• Published 21st May 2014
  • 4,468 Views, 608 Comments

The Monster Below: Nightfall - Greenback

When Chrysalis begin a campaign to destroy Equestria from within, an Earth pony struggles to protect his family by any means necessary, regardless of the consequences

  • ...

City in the Sky

No sooner does our unexpected meeting conclude than a large carriage comes to a stop beside the gate. Two of Luna's guards hop out and take our bags.

“Silverspeak?” Mom asks as our luggage is loaded into the cargo hatch. “What are Luna's guards doing here?”

“I'll explain later,” I say as I hop inside; the guards' body language reveals that they're in no mood to hang around.

As soon as Mom and Dad are inside, the guards close the doors and we head off to Canterlot's airport. Hundreds of ponies come and go in dozens of balloons, blimps, planes, and zeppelins, some floating so low I can make out the rivets on the engine housings.

“An airport that never sleeps for a city that never sleeps,” Dad muses.

The carriage heads through security checkpoints and rolls past the numerous hangars beside the runway, coming to a stop at the last one, which is surrounded by tall fences and more members of the royal guard.

“Silverspeak,” Mom asks as we leave the carriage, “Could you please tell us exactly what's going on?”

I'm about to answer her when an earth pony trots out of the hangar. He's probably the pilot, judging by the dark jumpsuit he's wearing.


I raise my hoof. "That's me."

The pony offers his hoof. “The name's Gusty, pilot of her Majesty's ship the Raven; Princess Luna's assigned me to be your pilot on this little venture of yours. Wherever you need to go, I'll fly you there, no questions asked." He glances at his watch. “Speaking of which, we should get going ASAP.”

“Why the rush?” Dad asks.

"We got quite a ways to go. Best to get a move on.”

Luna's guards are already removing our luggage from the carriage as Gusty leads us into the hangar. Within is an airship unlike anything else at the airport; it's a sleek, slim craft neither small nor huge, constructed from purple fabric that shimmers like millions of snake scales.

"Say hello to the Raven," Gusty says, beaming with pride. "Fastest ship in the Canterlot fleet. Built to transport dignitaries and VIPs at breakneck speeds." He hurries to the gondola and lowers the boarding ramp, indicating for us to get inside. I lead the way, entering the small sitting room. While a bit cramped, it's nicely decorated in royal purple and other amenities found on luxury aircraft.

“It's a bit small,” Mom says.

Gusty heads for the cockpit. “She's only meant to carry a few passengers at a time. Now, we all onboard?"

The guards put the last suitcases on the floor and leave, closing the door behind them.

“Looks like it,” Dad says.

“Then take your seats, and we'll be on our way.”

The three of us are quick to store our suitcases and buckle ourselves into the nearest seats. From within the cockpit, Gusty flips and presses a seemingly endless amount of switches and buttons, causing the room to shake as the engines hum to life.

“All right, engines online, powering up... done. Systems good and green." He glances back. “All right, folks, here we go!”

The hum increases. Through my window, I watch as we smoothly glide out of the hangar and onto the runway. The sound of the engines gets even louder.

“Is that normal?” I ask.

“Don't worry,” Mom says as she takes my hoof. “Airships really are the safest way to travel. There's nothing to be afraid of.”

With a sudden burst of speed, the ship shoots ahead, gravity shoving us into the seats.

“Sweet Celestia!” Mom yells.

I glance out the window, watching as the Canterlot airport falls away until it's the size of a child's model. Then it vanishes as we head into the clouds, where the Raven levels out, leaving us sailing through an ocean of white and gray.

There's a shimmering noise, and a brief flash of light outside the windows.

“What was that?” I ask, still trying to find my voice after such a fast departure.

From within the cockpit, Gusty presses some more buttons. “Active camouflage. My bird normally takes VIPs on high-risk missions, so it has all sorts of security measures, including the ability to become invisible." He flips a switch, and takes a deep breath. “Alright folks, we're good now. You can walk about if you want.”

