• Published 5th Feb 2014
  • 4,384 Views, 87 Comments

Twilight Moon - Foals Errand

Princess Twilight Sparkle has her own student now who is interested in the story of Nightmare Moon. However when she's told it none of Nightmare Moon's actions make any sense! That's when her teacher asks if she wants to hear the real

  • ...


Now, where was I? Oh yes, Celestia had just woken up Luna in Canterlot.

Princess, can you get on with it? Feels like I’ve been waiting a year!


"Yes, I apologize Luna but I just received an interesting letter from Twilight Sparkle. I think you had better read it." Celestia's horn glowed slightly as the scroll was passed over to the very sleepy Night Princess.

Luna yawned while blinking her eyes as she took the scroll in her own dark blue magic. She took the chance to stretch her wings out with a satisfying crack before unfolding the scroll to read it. Her eyes darted a bit before she blinked and cocked her head at the scroll’s contents before reading it again. "We... er, I am..." She blinked. "Tia, what in Discord's name is this?"

Celestia shrugged, albeit a bit weakly. "I was sort of hoping that you might have some idea."

Luna cocked her head while staring up at Celestia with half-lidded eyes "Well I... Er, I think I am here, sister. Mind you I am very much still half asleep."

Celestia shook her head with a soft chuckle, remembering why it was an unwise idea to awaken her sister too early; she became rather silly. As unintentional as it was, there was nothing to do for it. "Do you have any suggestions on how to proceed, sister?"

Luna rolled up the scroll a bit sloppily with a sigh while rubbing under her horn with a hoof. It was apparent to Celestia that she was at a loss as both of them held out hope that it was an explanation, but one which they both feared. 'Well... is it possible that something happened during my normal patrols of the Everfree which would cause myself to split in twine? Mayhaps to save my life?”

Celestia gently took the scroll from Luna’s hesitant magic. "It is possible Luna and that explanation may help to explain the apparent amnesia which your doppelganger seems to be suffering."

Luna willingly allowed Celestia to take the scroll back. The idea that there was another of her, a version of her which wore the form of a nightmare, disturbed her in a way she wasn’t sure she could put into words. "Well, Twilight doesn't seem concerned that she may be evil…” She swallowed at the idea of her closest friend being tricked in such a manner but firmly shook her head. No, Twilight is a smarter mare than that. If she is certain of my… doppelganger? Then I have no reason to doubt that it is the truth. “So for now that is the explanation I'm going with, Tia." She stopped. “Tia? Does that mean we have a new little sister?”

Celestia sighed, tucking the scroll away as her wings made a shrugging motion. “I couldn’t say yet, Luna. This needs to be carefully investigated.”

Luna nodded while stretching her wings out, moving just enough to stay conscious if not completely awake. "I think you may be right, Tia. For now, maybe we should keep me a secret from her?"

Celestia considered it for a few moments, chewing her lip as she did so. “I will not reveal your location here sister unless I feel it is safe to do so. Is that fair?"

Luna stared ahead for a few moments before nodding."I take it that you mean to leave for Ponyville now then, Tia?”

Celestia clicked her tongue in thought before nodding. "I think I ought to. Whatever the situation may be, that is the logical choice."

Luna yawned again. “With all this sorted out does that mean I may return to my bed?” She had been doing her best but her normal reserves were utterly spent.

Celestia wrapped her large wing around Luna’s back and gave a gentle squeeze. "Yes Lulu, you are welcome to return to your own sweet dreams."

Luna sighed happily before nuzzling her cheek into Celestia’s chest, feeling safe under her sister’s wing. Thoughts of the being masquerading as her briefly forgotten as she closed her eyes with a soft sigh.

Celestia smiled bending her neck to lay her cheek on top of Luna’s head. “I will see you this evening, dear little sister. Don’t worry about the Solar court; I will have it suspended.”

Luna nodded with a sleepy murmur before pulling back from under Celestia’s wing. “Sorry Tia, but if I do not return to my bed I fear I will collapse onto you, not that you would be a bad pillow…”

Celestia chuckled. “Yes, I understand. Go on back to bed, little sister. I think I’ll be seeing you at dinner, though depending on how this trip goes there may be a few more settings needed.”

Luna simply yawned before slowly walking back into her darkened room and shutting the door with a quiet click. Tia, be safe…

Twilight looked up as Spike suddenly belched the green fire, instantly materializing into a scroll. “Oh good, I was starting to get worried! It usually doesn’t take the Princess so long to respond, especially to such a serious matter!” She sighed in relief as Spike opened the scroll and cleared his throat.

