• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 12,499 Views, 1,467 Comments

A New World, a New Ranger - ed2481

When a Pokemon Ranger is turned into a Ninetales along with her mate (who just so happens to be an Arcanine) she must find a way to survive in this new, and very odd world, and maybe find a way to make some reforms to the old Ranger Handbook.

  • ...

Chapter 7

Abby stared at the rampaging Tyranitar, time seemingly frozen around her, her brain working overtime.

Tyranitar, rock/dark type, fire will do nothing to it, she thought to herself as she dodged to the side from a hunk of wall. Lex might be able to help but-he and Axel are too far away. Axel might be able to get here fast enough-but he’d tear down the building on top of him.

“WHERE IS MY SISTER?!” the Tyranitar screeched again.

I’d use a Capture Stylus on it-but I don’t have one and I don’t have hands to use it, Abby thought as Kasai moved in front of her to take a blow from the monster, sending him flying into the wall where he impacted with a smack and a bark of pain.

“KASAI!” Abby shouted, angry with herself for not paying enough attention and forcing him to make that decision.

Ace meanwhile was glaring at the Tyranitar. This had not been her day. Now, there was a giant monster trying to tear its way through her station to attack her men. The dark unicorn was not going to stand for that.

Abby was about to unleash a blast of fire, maybe it would slow the beast down, when Ace’s horn glowed a brilliant green and a blast of telekinesis hit the Tyranitar dead in the stomach and sent it flying off of its feet, landing on the floor with a loud crash. Before it could make another move, the unicorn’s magic aura had covered its entire body and Ace was stalking towards it, black mane fluttering around her head.

“You have violated not only the law, but my entire building, lay there quietly before I show you how I deal with dragons!” she stated to the Tyranitar, her voice so deadly calm that Abby flinched.

The Tyranitar struggled within the magical field for thirty seconds or so before fell flat on its back.

“Let me go!” It cried out. “I’m looking for my sister!”

Ace’s horn flashed once and she looked down at the Tyranitar again. “Repeat that please.”

“He’s looking for his sister,” Abby said from where she was helping Kasai get back to his paws. “Don’t hurt him.”

“Oww...” Kasai groaned as he steadied himself, leaning against Abby. “I think he bruised a rib.”

“I wasn’t going too,” Ace replied, ignoring Kasai as she looked down at the Tyranitar. “I’m going to need your name, sir.”

“I... I’m Sven,” the Tyranitar said uncertainly. This had never happened to him before. He’d woken up this morning with a pounding headache, his little sister missing, surrounded by odd Ponyta.

“Well then Sven, I’m going to place you under arrest for assault on an officer and several dozen counts of building destruction,” Ace said, her voice staying calm.

Sven frowned. “I’m just looking for my sister...”

“And the Guard will help you find her, I promise,” Ace told him, her tone measured. “But, I’m still going to place you under arrest. I wouldn’t doubt that you’ve caused several thousand bits worth of damages.”

Meanwhile, Abby gave Kasai a lick on the cheek. “You alright Kasai?”

“I’ve been better... but then again, I’ve been worse too,” Kasai said, taking a quick glance at his prosthetic leg, making sure that it hadn’t taken any damage. Thankfully, it hadn’t. He didn’t want to have to be limping everywhere.

“Good, we’ll ask Ace if she’s got anyone who can look at you once we get this taken care of,” Abby said nodding towards the downed Tyranitar.

“-no money!” Sven was saying. “How do you expect me to pay for this?! You stupid humans always assume... stupid Ponyta things, sorry, always assume that Pokemon can pay you back for things when we really can’t!”

“We’re called ponies,” Ace stated flatly. “And watch your tone. Any belligerence and I’ll hang you upside down by your tail. As for your lack of money, maybe...”

“Have you ever been involved in any construction?” Abby asked, stepping a bit closer to the Tyranitar.

The Tyranitar blinked twice. “I’m a wild Tyranitar caring for a little human girl... why would I have worked construction?”

“Because, if you don’t have any money, then you’re going to need to find a way to pay back the ponies who you wronged,” Abby explained slowly. “Just like you would have if you’d damaged a human building and gotten captured.”

“Especially because she beat you in a battle,” Kasai pointed out.

“But my sister!” Sven shouted angrily. “She’s a fourteen year old girl! How do you expect me to sit idly by while she’s lost, and alone?!”

“Like Captain Ace said, we’ll help you find her, Ranger’s Promise,” Abby said, a calming smile on her vupine lips.

“Ranger? But... you’re a Ninetales,” the Tyranitar said with a confused look.

