• Published 12th Jun 2014
  • 9,413 Views, 549 Comments

A New World, Burning an Old Way - xBUBBA1995x

John, a pokemon Officer of the law, finds himself in a world of Ponies. And to top it off, he had been changed into a pokemon. But as a Dark force falls upon the Crystal Empire, it falls to him to help save the day... A very painful day...

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Chapter 13: No play, I think not

A New World, Burning an Old Way

Written by: xBUBBA1995x
Edited by: zeusdemigod131
Edited by: tdnpony
Pre-Reader: Dragaen (Not Yet Pre-read)

Chapter 13: All work and no play, I think not

I awoke the next day to a knock at my door. Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was not even seven in the morning. Letting out a sigh, I pulled myself up and out of bed. The day before was a stressed filled one, and I was unable to get much sleep because of it.

After King Sombra left the Wavile, I had her limited to the castle hospital, and asked that when she wakes up for me to be informed. I had my doubts that she would wake up however, since the gengar has yet to wake up himself. But at least she was alive. The Doctors did say that her heart rate, as well as mental activity showing that she was not on a coma. I had to make a mental note to look up pony magic, but that was for another day.

Not to mention, both Flubber and Volt gave Holly a Heart attack (something they seem to have enjoyed doing a bit TOO much). After everything was done and over, she came screaming through the halls for her life, and slammed into me again. It didn’t hurt, but what little stitches I got to close my cut on my chest got reopened. So while scolding the two of them, I was forced to go back and get them replaced, and it didn’t help that Holly was crying the whole time. I hate it when she cries… Seeing her that way puts me down… But she cried even more when she learned how I got the cut, and how King Sombra attacked again...

Opening the door, I found Flash Sentry standing there. He gave me a salute before stepping to the side. Standing there was Sir Clay… “Hello, John,” He started. He looked genuinely sad, but had a smile on his face. “I… am sorry for waking you up so early. I am aware of the day you had yesterday, but this would be the only time I would be able to say thank you.”

“Thank you, for what?” I asked.

“For saving the Princess. When everypony learned that King Sombra found his way into the Crystal Empire again and attacked the Princess, we all feared the worse. But thanks to you she is safe. So John, I am here to thank you. Not just for myself, but for the Crystal Empire. From the bottom of all our hearts, thank you John for saving her, and though I can’t express how grateful we all are, I can at least help you out with something or other… If you are in need of anything, just ask.”

“...Sir Clay, thank you for the offer. And I’ll let you know if I need anything…” I covered my mouth, and let out a yawn. “But for now… I just need to get to work. I have to research as much as I can about the crystal empire. Hopefully by doing so, I might even be able to find something that will help us stop Sombra for good...or at least stop him from controlling the Pokemon to attack the city…”

“Well then, I hope you resource bares some fruit.’

“Oh, please don’t talk about fruit. I’m craving berries from my old world that Equus does not have...”

“My apologies, but still. If you are to ever need something, just ask.”

“Right well… I’ll be off then. Got to go see if Holly is awake. She’s helping me with…” I trailed off as I realized something. “Sir Clay, do you know of any good restaurants in the Crystal Empire?”

He chuckled. “Do I know of one? I own the best restaurant in the Empire. Why do you ask?”

“Because I want to take Holly on a date, but I don’t have any bits to pay for-”

Raising a hoof, Clay cut me off. “Consider it on the house. It’s called the Mare’s Stable,” He smiled. “North of that park that got destroyed. You can’t miss it. I’ll have a table set for you, and whatever you need will be one the house, like I said. It’s the least I can do.”

“Well thank you, Clay. Do you mind getting that all arranged today? We should get there around… say five or six.”

“Of Course. Now if you excuse me, I have work to get to, as do you.” With that, Clay turned and started to trot awake.

After he turned the corner, Flash Sentry turned to me. “John, you are one lucky stallion, you know that?”

“How so?”

“Reservations for that place cost five-thousand bits! That’s one tenth of a guards yearly salary!”

“So it’s that upper class? Wow… Holly and I are going to have a good time then.”

“Lucky bastard…” I then laughed at his comment.


