• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,489 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

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The next day, Colin was getting ready to say goodbye to his brother and his friends. As like they have came here before, Discord was with them, just about ready to snap his finger to get them back to their home. Colin was happy that he got to spend a little more time, but was also saddened that they have to leave now. Fluttershy and her friends, along with the other Ponyville inhabitants were with him.

"Colin, you know that we will always come to visit you from time to time, right?" Johnny said to him

"Yeah." The boy wiped his nose. "I know. I just... can't believe this is happening right now. he turned his face away, trying to hide his feelings from his brother and cronies.

"Ah, come here, Colin." he opened his arms and crouched on his knees, waiting for his little brother to hug him. At least, the boy could no longer hide it.

He ran to him and hugged him really tightly. "I... I don't want you to go." He cried.

"Dude, it's okay. It's really okay." Johnny soothed.

"I know. I... I know you guys will come back to see me again, but... I'll miss you." the boy sobbed.

"Ah, Colin." said Christian. "We'll miss you too."

"Oui. This is not a final goodbye." Severin added. "We will visit you from time to time. We promise."

"Yeah, dude. We will." Bobby said. Then the band joined in on the hug with the two brothers.

"I love you guys."

"We love you too, Colin." all four band members said. The crowd went "aww" after hearing that. A few of them, including Fluttershy had tears in their eyes. It was certainly heart-wrenching seeing this moment.

"Well, I think we should go now. Okay, Discord. Let's go." Johnny said to the master of chaos

"Very well. You might want to let go, Colin." the boy did what the drancequus told him and let go of his older sibling. He snapped his finger, and the worst was expected for him. His brother, and the band were gone. He fell on his knees, and was silent. The crowd looked at him with concern.

"Goodbye Johnny." he said quietly while closing his eyes with even more tears streaming down his face.

Fluttershy walked up to him, as did Big Mac and some other Ponyville inhabitants. It consisted the other elements, Spike, the Crusaders, Pip, Cloudchsaer and Flitter, Rumble and Thunderlane, and Lyra and Bon Bon. "Colin," the yellow pegasus said with concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Colin said in reply. However, he sounded like he was in great emotional pain right now. "I'm fine." He felt himself being gently and slowly hugged by his mother behind his back. Then he felt himself being turned around so Fluttershy could hug him properly

"Shh. Don't cry sweetie." Fluttershy said really softly. "I'm here. It's alright." she patted his back a couple of times.

"You know Johnny and the guys will be back, right?" Twilight asked him.

"I... I know."

"We're here for you. You got us." Thunderlane added

" Thunderlane's right, Colin. Everything will be alright, little buddy." said Rainbow

The boy did not say anything in response for a few long seconds, and he just hugged Fluttershy in silence. Scootaloo slowly walked up behind him and looked at him. The look of him was just so heartbreaking to her. She hates seeing her new boyfriend in shambles like this. She thought of a way to cheer him up a little. Without him knowing, she kissed his cheek a little longer than Fluttershy's to show him how much she loves him. Colin stopped his crying for a minute and looked at Scootaloo with a sad smile on her face "Thanks, Scootaloo." he whimpered.

"You're welcome, buddy." she replied to him in a soft voice

"I know how you feel kiddo, please don't be sad." said Big Mac. "But, come on, I wanna see a smile on your face."

"I would like to, daddy." the boy replied. "But... I can't."

Then Discord came back out of a magic purple cloud. "Well, i'm back." he said proudly. He noticed Colin crying and had a sad look on his face. "Did I.... miss something, perhaps?" he asked

"No." Colin replied. "It's fine... I... I just need to be alone. Mommy, can you please take me home?"

"Of course, sweetie. Let's go."

"Wait, I want you to know Colin that we love you, and We will always be here for you." said Big Mac

"Thanks, daddy." he replied. "I love you guys."

"We love you too, Colin." all of the Ponyville inhabitants replied to him, really touching his heart with their love. He smiled faintly as he sniffed himself, and Fluttershy continued walking back home, comforting Colin while doing so. The others looked on at him with worriment and great sympathy.


a little later, Colin was sitting sadly under his covers on his bed in his underwear. He was sobbing quietly. "Colin?" siad a voice. He recognized who it was, and lifted the covers over himself. It was Evelyn and Benjamin in their angel clothing.

"Mommy? daddy?" he said in disbelief as he eased his crying.

"Hello, kiddo." said Benjamin warmly. "Me, and your mother have been watching you perform with your brother and his friends on the talent show, and last night. We are very proud of you, my son."

