• Published 14th Apr 2012
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Daring Do and the Secret of the Fourth Wall - Ultra-the-HedgeToaster

Thrust into the world of her favorite book-series, Rainbow Dash finds herself dragged along for the ride of Daring Do's latest adventure. However, for Rainbow Dash, breaking the fourth wall may very well prove to be a learning experience.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - Daring Do and the Balanced Breakfast

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> [overview of all chapters]

Rainbow Dash woke up with a content yawn, stretching on the warm, comfortable surface of the bed. She blinked sleepily, as her mind re-constructed the last events in conscious memory.

She vaguely recalled entering the building in search for a resting place, eventually stumbling into two bare wooden beds on the upper floor. Having placed Daring Do in one of the beds, Dash still remembered hesitating if she should dare to unbutton Daring's trademark jacket to use it as either a blanket or a pillow for the unconscious mare to sleep on, as any blankets or other such cloth had long since dissolved into nothing. In the end, she had decided against it. From what she had read, Daring Do could get quite upset if somepony messed with her helmet or jacket. While not particularly inviting, the smooth wooden surface of the bed was still better than sleeping in the dirt or on the cold stone-ground.

Dash furrowed her brow. Something about the bed she was lying in seemed a tad off, although she couldn't quite put her hoof on it just yet. Dash glanced over to the other bed, only to find it empty. Another yawn escaped the cerulean pegasus, as she straightened her posture once more. In doing so, she noticed that her injured wing had been bandaged, wrapped tight to her body in a white piece of cloth. As she looked down at her back to examine her wing, she noticed a thin layer of cloud-vapor on the bed. So this was what had felt strange – the bed had been far more comfortable than it could've been otherwise.

Hm. Where had this come from? Did Daring make this?

It wasn't much of a challenge for a single pegasus to conjure cloud-vapor from water in minor quantities, although it didn't have many practical applications in modern Equestria due to industrialized cloud-manufacturing. Then again – this wasn't modern Equestria, this was Daring Do's world, lagging about 50 to 60 years behind. Did pegasi in Daring's... “time” still rely on manual labor to create clouds?

A growl from her stomach derailed any further thoughts Dash might've had. Jumping off the bed, Dash decided to go exploring for potential sources of food, and possibly for Daring Do's location as well.

Downstairs, the pegasus instantly found her senses assaulted by the smell of cooked carrots and several flower-salads. Not giving the sensation a second thought, Dash rushed to what she assumed to be a kitchen table, her mouth watering up to the point that she had to swallow down in order to prevent herself from drooling as she laid eyes on the various plates and culinary concoctions thereon.

Without further hesitation, Dash bluntly stuck her muzzle in a bowl filled with flowers of various types swimming in a thick brown sauce that, under different circumstances, might not have appeared to be very appetizing. To the moon with it – for all she cared the sauce could've been glowing bright green with purple dots in it, she was hungry.

“So... tastes good?” came a sudden voice from behind her. Swirling around, muzzle still dripping with sauce, Dash's eyes came to rest on the other pegasus in the room. And what she saw made her mouth drop open.

There stood Daring Do, the most amazing, most awesome-est adventurer ever, who laughed in the face of death, who bucked danger in the flank and who's profession was, well, adventure itself – doing something Dash never would have even expected to read in the books, let alone see it with her own eyes.

“You're ...cooking?” Dash stated in a flat tone, still stunned by the fact. Daring Do clearly didn't seem the type to be caught dead tending to a stove or an oven.

The rainbow-maned pegasus herself didn't cook. She remembered Pinkie getting her into trying to bake a cake at Sugar Cube Corner once, and... well, meh. It hadn't been good, it hadn't been bad... It had just been sorta bland. Why bake a cake yourself that didn't taste any good when you could just go grab a bite at Sugar Cube Corner or Applejack's place?

She mostly conformed to a diet of salads anyway, to keep herself fit and in top flying-condition. For the most part, those didn't need to be cooked.

