• Published 11th Nov 2013
  • 2,457 Views, 38 Comments

Better Together - FlameingToast

Rainbow Dash is having a strange morning. She woke up with a hangover, hoof cuffed to Pinkie Pie in her bed, and that's just the beginning of her problems.

  • ...

What Happened Last Night?

The sun had barely risen in Ponyville, but ponies were all ready out and about. Birds were chirping and the crisp morning air felt amazing. It really was a perfect morning, and Rainbow Dash would've loved to sleep through it, just like every other morning. Unfortunately, the sun had other plans.

Rainbow Dash slowly opened her eyes as the bright intruding sunlight hit her face. Grimacing she immediately closed her eyes again. Ugh, my head feels worse than when I hit AJ's barn.

Rainbow Dash made sure to look away from the awful sunlight before trying to open her eyes again. She felt exhausted, and her mouth was dry.

When she opened her eyes again she wasn't blinded by the sunlight, but it was still making it hard to see. Yawning, she tried to get back to sleep but between her headache and the light, it was a futile effort.

Pinkie's party must have gotten a little out of hoof, Rainbow Dash thought. I haven't had a hangover like this in forever, I can't even remember what happened last night. All she remembered was the start of the party, and the beginning of a drinking contest with...Pinkie. That explains it.

Realizing that she couldn't sleep, Rainbow Dash decided that she might as well stretch her wings with a quick fly. Opening her eyes slowly, she gazed around her room while her eyes adjusted to the light. Blinking surprisingly, she looked around what she thought was her room. She was in Pinkie Pie's room at Sugarcube Corner..

She turned her head, and found Pinkie Pie sleeping soundly next to her, only her head not under the blankets. Wait a minute, did I spend the night here? Well, obviously I did or else I wouldn't be here.Rainbow Dash thought trying to remember last night. It was all a haze, but she could vaguely remember something about deciding to stay with Pinkie for some reason.

It was weird, she normally remembered stuff that happened when she was drunk. Trying to concentrate made her headache worse, so Dash decided to go get some water. Some water will clear my head up, and then I can remember what happened last night.

Rainbow Dash sat up and stretched. She threw the covers off of herself, and hopped off of the bed. Or, at least that's what she tried to do. Rainbow Dash felt something pull against her right forehoof, and she couldn't move it any further. What now? Dash thought turning around.

After blinking a few times to see if she was seeing what she thought, Dash forgot all about her headache. Rainbow Dash stared at the metal hoof cuff around her hoof.

...What. Rainbow Dash shook her hoof and saw the chain rattle, she wasn't dreaming. It then dawned on her that she couldn't move further away because the other cuff was attached to something. Or, Somepony to be exact. This is not happening!

Rainbow Dash didn't want to, but she forced herself to look at Pinkie, who had rolled over while she tried to leave the bed. Pinkie had the other side of the cuff around her left forehoof.

The cool and confident Rainbow Dash looked like she was about to have a panic attack. With each passing second, she found she didn't want to know what happened last night. Not at all.

Rainbow Dash tried unsuccessfully to pry the cuff off of her hoof. It wasn't budging, no matter how hard she pulled. All she managed to do was make her hoof hurt from the metal digging into her skin. Sighing she stared confusedly at the horrid device.

Rainbow Dash was busy trying to unhook herself from Pinkie, and didn't notice her waking up. Opening her eyes Pinkie Pie stretched and yawned. She looked over and saw Rainbow Dash trying to remove the hoof cuff by trying to gnaw through the chain.

Dash spat out the chain when she saw Pinkie looking at her "Uh, good morning?" Rainbow Dash said nervously.

"Mornin Dashie!" Pinkie said happily, if she had a hangover, then it didn't seem to be bothering her. Pinkie then noticed the cuff around her own hoof. She raised an eyebrow before looking at Rainbow Dash,

"I've never played this game before Dashie! What is it?" Pinkie suddenly exclaimed shaking the chain enthusiastically.

Rainbow Dash shook her head "It's not a game! I want to know why you hoof cuffed me to you!" And why I woke up next to you with a hangover! Actually, I think that I'd rather not know the answer to that!.

Pinkie Pie cocked her head "Uh, I didn't."

