• Published 8th Jan 2014
  • 4,193 Views, 62 Comments

Ray of Sunshine - The Princess Rarity

Discord and Celestia's daughter learns an important lesson about beauty.

  • ...

As you go through life, you'll see there is so much that we don't understand...

- Chapter Three -

A new day was beginning. Yes, it was indeed a wonderful morning in the land of Equestria once more. The sun was brightly shining through the beautiful stain glass windows of Canterlot Castle, creating a spectacular dawn for all to see.

However, unlike the day before, a certain little Princess was not up and about, trumping through the halls of her lavish home.

No, instead, Princess Cassara was lazing about in her four-poster bed, still exhausted from the previous day's activities. She was snuggled underneath her blankets, and had her eyes closed, staying nice and comfy in the soft spot that she was silently refusing to move from.

Alas, the relaxation for the young Royal was over, as she suddenly felt a certain figure snake up beside her...

...but Cassie was quicker, and with her magic, she levitated a pillow up, smacking the figure with it.

"I've been hit!" a voice yelled, and a light thump was heard, summoning Cassara to peep out from under her sheets and giggle at the sight before her.

There, on the floor, was her father, acting as if he had just been ambushed by an army.

"Man down!" Discord called, as he was continued to be hit with the overly plush pillow.

Cassie laughed, only before she willingly tumbled off of the bed, swatting her father one last time. "Good morning to you too, Daddy," she teased.

The draconequus let out a groan, and playfully rolled his eyes. "Honestly, Cassara, it's not even noon, and you're already attacking your old man?" he pouted.

"Yup!" the little Princess beamed.

"Of course you are," Discord sighed, as he ruffled his daughter's mane.

She smiled, and bounced on her father, hugging him contentedly. "So, care to explain why you're here, mister?" she playfully argued. "I was enjoying some much-needed beauty sleep!"

With a scoff, the Spirit of Disharmony lightly tsked. "You Princesses," he muttered. "Always so vain, all of you." Despite his statement, he smiled. "Although you have no need to be, my dear." He tapped her on the nose, causing her expression to scrunch up cutely. "Someday, your cuteness will be the death of somepony."

Sticking her tongue out, Cassara released another bell-like giggle as she got to her feet, running over to look out the window. "So, what are we gonna do today?" she said excitedly. "Can we visit to Manehatten for the day? Or go play pranks on Aunt Luna? Or maybe visit the museum? Or-"

"While all of those activities sound quite enjoyable - especially that second one - I'm afraid I have to refuse," Discord interrupted.

"Aww!" Cassie whined, with a pout as she looked back to her father. "Why?"

"Because, unfortunately, not everyday is a celebration," the draconequus sighed, showing the same amount of frustration as his young daughter. "Your mother is off meeting with delegates from Saddle Arabia, I have to personally apologize to the city of Baltimare for an incident involving rabbits on steroids and you have studies to attend."

The young Princess frowned, and crossed her forelegs. "Studies?" she groaned. "But I don't wanna learn. I'm royalty - why do I have to learn?"

"Don't you want to raise the Sun someday, or rule over Equestria?" Discord questioned.

"Nope!" Cassara replied, with a smile. "I just wanna be a lazy Princess, and have all of my servants rule for me!"

This smart-aleck statement from his young daughter caused the draconequus to laugh, shaking his head playfully. "You and me both," he agreed. "But that's not the way life is. So... well, as much as I'd hate to say this, get ready and get to work, alright?"

Cassie let out a sigh, and nodded. "Ok, Daddy," she relented.

"Hey now, don't act like that - if you behave, I'll make a candy-crafted playground in the Castle Gardens for you," Discord murmured, with a playful wink. "I'll use extra chocolate and licorice, so you can even eat the swings if you'd like."

This was enough to persuade the young Royal, who giggled and nodded.

She cocked her head to the side in wondering, and asked, "Can you at least take me to class?"

"I wish I could, but if I'm not at the announcement as soon as possible, the city just might protest to have me dethroned - again," the God of Chaos muttered in defeat.

He smiled a different - and special - sort of smile to his child, a kind of smile only they could bestow and share. She shot it back, as a silent I Love You the father and daughter shared, and with that, he poofed away with his teleportation skills.

Releasing a sigh, the little Princess was now alone, and rubbed the sleep dust from her eyes as she began to shuffle her way through the hall.