Other than that, whenever she had a craving for something warm that wasn't made of sugar or apples, she usually just dashed out for one of the many restaurants in town.

...Yeah, okay, she also found herself indulging in the occasional visit to the local fast food chain, lazing off on a cloud munching on a bag of hay-fries or daffodil burgers from time to time. (Admittedly, she didn't always eat healthy, especially when she didn't feel like waiting for restaurant service.)

But in either case, there was no actual cooking involved on Rainbow Dash's part.

Not that cooking was uncool or un-radical or anything, of course not. But... This was Daring Do. Standing at a stove. Cooking. The mental image just... didn't fit.

The gold-yellow pegasus merely reacted to Dash's comment by raising an eyebrow. “Uhm... yeah, so?”

There was an awkward moment of silence, Dash uncertain what to say and Daring seemingly confused.

“You're... cooking” Dash finally repeated her previous statement. “I'm just... uh... surprised, is all.”

Daring tilted her head quizzically, her mouth open as if to ask a question, but closing it a few seconds later.

“Eh. When you can show me a restaurant in this place or any other temple or jungle, I'll be glad to pay the expenses.” The adventurer shrugged. “Gets kinda dull if you just eat the same rations over and over again for weeks. I mean, I've been stuck looking all over the Mareican mainlands for this... err, 'temple' for the last five weeks, ya know?”

Dash blinked rapidly. That... actually made a lot of sense.

Wait, hang on a second – Daring Do had been in the jungle for five weeks?

She had never even considered how much time Daring might've spent trekking through the jungle on her own before they had met. After all, they had practically stumbled into the cave-entrance by sheer chance while on the run from predators the very next morning.

Now that she thought about it, the books didn't elaborate on Daring wandering through the jungle for weeks, either. That was usually just mentioned in the opening paragraph or later skipped in a single sentence. It probably would've been boring to read about, but...

“Uh, you better eat up, this stuff doesn't taste half as good if it's cold,” Daring commented, redirecting Dash's attention back to the steaming bowl of delicious brown sauce with flowery bits in it. Wordlessly, Dash returned to eating her meal.

After turning to check on the metal stove she had been tending to, Daring Do dragged a stool over to the table and seated herself as well.

Rainbow Dash could barely believe her taste-buds, as an explosion of aroma send her to the proverbial cloud nine – especially after what had felt like days with no food. The only thing souring the experience was the deafening silence hanging about the kitchen table. The pegasus on the opposite end of the table began fidgeting with her hooves, looking anywhere but at Dash.

After a while, Daring was the one to break the silence with a single word.


“Mwha? Thanksh for what?” Dash queried, still chewing.

For a brief moment, Daring's face went utterly blank, her expression unreadable.

The corners of her mouth twitched, lifting upwards into a smile. Had Dash been paying less attention to refilling her stomach, she might have noticed the slight strain on Daring's facial muscles.

“Heh... For saving my flank two... no, three times, I suppose? You're pretty cool, Dash.”

Rainbow Dash almost choked on her flower-soup right there and then. It took several strong pats on the back – in the most literal sense – from Daring Do before Dash managed to recover from the ensuing coughing fit.

“You're pretty cool, Dash” – the thought kept bouncing back and forth at the corners of her mind like Pinkie Pie on a sugar-high, as Dash had a momentary relapse into fan-filly mode.

Oh my gosh! Daring Do just said she was 'pretty cool'! Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!!

It took all of her self-restraint to refrain from giggling like a school-filly and to keep herself from grinning like a mad-mare. It took Dash a moment to notice that Daring had gone silent, and seemed to wait for a her to say something. Trying to come up with a witty comeback on the spot, Dash racked her brain but found herself unable to find anything appropriate, still in girlish glee about one of her heroes – albeit a fictional one – calling her “cool”.

Realizing that the silence was dragging on and was about to get straight into awkward territory, Dash composed herself, before answering in a laid-back tone.

“Eh, it was nothing. You would've done the same for me. And besides, you're more than repaying me with this awesome breakfast.”

