• Published 26th Feb 2014
  • 730 Views, 58 Comments

Silver Spoon on the Moon, and Other Short Stories - ocalhoun

A series of character sketches in preparation for a large upcoming romance story. Published as a curiosity only.

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Vinyl Scratch Meets Her Match

“Hey, Vinyl, how's it been?”

Vinyl Scratch peered at me over the edge of her turntables. She lifted her glasses off, letting her red eyes sparkle in the flashing lights. “You!” She leapt down, stalking toward me.

“Hey, hey. It wasn't my fault! I was just going along with the crowd, I don't even know where those pineapples came from, and the duct tape was--”

She wrapped her hooves around me, picking me up with a tight squeeze. “Where have you been? It's been forever!” Letting me go and falling back to four feet, she laughed.

“I, uh... wait, you're not mad?”

“Mad? Ha!” She threw her head back. “It'll take more than that to make me mad! I've only been to three raves crazier than that one, and two of those involved Pinkie Pie. It was awesome!”

I giggled a little myself. “Really?”

“You bet your ass it was awesome!” She slapped the ass in question for emphasis. “'Course, one of these days, you've got to bet your ass and lose it, so I can finally get a piece.”

I rolled my eyes. “You know I don't swing that way, Vinyl.”

“Not now you don't.” She smirked. “But if you've lost a bet, all bets are off!”

I raised an eyebrow. “That doesn't even make sense.”

Her smirk grew, and she took a step closer. “Don't pretend you've never thought about it.”

“Vinyl, I--”

She leaned forward and planted her lips on mine.

Vinyl!” Pulling away, I darted back. “What was that?”

Sighing, she shook her head. “Okay, that was out of line. I'm sorry. I just get caught up in things sometimes, you know? And with the music, and I might have taken a few hits, and--”

Rushing forward, I planted a kiss on her unsuspecting lips.

Her eyes popped open wide, and she jerked back.

I smirked back at her. “Consider yourself forgiven.” I twirled a key around my fingers. “Now, can we get to the reason I came by in the first place?”

Her body went rigid and her ears perked as all of her attention zoomed into those keys. “You got it? Seriously?” Her jaw dropped open as her cheeks pulled up into a huge grin. “The whole thing?”

“Well, it was going to be my apology for what happened earlier, but since that apparently won't be necessary...”

“Give me that. Now!” She leapt for the keys.

I pulled them away, only to see them yanked out of my hand with her magic. They floated over to her, enveloped in her silvery-blue aura.

She held them right in front of her face, quietly squealing. “I can't believe you got the whole Riviera Suite! How'd you get that old geezer to part with it? Did he finally die?”

“No.” I hung one hand on my hip and let a smug grin spread across my face. “I just have my ways.”

Her eyes narrowed, barely visible behind her glasses. “You fucked him, didn't you?”

My grin vanished. “What? No! … No. I'd never do that.” I shook my head. “I just explained to him why it was so important to you.”

One black eyebrow slowly rose above the rims of her glasses.

I glanced away. “And, well, maybe there were a few incriminating photos involved. Nothing serious.”

The lights flashed as the music worked its way up to a crescendo of bass-filled vibrations. Vinyl glanced back up at the turntables. “Oh wubs! I've gotta get back at it -- the song's almost over! Be back in a flash!”