• Published 30th Jun 2014
  • 3,828 Views, 191 Comments

Burnt Orange Juice - Mike the Red

"Why can't I cook anything without burning it? I can't even pour orange juice without it coming out burnt!"

  • ...

A Little R 'n R

Rarity showed me how to read the sign, eliciting a soft chuckle from Fluttershy. I frowned a little in response, narrowing my eyes ever so slightly.

"You mean you can't read Equish?" she asked, still tittering giggles. My frown deepened as I heaved a sigh of exasperation.

"Um, yeah -- I thought I told you where I came from -- and I'm familiar with a much different language in printed form," I commented. "It's gonna take me awhile before I can actually read anything written or printed in Equish -- which is why I would like to spend more time with Twilight."

"Aurora, darling, I think there are other reasons why you'd like to spend more time over there --"

I cleared my throat loudly to interrupt my "sister" and glared at her. She chortled at my reaction before opening the door to the spa.

"I believe my point may have hit a little close to home -- sorry, dear. Let's get on with the pampering, shall we?"

"Yes, please," I grumbled as I followed the mares inside. We were warmly greeted by a pair of earth pony mares who had identical color schemes, although one was the reverse of the other.

"Miss Rarity, Miss Fluttershy! Welcome back! And is this Sweetie Belle?" asked one of the sisters. She spoke with an unusual accent, the sound of which caused me to smile, though not in response to her query.

"I am Sweetie's twin sister, Aurora," I replied, earning a glare from my "sister." The fashionista cleared her throat as she glared at me.

"Actually, Aloe, this filly may look like my younger sister, but she has -- there's something unusual about her -- she's not what she seems," she declared as she tried to find the right words to explain my appearance.

"Very well then, Miss Rarity. I assume you'd like your usual treatment? You too, Miss Fluttershy? And -- Aurora?"

"Does that include the full treatment?" I asked, giving my "sister" a hopeful look.

"Aurora, don't you think you're a little young to be asking for the full treatment?" she asked, answering my question with another question.

"Um, didn't I tell you I have the mind of a 50-year-old inside me?" I asked. I wondered how many more times my appearance was going to prejudice the opinion of everypony who looked at me. Aloe looked at me quizzically.

"Miss Rarity, does she speak truth?"

"Aurora, darling, I keep forgetting that fact -- Aloe, she is correct, even if she doesn't appear that way. I suppose you may give her the full treatment as well. Aurora, dear, I hope you enjoy this," she grinned.

"It'll be a first for me, Miss Rarity. Thank you very much!" I beamed at her. She smiled warmly in response and gave me a quick hug before we were escorted to different rooms. I was taken to a small room with a table in the center and a step-ladder was brought to it so I could climb onto the table. I laid on my belly and waited for my masseuse to begin.

"Well, now -- what have we here? A filly to receive the de luxe spa treatment? Rarity has told me about you," I heard a female voice announce. I glanced over my left shoulder to see her, noticing it was neither Aloe nor Lotus to give me a massage.

"Um, I thought one of the Blossom Sisters might attend to me," I offered almost meekly as my masseuse trotted slowly up to me. She giggled in response.

"Ah, no -- they get to serve the higher priority customers," she replied, a hint of amusement in her voice as she began to work on my muscles. The sensation of her expertise caused me to moan involuntarily, earning a blush on the masseuse's face.

"Uh, sorry about that -- it feels so good -- it just slipped out," I said, flashing a sheepish grin before laying back down to wait for her to continue. She giggled a little before resuming her ministrations, her hooves seemingly working miraculously on my muscles. My approval continued to spill out of my mouth in a series of squeaks and squeals, the high pitch of my voice also causing me to giggle. So infectious was my giggling that it caused my masseuse to giggle as well, her hooves continuing to slide all over my body and knead the muscles further.

"Mmmmm, that feels so nice," I cooed as I began to feel completely relaxed. "Please keep going," I requested softly.

"Ah -- your time is up -- I shall escort you to the next station," she replied. I groaned in disappointment at this. "I'm sorry, miss, but I'm only allowed a certain amount of time per client. Perhaps next week?"

"Okay -- but I'll have to see if Rarity will allow it," I answered as I followed the mare out of the massage room and into the sauna. I was given a robe to wear, which I put on with some degree of difficulty. As I entered the sauna, I saw both Rarity and Fluttershy sitting on the wooden bench.

"How was your massage, Aurora?" asked Rarity. She smiled warmly at me as did the pegasus.

"Best one I've ever had, Miss Rarity -- I'm astonished by the skill of pony masseuses -- it felt so good I wanted more, but the time ran out," I noted. Both mares giggled in response to my answer. "I would like to come back next week and get another massage," I added.

"Well, darling, I shall see what I can do -- but are you sure you want to stay here that long? Didn't you say something about wanting to go back to your home world?"

"I dunno, Miss Rarity -- as I was saying earlier, I wanted to redo my life -- but I'm afraid if I go back to my home world, the date will be the same and I don't know if I'll be changed back into a human or not -- and truthfully, there's a part of me that wants to stay here in Equestria, but maybe be transformed into a stallion so everypony stops treating me like a little filly," I replied. My tone indicated a level of disappointment.

"Um, you look like a little filly," Fluttershy observed, eliciting a light chuckle from the fashionista. My frown returned once again.

"And that's just the point, Miss Fluttershy -- I want to be taken seriously, not disregarded because of my appearance," I protested, my voice cracking on the words I chose to emphasize. "It doesn't help that I'm trotting around in a copy of Sweetie Belle's body, despite getting a cutie mark -- I just hope Princess Celestia can fix this oversight -- or perhaps Discord could do it as well, but -- I don't wanna know what kind of price I'd have to pay for his assistance."

"Oh ho, talking about me again, are we? Little Aurora, I'm having too much fun watching you like this! You want to become a stallion? Oh, I'm sorry, I can't do that for you! Watching you take yourself oh so seriously is proving to be extremely amusing! If you were to become a stallion, that would ruin all my fun!" the draconequus chuckled as he made another impromptu appearance.

"Well -- if you're not gonna help me -- then I'm gonna have to find some way of making you pay for doing this to me," I growled at him. I tried to express my anger as best I could, but my facial expression proved to be so cute that both Rarity and Fluttershy giggled at me.

"How about ten thousand bits?" asked Discord as he produced a bag of coins from somewhere and dropped it on the floor in front of me.

"What, are you trying to bribe me? I'd rather be a stallion than take your money," I declared matter-of-factly, my anger receding somewhat.

"Oh, you're no fun anymore," he groused as he made the bag of coin disappear before teleporting away. The two mares stared at me in shock as I maintained a neutral expression.

"What?" I asked in exasperation.

"Aurora, darling, how could you turn down that kind of money?"

"That's easy, Miss Rarity -- I have no use for it -- at least, not yet anyway -- and there's no telling whether that money is real or not. I don't want him to think I can be bought off that easily and his amusement at my expense costs more than that," I replied, my words tinged with anger. "By the way, is it hot in here or is it just me?" I asked, earning a few light giggles from the mares.

"Aurora, darling, we are in a sauna if you hadn't noticed," Rarity chortled. Fluttershy added another soft giggle in response.

"Miss Rarity, I think the heat's beginning to get to me," I stated as I loosened the robe somewhat. Sweat dripped profusely from my body which made me feel particularly uncomfortable. "Um, how much longer are we gonna be in here?"

As if to answer my question, the door opened to reveal Aloe, who smiled at us warmly. "Are you ready for your beauty masks and hooficures?"

"Yes, please!" I chirped as I practically dashed out of the sauna to get away from the oppressive heat and humidity of the room. Once again my actions were the subject of mirth between the three mares.

"Can't take a little heat, eh?" Rarity ribbed, her words punctuated by her attempt to stifle giggles. Fluttershy smiled softly as did Aloe.

"Um, this is my first experience in a spa, y' know," I protested weakly. "I know I'm new to this sort of experience, but -- please, can you lighten up on me a little?" I asked as I gave them an almost pleading look. Their smiles disappeared immediately, replaced by concern and sympathy.