...Wait, arg, that was stupid! Why did she have to talk about food now?

Despite another growl from her stomach answering her own question, Dash forced herself to smile confidently, while Daring Do just blinked a few times before her posture relaxed and the mare returned a smile of her own.

“Well, thanks for the compliment! Though I guess it's more kinda lunch.” Daring looked off to the side, where Dash noticed a metal clock hanging on the wall. Both it's hour- and minute-hooves were missing, apparently broken off ages ago by some form of corrosion which for some reason had left the clock itself intact. “Though I kinda lost track of time.” Daring chuckled to herself. “So let's just call it a brunch.”

Relieved to have mastered the situation, the cerulean pegasus continued her meal. However, Daring's brief show of attention to the room's interior had gotten Dash's own curiosity peaked. Last night (or mid-day or whatever time it had been), she had not found the time to go looking into any details other than where to find a good resting spot for the both of them. Glancing over the area as she chewed on some carrots, she took stock of what apparently was a living room. It looked almost ...normal, albeit not particularly modern in its design.

There was the stove, a bulky black thing with a couple of valves at it's front, four separate heating plates separated by a layer of stone, and a steady fire crackling on inside as sheets of wood were being burned. A rather typical stove – not too dissimilar from the ones she had seen back home.

There were a number of wooden cupboards of varying sizes, one of which slightly askew as it had been opened forcefully, revealing it's contents to be... several plates and dishes made from clay, as well as what looked like broken drinking-glasses.

From her current surroundings, she could never have guessed that they were miles underground in what was supposed to be an ancient temple or “lost city”. For all she could tell, they had entered somepony's home.

Several minor additions to the room, such as an ornament-decorated vase that at some point might have contained flowers that had long since withered and turned to dust, a large wooden desk that bore a striking resemblance to the one Twilight used for a writing desk as well as an empty picture frame – it's canvas broken and the image faded beyond recognition – only added to the effect.

“What is this place anyway?” Dash vaguely gestured with a foreleg all around her.

“Well, this clearly isn't the holy chamber of a priest or a monk, that much I know. Looks to be the home of a sculptor.” Daring shrugged. “There's a whole bunch of vases and some half-finished statuettes over in the other room.”

And that was that. Silence fell over the room once more, hers and Daring's chewing the only sounds to be heard.

Finishing her current bowl, Dash grabbed it between her teeth and put it on the kitchen desk... Yep, that was an ancient kitchen desk. Looking down at her bowl, she realized that it was actually one of the clay-dishes from the opened cupboard.

Dash suddenly became very self-aware that they were, essentially, sitting at a kitchen table underground in what was supposed to be an ancient civilization's lost city, dining from plates that were older than Equestria itself. That, and she was eating breakfast/lunch cooked by, and in the company of Daring Do.

But at least, just for once, she wasn't the only one weirded out by the situation. Daring herself was staring down at her own emptied plate with an expression caught somewhere between confusion and amusement.

“You know, my associates in the archeologist community would be horrified if they knew I'm using eight thousand years old dinner-ware as... well, dinner-ware.” The adventurer chuckled. “I can already hear professor Vintage Ceramic nagging” – Daring Do changed her voice to sound like an elderly stallion whining – “Miss Do, as archeologists it is our Celestia-given duty to label, date, categorize and archive each and every single piece of rubble, every tiny wooden splinter and each miniscule shard of broken glass we come across! Now, go and pick up those cans, I must determine if they predate the era of today's lunch break.” Daring rolled her eyes and snickered to herself.

“There was that artifact, an apparently cursed diamond, said to have brought down the old diamond dog clans of the South. So I escape from the cave, just before it all comes falling apart. I bring him the diamond – and he tries to fill a formal complaint against me because the thing collapsed while I was in it! Geez! If I had told him about the traps, he would've asked me to pick up every single dart and arrow that's been flung at me while I was getting to the artifact, and have me 'label, date, categorize and archive' every single one of them!”