As I made my way to the library, I started to think of the day before. Of all the strange things that happened. How it started out as a good day, only to drift to a horrible one. I am just glad that Yveltal left the city when he learned King Sombra attacked, but was never here to begin with. It irritated him, and made him angry, but I could not really tell why.

“Well there is a familiar face,” A sad voice spoke. I turned to see Agatha floating through the halls. “Hello John. How are you doing?”

“Mostly tired. How about you? You don’t sound too well.”

“Oh, well it’s Gengar. He has yet to wake up, and his brother is getting restless. Not leaving his side. It doesn't help that he doesn’t need to eat or sleep. He just stands there. Staring at him... It’s hard, you know. We’ve been together so long, that’s just…” She closed her eyes. Just from her tone of voice, I could tell she was going through a lot at the moment.

“I can imagine what you are going through. Many-a-times I’ve seen my Pokemon in the hospital… Though it’s hard to tell who is worse. Team Rocket or King Sombra…?”

“As much as I hate King Sombra at the moment,” Agatha growled. “I would have to go with Team Rocket…”

“Yes, I would normally agree with you, but… with what King Sombra told me yesterday…”

“Yes, the Weavile told me about that… how she was in non stop pain…”

“Wait, she’s awake?!”

“Yes she is, why do you ask- wait John! Where are you going?” As she spoke, I turned away from her and started to run. I told the guards to inform me when she awoke! So why was I not informed?


Quickly making my way to the hospital, I found that the room Weavile was left in was the same room I held the day before. As it was the only one available. I also found out that there was an overwhelming about of Ponies trying to get into the hospital to see the Princess, and a ton of guards stopping them. If I did not stand above the ponies, I do not think I would have been able to just get passed the shear about that there was. Oh, and being a monkey with you head on fire seems to make ponies get out of the way, so that’s a plus.

“Sir John,” One of the many guards started. “I assume you are here to see the Weavile?” She asked.

“Yes, I am, but I have a question as to why I was not informed when she awoke by a guard, and had to be informed by Agatha?” I asked.

“I am unaware of what you are speaking of, Sir. We sent Flash Sentry to inform you that she has awoken.”

“I see… I must have missed him.” I lied. Though I was angry at Flash Sentry, I was not going to get him into trouble. The look on his face when he learned that I am getting a free meal from apparently one of the best places around, was worth it.

“Do you wish for me to inform Princess Cadance that you have arrived?”

“Yes, please do, but also inform her that I shall be speaking to the Weavile first, and that she should get as much rest as possible.”

“Yes, sir.” She spoke, before trotting off.

As the guard left, I turned my attention to my old hospital room. Opening the door, I found the Weavile propped up in her bed. Like my friends an I, she wore a necklace around her neck. Her being an orange gemstone. Sitting next to her was a doctor that I did not recognize.

They both looked over to me, and the Weavile’s eyes lit up. “Oh, it’s about time you showed up! I have yet to thank you properly for saving me from that King Sombra monster guy!” She stated seductively.

Stepping into the room, I closed the door behind me. “Yes well… I’m am sorry to disappoint you, but I’m taken.”

“Really? Because you don’t smell like it. I’ve smelt what mated Pokemon smell like, and you don’t carry the scent,” she said, raising an eyebrow.

I blinked in confusion at what she said. “Well… that’s because I am not with… a Pokemon.”

“Oh, so you’re one of those Pokemon that have sex with humans.”

“No… I am with a pony, and… we have yet to… you know…” My face when red. “Can we just move off this topic?”

“Oh, you're nervous about sex?” Her smiled widened. “You know… I can help with that. After all you are the big strong hero that saved me from the worthless King. It would be only right that I repaid you in kind.”

“As entertaining as seeing all of this is, can we please get back to the matter at hoof?” The Doctor interrupted. “Besides Miss Weavile, you are in no shape for physical activities,” The Doctor then pointed at his chart. “This right here says that you have bruising all over your body, as well as internally. Do anything too crazy and you’ll tear yourself up from the inside out.”

“Wow Doc, you know how to drive the nail in hard don’t ya?” Weavile asked, giving me a sad look. “Seems like we’re going to have to have some fun another time…” She cooed.

