• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 7,729 Views, 147 Comments

A Blind Delight - MajorFrostwing

Say hello to Trevor your run of the mill blind man. Transported into Equestria via an accident. How will he survive let alone fit in?

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Part 2: A Strange Sight

A Blind Delight
Part 2: A Strange Sight

By: Major Frostwing

Trevor was sitting in the library unmoving. "You think he is going to be alright Twilight?" Rainbow asked her as they watched Trevor just sit in the chair staring at nothing.

"How long has he been sitting there Darling?" A girl asked watching the man closely.

"Ever since I told him where he was and what we are he hasn't spoken or moved." Twilight said as A pink haired girl move her hand in front of Trevor's face trying to get his attention. "Pinkie he can't see what your doing." Twilight said with a sigh at what her friend was doing.

"Plus it is quite rude to mess with him like that." The purple haired woman said calmly.

"Oh come on Rarity he has some weird ability to tell when something is near according to Rainbow Dash." Pinkie said as she waved her hand in front of Trevor again.

A light knock came to the door which was answered by Spike. A woman with coral hair entered the room walking lightly through the room towards the others. For the first time in half an hour Trevor moved his head towards the walking woman. "Hello..." Said the girl in a light whisper. Trevor stood up suddenly looking towards the woman.

"Mother is that you?" He asked as he walked towards the woman only to hear her move away from him hearing her squeak in fear. "I can tell your still in the room please say something." Trevor seemed to be in tears even though the woman in front of him wasn't his mother.

"Trevor that's Fluttershy not your mother." Twilight said placing a hand on his arm to stop him. "Take a seat please you are making her uncomfortable." Trevor sighed moving back to his seat sitting down.

"I'm sorry she walks and talks just like my mother." He said holding his cane close to him. "I'm sorry miss Fluttershy I guess I am just not used to being in this new world." Pinkie waved her hand in front of his face once before he grabbed her wrist. "Pinkie, enough, it's becoming annoying." He said before releasing her arm. He heard a strange deflating noise coming from Pinkie.

"So why were you just sitting still for so long?" Rainbow asked as he looked towards her.

"Just trying to keep my mind together is all." He said as he moved his hand through his hair. "But oh well." He clicked his tongue to see his surroundings. "I can see where most of you are except for two." He said with a chuckle.

"But your blind how can you see us?" Rarity asked genuinely interested.

"Imagine a bat and how they see at night." He clicked his tongue again. "Echolocation is something a few blind people in my world have learned to use to see our surroundings." He chuckled happily. "It's a lot of fun to use." He heard someone move towards him. "Announce yourself when approaching a blind man." He said calmly only to hear an eep.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know..." She was distressed. Trevor waved a dismissive hand. "I just wanted to know what happened to your eyes... If you don't mind my asking..." Trevor tapped his cane on the floor.

"It was an accident in my world many years ago where something entered my eyes bleaching my eyes until it damaged my eyes beyond repair." He removed his glasses opening his eyes to show them. There were scars around his eyes along with the fact his eyes had no color to them except a light grey almost pure white. "My eyes can not be fixed and I am stuck being blind for the rest of my days." He smiled like a child as he slipped the glasses back onto his face.

"What's it like?" Twilight asked trying not to sound rude.

"Well the simplest way to put it is dark... very dark." Trevor then snapped his fingers. "Actually Twilight can you make some blind folds so no light can go through them?" He asked smiling.

"Of course."

"Go grab them and blind-fold everyone in the room then I will walk you through a simple day as a blind man." Twilight left the room with some sort of pep in her step.


A few minutes later everyone was blind-folded sitting down in chairs. "Alright can any of you see at all?" Trevor asked calmly.

A collective of snaps occurred to signal they couldn't see at all.

"Alright here we go all of you stand up slowly and then tell me one at a time where you are in the room." Spike was the one to guide them to their chairs which were spread all throughout the room.

They all stood slowly looking around the room then Trevor heard a click of a tongue. "I'm really close to the door..." Fluttershy said quietly.

Rainbow and all the other had basically the same answer. Not a god damn clue where they were in the room. Trevor laughed when he heard two of them run into each other when he told them to try walking around the room. Eventually the blind folds came off.

