his eyes and let out a small sigh. “It’s not like I can really stop you at the moment.”

“Good, I’m glad you realize that,” Luna replied with a smile before she bent down and kissed him again, just as the door behind them opened and Celestia walked in. Luna pretended not to notice.

The solar mare smile softly to herself. “Ah, I see the two of you reunited somewhat,” she commented in a casual, friendly voice.

“You could say that...” Giratina replied as Luna pulled away.

“Ah, hello sister,” Luna said, a fake smile on her face. “You always had ‘excellent’ timing before and it seems you’ve kept it.”

“At least I don’t walk in when it really matters,” Celestia remarked with a small chuckle.

“True,” Luna agreed before she frowned slightly. “Any news on the doppelganger?”

Celestia frown slightly and shook her head. “None... whoever attacked you Giratina left quickly after Applejack’s house collapsed,” she replied.

“Figured... I’m not his target and he probably guessed I wouldn’t be going anywhere soon,” the changeling said with a small grunt. “Though next time we battle, he won’t be so lucky.”

“Indeed he will not!” Luna agreed fiercely, her eyes glowing blue. “Together we will smite him!”

Giratina tilted his head at her. “I forget how frightening you can be sometimes,” he commented.

“You know you love it,” Luna replied, a wide smile on her face as her astral mane whipped around her head. The changeling smiled, his first since he’d woken up as a fond memory played through in his mind.

“Mh-hm,” Celestia said, clearing of her throat. “I know the two of you have lots of catching up, but I just need to know if Giratina is going to be staying here longer than today.”

“It would seem like it,” Giratina answered with a small frown. “I’m not a ghost type anymore, and till I can find a way to change back... it seems I’ll be staying here for a while longer.”

Celestia nodded her head. “Then I shall start making the arrangements around the Castle... not many of my subjects will be used of having a changeling about, but I will make sure they won’t be hostile towards you.”

“Thanks... I guess?” he said, his frown turning a bit puzzled as Celestia left the room. “Am I missing something on the whole ponies ‘not liking changelings’ bit?” he asked Luna.

“Chrysalis, you remember her? The loud obnoxious changeling queen or were you not with us when she first appeared? I cannot remember,” Luna said with a puzzled frown.

“I don’t think so... her name doesn’t ring a bell,” Giratina replied with a shake of his head.

“Ah, it was after you’d left then,” the alicorn said, shaking her head. “At any rate, she attacked the city last year and as a result, there has been a rather unfortunate hatred towards all changelings in Equestria.”

“I see... well, that would explain a few things when I was in that town, and why Twilight was ready to blow my chest open,” he murmured in slight amusement.

“She is a spirited young mare,” Luna agreed with a small nod. “But do not worry, she has a good heart, I’m sure she will adjust to you well enough if given the chance.”

“I’m sure she will... I just hope the rest of your subjects will feel the same. As much as I’m used to seeing beings flee in terror just at the sight of me, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t get tiresome... or painful,” he commented.

“I know the feeling,” Luna replied sympathetically as she gave him another nuzzle. “But don’t worry Giri, the ponies of the palace are very quick to believe Celestia and I, if we tell them that you are an honored guest, then that is how they will treat you.”

“Good to hear,” he said with a nod of his head. “Now I have less to be worried about when trying to find a way back home.”

“Exactly,” Luna said, a happy smile on her face.

“So... where am I going to stay while I’m stuck here?” he asked with an inquiring look at Luna.

“Well, you should probably stay in this room for the rest of the day while you heal, but after that... well my room is open and my bed is big enough for the both of us if you’d like,” Luna replied slowly. “Only if you’d like to of course, I won’t force you to sleep with me.”

Giratina chuckled lightly. “Heh... no... I think that will be okay... it’d be like old times huh?”

“Just like old times, though with less of your moping about your dad, and me worrying about trying to put down angry unicorn rebellions and settling the differences between unicorns and pegasi,” the mare said with an amused chuckle.

“Hehe...yeah, a lot less...” Giratina said with a small nostalgic smile.

“Speaking of which, how is your family doing?” Luna inquired thoughtfully. “Obviously Celestia is doing fine on my end but last I heard indirectly from Cres your father was still up to his old tricks.”

“By old tricks you mean letting young humans solve major crises? Yes,” Giratina replied a small nod of his head. “Even though the ‘order’ of Human Savants are unknown to the major populace of the world, my dad keeps using them to keep the balance between human and Pokemon.”

“Ah yes, the Savants are the ones capable of speaking to both humans and Pokemon correct?” Luna asked, her brow furrowing, it really had been a long time since she’d heard the term.

“Yes... I even befriended one to help stop a team from trying to use my brother and sister to destroy our universe,” Giratina said, a small smile crossing his face. “You wouldn’t believe how embarrassed they are from me saving their behinds, let alone how much they owe me for doing so.”

“Oh, I believe it,” Luna said with a small smirk. “And it’s wonderful to know that you’ve made another human friend after... what happened.”

A deep, dark frown crossed across the changeling’s face. “Yes... but it came out helping in the long run.” His frown faded away to a small proud smile. “Matt married a woman looking to become a Pokemon Professor, someone who dedicated their life to solve the ‘mysteries’ of Pokemon, and she wrote a paper, helping clear my bad reputation in a way.”

Luna’s smirk widened into a wide smile. “That’s wonderful Giri!” she said giving him another nuzzle. “I’m glad to hear it! You received far too much flack for what happened. It was not even your fault!”

Giratina's frown returned slightly. “It was my fault slightly Luna... the only thing Roxanne cleared up were some of the false legends about me... the past of my rampage is all true.”

Luna frowned but shook her head. “Regardless, you are long past what happened and it has been more than long enough for you to stop paying for it.”

“Maybe...” he simply said softly as he let out a sigh. “Still... I probably should allow my body to heal now... I think all that love you're feeding it is helping it recover faster.”

“Good,” Luna said, giving him another nuzzle. “Once you are better we can begin to unravel the mystery of your Doppelganger, and then not even your father himself could protect the scum from us!”

Giratina chuckled lightly. “Oh I bet...” he glanced up at the mare for a moment before raising his head up to kiss her on the lips. Luna blinked in surprise before deepening the kiss and leaning into it fully. They held that for a long time before Luna was finally forced to pull away to take a deep breath, her cheeks pink.

“I missed you so much Luna...” the changeling said in between pants. “You had a thousand years to wait... I had nearly two. I’m sorry I didn’t try to visit sooner.”

“It’s... it’s alright Giri,” Luna said softly as she recovered her breath and gave him a nuzzle. “I knew you would return to me eventually... and that thought kept me sane while I was up on the moon with an insane voice in my head.”

“Still... I should’ve tried to help you... I was a fool to just sit back while you-”

“Hush,” Luna said softly as she put a hoof to his lips. “Get some rest Giri, I shall focus on helping my sister spread the word of your presence, and hopefully this evening we will have more time to talk hmm?”

The changeling nodded his head. “Yeah... that sounds like a plan.” He lowered his head back down on the pillow. “I’ll see you later?”

“Of course,” she replied, leaning down to kiss him gently, lovingly, on the lips before she pulled away and her horn glowed, the lights dimming down. “Good night Giri,” she added before she walked away, her tail brushing happily from side to side.

“Good night... Lulu...” he said with a small smile as he closed his eyes, letting his mind to slowly drifted off to sleep.