I let out an annoyed sigh. “Anyways, once the Doctor is finished doing whatever he is doing, I have some questions for you. Mostly involving what happened to you when Sombra when inside of you and what not.”

“...I don’t want to talk about it...” Her demeanor changed. Before she sounded perky. Happy even, but with one question everything turned around. As she looked at me, I could tell that her eyes were shaking in fear. It must have been a horrible experience.

“I understand,” Turning my attention to the door, I smiled back at her. “I will be near by if you need someone to talk to. Although... we won't be doing what you keep suggesting...”

“Right well, Miss Weavile it seems that you have a lot of recovery to through. Not just physically… But look at the bright side, you’re in a lot better shape than when John first fought King Sombra,” His words didn’t really help the situation, but at least the Weavile didn’t look so sad.

In fact she looked curious. “What does he mean? Did King Sombra try to take control of you? Wait, no. Then you would not ask what it’s like…” She started to chuckle. “Though I really don’t think he could if he tried. You’re a lot stronger than you look, which is saying a lot. That big scars make you look like one strong cutie!” As she finished her sentence, the door started to open. Standing there, eyes wide, was Holly Heart.

“You… better not be talking about my stallion…” She said. The Weavile’s eyes widened.

“So you’re his mate? I would have never thought since you two don’t smell like each other… Sorry Holly Heart.” The Weavile apologised. “Oh, how is the Princess Doing?”

“Better,” Holly smiled. “She actually asked for me to check up on you.”

“I take it you two know each other…?” I asked.

“I asked to help her out,” Holly started. “With the bandages and the healing… So Weavile, why are you hitting on him anyways?”

“Well when you told me about this brave, kind, great and handsome stallion you’re dating I didn’t expect it to be him,” She defended herself. “I assumed it was someone like that Shining Armor fellow.”

“So I’m brave, kind, great and handsome?” I asked, turning to Holly Heart. She face went red, and she let out an eep. Seeing her like that, I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Careful Holly. If you get any redder, you’d look like you were on fire.”

“Yeah, you practically look like a Rapidash from where I’m looking,” the Weavile chuckled as well as she joined in on the good natured teasing. “Now then, what did you want to ask me again?”


All I could say is the encounter with the Weavile was… different. I would have to guess that it was her coping mechanism on dealing with King Sombra. It’s just a good thing that she’s so friendly. Most Pokemon that go through something like she did would just get angry, and do their best to avoid said species that did that to them. Many Pokemon back home did their best to stay away from humans after what Team Rocket did to them.

“John! You’re just the Pokemon I wanted to see,” As Holly Heart and I stepped into the Princesses room, we found Cadance smiling at us. Her faced seemed bruised from the attack, but all in all she looked well. “I wanted to thank you for saving me from King Sombra. I’m lucky King Sombra only slapped me, but thanks to you I didn’t suffer any more than what I’ve already have.”

“I just wish I could have gotten there sooner,” Shining Armor commented. “Or at least helped…”

“Um, don’t mind Shining, John. He’s been down since I was attacked. Everypony has…”

“Well Princess, I am glad to see that you are doing good. How goes the recovery?” I asked, placing my arms behind my back, and taking a rather stiff pose.

“Come now John, relax a little. After saving me you don’t have to call me Princess anymore. Cadance is fine, and as for the recovery… well I just wish that everypony would calm down some. I am in fine shape, and will be ready to go anytime. I just wish the Doctors can see that…”

“But Cadance, you’re hurt. You need to rest.” Shining Armor protested.

“See?” She waved a hoof at Shining. “Other than some Bruising, I am fine. Seriously, it’s not that bad.” She complained. She did sound stressed after all...

“Yes, I see your point, Cadance…” I let out a sigh. “But have you seen the amount of ponies outside? They are all worried for you. Each and everyone. I don’t think I would have been able to get in if the guards didn’t see me over the crowd.”

“Well, you do kind of stick out like a sore hoo,” Holly offered. “You know… with your fire and what not.”