"Dear Twilight. I was most distressed by your last letter but am very relieved to hear that Princess Luna is safe in your care. With that said however, I will be coming to Ponyville as soon as I can. Signed, Princess Celestia." Spike checked the rest of the scroll and shrugged. “Well that’s that.”

Twilight beamed as her shoulders relaxed a bit. She turned to where Nightmare Moon was curled up on her too-small bed, a smile on her lips. "Your sister will be here soon, Princess Luna. Just relax, I’m certain she’ll be able to explain everything." With the scroll rolled back up and put away, she trotted over to the bed and carefully began unrolling a roll of gauze around Nightmare Moon’s head. She frowned as she tried to cover the long gash but not do more damage to the goose egg against her horn.

Nightmare winced as the gauze was applied just a bit too tightly on her lump but swallowed the pain, determined not to startle her host. "Did she seem worried?" If she and Celestia had indeed had an alteration then it was likely that Celestia would not have been as worried then if she simply hadn’t returned from a patrol.

Twilight carefully tied off the gauze before pausing in consideration. “She did seem concerned, but I think the fact that you are here with me helped a lot.”

Nightmare gazed down at her pitch black hooves, biting her lip carefully as she took a shaky breath. "Then… why do I look like this, Twilight Sparkle? Why after nine months have I turned into the Nightmare again?"

Twilight opened her mouth before pausing and shaking her head. "I don't know, Princess Luna. Maybe Princess Celestia will have some sort of idea about why this is happening, I’m sure she’ll be able to fix it!"

Nightmare nodded before looking down at the petryal which was still encircled around her body along with the remaining two hoof boots. Her ears pinned back as her horn weakly sputtered; her magic had obviously been damaged far greater than she had originally thought. She swallowed hard before looking back over at Twilight. "Help me get this armor off please, Twilight Sparkle. I can't bear to see my sister while wearing it."

Twilight nodded, remembering what Nightmare had told her earlier. She took a deep breathe before lighting her horn’s aura, carefully she pulled off Nightmare’s hind hoof boots and set them delicately on the floor as her eyes scanned Nightmare for anymore injuries. Finding none, her magic slowly took hold of the light blue petryal and unclipped it, allowing it to lay along with the boots.

Nightmare looked at the armor laid on the ground ever so thoughtfully before frowning. It looked so benign like that. "Twilight?"

Twilight smiled; without the armor on Luna--even in her Nightmare form--seemed far more approachable. "Yes, Princess?"

Nightmare closed her eyes tightly, her muzzle twitching as she turned her head from where the armor lay. "Destroy it... destroy all of it, please!” Her wings slumped as a few bloody feathers came loose landing on the floor.

Twilight stared wordlessly for a moment before nodding firmly. “Of course, Princess Luna." Her horn was surrounded by an aura of pink magic. Her tongue poked out as she glared at the armor, the aura growing far more powerful. Unnoticed to her, Nightmare opened her eyes to watch her mouth opening the smallest amount as Twilight cried out, a large burst of magic consuming the armor and turning it into smoking slag. She sat down with heavy breathing, relieved no damage had been done to the floor. After a few moments of rest she turned to check on Nightmare.

Nightmare swallowed hard, feeling Twilight’s eyes on her. There was something about that magic. She shook her head as a tear ran down her cheek. “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. You do not know what that act means to me.”

Twilight smiled before walking over and sitting on her haunches next to the bed. “I was happy to help you, Princess Luna. Ever since seeing you last Nightmare Night, I had been hoping that you might send me a letter wanting to get together again, but I understand you’ve probably been really busy what with helping your sister rule our country right?”

Nightmare stared at Twilight with wide eyes before letting out a soft sob as she fell back onto the bed, burying her head in the pillow. She began crying, soaking the pillow with her tears. “Celestia, oh Tia… Tia, I’m sorry, please. I’m sorry…”

Twilight watched as Nightmare cried, not sure what to do, before shaking her head firmly and lifting a hoof towards her. She began to gently stroke Nightmare’s mane while not saying a word, just being there to comfort.

Spike slipped out the door, chewing his lip as he walked down the stairs to where Applejack sat in the library paging through some sort of book, though Spike could see from the way her eyes were not moving and the way her ears perked that it was only to maintain appearances. She was listening to what was going on upstairs. Spike sighed, sitting down next to her as he rubbed his claws together. he sighed and turned to her. "What do you think?"