"I'm sorry, Aurora -- I didn't know you were so sensitive to that," Rarity offered softly. She draped a foreleg over my withers, easing my discomfort. I smiled at her in response to her gesture of compassion.

"Thank you, Miss Rarity," I uttered softly.

"Ladies, if you please," Aloe stated after clearing her throat, then turned and motioned for us to follow her. We were led to another room where we were given a facial mask -- it felt weird to have the cool pasty-like substance smeared on my face and cucumber slices placed on my eyes, but the coolness of the scrub felt almost reinvigorating. I chose to relax and wait for Aloe to return to wash off the scrub. I was given the option of eating the cucumber slices, but I politely declined. We were then escorted to mud baths, another odd sensation but not an unpleasant one. Eventually we were escorted to a hot tub.

"Miss Rarity, this has been wonderful -- thank you so much for providing me with this experience!" I beamed.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Aurora, darling! I know I always feel refreshed after every visit!"

Fluttershy also offered her thanks and Rarity modestly showed her appreciation in response. I swam around in the tub for a little bit, eliciting more giggling from the mares I was sharing the tub with.

"Aurora, darling, I don't think the tub is meant to be used as a swimming pool!" Rarity giggled.

"I'm just amazed by how big it is -- that, or perhaps because of how small I am -- but I couldn't resist the opportunity to indulge myself," I responded before returning to a sitting position. I maneuvered myself to a position where the water jets pulsated against my back, giving me a small measure of a massage. I was just starting to get into it before Aloe returned and requested us to exit the hot tub.

"Aww, come on, just a few more minutes!" I complained as Rarity levitated me out and set me down on the floor. She failed in an attempt to stifle more giggles at my reaction. "Well -- is there a swimming pool here in Ponyville? I haven't gone swimming in such a long time," I opined, striking a wistful pose.

"Sounds to me as though you'd like to spend some more time with my sister and her friends, Aurora! And yes, there is a public pool here in Ponyville!" chirped Rarity enthusiastically. I flashed a big toothy grin and did a happy dance, eliciting some more giggling -- the prospect of going swimming again was one which filled me with joyful excitement, such that I paid no mind to the reactions I received. There was a part of me which seemed to be enjoying this experience far more than I should, but I wasn't about to take it for granted.

"I'm glad I could make you happy, darling!" the fashionista grinned as we left the spa. I trotted brightly with a spring in my step as I followed the mares once again. We chatted for a little bit before reaching the bakery -- something else I was eagerly looking forward to. Rarity opened the front door, the bell ringing to alert a certain bouncing pink earth pony to our presence. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect, considering this the first time I'd met her. Upon seeing me, she grinned broadly and gave me a bone-crushing hug.

"Ooooh, Sweetie! I knew you'd get your cutie mark sooner or later! Oh, look -- you've got part of Twiley's cutie mark as part of yours! Does that mean you have a secret crush on her or what?" she grinned, bouncing in place excitedly.

"Um, I'm not Sweetie, Pinkie -- um, uh, Miss Rarity --?" I asked, turning my attention to my "sister" and giving her yet another hopeful look. She sighed in resignation at my glance.

"Pinkie, darling, she calls herself Aurora -- but --"

"Oooh, she is so cute! I have to throw her a big party, especially because she got her cutie mark!"

"Um, Pinkie, could I have a cupcake?" I asked. I probably should have been a little more careful about how I asked that question as her immediate response was to shove one into my mouth. I gulped it down in one bite, but was left feeling a bit disappointed. "Um, if you don't mind, Pinkie, could I have another one -- but let me eat it slowly, please?"

"Oh, sorry about that, Aurora! Here ya go!" she giggled, hoofing me another cupcake. I took it in my pale green aura and began taking small bites of it.

"Oooh, these are good!" I chirped between bites of the confection. The rich chocolate of the cake along with the intense chocolate of the frosting was exactly what I'd been craving for quite awhile. Pinkie beamed happily in response to my observation. Before I'd even finished eating the second one, she had brought out her party cannon and decorated the shop haphazardly with confetti and streamers.