“I’m just glad I have not lite anything on fire since I… since I…” I glanced over to my shoulder to see Volt sitting there. A large stick in his hands. My eyes glanced up to see a marshmallow roasting in my head fire.

Everyone in the room started to laugh at the sight, while I just felt hungry. “What?” He asked. Before sticking the whole marshmallow in his mouth, his cheeks puffing out. “It’s good.”

“Luckily Volt here as been keeping me entertained,” Cadance offered. “Flubber too, though right now he’s gone missing. Can’t really find him…”

“Right well, I do hope you get better Princess. I should be going now. Have to start my research on finding a way to stop King Sombra without having to drive him out of the Pokemon by force…”

“Alright then, well… I hope your research works out. I for one don’t want any pony and Pokemon come to harm just because of that damn stallion…” Cadance gave me a soft smile. “After speaking with that Weavile, as well as, well… all of you, I am kind of getting attached to Pokemon more and more.”

“Oh, speaking of the Weavile. She is doing better, and says hello, Princess.” Holly Heart added.

“Anyways, have a good day, Cadance,” I started, before turning to the door. “Oh, one one more thing. Holly Heart, do you have to do anything later? Like… say around five?”

“Um, no, why do you ask…?”

“Well isn’t it obvious? I’m asking you out on a date. We’re going to the Mare’s Stable’” Holly’s eyes widened.

“How on earth did you even get a reservation?” She asked.

Cadance gasped. “Oh, how romantic.”

“Well,” I crossed my arms. “It was a thank you gift from Sir Clay, for saving Cadance. He highly respects her, and is glad to see her safe.”

“Wow… Never did I think he would do something nice for me… well kind of me. So when are we going?!” She asked excited.

“Around five…”

“That’s like! Ten hours away!” She cried.

“Hay Cadance, when was the last time we went out for something like that?” Shining Asked.

“Two weeks ago,” She answered. “A nobel got drunk and hit on me, and you threw him out a window…”

“Oh right…”

“Wait,” Holly started. “Didn’t John do that to Clay?”

“Ya…” Cadance said with a sigh.


As the day progressed, and both grew happier as well as confused. The breakfast with Holly Heart, as well as half a dozen nobles sucking up to me, went swimmingly. She and I just talked about simple matters, not really knowing what to say to each other, but I knew she could not wait for our date. I could not wait too, but it was mostly to see how happy she will be. Something about seeing her happy, makes me happy. I suspected it had something to do with the Crystal Heart, but the more and more I dwell into the books about it, the more questions came up.

“Just a little over a thousand years ago, the Crystal Empire was protected by a great queen and her Crystal Heart, but King Sombra (Self proclaimed, mind you) took over and enslaved the population. Only for everything to vanish, without a trace."

So how did it vanish, and why? This was one of my first questions.

“The Crystal Heart, know for it’s magical power of love, is the power source of the Crystal Empire, but no power source is functional without something to keep it going. So thus the Crystal Heart is linked to each and every Crystal Pony that dwells in it’s city. As long as they are happy, as long as they have a smile on their face, then the Crystal Heart will remain. It grows in power as the Empire grows in happiness.”

So how is it that this Crystal Heart is able to vanquish King Sombra? As I read the many books, and as I took in more information, it was getting harder and harder to keep reading.

For everypony that I asked, none knew the answer. For every noble and scribe that lived in the Crystal Empire could not help me, for they did not know how the link worked. None of them knew how the magic of the Crystal Empire worked. How the love they have for each other and the love they have for the world around them fuels the Crystal Heart.

Every question I though of came to a dead stop. Nopony knew how the connection worked. Nopony knew how the Crystal Empire disappeared. No pony even knows why King Sombra hates them all so, for just the mere mentioning of his name makes ponies uneasy and uncomfortable. However, there was something I did learn. Out of all the questions that I had, I got one answer.

King Sombra hates the Crystal Heart. He loathes it. When he took over the Crystal Empire, he hid away the Crystal Heart, because it was the only thing that could stop him. With his power growing more and more each day he ruled, he feared the day that it would come to a stop because of it. It is his weakness. It is his fear…


Holly Heart watched as John pored over all the books she could find. The way he muttered under his breath as he read the books was rather cute to her, but while he read, she still had something to do herself. Since John first showed up, she asked Princess Cadance if she could assist him in any way, shape or form. To be his assistant, since he is here to help solve problems with Pokemon. And though that task grew to include solving the problem with King Sombra, her request still stood.

