• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,515 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

  • ...

Colin the Farmhand

"So, Zebrica really does have the animals that Africa has?" Colin asked curiously. He and the zebra Zecora have been having a really interesting conversations between one another.

"Oh yes. From lions, antelopes, mambas, baboons to shrews, naming the most fascinating is so hard to chose." Zecora replied

"Wow. That is amazing." Then Colin thought of Severin, a close friend tl his brother, Johnny. "I know someone Africa in my world." He said. "He's a really nice and cool guy."

"Who would that be?" Asked Zecora, interested to know who this man might be, definitely wanting to meet him to know more about Africa. "This human you know, I would definitely like to see."

"His name is Severin. He is one of my brother's best friends, and they are in a band together. Severin is from a place called Gabon, which is one of the countries in Africa. He told me it is a very cool place to go to."

"Really?" Said Fluttershy in amazement. "What is he like?"

"He likes me and he is really nice to me, like my brother and his other friends." Colin replied. "He plays as the rhythm guitarist for the band, and is a pretty good player, almost as awesome as my brother."

"That is so wonderful." Said Twilight. "Have you known him for a while?"

"Well, i only met him a few times over the years and we did many fun things with my brother and the guys together with my mommy and daddy. We even went to Disney world together on vacation." Th others gave a little raise on their one eyebrow in question, obviously they never heard of Disney or his works.

"Disney world?" Spike asked curiously. "What kind of a place is that?"

"It's an awesome place and the happiest place ever." Colin said enthusiastically. "It's a theme park with lots of cool rides to go on, hotels to stay in, water parks, and even a zoo called Disney's Animal Kingdom."

"That is so incredibly wonderful." Said Fluttershy. Now she felt like going to Disney world even though she doesn't know what is is exactly, and more interested to see the Animal Kingdom over the other subjects."

"Yeah, and my favorite Disney characters are them and even get to hug them and take pictures of them."

"What kind of characters?" Asked Spike

"Ummmm. It is so hard to say. I'll tell you about it later, it might be a really lomg, but awesome story."

"Oh. Okay." Spike said

"We understand." Twilight added.

Then the boy focused his attention back to the zebra. "So you create potions and cures in this large cauldron?" He asked her

"Oh yes, I know every poison and cure, for I know all the antidotes to cleanse the sickness in anypony for sure."

"Wow. Do you get some ponies coming to you for a cure?"

"Well, I can cure anypony if I wanted too, but I am not a doctor, and I shouldn't bite off more than I can chew."

"Oh. That's awesome."

"Indeed, I will do what I can to cure anypony in need and I will do everything I can to succeed."

"Good. Oh! And by the way..... Parlez-vous Francais?" Colin asked curiously

"Oui, Je parle Francais, mon ami." Zecora replied. "Yes, French is quite common in many Zebrican tongues, and we have known it for long."

"You speak French in Zebrica?" Asked Spike

"Not all of it, Spike." Twilight corrected.


"Yes, many Zebrican countries were colonized by Prance and speaking french in one of those countries would be a great chance."

"That's awesome." Said Spike

"It was certainly a pleasure to meet you Colin." Said Zecora warmly. "And thank you for coming over Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike. Feel free to stop by again whenever you would like."

"Nice to meet you too, Zecora." Colin added. Fluttershy got down so that Colin could ride on her again like Twilight carrying Spike. "Okay mommy. Thank you for bringing me here. Can we go home, please?"

"Of course we can, sweetie." Fluttershy replied sweetly. "Thank you so much for the tea, Zecora."

"You are very welcome, do drop by in case you once again run out of some." Zecora replied.

"We will." Twilight said. Then, she, and Fluttershy, with Spike and Colin on their backs, went out the door and waved at the zebra one last time. Then the zebra went to back to mixing her brews on her cauldron.

"Zecora sounds really nice." said Colin

"She is nice." Fluttershy remarked with a smile to him. "Would you like me to fetch you some tea when we get home?"

"Yes, please." Colin replied. "Say, mommy, do you think you can buy me some root beer one of these days? if there is any in Equestria?"

"Oh yes, there is root beer in Equestria." said Fluttershy. "You like root beer?"

"I love root beer." Fluttershy, twilight and Spike laughed at his adorableness.

"Okay, okay. Maybe another time, okay, sweetie?"

"Okay, mommy." Then he looked at Twilight. "Say, Twilight, do you think we might encounter any dangerous monster on the way back?" he made a little gulp. "I hope we don't"

"Don't worry, sweetie." said Twilight warmly. "This is a pretty safe road in this part of the Everfree forest. Everything will be fine. Besides, you got me, Spike, and Fluttershy to protect you."