I undo my seat belt. “How long until we reach Genesis?”

“Barring any unforeseen storms, obstacles, nasty beasties or hungry dragons, we'll probably get there by noon tomorrow.”

“Genesis?” Dad holds up a hoof in surprise. “Wait, you don't mean the Genesis, do you?”

I nod. “The one and only.”

“No way!" Dad shakes his head. “You're kidding, right?”

I shake my head as I retrieve our suitcases.

Dad's trying not to jump about. “Genesis! You know how many ponies have wanted to go visit there since they built that place?! Everyone!”

“What do you know about it?” I ask.

“They call it, 'The Dream Factory,'” Mom says. She's as excited as Dad, but has more self-control. "It's the place where miracles are born, and everything you could want comes to life. Kinda like a candy factory for adults. But here's the thing: Nobody knows what goes on in there. The only time anyone outside the company is allowed inside is during their yearly tech convention, and even then they're limited to the convention arena. Every year some intrepid reporter tries to sneak out into the R and D facilities, but the guards always catch them.”

“What do you think they're building there?”

“Oh heck, probably anything and everything,” Dad says. “Advanced prosthetic limbs, artificial eyes, and ships that can take us into space. You name it, they're probably building it. Mark my words, at the rate things are going, we'll be seeing legs that'll let ponies run for days, eyes that can see things miles away, and even lungs that can let ponies breathe underwater! I bet my bottom bit that within the next five years, any pony who wants to fly or cast magic can get what they need to-”

Dad stops.

The room goes silent.

I glance down the small hallway, eager for an escape from the awkward silence. “I'll go put our luggage away.”

Nobody stops me as I leave.


The day passes, and the sea of clouds turns the most beautiful shades of pink and red before giving way to the dark sky, and a sea of stars above us. I had hoped to talk to Mom and Dad more and learn about what they've been doing in the two years since we've been apart, but they retire to bed early after eating dinner, looking surprisingly tired. It isn't long before Gusty begins to yawn, saying that he's going to hit the hay. I point out that we might collide with something else while still asleep. He flips a few switches and says that the autopilot will keep us on course. Besides, if anything gets too close, the radar will let him know long before we get crumpled like a tin can.

Flicking a few more switches, Gusty powers down the cockpit lights before heading into a small side cabin. I'm about to leave when his voice drifts through the open door.

“Oh, almost forgot." He comes back into the cockpit, now carrying a small, elegant box. “The Princess gave this to me. She wanted you to get it before retiring for the night.”

I take the box, surprised at how heavy it is. “What is it?”

Gusty shrugs as he heads back into his cabin.

Now the only pony left awake, I head down the hall to a small meeting room nestled at the back of the gondola. Here the floor is covered with thick, luxurious carpeting, illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the portholes in the walls. I make sure to lock the door behind me; can't risk having my parents stumbling inside while I... well, while I work with whatever's in the box.

The distant hum of the engines drifts through the air as I set the box down and undo the locks, swinging the lid open. The moonlight reveals a tennis ball-sized orb nestled inside, made from flawlessly smooth obsidian.

Hmm... I wasn't expecting this. Is there are note or something saying... oh, wait. There it is. There's a scroll nestled beside the orb. I unfurl it and take a look at the message it contains.

To use this orb, rub it three times.

Sitting down, I take the orb and rub the surface twice.

A green glow appears within the orb.

Closing my eyes, I rub the orb once more.

A burst of energy rushes through me like ice water flooding my veins. It's over in a second, but shocks me enough that I drop the orb. My eyes snap open as I try to grab it, but everything around me is blurry, as if I were seeing things from underwater.

What on earth happened? I don't feel in danger, but this doesn't feel right. It almost feels like... like...

“A dream.”

Wisps of fog slip past me. I turn and find Princess Luna standing behind me.

“Princess?" I bow. “How did you get here?”

“You called me.”