Her job was to help him. Appointed by Princess Cadance, she was his unofficial assistant. But she loved it. Before, she would just help out in the library, and learn any spell that was required of her. To help here and there. To deal with the Nobles that needed help, and to not cry when she is yelled at.

I’m really glad Pokemon showed up. She told herself. The Pokemon world brought John to me, and he makes me happy. And all she ever wanted was to be happy. To live like the Crystal ponies do. To be happy in a world new and different. Maybe that is why she fell in love with him so quickly… Maybe Princess Cadance was right about the Crystal Heart making ponies fall in love quicker.

“Holly Heart.”

“Yes, John?” She asked. Her eyes glowing at him.

“I am finished with this stack of books. Do you mind levitating the next one over?”

“Wait, what? That was seven books! How are you finished so quickly?!” She asked, surprised.

“I had to read a lot of case files in between missions and assignments. So I learned how to read quick and fast, and remember most to all of it.”

“Oh, alright then,” Holly Heart’s horn glowed as the next stack of books levitated over to him. “Here John.”

“Thank you, Holly.”


Two times has King Sombra failed, and it angered him. Both times John and his Pokemon intervened. Both times, he was stopped by those damn Pokemon… Though it was a two way road. King Sombra’s power grew with each Pokemon he attacked with. The power within the creature was invigorating, but yet has he found one strong enough to stop the the Pokemon protecting the Crystal Empire.

Glancing up, King Sombra say Yveltal flying in the distance. Though he had been doing his best to hide from the Pokemon of Death, Yveltal’s search for him was getting annoying. Being able to sense his surrounding, Sombra was easily able to hide from him, but Yveltal’s eyes were always watching. If he where to attack a Pokemon to take it over, he would have to do it quietly. But even this was a matter King Sombra could deal with. A Pokemon doesn’t have to be injured for him to take it over.

Glancing forward, Sombra glared down at a massive Pokemon. One whose body fat could rival that of a Ursa Major just before winter. Sleeping happily was a Snorlax, unaware of his impending doom. Reaching out with his magic, King Sombra reached into the mind of the Snorlax.

Awaking from Sleep, the Snorlax reached up to his head, and let out a groan of pain, but it was too late. He could not fight it. He could feel King Sombra taking over. His body, like those who came before him, started to scream out in pain.

“Now then,” King Sombra said though the body of the Snorlax. “I wonder what you can do…”


Snow and Lex say next to each other, watching as Eclipse tossed around guards over and over. Since the first started watching, early this morning, the guards have been getting better. They also have been getting wetter at time went on, too.

“So do you think one of them is going to get sick or something? Like catch bronchitis from all that water being thrown around?” Snow asked.

“If Eclipse was trying then yes. Otherwise no. They look like they are good. Other than panting for air, they are not showing any signs of getting sick.” Lex answered her.

It was then that a large blast of water slammed into the ground in front of them. Soaking them to the bone. “Sorry you two,” Eclipse spoke up. “But that’s what you get for standing too close to the splash line.”

“Whooo!” Volt called out from the corner of the room. “Ten points!” He yelled, while holding up a scorecard with the number ten on it.

One of the stallions that was training them made his move, and planted his hoof at the base of Eclipse jaw, only to jump back and take position. “Always keep your eyes on target, sir!”

Rubbing his jaw, Eclipse turned to the stallion. “Congratulations, you’re the first pony to pass today,” He aimed both cannons at the stallion. “Now do it again.” He let out a massive stream of water.

“So Volt,” Snow started, approaching the young Joltik. “You think this is funny?” She asked with an evil grin.

“Um, Snow… what are you doing?” Volt asked. Snow then shook her fur around, splashing the little guy.

Whipping the water from his face, Volt looked up at Snow. “If you wish to tussle with the great Sir Volt, then so be it,” In a flash Volt grew his Butterknife-Excalibur from hammerspace. “Then you shall feel his wrath!”