“I am now but I used to not be,” Abby explained with a small sigh, this was going to get tiresome to explain. “In fact, I’m more then willing to bet that your sister is a Pokemon now too, maybe even a Larvitar or a Pupitar.”

Sven looked unsettled as he lay with his back on the ground. “I... I see...” he looked very confused. “May I... May I stand up please?”

“Will you promise not to crash through any more of my walls?” Ace asked, her eyes narrowing.

“... sure,” Sven muttered, shaking his head slightly. “Sorry... I’m just so confused... nothing makes any sense.”

“We know the feeling,” Abby said calmingly as she leaned gently against Kasai, making sure to avoid his bruised rib. “Believe me, we do.”

“Right then... you’re going in the Dragon Room until we can figure out exactly what to do with you,” Ace told the Tyranitar, letting out a small sigh before she turned back to Abby. “Go make sure the rest of your ‘family’ haven’t broken down any more of my walls please? Oh, and there’s a doctor who can make sure that your rib isn’t broken down the hallway to the left. Once that’s done... I’ll find you a badge to wear and then I guess you can start off by looking for this guy’s sister.”

“Please do!” Sven said with a swift nod. “Anna thinks far too much of herself, she’ll try to do something foolish and get herself into trouble.”

Abby just nodded her head. “Don’t worry, we will,” she stated as Ace led the Tyranitar out of the room and down the hall. Thankfully, they didn’t appear to be too short for him and he only had to hunch a little bit. One he was safely out of the room Kasai let out a low growl.

“Oh, something foolish he says? How about breaking through, let’s see if I can count this right-” he said as he turned to look at the sizable hole in the walls of the station along with the nearby buildings. “-one, two, three, four, five walls, yes, five walls that he broke through on a random rampage of destruction in order to find her and he’s worried that she will do something to get herself into trouble.”

“He’s just worried about his family,” Abby told him, giving Kasai a light nuzzle. “Considering that Tyranitar have been known to take down entire mountains, I think we’re probably lucky that none of the skyscrapers are falling down on us.”

“Abby!” Lex ran through the door and then stopped, his eyes widening at the huge hole in the walls. “... what happened here?”

“A Tyranitar, I’ll fill you in after we get Kasai’s rib looked at,” Abby answered with a small sigh as she bent down to nuzzle Lex very lightly on the cheek. He stiffened slightly but leaned into the nuzzle after a moment. “Everyone okay up front? I half-expected Axel to come slamming his way through the walls when he heard the initial crash.”

“We didn’t even hear one actually,” Lex said with a frown as he glanced at Kasai who had a bit of dust on his golden coat. “You okay Kasai?”

“Fine, think I bruised a rib but other then that, nothing I can’t fight through,” the Arcanine answered. “How is everyone up front?”

“Fine? Well, we’re worried about you two, you’ve been in here for a while now,” Lex said as Abby began to walk down the hallway. “So, what’s the plan Abby?”

“We’re starting a new branch of the Pokemon Rangers, and making some modifications to our old rules” Abby answered with a smile. “After all, a new world deserves a new way eh?”

“Are you sure it’s a good idea for you to leave the rest of your ‘team’ back here?” Ace asked as she escorted Anna and Kasai towards the door, the Arcanine waiting calmly beside the Ninetales.

“Most Pokemon Rangers only bring one Pokemon with them at a time for missions,” Abby explained with a small shrug. “Besides, Kasai’s got the best nose on the team, I bet we can find this ‘Anna’ pretty easily.”

“With what scent?” Ace asked with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t remember you asking him for anything.”

“I don’t need one, I can just use Sven’s,” Kasai answered, shrugging. “Logically, if she’s his sister then she’ll have his scent all over her.”

Ace stared at him for a moment. “Even most Diamond Dogs couldn’t chase a scent like that all over the city.”

“I’m an Arcanine Ma’am, and my nose may not be as good as it was as an Growlithe, but it’s still a damn good nose,” Kasai answered, grinning proudly.

“Yes, yes it is,” Abby said, leaning against him with a smile of her own before she blinked twice and looked back at Ace. “So, do we get badges?”

“Yes,” Ace answered, her horn flaring to life causing a pair of black leather sashes to float over and then around Abby and Kasai’s necks.

The pair frowned as the sashes constricted around them for a moment before settling down. Abby glanced at Kasai’s and found that it had traveled down his neck and molded itself to his shoulder in plain view of anyone who cared to look. Emblazoned proudly on a golden badge in the middle were the words ‘Las Pegasus Guard’.

“...I wish I could do that magic stuff...” Abby said after a moment. “Though I’ve got to ask; why do you have these?”