"Yeah. Sorry if I asked you that question."

"Oh no. You're alright. It's good knowing you like to be on alert on some things." Then Twilight winked at him

"So, any big plans, Colin?"

"Well.... Not right now." Colin replied frankly. "Well, I might do something fun later. Why do t ask, Spike?"

"Oh no reason." Spike replied "just askin"

"Okay. What about you and Twilight?"

"Well, I think I am just going to do the usual chores and maybe read some comic books after I'm done."

"And I am going to do some more reading and studying on Star Swirl the Bearded. And then maybe do a little food shopping with Spike."

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that." Spike remembered

"That's neat." Without realizing it, they already made it back to Ponyville in an instant. It felt like merely thirty or twenty seconds.

"Well, see you later, Fluttershy." Said Twilight. Then she looked at the boy. "I'll be seeing you soon, Colin. If you ever want to stop by the castle, please let me know."

"Okay, Twilight. I will." Colin replied. "See you later, Spike."

"See ya, Colin." The baby dragon replied.

"Enjoy the tea, guys." Said Fluttershy as her friends were heading back to their castle. "Well, let's go home, Colin"

"Ok." Then she went back to her cottage to fetch her son the tea she promised him.

Fluttershy gave Colin the herbal green leaf tea and he enjoyed the taste of the liquid in his mouth. It tasted much better than the tea in his home world, even better than England's tea. "How does it taste?" She asked him.

"It tastes good." Colin replied before slowly drinking a little more.

Fluttershy smiled. "Good." Then she made tea of her own and then sat with Colin. "So, Colin, you told me that you are going to participate in the fall talent show at school?" He nodded a yes to her with a smile. "Wonderful. What would you like to do?"

"Well..... i haven't really thought about it yet, but I was thinking maybe I should sing a sing to everyone. I am a really good singer, and I played with Johnny and the band before."

"Really? That us so incredible. That would be so wonderful." Fluttershy took another sip of her tea. "Is there going to be rock or metal in the song?"

"Yeah!" Colin said with joy making the devil horns gesture with his hand. Fluttershy giggled. "I hope you're okay with it."

"Of course I am." Then Fluttershy motioned herself toward his ear. "I am a pony who likes rock and metal myself."

This made Colin all the more excited. "Really? You didn't tell me that."

Fluttershy blushed. "Well, i don't really talk about it with other ponies. They might think I am unusual."

"Come on, mommy. There no need to feel embarrassed. Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity are your best friends, they will understand."

"Your right." Said Fluttershy feeling a little more confident. "I love you, sweetie." Then she gave him her magic kiss on his cheek."

"I love you too, mommy." He replied. Then after they finished their tea, they heard a knock on the door. Fluttershy opened and answered the door, and it was Applejack, one of her closest friends.

"Howdy, Fluttershy." Said Applejack

"Hello, Applejack. How are you?"

"Doin' mighty fine. And you?"

"Wonderful. What brings you here?"

"Well, is Colin here?"

"Oh yes, he's just eating a snack."

"May I come in?"

"Of course." Then Applejack entered the cottage.

"Hi Applejack." The boy said in a friendly and sweet voice.

"Hi, Colin. How are you doing today?" Asked Applejack, gently rubbing his head playfully. The boy laughed after she was done.

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"Good. Say, Colin, I was hoping you were not busy and I was wondering: would you like to visit me and my family's farm? Maybe do some work with the animals?"

"I would love to!" Colin exclaimed excitingly. Then he looked at his mother for her approval. "Please mommy? Can I go with Applejack?"

Fluttershy giggled. "Of course you can, sweetie." She looked at Applejack. "He'll be alright, will he, Applejack?"

"Of course. He'll be fine. I wouldn't ask him to come along but it would be dangerous."

"Good point. Oh you are one of my best friends after all." Fluttershy remarked.

"That's what best friends are for." Applejack winked at her. "So, would you like me to give you a ride, Sugarcube?"

"Yeah." Applejack walked up to the child and crouched on her knees so that he can ride on her, and then she got up on her feet again. "See you later, mommy."

"Bye sweetie. Have fun on the farm." Fluttershy replied.

"I will."

"And don't worry, Fluttershy." Said Applejack. "Colin will be safe with me, Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Applebloom."

"I know he will." As Applejack went out the door, Colin looked back at her and waved, and she did the same to him as he was fading from her view.

"So how are things?" Asked Applejack

"Good. Me, and mommy went with Spike and Twilight to Zecora's hut in the Everfree forest."

"Really? How was it?"

"It was awesome! Zecora is really nice and we talked about many cool things. She told me about Zebrica and it's animals. And she ways spoke in rhyming."

"That is wonderful, Sugarcube. She is a nice zebra, isn't she?" Said Applejack.


"So when we get to the farm, what would you like to do first?"

"Ummmm.... can I think about it, Applejack?"

"Of course you can, sugarcube." said Applejack. "So, besides that, what made you interested in Zebrica?"

"Well, it reminded me of one of my friends that is in my brother's band." Colin replied.


"Yep, he's from a country called Gabon, a country in a continent called Africa. His name is Severin, and he talks like Zecora does."

"That's amazing. What position is he in?"

"Ummmm, second guitarist." He didn't really remember Severin fully because it was along while since he last met him along with his brother, Christian the bassist, and Bobby the drummer. It was too painful for him to even think about and wondered if they missed him, and decided that he should not think about it too much as usual.

"Amazing." Said Applejack. "Oh, and I forgot to mention you that Big Mac wants to talk to you."

"Am I in trouble?" asked Colin

"Oh no, of course not. He.... He just want to talk with you. I... I really didn't ask why so I don't know what he wants."

"Oh. Okay"

Then, after a little short walk, they arrived at the farm. Colin remembered how beautiful it looked the last time he was there a while ago. "Well, here we are."

"Yay." Applejack walked under the arch that was the entrance and stopped as soon as she entered.

"Here, let me get you down." She bent down again for Colin to get off, and then, Colin jumped when he heard a barking sound, at first, he was really frightened because it caught him by surprise, but realized that it was just Winona, the Apple family dog.

Speaking of the devil, there she was, running up to Colin, really happy to see him, and she pranced all around wagging her tail. "Hi, Winona." Colin said. Then he felt himself being gently tackled by the dog and felt his face being licked all over, laughing loudly

Applejack laughed at the sight of Colin being adorably attacked by Winona. "Aww, that's so cute." She thought.

"Howdy, Colin." Said an elderly voice. It was Granny Smith, and right next to her were Applebloom, and Big Macintosh.

Rights for the song go to Nintendo, not me

"Hi Granny, Smith, Big Mac, Applebloom."

"Hey, Colin." Said Applebloom.

"Hey." Big Mac said in his low voice. "How you doin' Colin?"

"I'm doing fine." He replied

"So, you ready to help out with the farm?" Said Applebloom with excitement.

"Okay, granny." Then the boy followed the three, actually four if counting Winona, to the chicken coup, and the boy heard many sounds of clucking chickens and a few rooster calls."

"Here chick, chick, chick, chick, chick." Said Applebloom. She tried to get the chickens to the, by mimicking chicken sounds, and some of them already did notice.

Many chickens and roosters happily pranced with glee, waiting for their food. "Here, let me help you with the bag of chicken feed." Applejack offered.

"Thanks." Colin and her worked together to feed a small amount just right for them and not too much. After they fed the groups, they poured the right amount of feed in their troughs for the rest of the chickens. They all clucked happily to the two

"Wasn't that fun?" Said Applejack.

"Yeah, really fun. This is like helping my grandad's farm back home."

"Oh yeah, I forgot you told us that."

"So, what should we do next?" Asked Big Mac

"Are there any sheep around here?" Colin asked

"Eeyup. They are out in the pasture."

Then Colin followed them to a small field populated by a large flock of sheep, nor as much as his grandfather owned, but still quite a lot.

"Hey, Marie." Said Applejack. "Howdy, everyone."

The sheep looked at the group and noticed Colin. "Hello, guys, Hi Colin."


"I think we know why you are here." Marie bleated, a little irritated.

"Yep. Time to go back to your on there, sheep." Said Applebloom

"Eeyup." Said Big Mac. "Ready, Winona."

"Wait a minute!" Colin exclaimed. The others froze and hears what he was about to say. "Can I try herding them, Applejack? I promise you it will work."

"Of course to can try, little buddy." Said Big Mac

"Yeah, let's see what you can do about them." Applejack added.

Colin smiled and walked up to the sheep, and remembered watching one of his favorite movies, Babe. "Excuse me, but can you guys ease go back to your pen? Please?"

"Sure, Colin." Said one of the sheep.

"What a nice boy." Said another. The flock walked up to their little pen and Applejack closed the barred door to the fence.

"Good job, Colin." Said Applebloom. "Even though we weren't really expecting that."

"Thanks. I saw it on a movie."