"Yes, Sweetie." Evelyn added. "That song you sang with him on the talent show was the sweetest thing our two boys could do for us."

"Thanks, mommy, thanks daddy." he replied. "But I wish Johnny, Severin, Bobby, and Christian didn't have to go." he bowed his head.

"Oh, Colin." said Benjamin. He sat on the bed next to him as did Evelyn on the other side of him. "We know you miss him, but it is not the final goodbye."

"I know."

"And besides, he did say he would come visit you every now and again, right?" Evelyn added.

"Yeah, but mommy, I still miss him."

"And I am pretty sure he misses you too. He has got Discord to help you, who we heard likes to visit different dimensions."

"True. That's true."

"So i'm sure he can visit Johnny every now and again and bring them back here to Equestria. He did it once before, he can do it again."

"Yeah. That's also true, daddy." the boy became less sad and a little more happy by the fact that both his deceased parents are right about what they are saying and trying to tell him. "You're right. I'm sorry if I am being such a crybaby about this. Really, I am."

"You're not a crybaby, champ." Benjamin said. "You're one of the bravest guys i have ever met."

"Yes, sweetie."

"You're right. They'll come back. I know it."

"Exactly. So, you should be happy. Look all around you. You have Flutterhsy, and all the other members of your new family."

"You know that I would never replace you guys, right?"

"Oh of course, sweetie." said Eveylin.


"Do you feel better now, Colin?" Benjamin asked him

"Yeah. I think i do."

"We're glad. And we might as well say it again, we are very proud of you, and Johnny for performing those songs together." Evelyn added.

"We love you Colin." they both said

"I love you too, mommy and daddy." he replied.

Then they both slowly faded into nothingness back to heaven. "Bye Colin." said Benjamin."

"Bye." then they were gone in a flash. That was just then Fluttershy came in the room, with a worried look on her face.

"Colin, are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine mommy." the boy replied a little more happy than before.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Good. Everypony in Ponyville was worried about you. Oh, and speaking of which, Princess Celestia and Luna are also concerned about you."

"Sorry if I worried them."

"Oh don't be sorry. You know we all love you, right?"

"I do."

"Exactly. So, would you like to come see everypony again? And maybe tell them you're okay now?"

"Yeah. I guess."

"Good. Let me carry you."

"Okay, mommy." She bent down and the boy slowly climbed on her, ready for another ride from his mother. The yellow pegasus walked down the stairs and the animals came up to them to check on Colin. "Now now, critters." She said to them.

"Please don't make him nervous like this. I know you are all worried about him, but he needs some space."

"It's alright, mommy." The boy looked at the animals and addressed to them "I'm okay guys. I'm feeling better."

The animals were glad to hear that and made sounds of joy as they were more than happy to see the boy pull through. Fluttershy went out the door and said bye to her animal friends before she went to Ponyville.

"So mommy?"


"What about Discord?"

"Oh don't worry, sweetie. We will see him too. He likes to make his own.... Entrances to say the least."

Colin laughed "Yeah, I know that. Always pulling tricks"

"Exactly. So where would you like to go first, sweetie?"

"Ummm.... I don't care. Anywhere would be nice for me."


When they reached the town, many of the inhabitants noticed Colin and were quite happy to see him recover from his internal wounds. Colin was happy to see all of them as well. As they were walking down one of the main paths, a mare cried out "Colin!"

It was Cheerilee, who trotted over to the two with concern. "Oh, hi miss Cheerilee." Colin greeted. "How are you?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing. Are you okay? I was really worrie about you and your brother and all."

"I'm fine, miss Cheerilee. I know Johnny and his friends will come back for me again. I just know."

"Good. I am very happy to hear that." Cheerilee said gladly. "Speaking of which, I would like to say good job on your performances yesterday and in the talent show."

"Was I good?"

"You were great." Cheerilee remarked.

"Oh I know, he really did an amazing job on his guitar playing. And the band sounded great too." Fluttershy added

"They should definitely play again some time soon, that's for sure. Well, anyway, I am glad you are okay, sweetie. See you tomorrow at school."

"Bye Cheerilee." Then the purple mare blissfully walked away.

Fluttershy continued many blocks down the street and saw her friends coming out of Sugarcube Corner.