“Where do you even keep that?” Snow asked.

“That is none of your concern, Snow. For now you have to deal with the great Sir Volt! Wielder of the evils bane!” He then let out a small shock and hit Snow right on the now. The shock then traveled through her wet body, causing little pain.

“Ow,” Snow placed her paw on her face. “That hurt! Come here you little bug!” Snow then leaped forward, but before she was able to pounce on the little guy, he was washed away. Turning, Snow found Volt flying off, while on the back of a mini-Rayquaza. “Damn it Flubber, that’s not fair!”

“Fair? This is war, Snow!” He then let out a barrage of Electroweb at her, but was then shot down by a blast of Eclipse’s water.

“We’re going down!” Volt cried out, before the two crashed in the middle of the room. Flubber, who was still transferred him to a mini-Rayquaza, lay motionless. Volt grabbed his head in his arms, tears coming out of his eyes. “Flubber? Speak to me! You can’t die! We still have to vanquish the dreaded demon Snow… Why! Why must you die? WHY!?”

Snow then raised an eyebrow. "So… I'm a demoness, am I?"

“Don’t worry, Flubber! I shall avenge you,” He then drew his mighty Excalibur, and started to charge at Snow. “For Equestriaaaaaaaaaa!” Snow then trapped him under her paw. “No! I’ve been defeated! Curse you, demon, and your evils ways of stepping on me!”

Snow just glared at him, before she gained an evil look. “To the dungeons with you!”


As the day progressed, my work seemed to be drawing to a close. At least for now. Out of the thirty or so books Holly Heart found for me, I read through all but three of them. And though I do not want to get into the topic of the books again, I can say that I’ve learned a fair about of knowledge.

However, I do have to add that I need to expand my search. King Sombra is using magic to take over the minds of Pokemon. There maybe a spell out there that counters the effects, and it’s not just linked to King Sombra himself.

But that was for another time.

As I stood up from the table with the many books on it, I let out a long relaxing sigh, and popped my back. Glancing at a near by clock, I saw that it was three-fifteen. I had to started getting ready for my date. I would have to wear something nice and…

I face palmed. Other than Flubber transforming into something, I had nothing nice to wear. “Going to have to fix that…” I muttered to myself. I always did like looking my best. Even if it was for no reason.

Stepping over to the from office, I noted down my departing time, and started to head out. Leaving my work place with the books that I have both finished and have yet to read. I know they will be there tomorrow, because I was assured that they will, and that the librarian saw to it that they were untouched, so that my work would not go uninterrupted.


As I stepped into the shower, the warm water made my body numb. It was a relaxing sensation, and an enjoyable one. But unlike before I had to stay awake. I had to clean up, and get ready for my date.

Oh, and the soup smells like coconuts.

As I stepped out of the shower, I started to dry off using the towel. Only to start whipping my head, and… the towl caught fire. My quick reaction threw it back into the bathtub and turning on the water.


As Holly Heart stepped out of her shower, she wrapped a towl around her head, bundling her hair up. Fallowed by using a quick drying spell to dry the rest of herself off. “Alright…” She told herself and she stepped over to a mirror. “Time to make myself look nice for John…”

Using her magic, she lifted up a small box. Inside the box was assorted beauty items. Fake eyelashes, lipstick, eye liner. The average girly attire. It has however been a long time since she had to use this though… As she lifted the face eyelashes to her left she, she poked herself in said eye.

“Oh,” She brought a hoof up. “You know… I don’t think John will mind that I don't use these…” She said to herself.

She then closed one eye, and lifted the eye liner. Adding the light blue color to her eye, she smiled to herself. She always liked dressing up like this, but rarely did she. “Thank you, John… Thank you for being here…” She smiled as she finished her other eye.


As I finished drying myself off, I quickly looked through the clubnights in the bathroom to find any type of cologne, and to my surprise I found a rather large variety. The Mare’s Love? I read. No… Shifting over to the next bottom I found. Stallions Stallionhood…? I opened the bottom and took a whiff of the contents. It smelled light the genaric cheap cologne you could buy at the Pokéstory. The next one how ever caught my eye. Bold Cinnamon! Read the label, and it really did smell like cinnamon. “Looks like we found the winner…”

Dabbing the bottle with my finger, I rubbed the cologne across my neck, then down my chest. I wanted to smell nice, but too much could just be annoying.