“For the Earth Pony, Pegasus, Griffin, and Minotaur members who don’t want to keep it in their pockets,” Ace answered with a small chuckle. “Anyways... try and get back sometime before sundown but if you can’t, that’s fine too.”

“Why would it be better for us to get back before sundown?” Kasai asked with a frown.

“Because, that’s when Blackstone starts his shift as Captain,” Ace answered.

“... you have two ‘Chiefs’ of the police?” Abby asked in confusion.

“It’s complicated,” Ace stated with a small shrug. “But he takes the night half of things and I take the day. Don’t worry about explaining to him who you are, I’ll leave a letter or two to him about it.”

“Thanks,” Abby said before frowning. “Also... I don’t want us to be a burden, but we don’t exactly have any money... or anywhere to stay...”

“The Guard has temp corridors for overnight people your team can have a pair of them,” Ace stated with a slight shrug. “Anyways, go out there and see if you can’t find this ‘Anna’. If she’s as ‘subtle’ as her brother is, then I’m sure you’ll get her in no time.”

“Right,” Abby said, nodding her head and looking at Kasai. “Whenever you’re ready, Kasai.”

“Already got something,” Kasai replied with a small smirk as he began to trot away. Abby gave Ace a small smile and set off after her mate, a smile on her face.

“I can’t believe I missed the chance to fight a TYRANITAR!” Axel exclaimed for what had to have been the dozenth time. “It’s been forever since I had the kind of challenge!”

“I do not believe that you have ever fought a Tyranitar actually,” Rill pointed out with a tilt of her head, a apple in her hands. Then she bit down and half of it disappeared inside of her jaws and was quickly mulched by her powerful teeth. “So you have never had a challenge of that kind before.”

Axel let out a small snort and glanced at Lex. “Still! Fuzzball got to take down a Hydreigon last time Abby took him out on a mission. You know what I got? A group of ornery, Rydon females in mating season! They didn’t even have a Rhyperior with them!”

“Wouldn’t the addition of a Rhyperior have made your task more difficult?” Rill inquired with a frown, cocking her head to the side. “And Lex is not a fuzzball, he has fur and while it is true that fur can be fuzzy, it is more soft and silky than anything else.”

Axel just grumbled and lowered his axe-head down a little. “Those guards earlier weren’t even a good challenge, too small... I want something big to take down. Something nice and strong who can fight me as an equal!”

“You could always fight me,” Lex said blandly, a strawberry on its way to his mouth, wrapped in a ribbon. “I might not even use any fairy movies so you might last a few minutes.”

Axel glared at him for a moment before looking down at the floor. “That was just uncalled for.”

“No, I believe it was exactly what was called for,” Rill said as she leaned over and pulled Lex to her chest, easily picking him up in her powerful arms. “As always, your fascination with bloodshed confounds me considering where you were raised.”

“I’m hot blooded!” Axel retorted with a frown. “And I don’t have a ‘fascination’ with bloodshed. I have a fascination with BATTLE! Like any good Pokemon. You like battle just as much as I do!”

“I enjoy the art of combat, yes,” Rill stated. “I do not have a near sexual urge to participate in it like you do. I do not believe I have ever heard you exclaim as much during your rutting sessions then you do when you are in the midst of a ‘good battle’.”

Axel glared sourly at her. “Why were you listening to me having sex?”

“Because the Daycare has horrible sound insulation,” Rill answered with a blink. “Why?”


“My desert ruby, sometimes you really must watch what you say,” Lex told Rill as a ribbon ran down her cheek.

“I did not think I had said anything wrong,” Rill said, blinking in befuddlement. “I was simply pointing out that he truly has a sexual response to battle which makes no real sense to me.”

“I just like the flow of it,” Axel said grumpily. “If for no other reason then because I was raised fighting... we’ve talked about this before Rill.”

“Yes, and it still baffles me,” Rill answered, shrugging her wings. “The faces of all those I’ve killed appear within my mind every time I think of my past. Everything associated with it, save my eventual rescue, is nothing short of traumatising. Hearing your explanation for why you enjoy battle simply makes me doubt whether or not you cared a whit for those you killed.”

Axel glared at her and resolutely said nothing.

Lex let out a sigh and continued to stroke Rill’s face, hoping Abby would return soon. Or Luke, the quiet Gallade was very good at keeping situations lowkey and preventing arguments, if only because everyone was afraid to accidentally scare him. Speaking of Luke, Lex couldn’t help but hope that his friend was doing alright... Las Pegasus, the city of Casinos, strip clubs, and other less reputable ‘ponies’.

The Sylveon somehow doubted that Luke was enjoying his time by himself.