Cassara lazily levitated over one of her many crowns - a golden one with rubies that apparently brought out her eyes - to place on her head. After all, if she didn't wear one, one of the maids or Guards would most likely call her out for it, and she didn't quite like it one bit, so she settled with satisfying others.

Not even bothering to comb her mane, Cassie made her way down the halls, to one of the back rooms in the Castle, where Miss Twilight was going to give her the daily magic lesson.

Such a shame the young Princess never studied...

Letting a brief yawn pass her lips, Cassie slid into the Royal kitchen to grab something random for breakfast before her schooling. Seeing how all of the servants seemed to be gone, the young Princess had realized she had to fend for herself, and instantly, she went for the cookie jar.

Milk and dark chocolate chips embedded delicious sugary goodness wasn't the ideal morning meal, but for somepony as young as she, it was perfect.

Magically levitating one out of the container and quickly scarfing it down, the draconequus filly smiled in content as she started to practically shovel almost all of the scrumptious sweet treats in her mouth at once.

Although, a sudden shuffling from not that far away alerted her, summoning Cassara to pause in her actions and look back.

If one of the maids caught her eating sweets this early, she'd be in trouble!

(And despite her father's jokes, trouble was not her middle name.)

Quickly restoring the jar back to it's original place to make it look untouched, Cassie brushed the crumbs away and scooted over to the door, lightly pushing it open as she noticed the butlers and maids all crowded together, cleaning up the ballroom and talking amongst one another.

Apparently, the room was still ruined from last night's chaos.

Cotton candy stuck to the ceiling, sticky fruit punch stained the walls and the tiles on the floor were scratched beyond belief.

Cassie held back a giggle as she began to recollect fun memories of last night, when all of the sudden, the workers began talking a bit louder within earshot of the young Princess who was unbeknownst to them.

"Would you believe this?" one of them scoffed. "Honestly, today isn't the only day I have to clean up disgusting, chaotic messes like this."

Another one nodded in agreement. "I don't even understand what Princess Celestia saw in him, and to bring a little girl like that into the world," the maid scoffed. "She should be lucky I haven't quit yet. I'm only in it for the pension, but if this keeps up, I just might quit. To Tartarus with it all."

Suddenly, Cassie's eyebrows went up in confusion.

What in the wide, wide world of Equestria was that maid talking about?! Whatever she was saying didn't seem very nice...

"I understand," a butler spoke up in his snooty accent. "Why, just the other day, Sir Discord put a set of mirrors on the stairs! Do you know what a fright that gave me?!"

"That's nothing," another servant huffed. "If we thought he was bad, watching after the little brat everyday is only worse."

A sudden silence racked among the workers, only before they all looked to each other, seemingly sharing the same annoyed expression.

One of the maids shook her head, and sighed. "Now why couldn't Princess Celestia marry a nice fellow noble - instead of that thing?" she muttered. "And the child, don't get me started."

"She's an abomination, that's what she is," a Guard agreed as he began to help with the sweeping.

With yet another agreeing nod, the same maid from earlier piped up, "Such a shame she's so much like her horrid father."

A shy, more timid and younger maid agreed, "She rightfully deserves the title of a Princess... but the little one could use a makeover."

All of these comments - Cassie couldn't believe them. They were talking about her?! Why? She was so nice to everypony! And what was wrong with her daddy? Sure, sometimes, they played one too many pranks, and her mommy had to yell at them for it when it got a little out of control, but it was no reason to be a meanie about it!

Why were these ponies even working at the Castle anyway? If they couldn't respect the royalty, then they shouldn't be allowed to set hoof near anypony at all!

...and even though, Cassara felt anger, and confusion wracking her emotions, she frowned as she sat down on the floor of the kitchen, biting her lip.

The comments began to ring through her mind... and she didn't feel good.

~ x o x o ~

Finally, after sitting in the kitchen for a good half hour or so, just staying there, completely quiet and still, Cassie finally found the courage to get up and continue on her walk to her classes. She hesitated when she reached the back room, and noticed her reflection in one of the big, beautiful stain glass windows.

For a moment, Cassara took a second to carefully inspect herself.

She had one wing of a pegasus, another of a bat. It was why she couldn't fly, but her mommy said someday, she just might.

Her eyes were a bright red.

Instead of all four hooves, her front legs were a lion paw and a talon.