“With the orb?" Wait, the orb! Oh no, I hope it didn't crack when I dropped it! I scan for it, spot on the carpet next to... wait. There's a body there. It looks limp and lifeless, and looks like...

Wait. Wait, that's... me! Oh buck! Am I dead?!

“No, you are not dead,” Luna says. “You are in the astral plane.”

I spin back to her. “The what?”

“The world of dreams and nightmares, and the place where I help those who need it."

I look at my hooves. They're as solid and normal as they've ever been. So too, is the rest of me. I even touch my skin and find it to have the same consistency as ever. Yet, that's my body lying on the floor. “So... I'm not dead?”

“That is correct.”

“Then... what am I now? A spirit?”

“It is... difficult to explain." Luna glances over her shoulder, as if hearing something far away. “I must be quick, for there are others who need my help. The orb you have received allows you to travel to this plane at any time. Use it to contact me with updates, or if you will need my help. As for Genesis, arrangements have been made for your arrival. When you reach the city's gates, speak the following phrase: 'The Moon will illuminate the truth.'”

“The Moon will illuminate the truth... got it.”

“Do you parents know why you are going to Genesis?”

I shake my head.

“Good.” Something unseen causes Luna to glance back once again. “I am needed elsewhere, Silverspeak. Sleep now. We will talk again soon." She turns to walk away, I realize that now's the best chance to bring up something that's been troubling me since my dad's mention of horns and wings.

“Your Highness?”

Luna stops.

I hesitate. How exactly do I phrase this? “You know I wanted wings and a horn at Medicomp... if Genesis has them..."

Luna eyes me. “Those who have experienced temptation's sting know not to listen to its call."

Without another word, Luna fades from sight, but not before her horn glows. Another rush of cold energy floods through me, and I'm suddenly lying on the carpet, feeling groggy and worn out.

The orb continues to glow for a few moments before the inner light fades away to nothing.

Rising, I put the orb back inside its box, locking the lid, thinking about Luna said: If temptation were to come to me once more, could I resist it?

I don't have an answer to that.


“Silverspeak? Are you awake? Breakfast's ready.”

I groan and glance at a nearby clock. It's nine in the morning. Rolling out from under the sheets, I take a moment to rub my face and make myself halfway presentable, then stumble into the gondola. Mom's already eating a plateful of pancakes and blueberries. Dad's working on a second batch at a tiny stove set in the wall.

“Well, look who's woken from his beauty sleep,” Dad says as I take a seat.

“I could use some more of it,” I groan.

“Didn't sleep well?”

“Not really.”

“Any reason why?”

I can't tell him what's really on my mind, so I improvise. “Oh, just excited about today.”

“And why wouldn't you be?" Mom takes a big bite of the pancakes, crushed blueberry juice running between his teeth. “It's not every day a pony gets to make a trip like this one!" Yet another batch of pancakes goes down the hatch.

“You must have slept well if you're this chipper,” I say.

Dad chuckles. “Well, we must have been visited by the sandpony.”

Mom nods. “Best night's sleep I've had in months.”

“Besides, how could we not be in a good mood?”

“Well, I’ve noticed you’ve been a lot more, how do I say it…” I shake my hooves, “... easygoing than you were two years ago.”

Dad nods. “I’m going to be honest with you, Silverspeak. Your mom and I… well…” He hesitates. “Well, let’s just say something happened. We were in a funk with you being in prison and all, and I realized one day that moping around wouldn’t help. So I thought, why not lighten up a bit? I didn’t have to be so serious all the time. Managed to convince your mom into doing the same. Isn’t that right, Honey?”

Mom comes to the table with a plate full of fresh pancakes. “Yes. We decided to try and not take things so seriously. Make things more upbeat for when you got out.”

“And it seems to have paid off!” Dad says. “You haven't been out for even two days and you’re already employed by the Princess, and you're taking us to Genesis!”

I remember something Dad used to tell me when I was little. “Guess we just need to grab life by the horns and hold on, right?”

