• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 7,719 Views, 145 Comments

A Blind Delight - MajorFrostwing

Say hello to Trevor your run of the mill blind man. Transported into Equestria via an accident. How will he survive let alone fit in?

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Part 4: The Sight I See

A Blind Delight
Part 4: The Sight I See

By: Major Frostwing

Trevor was finally brought back to the tree house. His cane had slipped out of his hand when he tried to move into the home to fast. He in turn followed after his cane moving his hands around the floor he wasn't thinking and for the first time in a very long time. He... was afraid of the darkness that has engulfed his eyesight. He knocked his hand against his cane knocking it away from him. Rarity moved past him picking up his cane she felt sorry for the human. "Where is it? Where the fuck is it?" He began to cry in frustration.

"Trevor." Rarity said placing his cane in his hand which he in turn pulled it close to his body not letting the cane go at all. "Are you alright?" Trevor didn't answer he just sat in silence until he looked up.

"Why?" He asked returning his head downward. "What did I do to be cursed like this? Why must I only see darkness?" He tightened his grip on his cane. "Why must I be picked on for something I never wanted?" Rarity couldn't help but kneel down placing a hand on his shoulder but the reaction she got was a violent one. Trevor shoved Rarity away moving backwards from her. "Whose there?" He asked in a panic. "What do you want I have nothing to give you, so just leave me alone." Twilight heard Trevor yelling which made her run down the stairs.

"Rarity what is going on?" Twilight asked frantically. She was looking over the scene seeing Rarity getting up and Trevor against a wall frantically looking around the room.

"I do not know he just started freaking out." She was now much more concerned for his safety he could hurt someone or himself in this state.

"Mommy..." Trevor said in a whisper he eventually slowed down just holding his head. "I'm scared mommy help me. I don't know where I am." Twilight listened walking towards him but when she got close all he did was lash out swinging his cane at her. "STAY BACK!" He yelled keeping her at bay when he heard her step away he went back to holding his head.

"Rarity keep an eye on him I am going to grab Fluttershy she can help." Twilight disappeared in a flash of light to get Fluttershy.

Rarity continued to watch Trevor mutter to himself. He was like a child right now something had resurfaced in his mind making him forget some of his most important skills. When she took a step anywhere in the room whether it was towards or away from Trevor he would twitch.

A second flash of light occured with Twilight and Fluttershy teleporting into the room. Fluttershy took a gentle step towards Trevor which made him look up towards the noise. When she was right next to him his arms returned to his side. "Trevor." Fluttershy said in a soothing whisper.

"Mommy." Trevor said wrapping his arms around her midsection. "I was so scared I was all alone." He sobbed into Fluttershy's sweater as Fluttershy comforted him. It was a long time before Trevor went silent having fallen asleep on Fluttershy.

"Rarity do you have any idea what would have cause Trevor to act like this?" Twilight asked her still very concerned for Trevor. Rarity looked to Twilight a look of confusion.

"I saw him in the hallway of the spa he seemed distraught over something. He seemed to be in a hurry to come back here. Now I can see why but I have no idea what caused this outburst." Rarity said watching Trevor as he slept Fluttershy was petting his head gently.


After a few hours Trevor awoke to the constant noises around him. "What happened." He muttered moving his head around the room listening for anything out of the ordinary. He reached down beside him picking up his cane opening it the familiar sound of the blade sliding out of it's sheath. He let out a sigh sheathing the blade swiftly. "Ok Trevor time to get up." He said to himself as he swung his feet off the bed he was on. When he finally stood he clicked his tongue noticing he was on the second floor of the treehouse.

"I hope Trevor recovers." Fluttershy whispered taking a sip of tea. Twilight filled her own cup silently.

"So what your saying is after Trevor went to the spa he just started to freak out like a child?" Rainbow asked leaning back in her chair.

"I have no idea before I left the spring he was in a good mood but when I saw him next he seemed angry." Rarity sighed looking down at her cup. "He snapped at me when I tried to ask him what was wrong." Applejack clenched her hand into a fist standing up suddenly walking towards the stairs. "Darling what are you doing?"

"Ay'm gonna teach that varmint some manners." Applejack made her way up the stairs seeing Trevor standing in the room tapping his cane.

"Who is it?" Trevor asked but he only had a split second to react to Applejack's punch which grazed the side of his face. The other girls were coming up the stairs only to see Applejack swing again knocking Trevor to the ground.

"Ya'll got some nerve snapping at my friend like that ya varmint." Applejack yelled as Trevor slowly stood holding his cane in a white knuckle grip. "Do you have anything ta say fer yourself?" She asked not noticing the Trevor was shaking in barely controlled furry.

Trevor drew his blade about half way before taking a shaky long sigh. The blade was slowly put back in it's sheath. "Can someone please explain why I was just attacked right after I had woken up?" Trevor was still gripping his cane tightly taking deep breaths to calm himself.

"Ya'll lashed out at Rarity twice, that does not fly with me." AppleJack shot back Trevor had a look of shock on his face he doesn't recall lashing out at anyone. Then it hit him, Trevor has a condition where in times of unrest and stress he reverts back to the mindset of a child. He does not recall such times as a defense mechanism in his mind to protect himself from what caused his stress. "So I'm here to teach you a lesson." Applejack seized Trevor by his shirt lifting him up.

"Applejack I will only ask once for you to put me down." Applejack pulled back her first about to strike when Trevor drew his blade stopping it right next to her neck. A drop of blood formed from the blade being pressed into her neck. "Do not make me repeat myself." Trevor's voice was laced with malice. Applejack understood the situation she was now in and for the first time in a long time. She was afraid for her life slowly Trevor was lowered to the floor when upon touching the ground Trevor sheathed the blade. "Goodbye and I'm sorry." Trevor whispered as he walked around Applejack towards the door all of the girls moved out of his way.

"Trevor where are you going?" Twilight asked but Trevor didn't answer he slowly made his way down the steps. "Trevor?" She asked seeing him walk out of the door. Every single one of them except Applejack were confused to his behavior recently it changed so suddenly. Twilight was about to walk to the door when Fluttershy stopped her.

"Give him time." She said with a strange determination in her eyes. "He is sorry for acting like that but he will be back when he is ready." Fluttershy let go of Twilight going over to Applejack who was muttering the same thing over and over again.

"He is a monster." Applejack muttered as Fluttershy helped her.


Trevor roamed the streets of Ponyville lost without a guide but it was night time so small blessings. He didn't know what had caused him to react that way towards a friend. He normally tried to talk things out but he resorted to violence first. "Pathetic Trevor you know better than to just attack someone. There are rules and they are to be followed to the letter." He ran a hand through his hair sighing.

"Well it's good to see you still up and about Trevor." A voice came from behind as Trevor froze in place.

"Yea I'm doing ok just need to cool my head a little and nothing does that better than a nighttime stroll." He smiled turning to face his speaker. "Good to hear you Cloudkicker." He held out his hand to her.

Cloudkicker grabbed his hand shaking it. "Well since you are as lost as a sheep without it's Shepard wanna come to my place and chat I might be able to help you." She wrapped her arm around his shoulders which made him nervous and shy all of a sudden.

"That sounds... good." He muttered as Cloudkicker lead him to her home.


Trevor and Cloudkicker walked through town in relative silence. Cloudkicker glanced over to Trevor seeing that he was very nervous and uncomfortable. "You ok there Trevor?" Cloudkicker asked with a smile.

"Y-yes I am just a little uncomfortable." He scratched the back of his head which Cloudkicker replied with a light pat on his shoulder.

"No need to be nervous we are just going to chat for now maybe the more fun activities can happen later." She tapped his shoulder again but Trevor only seemed to freeze in embarrassment. "Never been with a mare before?" She asked trying to tease him but Trevor remained silent scratching the back of his head. Cloudkicker caught on quickly noticing how bad she had just insulted this man. "How is a guy who is an expert swordsman and absolutely cute still a virgin?" She asked as Trevor only seemed to shrink under the question.

"No one wants to date a blind man in my world." He shook his head trying to clear it of a certain incident. "Let's move onto a better topic I just don't wanna to talk about it." He said motioning for her to continue walking.

"I'm sorry... Yea... Um... Oh, yes how did you learn to use a blade even though you are blind?" Cloudkicker asked walking forward.