Applejack sighed, closing the book with a light thump and running her hoof over her mane before shaking her head. “I just… I can’t quite tell, Spike. It doesn’t seem like she’s lying to us. What do you think?”

Spike sighed, his shoulders slumping as he stared at a picture of the lot of them which Twilight had hung on the wall. He crossed his arms as if to hug himself. “I-I’m worried that Twilight is being tricked,” he admitted after several seconds of thought. “We’ve been through so much together, I just… Twilight is just so trusting!” He looked at Applejack’s gentle smile as she lifted his chin with her hoof.

“Hey now, sugar cube. Take a deep breath and relax, alright?” Applejack gave him a small nuzzle before releasing his chin. “You might be right but I can tell you that the injuries she has are very much real. As for the rest, Princess Celestia should be arriving soon and I doubt the Nightmare is good enough of an actress to fool the Princess, least not for very long.”

As Applejack finished speaking a firm knock came from the front door to the library. Spike eagerly sprang to his feet and practically ran to the door, swinging it open to reveal Princess Celestia outside alone. A few ponies walking by had looks of astonishment on their faces as Spike bowed, standing out of the way. “Princess Celestia, please come in! Twilight is upstairs with our guest.”

Celestia softly smiled down at Spike before she stepped inside and waited for the door to be closed behind her. Her eyes scanned the room, briefly pausing on Nightmare Moon’s helm and two of her hoof boots before spotting Applejack bowing before her. Celestia simply shook her head. “Arise, Applejack. There is no need for you to prostrate yourself before me. After all, I have been invited here by Twilight, same as yourself.”

Applejack nodded, standing back up. “You should probably head on upstairs, Princess. I’m pretty sure Twi could use your help.”

Celestia nodded and climbed the stairs, hesitating a mere moment before stepping into the bottom level of her student’s bedroom. "Twilight Sparkle, may I come up?"

Twilight poked her head over the side of the loft. “Oh, Princess Celestia! I’m so glad you are here, please come on up!” Her head vanished from Celestia’s sight as she returned to Nightmare’s side.

Celestia cocked her head at how Twilight was reacting before giving herself a small shake and climbing up the final flight of stairs, not certain of what she would find and readying herself for anything. The sound of her sister’s sobs was the last thing she was expecting as she came to a stop a few feet away from the foot of Twilight’s bed. Laying curled up in the bed which was far to short for her large frame was a sobbing black alicorn. Her face buried in Twilight’s pillow. Celestia frowned before swallowing hard and taking another step forward "Luna?"

Nightmare lifted her head from the pillow looking into Celestia’s eyes her own eyes filled with tears and swollen red. Two trails of tears fell down her black cheeks. "T-Tia, I'm sorry! I’m so very sorry!"

Celestia took a deep breath then smiled gently for all her bravado while speaking with Luna being here and seeing this being, this pony who looked at the Nightmare but resembled Luna in so many ways. I’m not certain what is happening but… "For what, my dear sweet Luna?"

Nightmare shivered turning away from Celestia’s expression staring at the bed spread. So forgiving. Why can I not remember… "I… I don't know, b-but I'm N-N-Nightmare Moon again s-so something had t-to have h-happened! S-so I'm s-s-sorry!"

Celestia walked slowly to the bed and sat next to Nightmare before wrapping a wing around her trembling form and giving a small squeeze. "Nothing happened, sister. I swear it to you."

Nightmare let out a sob before turning into Celestia’s embrace and wrapping her forelegs around her neck and burying her head in Celestia’s chest. "Tia!"

Celestia softly nuzzled into Nightmare’s mane cooing into her ear."Shh, Luna. It's alright, little sister."

Twilight stood back several feet from the embracing sisters watching as Celestia attempted to soothe Nightmare whose sobs were slowing into nothing more then whimpers her trembling had just about ceased. Twilight smiled as her body finally began to relax. "Princesses, may I get either of you anything?"

Celestia pulled back from Nightmare to better respond to Twilight her wing still firmly embracing Nightmare. "Camomile tea please, sister?"

Nightmare nodded her cheek resting against Celestia’s chest. “T-that sounds lovely." She winced; her crying had made her head ache more.

Twilight gave a small bow and headed downstairs not only to prepare the tea but give the sisters a bit of privacy.

Celestia placed a gentle hoof on Nightmare’s back soothing her in a circular motion.