Rainbow Dash blinked. She knew of “Daring Do and the Diamond Curse”, but not of the aftermath that had come after the story had ended. “This 'Vintage Ceramic' guy sounds like a total dork,” she commented, unable to keep a hint of amusement from her voice at Daring Do's imitation, which earned her a snicker from Daring Do in return.

“You don't know half of it! I swear that stallion is obsessed with filling out forms for everything he does! He practically sits in his office all day, scribbling down random numbers and area-codes and what-have-you. And if he does show up to a dig site, he just stands off to the side taking notes about every little detail the entire time. Brrr. That guy isn't an archeologist, he's a bureaucrat.”

Daring took another sip from her bowl, before once again addressing the cerulean pegasus.

“So... you said you live in the general Everfree area? Pony-something... what's it called again?” Daring asked in a conversational tone.


“Ah.” Daring smirked. “Is it safe to assume that 'Ponyville' is a village?”

“Town, actually,” Dash corrected her.

“Huh.” Daring Do scratched her head with her left foreleg. “I thought I knew all the towns around Canterlot. Meh.” Daring shrugged, grabbing another spoonful of sauce.

Dash grimaced inwardly, reminded once more of the differences between Daring's Equestria and her own.

The adventurer absentmindedly drew circles in her soup with a celery-stick, while munching on a carrot, before speaking up once more.

“Doesn't it ever get boring in a place like that?”

“Ponyville? Boring?” Dash couldn't suppress a snort of laughter.

“Lemme see. There was that parasprite infestation, the incident when the ursa minor attacked the town, the time when we had to deal with some diamond dogs who kidnapped a friend of mine – big mistake on their part. Then there was that time when Spike had his growth-spurt – Spike's a baby-dragon, by the way – so that meant a dragon like four times the size of a building on a rampage through town. Not to forget when we had to deal with that other dragon to get him to settle someplace else... Which reminds me of the time Spike joined the dragon migration, and we kinda-sort-of followed him in disguise to keep an eye out for the little guy. Not to mention Nightmare Moo-...”

Dash just barely had caught herself in time before mentioning the return of princess Luna as Nightmare Moon. This was, after all, an event of historic proportions – which, in Daring's world, had not (yet) taken place. Daring Do would be able to spot the discrepancy immediately.

“Err, I mean... Nightmare Night... uh... which is... always especially... nightmare...ish in Ponyville, uh, yeah,” she finished lamely.

Daring Do just sat there, blinking a number of times as she processed the information Rainbow Dash had provided. She evidently had not expected an answer like that.

“That's... quite the town-history, I suppose.” she briefly tipped her pith-helmet as a show of respect.

“History?” Dash barely stifled a laugh. “That's stuff that happened in, like, the last two years!”

Daring gave her a flat stare. “Okay, now I know you're just pulling my tail.”

“Wait, what? Of course not!” The cerulean pegasus gawked, her wings flaring instinctively, before hissing at a mild stab of pain from her injured wing, which had strained against its bandages.

Daring just gave her a strange look, her eyes narrowing against Dash's own unwavering gaze.

After a couple of seconds, Daring sat back in her chair, stunned. “You're... serious?” she stated, disbelief clear in her voice.

“Of course I'm serious!” Dash huffed indignantly.

“Wow. You really are serious. Heh. Ursas and dragons, eh? That's definitely not boring.” Daring Do shook her head, chuckling. “Guess small-town-life isn't necessarily as boring as I thought.”

Dash's frown turned into a grin. “You don't even know half of it!”

“Although,” Daring mused, raising a hoof to her chin, “I guess building a town in the middle of a wild, untamed forest full of deadly monsters sort-of is an invitation for all sorts of crazy horse-apples.”

“Uh...” Dash tilted her head, her face scrunched up in confusion. “It's not in the middle of the forest. It's at the edge.”

“Same thing.” The adventurer shrugged, then shook her head in bewilderment. “Hardly seems the best spot to settle down. But I gotta admit, your townsfolk must have guts to pull that sort of thing.”

