• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 16,458 Views, 201 Comments

A Boy's Tears - MetalBrony823

A young boy named Colin Fraser, has lost his parents, and finds new friends when he is suddenly teleported to Equestria

  • ...

A New Home

On a very bright morning, Fluttershy was woken up by the beautiful morning light that caused the room to become a little more lighter. She slowly got up, and rubbed her eyes to clear the fuzziness inside of them. She admired the beauty outside and looked at Colin. She smiled warmly as she was watching sleeping. It was very... cute. It was even more adorable to hear him sigh instead of snoring in his sleep. "Colin." Said Fluttershy, .trying to wake him up by gently and slowly turning hom to and fro. "It's time to wake up, Sweetie."

It took a few rubbing on his small body, but eventually, the boy began to stir from his own little dream land. He slowly sat up like Fluttershy did, and stretched his arms as he yawned. "Good morning, mom." He said in a groggy voice.

"Good morning my sweet little angel." Fluttershy replied sweetly. "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Yes, mom." Colin replied with a yawn. "I did."

Fluttershy was glad to hear that. "That's good." She said. "So what would you like to do today?" She asked him.

"Well... can I take a shower first?" Colin asked.

"Of course, sweetie. Would you like me to make you some breakfast?"

"Yeah, ummm..... can I have a lettuce, tomato, pickle sandwich?" Colin replied.

"Of course." The yellow pegasus replied sweetly. The two got out of bed, with Colin going to the shower and Fluttershy downstairs to fix Colin his request for his first breakfast in his new home, in Equestria.

After fifteen long minutes, Colin dried himself off and put his pajamas back on as he went downstairs to eat his breakfast. He stopped to see many of Fluttershy's animal friends, looking and smiling at him trying to say good morning.

"Hello, everyone." said Colin happily.

The animals replied back to him cheerfully in happy animal sounds. Angel bunny hopped up to him, and gave him a gentle punch on his leg.

"Hi Angel." Colin said to the white rabbit.

Fluttershy giggled and said "they're all saying hello to you too, Colin."

The boy saw his breakfast on his table and smiled. He sat in the small table, with Fluttershy sitting right next to him. Some if the animals crowded around to join Colin. The sandwich looked really delicious and promising for Colin's taste buds. He picked it up and took a bite from it. It tasted really good. "Hmm." Said Colin, enjoying the sandwich. "This is good." Then he continued eating it.

"Glad you're enjoying it, sweetie." Said Fluttershy, happy to see Colin liking his breakfast.

After Colin finished, he said "thank you, mom." And then wiped his face with the napkin.

"You are very welcome, sweetie." Fluttershy replied very kindly. "Happy to serve you breakfast. So... Have you thought about what you wanted to do today?"

"We'll I... I don't know." Colin admitted. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry, Colin." The yellow pegasus replied very sweetly. "It's okay." Suddenly, she remembered something. "Actually I know what we can do." She said

"What's that?" Colin asked

"We'll, Rarity can design new clothes for you from her house so that you don't have to wear the same thing everyday."

"I don't know." Said Colin, a little uncertain about that idea. "You see, since I am the only Equestria, I'm worried that she will get it wrong."

"Don't be silly, Colin." Said Fluttershy. "She is a great designer when it comes to clothes, even if it doesn't have to be for a pony to wear."

"Do you think so, mommy?" Said Colin.

"I know so, sweetie." Fluttershy replied. "But first, I got to feed all my critter friends some breakfast too so they won'the get hungry before we can go over to Rarity's. Would you like to help me?"

"Yeah. I would love to help you, mom." Colin replied happily.

"Good." Said Fluttershy. Colin put his plate back in the kitchen and followed Fluttershy outside to her backyard, and saw many of the animals outside were happy to see Colin's smiling face as well. They all gave animal sounds saying "Hello" to Colin, or "Good morning, Colin."

"Good morning, everyone." Colin replied happily. Many animals crowded around him, nuzzling themselves on the human boy to show affections. "That tickles." the boy said while feeling many pieces of fur and pieces of feathers softly brushing against his small body.

Fluttershy giggled at the sight of her animal comrades interacting with Colin, obviously taking a like for like the ones that go inside. Of course, all of these animals can come and go in the cottage as they please. The two started to feed the animals and fill up the troughs. Fluttershy, of course, mostly helped Colin while he was doing his part.