Nightmare released a small whimper after noticing that the white gauze covering her head had soaked up some of the red tint of her blood. "My head hurts, Tia."

Celestia glanced at the blood tinged bandage and frowned. "I know sweetie, it’ll be alright." Celestia’s horn glowed, summoning an ice pack which she softly held to Nightmare’s head.

Nightmare smiled into Celestia’s fur as Celestia gently applied the ice pack, her eyes closing from exhaustion. "I love you, Tia."

Celestia smiled touching Nightmare’s forehead with her lips. "And I, you." She smiled as she felt Nightmare’s breaths slow. She cradled Nightmare against her chest for a few moments longer before laying Nightmare back down on the bed, bringing the quilt up to cover her while trying to ignore the injuries her eyes had only glimpsed. Later Celestia, for now she needs rest. She sat next to the bed, her face emotionless as she watched Nightmare sleep with a small smile on her muzzle. At least she is having a good dream. That thought caused a small smile to form upon Celestia’s own muzzle.

Twilight soon returned upstairs with three cups of tea held within her magical aura. She set them down on her desk before turning back to see Celestia sitting on her haunches watching Nightmare sleeping. Twilight took a step forward, her head slightly cocked. "Did Princess Luna fall asleep?"

Celestia turned her head towards Twilight and smiled "She did indeed.” Celestia sighed softly.

Twilight blinked and her brow crinkled. Though most would have never noticed it Twilight had grown up under Celestia’s wing and was privy to the Celestia under the mask. There was something bothering her princess. “Princess Celestia, is something wrong?"

Celestia turned back to watch Nightmare sleep. "Twilight, what are your impressions of all this? I mean, what have you thought since Luna arrived this evening."

Twilight blinked and chewed her lip. My impressions? Th-that is kind of an odd question to ask but… "Well, at first I thought she... you know, had a relapse, er… a back-track? I mean, she did appear here as Nightmare Moon, but there was something not quite right? She… she was very polite and she asked about your well-being right away!"

Celestia nodded, her eyes still focused away from Twilight taking in the sight of the sleeping Nightmare. "What else have you noticed since her arrival?"

Twilight sat down, her tail flicking back and forth in thought. "Well… it seems as if she’s missing a large chunk of her memory. In fact, I’d say she has no memories after returning from the moon nine months ago, except...”

Celestia’s ear flicked the smallest amount. “Except what, my faithful student?”

Twilight took a deep breath and swallowed. “Well, she seems to remember seeing us use the Elements. In fact, she recognized Applejack and called her Honesty."

Celestia turned away from watching Nightmare sleep to smile gently at Twilight. "Well, that’s interesting and very relieving. It seems that the six of you seem to be a focal point in her memory. Yes, I do think we can and should work with that fact."

Twilight’s cheeks flushed a bit before she shook her head. "It’s not just us, Princess. She was so very relieved to hear you were safe. In fact—" Twilight picked up the metal slag which remained after burning Nightmare Moon’s armor, "This was the armor she was wearing when I met her. Well, minus her helm."

Celestia cocked her head slightly to the side as she took in the sight. "May I see her helm, Twilight?"

Twilight nodded and went downstairs to retrieve the helm once she had dropped the slag back to the ground. "Here you are, Princess Celestia. It broke a bit, cutting into her head, so I removed it with her permission. In fact you can see where it fractured, cutting into her head. Could that have been caused by the impact that caused her to lose her memory?”

Celestia nodded before taking the helm into her own magic and sliding it into a saddle bag which Twilight had left simply lying about. "Thank you, Twilight. I'm going to study this helm for any traces of magic.

Twilight blinked but nodded. "Of course, Princess. Also you are welcome to the use of my bag for as long as you may need it." She cocked her head as Celestia’s cheeks seemed to flush the smallest amount. She opened her mouth just to close it again as she heard the bed shift a bit and turned her full attention back to Nightmare.

Nightmare mumbled a bit, her wing twitching as she tried to rouse herself from deep sleep. "T-tia..."

"Yes, Luna?" Celestia asked gently, lowering her head to Nightmare's level and softly nuzzling at her cheek with the side of her muzzle.

Nightmare’s eyes opened. "I-I had a n-nightmare, Tia. A horrible nightmare. M-my body was Nightmare's again, a-and I don’t know why. It was so awful, Tia!"

Celestia slowly licked the single tear that escaped Nightmare’s eye away and cooed to her in a soft voice."The nightmare is over, Luna. You are safe with me."

Nightmare smiled up at Celestia before lifting her hoof to touch Celestia’s muzzle. Before making contact however, she froze, her leg trembling. “Black…”

"But not your heart, dear sister." Celestia gently placed her forehoof on Nightmare’s chest, right over her heart. “Your heart is as light as anypony’s.”

Nightmare trembled, her eyes flicking down towards the blanket covering her lower body. "I don't understand what caused me to relapse... Please, sister! I'm sorry!" She jerked her head back up to look Celestia in the eye, tears running down her cheeks.

Celestia wiped the tears away, a loving smile on her muzzle. "Hush now, It's alright. We'll figure this all out and it will be alright. I swear it."

Twilight hesitated a moment before taking a step forward and clearing her throat. “Princess Celestia?"

Celestia paused in comforting Nightmare to give Twilight her full attention. "Yes, Twilight, what is it my faithful student?"

Twilight swallowed hard before straightening up and looking Celestia in the eyes, forcing herself to keep her courage. "Would I be able to give Princess Luna some of my magic? I mean, i-it might be enough that she can change back at least! Or, um... would that aggravate her injuries?" Twilight winced as she finished her thought. Good job Twilight, you should have thought of that first before offering.

"Twilight, I’m afraid that at this point it is better for Luna’s health for her to remain as she is." Celestia lovingly smiled down at Twilight before turning back to her sister and nuzzling her cheek. “At least until she has had time to heal from whatever caused these injuries.”

Twilight chewed her lip but took a hard look at Nightmare’s battered body, her shoulders finally slumping in disappointment but also relief. There was no telling just how much of her magic would be needed to let Nightmare return to her normal self. “I-I understand, Princess.”

Celestia turned back to Nightmare, her eyes firm though loving as she placed a hoof on Nightmare’s shoulder. “And you, little sister... Can you understand why it is important you remain as you are until we figure out what happened?”

Nightmare nodded, though she seemed weary. "I-I'm very tired, Tia..." Her eyes drifted shut once again, unable to hold them open another moment.

Celestia caught Nightmare’s body as she slumped against her. "Rest then, sister. I am going to take this helm back to Canterlot for study later today, but before then we'll have lunch together. How does that sound?"

Nightmare weakly nodded."I'd like that, Tia. Just a small nap fir..." She fell asleep on Celestia's shoulder before she could finish her sentence.

Celestia smiled before using her magic to gently lower Nightmare back onto the bed and tucking her in and giving her a single kiss under her horn. "Rest, dear sister. Big sister will figure this all out, I promise."

Twilight waited quietly as Celestia got to her hooves, stretching her wings before folding them back against her sides. She seemed deep in thought and Twilight hated to disturb her, but… "Is everything alright now, Princess Celestia?"

Celestia smiled down at Twilight. "Yes, I think so. We still need answers about what has happened, but at least we aren't worrying for Luna's safety nor of a renewed threat by Nightmare Moon."

Twilight perked up. Even though she had been almost one hundred percent certain that this was Luna and not a trick, to hear the same from Celestia was quite the relief. "So this is Princess Luna then? I'm so glad I was right to trust her!"

Celestia paused, looking out the window above the bed Nightmare slept in before turning to head downstairs "Walk with me, Twilight?"

Twilight blinked. “Of course, Princess.” She paused, watching as Celestia silently walked down the stairs. she shook her head and quickly followed her, helplessly shrugging at Applejack and Spike as they walked past them and out the door. Heading away from the town they arrived at a babbling brook.

Celestia gazed at the brook a few moments before sighing and turning to look down at Twilight. "Twilight. I have no doubt that the injured mare in your home is my dear little sister Princess Luna. This, however, presents a riddle to me."

Twilight’s ear flicked; that hadn’t been what she had expected her teacher to say. "A riddle, Princess?"

Celestia pursed her lips together before nodding. "Yes, my dear Twilight. Because Princess Luna in fact returned from her nightly patrol and lowered the moon this morning. She is now comfortably sleeping in her bed at the palace."

Twilight’s eyes widened as she took an involuntary step back. "I-I don't understand... you just told me that Princess Luna is asleep in my bed."

Celestia nodded. "Indeed I did, Luna is asleep in your bed as well as asleep in her own bed. Twilight? Somehow it seems we now have two Princess Lunas!"