"I found another man who was blind I do not know how he lost his eyesight or if he was born that way. He taught me how his master taught him through using my hearing to my advantage. You'd be impressed if you knew what I could hear right now." Trevor had a smug smile across his face as they walked. "Quite a few people talking about you and me right now as we are walking." He sighed moving on. "Some people need to keep their curiosity to a minimum." Cloudkicker tapped his shoulder to stop him.

"Well we are here welcome to my home." Cloudkicker unlocked the door to her home opening it before walking in. "There's not much in here but it's home." She took off her helmet setting it on a coat rack. "You can take a seat on the couch while I get changed." She walked up a set of stairs to the second floor into her room.

Trevor clicked his tongue many times to get a clear map of the room. "Two chairs, a couch, and a coffee table." He moved through the room sliding his cane across the floor finding the couch. "She wasn't lying about not having much in the room but... it feels nice in here like a home should." He lowered his head. "Feels like my house did." He heard footsteps coming down the stairs he was as still as a statue listening intently to the footsteps.

"You want some tea Mr. Swordsman?" Cloudkicker asked with a sultry tone.

"I would love some." He said trying to ignore the tone she used. "If you have Earl Grey that would be pleasant." Cloudkicker moved past Trevor sliding her hand across his cheek gently. She moved into the kitchen as Trevor sat there on the couch blushing like a little schoolgirl.

Trevor drew his sword trying to take his mind off of what Cloudkicker was doing. He pulled a small cloth out of his pocket dragging it across the blade with such care. "So much pain we have caused old friend." He smiled as he dabbed the edge of the blade cleaning it before he moved on with the rest of the blade. "Yet we stay together unwavering and undeterred from danger." Trevor stood swinging the blade once listening to it cut through the air. "I'll need to sharpen you soon." He raised the blade to eye-level smiling to the blade. The blade spun once before being sheathed.

"So you talk to your blade?" Trevor jumped at the sudden interruption. "The tea is done." Cloudkicker said setting down a cup on the coffee table before taking her seat on the couch. "Don't worry a few of the true swordsmen in the army talk with their blades." Cloudkicker took a sip of her tea watching Trevor sit down. "I do it as well but you know the reasoning behind the talking with one's weapon don't you?" Trevor picked up his cup taking a sip of it.

"I talk to it for a different reason." The cup made a light tap on the table as Cloudkicker and Trevor both set their cups down. "This cane was not my original cane it was given to me when I passed the final test in my training. My master taught me how to fight without hesitation and know how to be a master of the blade." He smiled at the memory. "Yet I feel like I have failed him by tarnishing his blade with innocent blood." Trevor set his cane down on the coffee table. "I was attacked and when I defended myself against the attack by drawing my blade... I didn't stop my blade in time and I put a light cut on the neck of my attacker and friend." Cloudkicker placed her hand on his shoulder consoling him.

"It happens Trevor you need to apologize to your friend so they know that you were in the wrong and you acknowledge it." Cloudkicker pat his shoulder again as he leaned forward lifting his cup to his lips.

"So you're in the guard what's it like?" Trevor asked with a smile.

"Boring most of the time. When the guard arrive on scene they seem to just give up." She sighed running a hand through her hair. "Something tells me to keep an eye on you though." She said slyly.

"Probably for the best and I will keep an ear out for you." Trevor returned smiling as well.

"Oh pretty cocky aren't you?" Trevor let out a chuckle nodding. "So ever been in a competition for sword fighting?"

"Yea I participated in the Olympics in my world won the gold medal as well" Trevor seemed to beam with pride over his success. "Wouldn't mind going into another one see how good this world is at swordsmanship." Trevor held his cane out in front of himself feeling it's weight. "I doubt they will let a blind man compete though."

"As long as you can wield a blade on a professional level they should allow you to compete." She pat Trevor on the shoulder thinking of another question to ask him. "So ever had a marefriend?" Trevor almost dropped his cane in shock.

"No... Um... I have been single all my life no one can seem to get past the whole can't see thing." Trevor set his cane down on the table with a sigh. "Can't blame them though most people look at a disabled person as beneath them not worth their time. It's a sad way of thinking but they don't know of the hardships of being disabled." He finally shrugged thinking about something else. "I used to chat with people using my friend to help me but once they found out about me being blind they would say the same crap. "It must be so difficult to live like that." And then they would stop talking to me all together."