He chuckles. “Right! No matter what life throws your way, you just hang on and go with the flow, no matter where it takes you." He puts my pancakes down, the warm, earthy smell drifting into my nostrils. “Speaking of which, I think someone could use some extra syrup!" Grabbing the dispenser, Dad pours the liquid over my pancakes until they’re practically drowning in them.

“Hey, not too much!”

“You can never have enough syrup,” Mom says. “Besides, after two years, wouldn’t you want extra?”

I contemplate that for a moment. “Well, can’t argue with that.” I take a bite, delighting in the flavors dancing over my taste buds.

Seeing my parents like this, so excited and so glad to be with me, and so eagerly eating, reminds me of when I was little, and when our little family was enjoy Saturday morning pancakes before going off on some day trip, or doing activities together. At the time I loved getting out of the house, but now I treasure them even more; coming so close to death in Manehattan, and going through those two years in that dungeon made me realize how quickly I can lose them.

Wait a minute... in Genesis, Mom and Dad are safe from Chrysalis and her changelings, but they can't stay there forever. Something may come up that requires them to head back home, and the moment they leave the city, they'll be at risk again.

My appetite disappears.

There has to be something I can do to help them, some way to protect them, or, at the least, make sure I know they're who what they say they are. But what? A constant guard to follow them around? No, that won't work; he or she could be replaced by changelings as well. A constant spell? That might work... but I'd need to convince Luna to-

Wait... Wait! I've go it!

"Oh, Mom? Dad?"

They look up from their breakfasts.

"I know this won't make much sense to you, but... I need you to do something for me. You both remember how we had a safeword when I was young? In case something happened to you two and you needed to send someone to pick me up?"

They nod, puzzled.

"Well... I want us to do that again."

Mom and Dad eye each other. "Why?" Dad asks.

"I wish I could tell you what's going on," I say, "but I can't. Please... will you do this for me?"

"Well... yes," of course," Mom says. "But... is it something we need to be worried about?"

I can't defy Luna, but I have to give my parents something to go off of. "No... but I'd like to use it as a precaution, in case something goes awry."

My parents are now thoroughly confused, and unsure if they need to be worried. But, after several moments thought, they sigh and give in.

"Okay," I say. "Let's use this safeword: Quiverquill."

"Quiverquill," Dad says. "Got it. Anything else?"

"No," I say. Then, with a smile, "Who's up for some more pancakes?"


Once we're done eating, and the three of us finish the dishes, I excuse myself to my cabin. It won't be too long before we reach Genesis, and I need to figure out exactly how I'm going to approach my task. I spend the next few hours contemplating my strategy, coming up with several ways to approach my investigation.

Eventually, I manage to boil everything down to a simple equation. If TechInc does have weapons or other ethically questionable materials, they're no doubt already hiding them. To defy the commands of a princess is foolhardy, but while most corporations in Equestria no longer put bits before the good of their employees and the public, there are still a few who don't. Being relatively new, I'm betting TechInc falls into that category. If I'm going to counter their attempts to hide incriminating evidence, then the easiest way would be to meet up with the company's CEO as soon as possible and use my charm to make him or her spill all their secrets. If they're too strong-willed, then I'll have to arrange interviews with employees and use my charm on them instead. A few dozen interviews should reveal if the company has anything hidden up its sleeve.

There's a knock at the door. “Silverspeak? It's Mom. Gusty wants to see you.”

I head to the cockpit, where Gusty is hard at work adjusting his instruments. “Might want to gather your things," he says. "We're coming up on Genesis.”

“How long until we get there?” I ask.

“Probably another two hours.”

“That's still a long way away.”

“Yeah, it is. But we’ve got to deal with the crowds.”


Gusty indicates the radar. It's beeping away, showing multiple signatures on the edge of the screen, some big while others are quite small.

Mom and Dad come in, attracted by the sound. “What are those?” Mom asks.

"Zeppelins, blimps, and all other aircraft, all waiting to get into Genesis." Gusty throttles back on the engines, slowing the ship.