Her mane was all sorts of crazy colors, wild and unable to be tamed (even when she brushed it).

And her tail wasn't really like anypony else's either, what with it's curly and snakelike manner.

Now, Cassara was a smart filly - for the most part. She knew why she was like this, and she understood it easily. Her daddy was different, and her mommy was a pony, so when they wanted a daughter, Cassie came to life and somehow ended up with a bunch of different parts. A mix of draconequus and pony, the only one in all of Equestria.

Letting out a sigh, the young Royal tore her vision away from her reflection and pushed open the door to her classroom, trudging her way in, rather than the usual swing in her step.

"There you are, Cassie!" Miss Twilight piped up, with a smile as she turned to her No. 1 student. "I was starting to worry that you wouldn't show up!"

With a halfhearted smile, instead of her typical million-dollar mega-watt one, the smaller Princess looked up to her teacher. "Hi, Miss Twilight," she replied.

The Princess of Magic pranced over to Cassie, which instantly summoned the two to break into their cute little Sunshine, Sunshine motion, something they often did as a symbol of their close relationship. However, this time around, it certainly wasn't as lively as it was most of the time.

"So," Twilight said simply. "Are you ready for your training today?"

"I guess so," Cassara murmured, out of thought from her school already.

With an arched eyebrow, the ever studious Royal looked to her student in slight concern. "Is something on your mind?" she questioned.

"I'm just tired," the draconequus filly quickly replied - and it wasn't a total lie. She was still a bit groggy, anyway, but something inside of her had ticked, and for some reason, she was more exhausted than usual.

"I'm sure a few spells will wake you up," Twilight assured, with a sweet smile. "Now why don't you sit down at your desk, and start taking notes? Today we're going to learn teleportation."

Cassie managed a small grin in return, and nodded. "Ok," she chimed, strutting over to her small desk and sliding into her seat, immediately focusing on the blackboard up ahead.

Miss Twilight was right - some spells and other fancy magic would probably lift Cassara's spirits easily. After all, while lectures could be boring, experiments were a load of fun! They would get her mind off of earlier...

~ x o x o ~

The rest of the day went off as usual, and as soon as Cassie's class had ended, it was late afternoon - which normally would have been time for adventure, but instead, the learning of magic had worn the young Princess out even more so. She was still tired, and as she began waltzing through the Palace, she just-so-happened to pass by the ballroom once again, where the servants were still at work cleaning a few last things up.

...all because of a little chaos.

A bit of chaos that she had created.

Looking to the servants, who were now quiet, Cassie knit her eyebrows, taking a moment to think about the earlier scenario. Why would anypony say those things? What was wrong with a little chaos - or being as different as she was?

Suddenly, the young Princess was alerted as she saw the maids begin to leave, and Cassie quickly turned around to avoid them.

After hearing them say the comments, she sort of didn't want to run into them.

She slid around the corner, and released a deep breath in relief, only before she heard soft murmurs yet again.

"Finally," one of them sighed. "It's over."

"Until the next time," the other grumbled.

One let out a groan, "Must you remind me?"

"Well, it's only in her freakish nature. You know well as I do she'll just start in sooner or later."

"Let's hope it's not anytime soon. I need a break."

"Well, if Celestia can learn to control that monster of a husband of hers, and the brat they call a child, then maybe we'll get to clean something over than a chaotic mess."

It was back.

The weird feeling, and Cassie didn't like it one bit. Why? What would make the maids want to say something like that?




Allowing her wings to carry her a few feet away, the little Princess stumbled onto the Castle floor soon, and picked herself up, starting to run through the halls, all the way to her bedroom. She then entered, and closed the door behind her.

Slumping up against the wall, Cassara glanced up to the ceiling, which was painted with beautiful, bright yellow suns that glowed in the dark. They used to calm her at night when she was younger, but now that she was a big filly, she wasn't scared of the dark anymore (but she still liked to see them glow, because they looked pretty).

Normally, looking at them would calm her down, but right now...

...she didn't know what to feel.

So the young Royal got to her hooves, and shuffled to her bed, falling onto it and wrapping herself in the sheets.

Maybe a nice, long nap would help her feel better.

She could only hope.

Author's Note:

:fluttershysad: Poor Cassie. Now what will she do?

:raritywink: You'll all find out sooner than you think!