After a few minutes, inside the cottage, Colin asked "so, where are my clothes?"

"Oh. I'm... Washing them... If that's a,right with you Colin. Is it okay with you, sweetie." Fluttershy said sheepishly.

"It's okay, mom." Said Colin. "I don't mind wearing my pajamas again."

"That's good, Colin." Said Fluttershy feeling better just hearing that. She knelt down. "Here, let me give you a ride." She said.

The boy climbed up on Fluttershy once again, and Fluttershy went out the door after she said bye to her animal friends

While walking in Ponyville, everypony in town gave Colin a big friendly smile as Fluttershy was passing by. Colin happily waved back to them I'm response. They arrived at the boutique and Fluttershy ranged the doorbell.

Rarity answered the door and smiled to see Fluttershy and Colin. "Hello, Fluttershy." She turned to Colin and said to him "hello, precious. Did you sleep well last night?" She gave him a soft, loving kiss on his forehead making him blush.

"Uh-huh." Colin replied.

"So what can I do you for, Fluttershy deary?" Rarity asked the yellow pegasus.

"Well, I was wondering if you can make some new clothes for Colin so that he doesn't have to wear the same thing everyday" Fluttershy replied.

"Please, auntie Rarity?" Said Colin

"Oh of course I will make you some new clothes deary." Rarity replied cheerfully. "Come on in Fluttershy, and I will get right on it, Colin."

Fluttershy entered the boutique.

"Where's Sweetie Belle?" Asked Colin.

"Oh she's out with the girls trying to ear their cutie marks." Rarity replied and I. Voice of little annoyance, she added "as always" she used her magic to pick up some measuring tape. Not the construction one that can cut people if fast enough, but for clothes and designing. "Okay, sweetie." Said Rarity cheerfully. "Come with me upstairs and I will help you."

Fluttershy knelt down and Colin got off. He was a little shy, but he compromised anyway. He gently held Rarity's hoof, and they both walked upstairs, into her room.

"Okay, Colin. Stand right here." Said Rarity. She pulled out her glasses, and measured the boy's waist without hurting him with it.

"Hehe, that tickles." Said Colin.

"Hold still." Rarity said. After she was down, she said "okay, darling. You can move now." Colin gave a breath.

"So... Do you think you can make these clothes, auntie Rarity?" Colin asked, a little uncertain

"Of course, dear." Rarity said confidently. "This might take a little time though, if you don't mind."

"I can wait." Colin said

"That's marvelous, sweetie. Don't worry though, your new clothes will be done before you know it." She acted very proudly with her remark.

Colin smiled at that. "Okay."

"Here, let me walk you back downstairs." Said the white unicorn. She held Colin's hand again, and they both went back downstairs. "I am terribly sorry to say this Fluttershy, but the new clothes ,ought take a while, but don't worry, I will get them done today."

"It's okay, Rarity." Fluttershy kindly replied. Rarity smiled back at her for being a true friend. "Well, we might as well be going." She bent down and Colin climbed on her. "So, Colin. Would you like to see Twilight's castle?" She asked him

"Oh yes, please." Said Colin excitedly

Fluttershy giggled "okay, okay." She said playfully. Before she went out the door, she said to her friends "see you later Rarity."

"Au revoir, and I promise that I will have the clothes do e by today." Rarity replied. Then she went upstairs, got to work, and Fluttershy exited the boutique to Twilight's new castle.

When they arrived, Colin's. Luther dropped in awe must looking at the beauty of this new building. "It looks cool." He said in amazement.

"Let me see if he's home." Said Fluttershy. She knocked on the door, and there was Twilight, answering the door.

"Hello, Fluttershy." Said Twilight. "Hi Colin. How are you?" She asked the boy very kindly.

"I'm doing great." Colin replied.

"Twilight, is it okay if we show Colin inside our new castle?" Fluttershy asked a little sheepish.

"Of course, Fluttershy." Said Twilight. The purple Alicorn stopped aside for her to enter. Colin was even more amazed to see the interior. The stain glass mosaic wi does were very beautiful in the hallway with the carpet to walk on the floor.