I peer out the window as the clouds drift away, revealing at least a hundred ships of all sizes and shapes, ranging from one-pony crafts to enormous zeppelins casting several craft into complete darkness from their shadows alone.

Gusty groans. “Oh, this is going to be a long day.”

“Maybe not,” I say. “Can we get through to Genesis?”

Gusty gives me a headset. “Knock yourself out.”

Putting the headset on, I press a button. “Genesis air control, please come in.”

A no-nonsense voice comes through the speakers. “This is Genesis. Identify yourself and provide your registration number.”

Gusty flicks a switch. “Genesis, this is the Raven, en-route for special mission from Canterlot, requesting priority approach, over.”

Sure you are. Now give your registration number or I'll dispatch security to escort you away from the area.

“Standby." Gusty flicks his switch again and heads through a pile of papers. “Hang on, I've got that thing around here somewhere.”

“I heard these guys don’t mess around,” Dad says. "Guess they don't."

Gusty chuckles. “Every one of these conventions is swarmed with ponies who want to get in, but couldn't get tickets or can't pay the entry fee. From what I’ve read, they get so many frauds and fakers that they have to hire additional security each year. It's especially bad on opening day... which happens to be today.”

Raven, provide your registration code. This is your final warning.

Gusty’s still searching, and I can’t risk my mission being compromised. I flick my headset back on. “Genesis, this is the Raven. The Moon will illuminate the truth.”

“Hey,” Gusty says, “cut that out before they-”

Raven, you are cleared for immediate landing at platform A-5. We are transmitting coordinates now.

Numbers pop up on the console.

“Well, didn’t expect that." Dropping his papers, Gusty takes hold of the steering column. “Nice work. Now, hold on tight. This is going to be a little tricky.”

Buttons are pressed and switches are flipped, and a shimmer goes across the windows as the Raven makes its way into the mass of ships before us, zipping along like dolphins leaping between sailing ships of old. We’re no longer invisible, as I can see countless ponies glaring at us through numerous windows and portholes. I try to ignore them, remembering myself that we're here on official business, and not impatient cheaters cutting in line.

Gusty heads through the fleet for another ten minutes before reaching the front. Dad’s already pressed his face to the glass, wanting to be the first to see our ultimate destination. And as a large cloud bank rolls away, even Mom is momentarily overwhelmed at the sight before us.

Emerging from the clouds ahead is the floating city of Genesis. I gasp; it’s one thing to see a miniature hologram of it, and something else to see the real thing. Even from miles away, the place is huge, easily dwarfing both Canterlot and Manehattan combined. And it doesn’t have just size, but beauty too: the bottom half of the dome is metal, machinery, and gears, but the upper half is an elegant dome of bronze and glass, something the hologram didn't show.

Raven, security hatch opening. Please proceed.

“Roger that." Gusty turns the ship and heads towards a section of the dome. I had thought it was glass, but as we get closer I realize that it’s actually energy that shimmers like a soap bubble. It looks fragile, but I don’t want to risk testing that theory.

One panel opens up as we approach and head through, only to immediately reform, sealing us inside Genesis.

I join Dad in pressing my face against the glass, wanting to take in everything before me. I had figured the place to be as advanced as Manehattan, but this is a metropolis straight out of a science fiction movie. It’s packed with skyscrapers, towers, and all other manner of buildings made out of shining metal and filled with technological advances I can’t make heads or tails of, making Manehattan look like a native village made from mud bricks. But most peculiar are several giant, windowless domes in a district away from the towers. I'm guessing that's where the manufacturing, research and development labs are located.

Mom and Dad can't tear their eyes away from the windows as the Raven continues on. We cross over an enormous sports dome decorated with banners and floodlights. Judging by the crowds gathering out front, that's probably where the convention itself is probably being held. That would explain all the other airships already docked and moored at nearby towers and what appears to be the airport. And while there's plenty for us to see, it's the tower in the center of it all that captures our attention. No... tower isn't a good word. It's a monolith that towers at least a mile high, maybe more, and packed with thousands of floors, windows, and smaller towers that jut from the sides. The whole thing is unlike any other building I've ever seen before. I'd love to just circle it for hours on end, but Dusty guides the Raven towards a landing platform, and touches down with a gentle bump.