“Well…” I spoke, looking into the mirror. “I’m ready… Wish I had something nice to where, but I’m ready… I really hope Holly doesn't mind”


Opening her closet, Holly Heart pulled out her only dress. It was a rather plain red blue dress, but it was hers. “I wonder is John likes the color blue… Oh, right, I forgot I gave him a Sapphire,” Holly Heart booped herself on the head, before putting her dress on the near by bed. “Now all I have let is my hair…”

Undoing her hair bun, Holly Heart stepped over to her mirror. Her horn then flash, and her hair was combed and strate as ever. “There,” She said happily, before stepping over to her dress, and throwing it on. “Alright. I’m ready… I really how John likes how I look.”


I stood outside of Holly Heart’s door. Somewhat nervous about knocking. Ask me to fight King Sombra? I do so without question. Ask me to take a mare out to dinner? And I’m nervous. Funny, right?

I’m still surprised I am even falling in love with her… I told myself. I never fell for a human back on earth, but not one week in Equus and a mare’s got my eye.

Lifting my hand, I knocked on the door. “Just one moment,” Holly’s voice called out. It didn’t take her long to come to the door, but when she opened it… I was shocked to say the least. Holly Heart wore a nice blue dress. Her hair was straight, unlike how she had it in a ponytail. The blue eye liner really contrasted with her green eyes, and wow did she look nice. “Oh John, are you ready for our date?”

“Um… yes.” I said uneasy.

She gave me a smile. “What’s wrong? Do I… Do I really look that good?” She asked in chipper voice.

Not wanting to make an idiot of myself. I nodded. “You look… really good, Holly...”

“Why thank you,” She then looked down to my feet, then back up to my face. “We seriously need to get you something nice to wear on our dates.”

“Ya…” I rubbed the back of my neck, and smiled. “Anyways, we should get going.”


As Holly Heart and I made our way out of the front of the castle, we found the city was rather empty, or at least this part was. Except of the large open carriage, being pulled by two crystal guards. “Sir John,” One of them spoke. “By the generosity of Princess Cadance, she has asked us to be your chaperone for your Date with Miss Holly Heart.”

Holly’s eyes, as well as my own, widened. “So we’re going to the Mare’s Stable in one of the royals carriages?” Holly Heart asked, rather happily. “John this is turning out to be one of the best dates I’ve ever been on… granted this is my first date, but that’s besides the point…”

“Do the two of you know where we are going?”

“Yes, Sir. We know that you two shall be going to the Mare’s Stable.”

“Alright then,” Stepping to the side of the carriage, I opened the door, and beckoned Holly over. “Holly, after you.”

“Why, thank you, John…”


The Mare’s Stable was a rather nice looking place. I would have to say it looked more country than anything else. It was made out of wood logs and red bricks, giving it that wester look. If it were not for the fancy decor then you would not think of this place of being upper class. They had actual gold-shoulders above each table.

“This is probably the fanciest place I’ve been to in all my life…” I muttered, as Holly and I were seated in the back.

“Ya…” Holly agreed. “I think that’s an understatement…”

“Would the two of you like some wine, to start you dinner?” A waiter asked, stepping up to us.

“Before we get to that, I’d like to know that you all are aware that Sir Clay is paying for this, right?”

“Yes Sir, he specifically said that you and your mare shall be tended to at no charge.”

“Good,” Holly piped up. “Now, what would be this places best wine…?”

“That would be Celestia’s Sun spice wine. Made with Oranges that has aged over two hundred years.”

“Oooohhhh….. One of those, please.”

“And for you, sir?” He asked, turning to me.

“We’ll just share a bottle.”

“Very well,” Pulling out two menus, he placed them on the table and smiled. “I shall return with your wine. Please excuse me.”

As the stallion walked away, I grabbed one of the menus and opened it up. Before I even looked at what it had to offer, I glanced at the prices. “One-Hundred bits for bread?”