"It must be difficult for you Trevor going through this every day." He only smiled.

"It's cool I have been living with this for 19 years you get used to it after a while." He said standing slowly. "But oh well can't fix it so I'll live with it." Trevor stretched before picking up his cane. "Twilight do you have some place I can practice?"

"Practice what?"

"Well I do fencing and I like to practice to keep my reaction times sharp an my form up." Twilight shrugged leading Trevor outside the others followed after them.


Trevor stood in the backyard of the library holding his cane firmly in both of his hands he twisted it before drawing his blade. He held the blade out in front of him. His breathing became slow and precise holding his form unmoving. Rainbow picked up a stone throwing it at him Trevor suddenly moved slicing the stone out of the air. "Well don't just stop like that keep it up." A few minutes later the girls were throwing fruit at Trevor which he deflected or sliced out of the air completely. Trevor caught the next object thrown at him before standing up straight he looked to the sky behind him he parried the attack that came at him. which happened to be a guard clad in armor with a blade similar to Trevor's except it had a hand guard.

"Cloud Kicker?" Applejack said before the guard launched forwards at Trevor swinging her blade which was blocked with ease.

"Can I help you miss?" Trevor asked as the woman shifted her blade trying to stab Trevor in the face which resulted in Trevor pushing her off with a shove. "Come on I'm not even trying." Cloud Kicker swung again to be blocked and parried. When Trevor attacked he was met with the same blocks and parries.

"Pretty good with that blade of yours." Cloud Kicker said as the battle continued. A small crowd began to gather seeing the battle being waged. The lieutenant Cloud Kicker Versus The strange creature with sun glasses. Neither was struck by the others blade for a good while until they both froze in place Cloud Kickers blade was frozen next to Trevor's neck but Trevor's blade was in the center of her chest.

"Not a bad match miss." Trevor stood up straight sheathing his blade in his cane locking it in place.

"Where were you stationed to be so skilled with that blade?" Cloud Kicker asked sheathing her own blade.

"I wasn't stationed anywhere I just learned how to wield a blade so I could prove that I could use my disadvantage as an advantage." Cloud Kicker looked at his strangely. "I am blind after all." At that knowledge Cloud Kicker's jaw dropped. She was being fought against on equal footing by a man who could not see.

"But how can you tell where I was striking?" Cloud Kicker asked as the crowd dispersed with the help of Twilight and her friends.

"Simple I could hear your blade swinging through the air." Trevor walked to her placing his hand on her shoulder paldron. "That and your armor clinks together when you are about to strike simply by listening I can tell which arm was swinging and where the strike was coming from." Trevor chuckled tapping her shoulder before walking past her.

"What is your name?" Cloudkicker asked turning to face Trevor. "I must know."

"Trevor." He said with a smile. "Just Trevor." He clicked his tongue noticing the door wasn't that far away from him. "I look forward to a rematch miss." Trevor moved into the house leaving everyone standing outside.

Cloudkicker turned to the others seeming to have a light blush on her face. "Cloudkicker are you blushing?" Rainbow asked with a mischievous smile.

"What!? No! Me blushing unheard of it's just hot is all." Cloudkicker began to fan herself.

"The mistress of the bedroom is blushing now that's new." Rainbow said elbowing Cloudkicker in the side in a light-hearted manner. Cloud kicker only continued to redden at the constant thought of the newcomer before she finally couldn't take it anymore. "So you have the hots for Trevor." Rainbow said chuckling.

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!" Cloukicker took off with a mighty flap of her wings. She rocketed across the sky towards her home.

"Well that certainly was unexpected from Cloudkicker." Twilight said looking back towards the tree house.

"Indeed darling. Even though I don't approve of her lifestyle her acting flustered is rather new." Rarity said looking towards where Cloudkicker went. "I wonder if Trevor noticed." She looked back to see Trevor leaning against a wall keeping his face forward. All the other girls looked as well.

"I'm gonna say... no~." Rainbow said sarcastically but when she finished with her sentence Trevor turned looking straight at her.

"Blind not deaf." Trevor said shaking his head before he crossed his arms.

Rainbow swallowed nervously Trevor was indeed a strange creature but a very interesting one as well.