A door slides open at the end of the platform. Several ponies come out, dressed in long red coats.

“I'll handle this,” I say. “Mom, Dad, you want to get our luggage?" I use a tone to suggest that this little face-to-face is for certain ears only, and they quickly head into the passenger cabins as I open the door. A gust of warm air permeated with a metallic taste greets me as I hop off the Raven.

One of the ponies approaches me, the others hanging back. Judging by their tactical gear, they're probably security. Behind them all is another pony in tactical gear, but she's almost as big as Celestia, and much buffer. I'm guessing she's probably their captain.


I nod.

“We have been expecting you. Please come with me.”

“I'll get my parents.”

“Due to the nature of your visit, I'm afraid they'll have to be escorted separately.”

“I'd like to have them with me, if you don't mind.”

“Security is very tight at this facility,” the official says. “Princess Luna was very clear that your parents and pilot were not to be informed or told of the reason for your visit." She indicates the large pony. “She will escort them to their quarters, and bring their luggage shortly afterwards.”

I eye the pony. She eyes me back. No way I'd trust my parents to a scowling face like that.

“I will go with them to their quarters, and then we may proceed,” I say. “Is that be acceptable?”

This official would make a great poker player; I can't read her face.

“Very well."

I nod and turn to the Raven. “Mom? Dad? You can leave the luggage. They'll get it.”

Mom trots off the ship. “Oh good. Don't worry, Gusty, you won't have to carry it all.”

Gusty staggers from the cabin, sweating up a storm as he carries several suitcases piled high on his back. “Great!”

Dad follows Mom, and the three of us fall in behind the official as we head into the Monolith.


I had guessed that a company devoted to the latest in cutting-edge technology would decorate their headquarters lavishly with the stuff, but I'm surprised just how far TechInc has gone. The walls, ceiling, and floors around us are all made of bronze, as are the numerous light units embedded in the walls, and the candle-less chandeliers dangling above our heads. Everything's so spotlessly clean; how many hours do the poor janitors put into keeping everything polished?

Mom and Dad are practically besides themselves as we head deeper into the building. Considering how few ponies ever come here, I can't blame them. They're like pilgrims in a holy land, any and all frustration at being taken on this unexpected detour long gone.

Getting into an elevator, we head up several floors to a hall built from the finest marble and granite money can buy. The big pony heads to a door and uses her magic to unlock it. Eager to see what lies ahead, my parents rush inside. I start to follow, but the official puts a hoof on my shoulder, a quiet reminder that I need to be elsewhere.

“I'll be back later,” I call out.

“Take your time, kiddo!” Dad calls back.

As soon as the big pony comes back, my escort presses a button, sending us back up. I bite my lips as we start up: It doesn't feel right to leave my parents, but I need to continue my work. They'll be safe here and we all know the password.

Wanting to distract myself, I study my escorts. They aren't very happy to see me; the big pony, in particular, keeps looking me over.

I try smiling.

She narrows her eyes.

The elevator comes to a stop, and I'm led out into a lobby, but more elegant than any I've ever seen. The bronze motif is still strong here, mixed with intertwining metallic decorations around the pillars and posts. At the back is an ornate elevator, and before that is a gilded desk, complete with a bored secretary as we head to the left and to a heavily-reinforced door. The large pony holds up a gold badge to a scanner, causing the doors to silently glide open, leading me into what appears to be the tower's security hub: it's filled with hundreds of busy, rushed ponies working some sort of strange screens that show text and pictures moving across them. What are those? Probably some sort of mechanical wonder TechInc has created.

A pony dressed in a fancy security uniform rushes over. He's a lean, muscular fellow with a gaze that's seen a lot, yet somehow still managed to resist becoming cynical. “Silverspeak?”


He gives me a quick hoofshake. “I'm Onyx Shield; I'm in charge of security for the Monolith. Please pardon the rush, but we're busy." He indicates for me to follow him into an office, which I do so. “You'll be given a full briefing later, but here's the basic gist: Security is our top priority here, and each floor of this tower is designed to allow those who have the exact security clearance. Namely, these."

He holds up a gold badge identical to the one the big pony carries. Reaching into his desk, Onyx pulls out a small box and unlocks it. Inside is a lanyard attached to another gold badge. He gives it to me.

“Because of your status, this card will grant you access to every part of this city. Furthermore, if you require assistance or the escort of any law enforcement official, show this and you shall receive it. For obvious reasons, do not lose it. Your parents will be given their own badges shortly. They will have access to Genesis' recreational and entertainment facilities, but none of our research, development, and factory facilities.”

“I don't think they'll mind. They're so excited just to be here.”

Onyx chuckles. "Them and hundreds of others."

There's a beep from a radio on his vest.

“Excuse me, I have to get back to work. I'll have your escorts guide you to your room." We leave his office and head to the giant pony and the waiting official, who leads me back to the elevator, but I don't feel like going down just yet. I've been given my security clearance, and now it's time to start my plan.

“Are there any floors above us?” I ask

“Yes,” the official says.

“What are they?”

“The private quarters of the CEO.”

“I'd like to meet him, if possible.”

“I'm sorry, but he's very busy.”

“It will only be for a minute." Even if I can't get a full session with the head of TechInc, I'd like to at least say a brief hello. I need to give a good first impression and show that I'm not some inquisitor he needs to fear.

“That won't be possible. He's very busy organizing the convention.”

Hmmm... if I can't see the pony himself, perhaps there's another step I can take. “Can we arrange a meeting, then?”

"One's already been made for tomorrow morning. Now, come."

With nothing else to do here, I allow my escorts to take me to the elevator and down to another elegant hallway, where I'm led to an equally opulent door. The official unlocks it and stands aside, waiting for me to enter. I do so, expecting an elegant room, but what they've given me isn't a room for a guest, or even a dignitary. It's a penthouse worthy of royalty itself, made from the finest materials and filled with the best luxuries bits can buy, from the silk sofa to the golden chandeliers, and the polished wood that shines beneath my hooves. And that's not all, for the giant windows gives me an unprecedented view of the city below. Airships continue to make their way inside the dome, and even from so high up I can see hordes of ponies lining up at that stadium a short distance away from the Monolith. The convention isn't even scheduled to start for another few hours, and already there are tens of thousands of ponies gathered together for the opening ceremony.

"The opening ceremony will begin momentarily," the official tells me. "Your pass will grant you VIP access."

Then, without another word, she departs with the others, closing the door behind them.

I stay at the windows, studying the mass of ponies far below. With a meeting between myself and the CEO arranged, my next step is to go to the opening ceremony of the convention and get an idea of what all the hubub is about, both for professional purposes, and to satisfy my own curiosity. But more importantly, the CEO himself may be there, and I could possibly get an unscheduled face-to-face with him. If I pull off a good first impression, that would make my work so much easier. Genesis is a big place, and if TechInc wants to hide something, they have... oh, I don't know, several million rooms and places they could do it in. I may be an official envoy of the Princesses, but the odds aren't in my favor if TechInc decides to hide something, which makes getting on the CEO's good side all the more important.

There's a knock at my door.

“Come in.”

My parents trot inside, both dressed in fancy attire. “Man, these TechInc ponies sure know how to impress guests!” Dad says, pleased at the dark blue fabric with bronze sewn into the edges. A bit extravagant, but impressive.

“Did the two of you visit some of the shops around here?” I ask.

“Believe it or not, these were actually waiting for us in our room! How's that for service? Did you see yours?”

I haven't checked the closet yet. I do so, and find a fancy coat waiting for me.