“Wow this place really is expensive,” I glanced up to Holly, to see her looking through her own menu. “I think I’ll have the… exotice salade and two of those garlic breads.”

As my eyes scanned the page, I didn’t really like most of what I saw. It looked more like a expensive Vegetarian meal then anything else. That was… until I turned to the back, where they had some fancy looking fish. “Oh, looks like they sell fish,” Holly looked up to me, then turned her menu over. “I think I’ll just have a… I don’t even know half of what these fish are… Eeny, Meeny, Miny, you.” I then pointed at a fish called the Tobiuo.

“Well that’s one way to pick what you are going to eat…”

“Here’s your wine, John,” A familiar voice spoke up. Holly and I glanced up to see Sir Clay holding our bottle of wine. “And might I add, you’re going to love that one.”

“Clay, it’s good to see you,” I started. “Thank you for the wine, by the way. Now have have you been since we last spoke this morning?”

“Rather busy, but tonight is not about what I’ve done. It’s about the two of you. Please, enjoy your stay, and Holly Heart,” Sir Clay turned to her. Holly was doing her best to hide behind her mane. “I am sorry for all the trouble I caused you. I mostly did it out of spite, but please. Can you forgive me?”

Holly bit her lip. Her eyes drifting up to him, then down to the bottle he was holding. “I will… once you hoof over that wine…”

He chuckled. “Now then, you two enjoy yourselves...”

“Before you go, I’d like to apologies.” I quickly stated, before he walked away.

“For… what?” He asked.

“I’d like to apologize for throwing you out the window, when we first met. I understand it was wrong, and I don’t quite see how you have forgiven me for it, seeing as you are doing this.”

“John,” He smiled. “Consider that all under the rug. How can I be mad at somepony if he just saved somepony I hold dear?”


“John, are you-hua, are you trying to get me drunk?” Holly asked, as we walked, her more stumbled, out of the Mare’s Stable.

I chuckled. “What do you mean try? And aren't you suppose to say that when they give you the alcohol?”

“No!” She shot at me. “Maybe… I don’t remember... Now where did we park?”

“We didn’t park, remember. You told the stallions that pulled us here that we would walk back to the palace.” I told her.

“I did? Well that was a dumb idea,” She grumbled. “How am I suppose to make you fall for me while walking back to the castle?”

“Holly,” I said. “I’ve already fallen for you,” I then tripped over my own feet, and landed on my side. “See. I am literally falling for you.” I joked. (That wine was a lot stronger than I though. Even I’m somewhat drunk…)

“Come on, John, that’s not a-hua, not a bed. You’re beds back at the castle… or you could sleep in my bed. Wait… that would mean we would have to share a bed. Oooohhh, John you real are trying to make me drunk… you naughty stallion…”

“What?” I stammered, as I stood up. “No, never,” My face started to turn red, though the wine did most of it for me. “Alright, just a little…”

“John... Holly Heart... What are the two of you doing?” We looked up to see Flash Sentry giving us a concerned look.

“Flash,” Holly started. “It’s nice to see you! Tell me how are the kids?” Holly started.

“I don’t have kids… are the two of you drunk?”

“Of Course not, Flash. You’re the one that’s drunk.” I pointed out.

He let out a sigh. “Alright… just follow me then…”

“Not until I give John a good night kiss!” Holly stated angrily, and before I knew it… she kissed me again. But not on the cheek… on the lips.


To Cadance,

I will keep this short, seeing as you are likely very busy dealing with King Sombra, as well as any Pokemon that may be causing problems for you.

In Seven days, a world Summit shall be hosted here in Canterlot. Every race shall be attending, as well as Lord Arceus himself. I do hope that you, like Twilight, have had a mostly good experience with the new arrivals, and I hope that you will be able to share some good things about the Pokemon that you've encountered. Oh, and you need an advisory. Somepony to help you out with the meeting.


Author's Note:

Well here's the next chapter everyone!

TDN- Relationship development. Nice
Zeus- “Can you feel the love tonight~” Great chapter Bubba, can’t wait for the next one.