“I... uh... thanks... I think?” Dash scratched her head at the odd statement. “What about you? Where do you live?”

“Ah...” Daring's eyes grew unfocused for a second, staring off into nowhere. “You know... here and there.” The adventurer shrugged. “Got an apartment in Cloudsdale... Sometimes stay at the archeologist academy in Canterlot... Eh, I'm on the move most of the time anyway.”

Swallowing a piece of celery whole, Daring's eyes wandered down over the various foods set up on the kitchen table.

“Ah, Dash, could you pass me some of those flower-petals?” The yellow mare leaned over the table, forelegs stretched out, but not quite able to reach the desired treat. “...No, not those, I meant the red ones.”

“Oh, okay.” Dash pushed a larger bowl from her side of the table over to Daring's – though not until after helping herself to a healthy portion of the red flowers as well.

“Mmmmm,” Dash gave a content sigh. “These petals taste amazing! What kind of flower is that?”

“You like it? Heh, can't argue with your taste! It's a local specialty, I think.” Daring scratched the back of her head. “Can't remember what it's called, though. Some impossible-to-pronounce name, I guess. Was actually quite surprised to find this down here, haven't seen these grow in the jungle.”

Dash nodded along, but then gave the adventurer a questioning look. “Wait, what do you mean, 'down here'? Do these flowers grow in caves, or...?”

“Well... There's actually gardens outside some of the buildings.” Daring's expression turned into something of a thoughtful grimace. “Don't ask me how that works. Haven't got a clue.”

“Huh.” Dash raised a quizzical eyebrow at the new information. Plants growing all by themselves? It was a concept not entirely alien to Dash, although the only place she knew of where no earth ponies were needed to tend to the local plant-life was the Everfree Forest. But in the abundance of sunlight, not to mention inside a cave? How did that work?

Then again, she shouldn't really be surprised by something as trivial as underground cave-gardens by now.

Dash felt something stuck in her throat, shaking her from her thoughts. After a short coughing fit, she managed to get it loose, but was momentary left staring at the seven plates and bowls she had already emptied standing in front of her.

“Woahh... The food's awesome, but I think I need a minute...” The cerulean pegasus leaned back on her chair, stretching her hooves and wings. Though at this, Dash had to involuntarily cringe as a subdued sensation of pain shot through her injured wing. This earned her a sympathetic glance from her fellow pegasus, who absentmindedly soothed her own bandaged appendage.

Dash looked down at her right wing with a frown on her face. Memories of the last time she had injured her wing this badly bubbled back up to the forefront of her mind. Well, at least she wasn't stuck to a hospital bed this time.

Then again – if it hadn't been for her hospital stay, she'd never have read “Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone”, which got her hooked on the series pretty much right away from the first paragraph. ...Daring Do had had injured her wing, grounding her for several days. Rainbow Dash – rather ticked off with her own wing-injury at the time – had instantly been able to make a connection with Daring.

Dash glanced over at the other pegasus, who was staring down at her own bandaged wing with a distant expression, seemingly lost in her own thoughts.

Hmm. It gave Dash an odd sense of déjà-vu, seeing how the both of them had an injured wing, just like back then.

...Weird, now she was thinking of that part in “Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone” like an event that had taken place at the same time as her hospital stay. Probably hard to keep things separate when the protagonist of said story sat on the other side of the kitchen table.

“Hey, Dash,” Daring spoke up, bringing the cerulean mare's trip down memory lane to a halt. “I just remembered something you said earlier, and I was wondering... how did you know about the Sapphire Stone and the Griffonian Goblet?”

“Oh, I read... oh.” :rainbowderp:

Author's Note:

In case you don't remember when Dash mentioned the Sapphire Stone and the Griffon's Goblet to Daring Do... That happened all the way back in chapter 1. :derpytongue2:

A special thanks to MeglifKaddy and Frobman for last-minute help with editing! :twilightsmile: