• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,488 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

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Instruments and Pieces of Candy (Edited)

Two hours have passed since Colin and the other members of his new family have had a talk with him, and to check on him, and when he met both Lyra and Bon Bon, the two best friends. Now he felt much better since then, and more comfortable, thanks to them and his new mother, Fluttershy. What would Colin be without his new family's great support from them on the meantime, he was just hanging out with some of Fluttershy's animal friends while she herself was out watering the flowers and plants outside the cottage.

He wondered about Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Now they might have been punished by their parents for causing him to run away from home. He noticed that now that have been punished, they will start to hate him even more and do even more horrible, terrible things to him. Nevertheless. He didn't let that go to his head for the girls told Ms. Cheerilee about what happened, and before they all found the boy, Cheerilee decided to take a few days off from school till he decides choosing to come back willingly. He also wondered about his brother, Johnny. He worried that if his brier finds out about this, he would blame his own younger brother for it, and hate him forever. He also worried about the safety of his big brother, and if he will be alright.

Finally, he thought of Lyra and Bon Bon, the two most recent ponies he has just met when his new family went to check on him. They were like Cloudchaser and Flitter to him, but unlike them, Lyra and Bon Bon were not sisters, although they can act like them. Like everyone else in Ponyville, they were really friendly and caring for his own safety. Even though he just met the two just recently, they suddenly became a little close to him. "You know. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to just spe d a little time with them, just to get to know them more." Then he heard Fluttershy come back I side the cottage, humming and singing beautifully.

"Are the animals treating you well, sweetie?" Fluttershy asked, noticing some of the animals giving Colin some company. All the animals gave her happy animal resounds in response. Fluttershy s,lied at their answers.

"We're doing just fine, mommy." Colin added.


Then, there was a knock on the door a few minutes later. Fluttershy went to answered the door, and Colin's heart beated like African bongo drums. Their was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon themselves, with Filthy Rich, Diamond's father, and Ruby Shilling, Silver's mother. He was so scared he his behind the couch.

"Oh, hello, Filthy Rich, Ruby Shilling." Fluttershy said politely to them. She hid her burning anger for the spoiled fillies, but decided that any rash actions would just cause a scene and other problems. So she just kept her cool.

"Hello, Fluttershy." Filthy replied to her. "We came here so that the girls would apologize to poor Colin here." He looked at his daughter and gave her a stern look. "Isn't that right, young lady?"

"Yes, daddy." Diamond reluctantly replied to him.

"Colin, can you come here, sweetie?" Fluttershy said to him gently

Colin rapidly nodded a no, making his lower jaw move on it's own a little. He really did not want to do it, for he worried that they would try to kill them, since he figured that them getting in trouble was his fault,

"Come on, sweetie. They are just here to say they are sorry." Fluttershy said

Colin was very reluctant, and scared stiff. Nevertheless. He decided to slowly walk right beside Fluttershy really slowly. He feared for the worse for getting the fillies in trouble was all his fault. And he knew it.

"Oh my, you're a cute little thing." Said Silver's mother. Colin was touched by her compliment.

"Are you Colin?" Asked the father

"Yes." Was all the boy replied

"Well, it's a mighty pleasure to meet you Colin. I am Filthy Rich."

"And I am Ruby Shilling." She added Now, we heard about what happened to you with Diamond and Silver, and I would like to say that we are very sorry about that," filthy sounded guilt stricken.

"So am I." Said Ruby, feeling really guilty too.

"Now, Diamond, is there anything you would like to say to Colin here?" Filthy said to his daughter in a stern tone again.

Diamond gave the boy a death stare, and she replied "like, I hate you." Very rudely."

"Diamond Tiara!" Her father said, raising his voice. "Say you're sorry!"

"Okay okay, fine." She looked at Colin again and said to him "i'm...... Sorry."

"So am I." Said Silver Spoon.

"Good Girl." Said Ruby.

Colin didn't really say anything back to them, but he just said to both of them "okay." In a blank voice, but the girl's faces did not change.

"Now, you don't have to worry about them Colin, They're grounded for a month, and Cheerilee gave them a month of detention."

Colin was glad to hear that.

"And that's not all." Said Ruby. "They will be doing work around Sweet Apple Acres, and they will do janitorial service along with cleaning both the boys and girls bathrooms in school for three weeks."

"Alright. Well, we might as well be off." Said Filthy. "Now when we get back, young lady, you will go to your room and think about what you just did to him."

"Same thing for you young lady." Ruby said to Silver in a stern voice.

"Yes mom." Said Silver

"Yes, daddy." Diamond replied to her father. En they all headed back home, facing more consequences for their little actions to the poor child.

"Are you alright, Colin?" Fluttershy asked his son.

"I'm fine, mommy." Colin replied. "It just... Scared me."

"Don't worry, Colin. I'm here for you." She gave him a warm smile, and the animals crowded around him for some support of their own. Colin felt really better and more comfortable thanks to them.

"Thanks, guys." Colin said to them. "Hey, Mommy? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well, I just met Lyra and Bon Bon, and.... And I was wondering if.... Please don't be mad at me if I ask you this, but... do you think that maybe I can hang out with them, just to know the, better?"

Fluttershy smiled and she said "of course you can, sweetie. I'll walk you over there to Ponyville and if you would like to hang out with them without me. I can trust them after all."

"Thanks, mommy." Said Colin

"You're welcome." Fluttershy replied

Ponyville was as beautiful and peaceful as it can be. Everypony was happy and enjoying their lives, and the birds were chirping everywhere in beautiful chirps.

They both looked around for Lyra and Bon Bon, until finally, they found me sitting on a bench together in the park, resting and enjoying the view of Ponyville from their perspective. They both smiled and they both walked over there to meet them again.

When the two best friends noticed them, they both had even bigger smiles on their faces.

"Colin!" Lyra said with joy. "Hello again!"

"How are you feeling?" Bon Bon asked

"Good." Colin replied

"Colin wanted to spend some time with you if that's okay." Fluttershy said to them,

"Why of course he can spend time with us." Lyra said with excitemtent.

"Yeah, feel free to accompany us, Colin." Said Bon Bon

The boy smiled with excitement. That was exactly what he wanted to hear. "Hey, mommy. I think I'll be okay by myself."

"Very well, baby." Said Fluttershy. She looked at the two mares again and said to them "please take good care of him

Lyra giggled. "Don't worry, Fluttershy. He'll be in good hooves. Right, Bon Bon?"


These two did see, pretty trustworthy after all, and they were nice, like everypony else in Ponyville. "Okay." Was all she replied. "I'll see you in a little while, Colin." She gave him a kiss and then she went off to leave him with the two friends

"So, Colin, where are you from?" Bon Bon asked curiously.

"I'm from a place called Billings, a city on Montana." The boy replied

Of course these two never heard of America either. They both replied in unison "never heard of it."

"It's.... You see I am from another world and.... And I was transported here from some magical energy around me. I... I couldn't really describe it."

"Wow, so what is it like in this... Billings place?" Lyra ask.

"Everyone is nice there, and it's a very beautiful place. When it's winter, we would get lots of snow, but sometimes, we would get snowed in." He laughed, and so did Lyra and Bon Bon

"That's amazing." Said Lyra. "Say, you wanna see how I got me cutie mark?"

"Yeah, how did you get it?"

"I discovered that my special talent was playing the harp, and that's when I got the name Heartstrings. Know it sounds goofy, but even though I have hooves, I can still play a harp pretty good." Then she laughed again

"I got my cutie mark for making delicious treats and candies like lemon drops, or hard candy." Bon Bon added.

"That's cool." Colin complimented with a smile. "How long have you two been friends?" He asked.

"Oh we have been best friends since we were infants." Said Lyra, hugging Bon Bon really tightly. Bon Bon hugged her back in response. "From pre school till now, nothing will ever separate us." They didn't say another word for a few minutes, for they were looking at the beautiful view on the streets as everypony was walking by them. Nothing could possibly ruin this beautiful day for Colin.

"Hey, Colin? I wondered, did Diamond and Silver get punished for running you out?" Bon Bon asked

Colin's smile turned into an immediate frown. Then Lyra and Bon Bon's face frowned with him as they just saw his face.

"Oh, uhhh.... i am so sorry if I asked you that." Bon Bon said, worried that she made him sad again.

"No no, it's okay." Colin stated. "Diamond and Silver got grounded for a month, and they got detention for a month, and then they got toilet cleaning duty in the bathroom for three weeks."

"Oh, well serves them right then. But... why are you unhappy about it, Colin?" Lyra asked with concern.

"I am. I am, but.... I am worried that they might try to hurt me again, but this time, it might be worse than ever." Colin said. Yes, those two girls might do something in revenge to him, and like he predicted, it might be worse than ever before. Lyra and Bon Bon were really concerned for him now, but found a way to cheer him up

"Hey, Colin. Look, I know how you feel, but, you should never be afraid to come talk to any of us if you need anything or if something's bothering you. You know that, right?" said Lyra, wrapping her arm around the boys shoulders. "You never have to be afraid to do that if you are feeling down."

"I know." Colin started to feel more comfortable now. "Eh, who am I kidding. You will be there for me right?"

"Of course we will Colin." Lyra replied to him

"Nothing will ever change that." Bon Bon added with a smile.

Colin smiled back to her. "Thanks, guys."

"You're welcome, Colin." they both replied in unison.

"Say, would you like to come to the music store with us?" Lyra offered.

"Yeah. I would love to."

The three got off of the bench and the boy followed the two mares to the music store, maybe Lyra showing him his harp playing skills to him when they all make it there. Of course it was only a short walk away, they didn't have to go to far since Ponyville was not a really big city like Canterlot is, not to mention Manehattan.

There it was, the Ponyville general Music Store. It was neither crowded or empty, perfect for the three to visit during the day. What was unusual was that one half of the inside was all brownish color, and the other side was all a bluish cover. Of course, the instruments all had different colors on them, so it was just the decorations on the walls with those two colors. Why they were like that, Colin was highly unsure. He followed them as they walked up to two mares on the counter.

One was a beautiful looking earth pony with grey fur, a shirt collar with a bowtie, and with a black mane and tail with purple eyes. The other mare was a white-furred unicorn with a blue mane and tail. she was wearing shades, and it rather looked stylish on her.

"Vinyl, Octavia" Lyra said to them

The two other mares noticed them and they went to do whatever business they want from them. "Hello, Lyra and Bon Bon." Said the black-haired mare. It sounded like a deep British esque accent, and it sounded rather beautiful "so, tell me, Lyra, are you looking for anything in particular?"

"Oh, I'm not looking for anything" Lyra replied

"Yeah, we just wanted to show Colin hear around if that's okay with you." Bon Bon added.

"Colin?" Said the two other mares.

"Colin, come here." Lyra said to him. The boy slowly went up to the desk to show himself to Octavia and Vinyl.

The two mares gave out a small gasp with surprise.

"Oh hello there, sweetie." Said Octavia.

"What's your name, little dude?" Asked the white unicorn

"I'm.... Colin." Was all the boy replied, flushing.

"Well, Colin it is a pleasure to meet you." Said Octavia, walking out of the paying booth to get a better look at the child. "My name is Octavia melody, and I play the bass."

"And I am Vinyl Scratch, the DJ." The white unicorn added

"Nice to meet you." Colin politely said to them

Octavia and Vinyl smiled warmly at him for being really polite to them. "Tell us, are you wanting to buy anything in the store?" Asked Octavia.

"Uuuummmm..... I'm not here to buy anything. Please don't be mad at me, but Lyra said that she wants to show me how she plays a harp." Colin replied

"Oh kid, we're not mad at you." Said Vinyl

"Yes, sweetie. We would never be mad at you at all."

Colin smiled again. "Thank you."

"Alright, so about my harp playing." Lyra reminded. "Come with me, Colin." She said to him. He followed her to the far end of the room so that she can play her beautiful playing to him. When Colin saw the guitars, drums, and other instruments, it reminded him of his older brother, because Johnny was in a heavy metal band that is the lead guitarist and the lead vocalist of his own band. Colin also grew up a little with his father and or brother listening to classic rock bands like, Guns N' Roses, Black Sabbath, Dokken, etc, and he really loved to listens to them thanks to his two family members. "Colin, you okay?" Asked Lyra.

"Oh. Yeah, I'm fine." The boy replied out of his thoughts. "I was just looking at the instruments."

"Oh, okay. Well check this out." She used her magic to pull out a harp and she began to play a very beautiful song on it. Even if she has now fingers, she still sounded pretty amazing with that instrument. Sure it was rather strange, but it is the truth. Everypony, who gathered around to watch her as she was playing, applaud for her. "Thank you." Said Lyra bowing to the others. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"That was amazing Lyra." Said Bon Bon

"Nothing I can't handle." Lyra flaunted in response. She put the harp back and asked the boy "so, what did you think, Colin?"

"That was.... Beautiful." The boy replied to her. Lyra smiled wider as she was deeply touched by his small review.

"Thank you, Colin." Lyra hugged him as a thank you gift from her.

"You're welcome." He replied, and then he hugged her back.

"So, is that all for today?" Asked Octavia.

"Hm-mmm." Bon Bon answered.

"Okay." Said Vinyl a little bummed to hear that. "I really wanted to hear so more but what the heck, I'm okay with it."

"So am I." Octavia added. She looked at Colin again with a warm smile. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Colin. Please feel free to stop by if you want to."

"I will."

"Yeah, you're a cool kid to be with." Vinyl winked at him.

"Well, good day to you guys." Said Lyra before she, Bon Bon, and Colin left the store.

Octavia and Vinyl waved at them as soon as they went out the door. They didn't stop thinking about that adorable Colin and his sweet, sweet kindness inside of him.

Their next stop was at a small vendor that was like a sweet shop like Sugarcube Corner was, but it was a little smaller than the actual sweet shop that is. it was right at the farmers market. "Well here we are." said Bon Bon proudly. "My own personal vendor for selling candy to everypony in Ponyville. It's not open now, but I think I might have some...... aha! here we are." she found three pieces of wrapped lemondrops so that she can give to Colin. "Here you go." she said to him while reaching her hoof to him with the pieces of candy.

"Wow, I love lemondrops." Colin said. He took out one, unwrapped it, and put it in his mouth. He rolled it around in it, and thought it was delicious. "It tastes great." he said

"I made it myself." Bon Bon remarked.

"I'm going to save these for later." Colin put the other two wrapped lemondrops in the left pocket of his green jacket. "Thank you Bon Bon."

"You are very welcome Colin. Glad you love em." Bon Bon replied.

"You know, Fluttershy is really lucky to have you as her new son, you know?" Lyra reminded.

"I know." Colin replied with a smile. "Sooooo.... now what?"

"You... want to get a treat from Sugarcube Corner?" Bon Bon suggested.


the three went out of the Farmer's Market, and to Sugarcube Corner for a treat of their own. A delicious, sugary, and sweet, or maybe sour treat of their own.

Author's Note:

Sounds like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon got their comeuppance after all. What will Lyra and Bon Bon do with Colin next?" Find out on the next chapter.