"If they can't see you for you buck them." Cloudkicker stood up walking towards the kitchen. "I'm gonna grab a hard cider you want one?" Trevor didn't even think about it.

"Make it a double if you can." He said with a chuckle.


6 mugs of cider later...

Cloudkicker and Trevor were singing an old drinking tune that they both strangely knew. They were arm in arm swaying to the tune when they were done they giggled and laughed at how silly they were acting.

"Trevor I have to say you are one awesome stallion." Cloudkicker said taking a large swig out of her mug. "I mean you who has been blind for most of his life turned it around it an unstoppable force of skill." Trevor nodded agreeing with her. "I'm serious i bet if you were to join a competition you would wipe the floor with those punks."

"Wipe the floor? Please I would polish and wax it with them." Trevor let out a hearty laugh which was soon joined by Cloudkicker.

"I think there is a competition in Canterlot next month you should enter it." Trevor nodded happy with being able to test his skills once again. "Did I mention that you were really cute?" She asked giggling.

"I think you said that once or twice." Trevor said feigning deep thought. "Or was it several times?" He then began to actually count the number of times she said that in his head.

"We should go out sometime maybe find you a nice mare there are a bunch in this town that are single." She took another large drink before slamming the empty mug on the table. Trevor only remained silent holding his mug in his hands.

"Nah I'm good I don't want to just go out to find some girl who just wants to sleep with me I want something special... Something I could never have." Trevor take a large gulp of his mug finishing it. "I want a relationship something I have to work on to keep going... you know?" Trevor asked looking downwards.

"I never tried to go for something like that. It was always one night stands no strings attached just something to get off and then leave." Cloudkicker filled her mug up once again and filled Trevor's as well. "Celestia knows I would like to have something like that but it's hard to throw away a bad habit." She took a drink before sighing.

"I know what you mean." Trevor set down his mug pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket putting one in his mouth. "Step outside with me I don't smoke in someone else's home." Trevor stood a little shakily but was helped by Cloudkicker to the door. When they stepped outside Trevor lit his cigarette taking a long drag. "I have been smoking since I turned 18 and have tried everything to quit. It just takes the edge off of my day and allows me to relax." Cloudkicker nodded patting him on the shoulder. "Can't really compare the two though I don't even know what sex is like so what the hell do I know?" He let out a small chuckle taking another drag.

"It's fun and feels great but I have never made love only banged." Cloudkicker took a deep breath of the night air. "So what's it like to smoke?" She asked looking at the cigarette in his hand.

"Tastes like shit, makes you short of breath, and all around makes you feel like an idiot for starting." Cloudkicker laughed at the last comment. "It's a stupid habit I wish I never started." When he finished his cigarette he tossed it away from the home. Cloudkicker showed Trevor back into her home and to the couch.

"Well we all have done our fair share of stupid decisions." Trevor nodded in agreement picking his mug back up. "But we learn from them like everything else." Cloudkicker leaned over onto Trevor's shoulder. "That's what makes us into what we are." She nuzzled his shoulder smiling to herself.

"You're drunk." Trevor said with a chuckle and Cloudkicker responded with a light giggle she went strangely quiet as Trevor felt her fall asleep. He smiled to himself setting the mug down on the coffee table. "Come on let's get you to bed." Trevor said lifting Cloudkicker bridal style slowly Trevor made his way to the steps. He traversed them with utmost care for his sleeping passenger. When he finally made it up the stairs he opened one of the doors on his left clicking his tongue. He knew the room was rather large with a long object against the far wall. He made his way over to the bed feeling how soft it was.

"Softest bed I have ever felt." Trevor murmured to himself laying Cloudkicker on the bed. She let out a low moan at being placed in her bed. Trevor only smiled moving one of the blankets over her. "Sleep tight Cloudkicker." Trevor whispered before sitting down on the floor next to her bed. He leaned his back against the bed falling asleep with relative ease he would have to go apologize to the girls tomorrow for what he had done.

Author's Note:

Another chapter in for it's count. Sad new the two chapters I had finished writing had to be scraped due to the fact... Well there is no easy way to say this but they were so bad I could have used a sledge hammer to type a better chapter. So I will be out of posting for a bit while I sort out the next few chapters. Anywho enjoy chapter 4: The Sight I See.