"Okay, Colin." Said Twilight. "Here's my main hallway." She continued walking ad to so did the two visitors behind her. Twilight opened the door to reveal the throne room. "Here is our thrown room." She introduced.

"There's one for Spike too?" Said Colin amazed.

"Hm-mmm." Twilight replied. She the. Looked around. "Speaking of which, where is Spike?"

"Right here!" The baby dragon called, running down the hallway. "I... Organized the bookshelf for you." He said, trying to catch his breath. He saw Colin and smiled. "Hey, Colin. Hey, Fluttershy.

"Hello Spike." Fluttershy said

"Hey, Spike." Colin replied.

"Do you like the castle?" The baby dragon asked

"Yeah... It's... It's really cool." Colin replied.

"Well, thanks for cleaning up Spike." Said Twilight.

"Is there anything else you sold like me to do?" The baby dragon asked, awaiting any other chores to attend to.

Twilight thought about it. "Hmmmmmm...... Nope. Why don't you relax." She answered

"Thanks, Twilight." Spike replied happily. He looked at the boy again, and asked Twilight. "Can I be with you guys?"

"Of course, Spike." Twilight replied.


"So, back with the tour." Twilight said. "Follow me." The group continued on. So on, she sowed Colin her new gigantic library to study or read from. Next she showed him the large balcony outside, and the boy admired the view.

They went upstairs, and went up to the tallest tower with the telescope like the one in Celestia's castle in Canterlot.

"Can I look I to the telescope?" Colin asked eagerly.

"Sure. Go ahead." Twilight said.

The boy slowly peeked through the telescope and looked into the sky. He saw many stars, nebulas, planets, and constellations. It was so beautiful. "Woah." Said Colin, astonished.

"What do you see?" Asked Spike.

"So many stars." Colin answered. "And... Planets."

"Well, we might as well continue." Twilight suggested. The boy let go of the telescope then Twilight continued. She shows him her and Spike's bedroom, and the other rooms.


Thirteen minutes passed, and the tour was done. "Wow. Thanks, auntie Twilight." Said Colin. "This castle is really cool.

"You're welcome, sweetie." Said Twilight kindly. "You are more than welcome t, come here anytime when you feel like it."

"Thanks Twilight, but we must be going." Said Fluttershy.

"Of course, Fluttershy. Anytime. Besides, I got so e studying to do." Twilight replied. "See you soon, Colin."

"See you, auntie Twilight." Colin replied, waving his arm at her. He climbed on Fluttershy's back for a ride, and Fluttershy exited the castle.

Back at the cottage. Fluttershy heard a doorbell, and there was Rarity, carrying a bunch of new clothes for Colin himself. "Here they are." Said Rarity

"Colin." Fluttershy called.

"Yes, mom?"

"Rarity's here."

The boy hurriedly ran downstairs, and looked at his new clothes. They looked really nice and very stylish. He picked up one of the shirts and one of the pants, and saw that they did look like human wear indeed. "Thank you so much, auntie Rarity." Said Colin, very grateful.

"You are very welcome. precious." Rarity replied. "Anything for you. Well, see you two later." She then left the cottage, with Fluttershy and Colin waving at her.

"Say, Colin?" Fluttershy said. "Can I... Talk to you about something?" She sounded a little serious.

"Sure, mommy." Colin replied. "What is it?"

"Well... I was thinking that you would... Go to school tomorrow." Fluttershy replied.

"Oh." Colin said, a little worried. "What if the other kids don't like me because I am a human?"

"Nonsense. Everypony will love you. Scootaloo, Applebloom, and sweetie Belle will be there, and so will Pipsqueak. The teacher is very nice and very kind. Her names I'd Cheerilee, and I promise you that she will love you."

"Well... Okay." Said Colin. "I... I guess I can give it a shot."

Fluttershy smiled at him. "Good boy." She said, gently stroking his head with her hoof. "O... What else would you like to do?"

"I think... I think I just want to relax. I am tired fro. Taking that long tour of the castle that Auntie Twilight lives." Said Colin. "I am Just going to take a nap."

"Okay." Said Fluttershy with a smile

The boy went upstairs and took a nap on Fluttershy's bed.

Author's Note:

Colin going to school in Equestria? Will that end up nicely, of badly? Find out on the next chapter yet to come.