“Only fitting that the Princess's ambassador should be dressed for the occasion." Mom says. “And speaking of occasions, your father and I would love it if you could come with us to the opening ceremony." She puts a hoof on my shoulder. “It really would mean a lot to us.”

“Of course,” I say as I slip the coat on. “I'd be happy to." I was planning to ask if Mom and Dad wanted to come with me, but there's no harm in them asking first. I bring up my badge. “I think this will also help us skip the lines as well.”

I might as well have told Mom that I got her free tickets for a trip to the Moon, as her eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. And no sooner have the words left my mouth than Dad eagerly points to the door.

“Lead the way, Son!”


The three of us are quick to enter the elevator and head towards ground level. But we don't even go five floors before it comes to a stop and several ponies get in, all dressed in clothes equally as fancy as ours. It's a pattern that repeats on every floor, and it isn't long before the three of us glance at each other and decide to find another way down. So, leaving the crammed elevator, we head to the nearest service desk and inquire about finding another way to the convention. The attendant, no doubt annoyed at having been asked many times before, changes her tune when she notices my badge. And before I know it, the three of us are floating away from the Monolith in a small taxi, granting us a panoramic view of the ever-growing crowds beneath us.

“Wow,” Mom says. “Look at them all.”

Dad nudges me. “Good thing we don't have to join 'em, eh?”

“Don't expect to do this for everything,” I say, looking my badge over. “Can't go around abusing this.”

“Oh, of course not." Glancing at Mom, Dad leans in close. “Hey, you know if it gets you free drinks in restaurants?”



The taxi flies in lower as we reach the front of the crowds, landing in a small space reserved for VIPs. Guards are present, but they quickly give way as I show my badge, clearing us a path to a small waiting room in the very front of the crowd. My parents strut along, delighted at the chance to feel like royalty for once, and I can't say I blame them. It's easy to get excited here; the air is practically crackling with energy, and most of the crowd are now jumping up and down in excitement.

Our arrival couldn't have happened at a better time, as a small door opens on a balcony high above us moments later. Every voice in the crowd goes silent as a unicorn struts into view. It takes me a moment to realize that it's the official who met me on the platform. She clears her throat before casting a spell to amplify her voice.

“Mares, stallions, and foals: It is TechInc's pleasure to welcome you to the third annual Convention of Science and Technology. For the next three days, all our wonders and technologies shall be yours to see, explore, and touch. The wonders of the future lie before you!”

The official grabs a tug woven from the finest threads, and yanks on it as hard as she can.

“Welcome to the future of Equestria!”

With a great and mighty rumble, the doors open wide.

With barely-constrained enthusiasm, the crowd roars as they surge inside. My parents try to join them, but I grab hold and keep them back. To join that mass would only ensure we'd get separated in a heartbeat, and that's the last thing I want. Not that Dad is going to go along with my plan; he's itching to run inside.

When the crowd has slowed to a reasonable level, I motion for a guard to come over. “Could we get an escort inside?” I ask, holding up my badge. He nods. Thus, with the guard clearing the way, we enter the crowds, and make our way into the stadium, which is crammed with all manner of booths and displays. The thousands of ponies who swarmed in before us are already squeezing into every possible space in an effort to get the first glimpse of vendors displaying their wares. But among all the commotion and excited shouts is a huge stage at the very back of the stadium. Most of the ponies are making their way there.

“What's being shown there?” I ask our guard.

“The main presentation, sir.”

“How long until it starts?”

“Ten minutes.”

“Then let's see if we can't get some seats.”

“Of course. Follow me.”

The guard makes his way through the crowd, my parents and I close behind. I don't want to miss out on this presentation.

Whatever it may be, I have a feeling it's going to be big.

Author's Note:

The picture in this chapter was done by SilFoe, who also did the cover artwork for this story! Check her stuff out here! (http://silfoe.deviantart.com/)

Due to Genesis changing shape during the writing process, I've rewritten it's description in the previous chapter for continuity reasons.