"And unlike you all, he said please, which was all we ask." Said Marie

Big Mac and the other Apples rolled their eyes with smirks forming on their mouths. "Well, now what would you like to do next?" Asked Applejack

"Well.... i used to feed ducks with my grandpa with some feed."

"Feeding the ducks it is." Said Big Mac. Their was a pond, not far from the farm buildings and it had a flock of ducks and a few geese. Many curious ducks and geese walked up to Colin and examined him. They started to like him and a few began to crowd around him.

"Here, would you like to give out the bread?" Asked Applejack. Colin nodded and held a bag of white bread and threw a few in the waters for the ducks and geese to eat out of. Frankly, the geese did look a little intimidating because of their size, but Colin knew they wouldn't hurt a fly. Their quacking became louder and were even more happy.

"You are very good with this, Colin. I'm proud of you." Said Big Mac

"Thanks." Colin blushed. "Let's feed the pigs now, i would like to see the pigs."

"Pigs it is." Said Big Mac. There was a pen right next to the barn and there were quite a number of pigs, and a really abnormally large one with a bow on his head, and was so fat, his eyes weren't that visible or clear to see where they were.

"Woah! Who's the big guy?"

"That's Lil Piggington, one of our prized boars for the country fair." Said Applejack. Then the large pig made a few happy grunts. "He said 'hello, Colin"

Many other pigs gathered around Colin in the pen and some of them began rubbing their heads against his legs for an unknown reason. Colin petted as much pigs as he could and they began oinking after he was done petting one of them.

"Here, Colin, let me help you with this one." Big Mac stepped up.

"Thanks, Big Mac."

"You're welcome, boy." The stallion helped the boy putting the pig chow in their troughs, and the swine's began eating all at once with loud chewing noises heard.

"Very good job, Sugarcube." Said Applejack

"Thank you."

"Come on, let us introduce you to some of the cows here." Said Applebloom. Out in a fenced yard, there was a large group of cows and bulls grazing and chatting.

"Howdy, Bessie. Howdy Rex." Applejack said to the leaders of the herd.

The two noticed and walked up to the family and Colin. "Hello, Applejack." Said the bull. He had long horns and a bulking body that would obviously tell anyone that he is the alpha male, and had a red and white coloring like a Hereford bull would, except it has longer horns. The mate was smaller and had a touch of white with brown patches. "And who might this child be?" Said the cow

"This is Colin. He is a really nice boy." Said Big Mac.

"Well, nice to meet you, Colin." Said the bull in a noble voice. "I am Rex, the leader, and this is my wife, Bessie. Tell us, what brings you here?"

"Well, i am helping around with the farm work." Colin replied.

"Can we please get the milk out mr Rex?" Said Applebloom.

"Of course, i would be more than happy to let you milk all of the girls here." Rex replied. They all began milking the cows and since four farm hands instead of one, work was done a lot faster and it was a little tiring, but worth it for Colin. "Thank you all so much."

"You're welcome, Rex." Applejack replied. She turned her attention back to her family and Colin. "Well, i think that was it for working. Why don't we take a little brake from all that labor?"

"Yeah, i'm starving." Applebloom exclaimed, rushing to the house for food.

"Hey, Colin, can I talk to you for a moment?" Asked Big Mac.

Th boy remembered Applejack telling him that a little earlier. "Okay. I'love be right with you, Applejack."

"Of course, Sugarcube." Then Applejack, unlike her little sister went inside for Foo in a more calm way.

"So, what is it, Big Mac?" Colin asked

"Well....." Big Mac was trying to find a good explanation on what he has to say to him. "I keep hearing so much wonderful things about you, and me and Fluttershy have been talking for quite some time for while you weren't there with her. And..... i want to be your dad."

"Really?" Colin asked, becoming a little excited. "What for?"

"Well, it was a shame that your parents are um...... not their anymore, but I would like to step in as a father to you, and be a father figure to you. So, what do you say? Will you...... be my son?"

Colin had a tear of joy escape from his eye. "Yes." He said while he hugged him really tightly. Big Mac also began to shed a tear of joy, never been more happier to be a father to a boy like Colin. "Big Mac?"


"Can i...... can I call you dad?"

Big Mac smiled warmly. "Of course you can, son." And they hugged a little tighter. Colin could not be any more happier since the time Fluttershy became his new mother.

"Come on, Colin. Let's get us some lunch."

"Okay. And Dad?"


"I.... I love you."

"Oh i love you too, son." Big Mac replied. They both stepped in the house now more closer than ever before.