"Fluttershy, Colin, hello!" Twilight called out. The others looked as happy to see them as she was and followed her to them. "Colin, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Twilight. Thank you." The boy replied

"Good. I told them you would pull through, right buddy?" Rainbow said gently jabbing his arm with her elbow while hovering. The boy laughed

"We were ever so worrie about you, sweetie." Rarity added

"Yeah, we feel really sorry that Johnny had to go back home." Said Applejack

"It's okay, Applejack. I know they will come back for me. They said they would."

"Right. So, are you sure you are okay?" Twilight asked again

"Yep. I'm feeling fine"

"Good. Just checking on you."

"Hey Colin, would you and Fluttershy like to hang out with us?"

"Sure. What do you think, mommy?"

"I think I would love too. Nothing better than spending a little quality with my best friends and ,y own son." She kissed him on his cheek.

"Thanks, mommy."

"Good. We were going out for tea and biscuits." Pinkie reminded

"Well, I was thinking of drinking more like root beer than tea."

"Oh don't worry. I know a good place where you can have root beer." Said Rainbow. "At the cafe." She pointed

"That's good."

"Well. Come on, everypony!" Pinkie said happily. They all went to the cafe and sat at two tables because there was a little too much capacity for just one table. Colin sat with a fluttershy, Twilight, Spike, and Applejack sat on one table while Rarity, Rainbow, and Pinkie sat on another one.

"Colin! Hey Colin!" Called another voice. There was a large group of ponies coming up to them, indeed, they all want to check on the boy. It was Cloudchaser, Thundelane, Rumble, Flitter, Pip, the crusaders, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Lyra and Bon Bon. "There you are. Hello, Fluttershy." Said Cloudchaser. "Are you okay, Colin?"

"I'm fine, Cloudchaser thanks for asking me."

"I hope we are not bothering you, but we were so worried about you." Thunderlane added

"It's alright, Thunderlane." Colin replied. "I'm happy that you all care about me."

"We do. We love you, Colin." Said Lyra

"I love you too guys. Say, guys? I wanna know: we will always be together, right?"

"Of course we will Colin. We're a family." Fluttershy said

"We'll always love you and care about you, like a true family member." Scootaloo added. She then gave him another kiss on his cheek, and this time it was shorter than earlier.

"Can I have a hug?"

"Of course you can." They all joined in on a group hug for the boy

Colin felt a tear of joy and happiness escape his eye. He was so happy to have a family like them. "I love you, guys."

"We love you too, Colin." They all replied back to him.

"So, you wanna do something fun with us later on?" Bon Bon offered

"Yeah, we can show you how to bake a cake or help you learn how to play a harp." Said

"I can work on the farm with ya." Big Mac added

"Oh, we can go to the arcade." Said Pip. "We'll have lots of fun there!"

"Guys guys. I know you're happy to see him happy, but let him choose." Twilight noted.

"It's alright. I don't mind doing them one at a time. They all sound really fun

"Perfect. Well, we might as well be going, Colin. See you soon." Said Thunderlane. They all said bye to him and they went off. Except Big Mac, who decided to stay since he is Colin't new father after all.

"Mind if I stay with you guys?"

"Not at all, daddy."

"Oh yes. We have no problem with that at all." Fluttershy added

The red stallion smiled and happily sat next to his son.

"Oh, there you are, little boy." Said Discord who came out of nowhere. "I see you are okay now perhaps?"

"I sure am."

"Marvelous. I just thought I would check on you. Mind if I hang with you guys for a while?"

"Eh, why not." Twilight smirked. Then the master of Chaos sat in the table with Rarity, Rainbow, and Pinkie, and conjured a nicer chair that was more like a throne than a stool. He winked at Colin and smiled at him.

It was night time and Colin was ready for bed. Fluttershy tucked him in and gave him a goodnight kiss on his forehead.

"Well, sweetie. Tomorrow is a big day for you." Fluttershy said

"I know, mommy. Another fun day at school tomorrow." The boy replied. "Do you think you can.... Read me a bedtime story? Please?"

"Oh of course I will." She said. She told Coli. About a story about a lonely baby dragon who found a new mommy. The boy was smiling and thought of how he came all this way to a new good life on Equestria.

Colin, could never be more happier than this, and was happy to be with Fluttershy as his new mother. He thought of his other friends and family and how much he loves the, all, then his parents, the. Johnny and the band. He was more happy in Equestria because he knew that on his heart, he was home.

The End

Rights for this song go to Phil Collins

Author's Note:

Well, I hope you all like this story. I promise I will create sequels involving Colin and his misadventures in Equestria. For now, enjoy this last chapter on A Boy's Tears. Thank you all who support it.