Rainbow stared at her exasperatedly "C'mon Pinkie Pie, when I was drunk I probably had some sort of reason for this. But i seriously want this off me!"

Pinkie Pie shrugged "I Pinkie Promise I didn't cuff you to me."

"Ugh." Rainbow Dash dragged her hoofs down her face "Then who did it?"

"I dunno Dashie." Pinkie replied tapping her chin "I don't really remember much of last night."

"Me neither." Dash replied trying once again in vain to remove the cuff "Try to get yours off."

Pinkie Pie tried to slip it off her hoof but it didn't move. After a few seconds of trying to remove it, Pinkie let go of it and shook her head.

"Oh well." Pinkie looked at her cuff "I guess we'll just have to find the key, right?" She grinned.

Rainbow Dash frowned "Well, how do you suppose we do that?" She said a little more sharply than she intended, her headache was coming back. and the sunlight was still streaming through the window.

"Huh." Pinkie muttered as she looked it over " I don't really know." She gasped suddenly, startling Rainbow Dash.

"I just realized!" Pinkie began.

"Realized what?" Rainbow Dash asked hopefully.

Pinkie beamed "I just realized I have a day off today!"

Rainbow Dash facehoofed "C'mon Pinkie! Take this seriously! I want to get this stupid thing off of me." Her headache had returned in full force and this whole fiasco wasn't helping.

"I guess we should try and pull the cuffs of again." Pinkie grinned "If we can't get it off, then we'll see if Twilight can get 'em off with her magic or something."

"No!" Rainbow Dash immediately replied "We cannot go outside like this!" If other ponies saw this, I don't even know what they would think! "After we get this off, I want you to promise to never mention this ever again. Understand?"

Pinkie Pie shrugged "Whatever makes you happy, Dashie."

Rainbow Dash thought for a moment before an idea came to her "Follow me Pinkie, I know how to get this off."

Pinkie Pie climbed over next to Rainbow Dash so that they both could get off the bed. They both hopped off the bed, making sure not to trip over each others hooves. The chain connecting the cuffs was about three feet long, so they couldn't really walk away from each other

Once Dash and Pinkie we're standing, they started to walk out the door. They moved slowly at first, trying to get used to walking with the cuffs on. Rainbow Dash was slightly ahead of Pinkie Pie, and led her towards the upstairs bathroom after they left Pinkie's room.

"So, what's your plan?" Pinkie Pie asked as they trotted through the hallway.

"We go to the bathroom and run it under some hot water. We'll slip right out." Dash said confidently as she opened the door to the bathroom

"Are you sure that that'll work?" Pinke said following Dash.

Rainbow Dash smirked "Of course it'll work. When have any of my ideas not worked?"

"Well, there was that one time you wanted to fly through tree branches for obstacle practice." Pinkie cheerfully said as Rainbow Dash glared.

"Haha." Rainbow Dash laughed sarcastically. She needed to get this nuisance off of her, and at this point she couldn't tell if it was the cuffs or Pinkie herself. Ugh, I'm going to punch the pony who did this in the face.

Rainbow Dash turned on the sink and held her hoof next to Pinkie's under the running water. After a minute of making
sure that the cuffs were nice and wet, she looked at Pinkie.

"Okay, Pinkie. On three we pull, and bam!" Rainbow Dash pointed at the cuff "This thing is off and I can go back to sleep at this ungodly hour."

Pinkie Pie raised and eyebrow looking at the clock in the hallway "But it's eight in the morning."

Rainbow Dash shook her head "I know, its horrible isn't it?"

Turning off the water Rainbow Dash backed away from Pinkie Pie

"Okay, now. Three...two...one!" She shouted pulling as hard as she could.

Pinkie pulled as hard as she could, but the hoof cuffs weren't moving.

"Pull harder!" Dash shouted.

With a mighty tug Pinkie Pie tried to pull the cuff off, but accidentally tripped over the rug; causing her to fall backwards.

Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide as she was forcefully pulled to the floor next to Pinkie Pie.

"Ow..." Rainbow Dash groaned as she hit her head against the tile floor,

Pinkie patted Dash on the head while she laid on the floor next to her "So...should we go see Twilight now, or after breakfast?"

Rainbow Dash's response was a muffled sigh. This is going to be the worst day ever...