Twilight sat down in shock, unable to think. Her mouth began and opening and closing a few times in an effort to form a coherent sentence before she finally blurted out what she was thinking. "Oh wow! So, uh... how does it feel to have twin baby sisters?"

Celestia paused as she watched Twilight’s eyes grow wide looking as if she desperately wanted to bury her head in the ground. She shook her head with a quiet chuckle. "It is very confusing, Twilight. I need to know more about how this happened before we tell this Luna if possible. The one at home has all of her memory, apparently."

Twilight stopped searching for hiding spots and cocked her head, clearing her thinking. "Maybe a strong unicorn cast a spell? Somepony with a grudge against Luna?"

Celestia considered it and nodded. "It is possible. Another possibility could be a time travel spell gone wrong?"

Twilight hesitated, the words on her tongue she shivered a bit at the thought. "W-what if the Elements of Harmony sent her here?"

Celestia stopped mid step as she turned to head back to Twilight’s home, her trembling forehoof frozen in the air before she set it back down firmly. "We have to consider that as a possibility, but it’s confusing since she is clearly in no way the Nightmare Moon that neither you or I have battled."

Princess… Haven’t you always taught me that we must seek facts before we dwell on theory?

Yes, well in this case Celestia and I were quite baffled… and as a filly I wasn’t so… well, time has tempered me.

Twilight caught up to Celestia, matching her stride as they walked back towards the library. "I can ask Fluttershy later today if any of her animal friends saw anything. Meanwhile, I'll begin my own research. There has to be something about malicious magic or unintended effects."

Celestia nodded, pausing before opening the door back to the library, her eyes taking in the several different ponies trying not to stare as they quickly walked past. "Good. Twilight? I want you to keep things quiet, Luna needs comfort and gentleness to get through this but I still feel the involvement of the Elements of Harmony is desirable." Especially if they somehow caused this.

Twilight took a look around and quickly understood Celestia’s reasoning. "I promise, Princess. I'll go speak to Mayor Mare in the morning to get the paperwork which will allow me to temporarily close the library."

Celestia’s shoulders seemed to relax as she smiled. "Good. I need to inform Luna at the Palace by this evening, but I would rather this Luna be in better condition before exposing her to such a shock."

Twilight nodded, opening the door with a small burst of her magic and allowing Celestia to enter first. "I agree, Princess. A shock like that can be bad enough when you're healthy injured as she is? I fear how she’d react. Are sandwiches and soup alright for lunch?"

Celestia nodded, walking fully into the library with a smile on her muzzle. "Quite fine, I assure you! It would even be a treat for me, my faithful student."

Twilight smiled and walked in after Celestia, closing the door behind her before turning her attention to where Applejack was still pretending to read. "Applejack, would you like to stay for lunch?"

Applejack closed the book startled before nodding. "Sure! Ah need to get back to the farm first and tell Granny and Big Mac something, but Ah'll be back before you can say Apploosa three times fast."

Celestia smiled gently at the young mare. "Applejack, please do not let it be known my sister is here, not even to your family."

Applejack hesitated a moment before taking her hat off and bowing her head down. "I swear, not a word about the Princess will cross my lips." With that said and a smile from Celestia she put her hat back on and quickly left the library, shutting the door with a solid click.

Twilight poked her head into the kitchen to see Spike setting up the pot and other necessities for soup and sandwiches. "Spike, do we have the ingredients for celery soup and daffodil sandwiches?"

Spike turned around, giving Twilight a thumbs up. "You bet, Twilight!"

Twilight rubbed the back of her neck, glancing towards the library trying to figure out where to even start. "Could you make enough for the Princesses, Applejack and myself?"

Spike eyed the pot for a moment before nodding, deciding it would be just big enough. "Sure thing, Twilight!"

Twilight sighed; at least lunch was taken care of. "Thanks, Spike." She watched Celestia head back upstairs to watch over Nightmare while she headed for the research section.

Where to start…

Which books were these, Princess? “Care and Feeding of your Ailing Supervillain” or “The Users Guide to Split Personality?”


Oh, what is going on in here? I haven’t seen Twilight’s mane in this shape in many a year.

Story time. Princess Twilight is telling me the real story of Nightmare Moon. No offense, Princess Celestia, but I could tell what's in the history books is fake.

Is that right? Well now, I have always enjoyed this story. May I stay to listen?

O-oh yes! Of course Pr-Celestia. After all, you probably know parts of the story I do not.

Yes, I believe I do. Now… shall we continue?