• Published 20th Sep 2013
  • 4,609 Views, 63 Comments

Rainbow Dash and the Perfectly Awesome No-Bad Very-Good Plan - Twinkletail

Rainbow Dash can't believe she wasn't invited to Twilight's first slumber party. She's upset for reasons she can't explain, and she's determined to be invited to her second.

  • ...

The Part Where Rainbow Dash is Awesome and Pulls Off the Perfect Plan!

Rainbow Dash knew that for her plan to work, she had to really multitask. She knew this because she knew everything, and she knew everything because she was Rainbow Dash.

The most important part of the plan, obviously, was setting up the storm. Without a storm, Twilight had no reason to invite anypony in for a slumber party, and if Twilight didn't invite Rainbow in for a slumber party, then Rainbow wouldn't be able to have a slumber party with Twilight. Seeing as the whole point of this plan was for Rainbow to have a slumber party with Twilight, it was very important for Rainbow to have a slumber party with Twilight if the plan was to succeed. Yesterday's storm had been a real doozy, without a doubt. However, it was nothing that Rainbow Dash couldn't handle. In fact, there really was nothing that Rainbow Dash couldn't handle. The most difficult part of this was going to be making it look to Twilight like it was something that Rainbow couldn't handle. This storm had to look tougher than yesterday's, and Rainbow had to pretend like it was too much for her to handle. Rainbow hoped that her acting skills were good enough to give that impression. Then she stopped hoping that, because the phrase "acting skills" contained the word "skills," and if there was anything that she had plenty of, it was skills.

The most important part of the plan, naturally, was making sure that Rarity could not get herself invited to the slumber party. Rainbow could tell just by the way that Rarity had been talking about it that she had a great time at the slumber party. She was all for her friends having a good time, but in this case, it was a matter of principle. Rarity already had a slumber party with Twilight and not invited Rainbow, and from the looks she was giving Applejack a while ago, she was clearly planning on having another. That simply wouldn't do. Rainbow needed this slumber party to be just her and Twilight, and nopony else. Besides, if Rarity was there, she'd probably make them do dumb stuff like makeovers and junk. She was way too cool for makeovers, and actually, so was Twilight. Granted, Twilight wasn't as cool as Rainbow was, but she was still cool nonetheless. Cool enough that she wouldn't need any dumb makeovers. She didn't even need a makeover. She already had a pretty cool manestyle, one that always hung perfectly over her forehead and bounced just right when she was trotting. There was no way that Rainbow would let Rarity try to change that. Rarity had to be kept away at all costs.

The most important part of the plan, of course, was keeping Applejack from getting herself invited to the slumber party. Applejack had clearly enjoyed herself at the slumber party as well, if her smiling had been any indication. AJ smiled a lot normally, but she seemed extra-smiley on her way out of the library. The way she was looking at Rarity, walking close to Rarity, giggling with Rarity...it was totally obvious what she wanted. She wanted Twilight all to herself. So did Rarity. They both wanted to have all the slumber parties with Twilight and leave Rainbow out. AJ, in particular, posed a huge threat. She was really strong and a hard worker, and if she spent too much time around Twilight, she'd probably try to make Twilight help her with her work. Twilight didn't need to help AJ with her work. If she spent too much time helping AJ with her work, she'd build more muscle. Twilight didn't need more muscle. She was a bookworm, and she was just fine with the soft curves that she already had. She couldn't imagine any muscle being added onto that body. It had just the right amount of pudge to give her the perfect shape. Or the second most perfect, second only to Rainbow's shape. Applejack would ruin all of that if she made her work. Applejack had to be kept away at all costs.

Rainbow landed at Carousel Boutique first. She'd spent the entire flight over here gathering up clouds for later, because as stated, multitasking was important. She gave the door a quick knock. Then she gave it a longer knock when Rarity didn't immediately answer. Patience could wait. Now was the time for action. She quickly stopped herself from knocking more as the door opened. Rarity didn't like it when Rainbow accidentally knocked on her head because she wasn't paying attention to the fact that she had opened the door. She complained every single time it happened, even though Rainbow always told her that it wouldn't have happened if she'd answered the door earlier.

"Good afternoon, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity said with a smile. Then she looked behind her. "Whatever do you have all of those clouds with you for?" Rainbow panicked slightly. She'd been positive that her natural awesomeness would keep Rarity from looking anywhere other than right at her. Maybe something was wrong with Rarity. Probably delirious from too much plotting behind Rainbow's back.

"Hey Rarity!" Rainbow said, returning the smile. "Oh, these clouds? I'm...uh..." She thought for a moment. She certainly couldn't tell Rarity what they were for, or else Rarity wouldn't be able to be distracted from heading over for an imminent slumber party.

"...I'm setting up an obstacle course!" Rainbow finished. She smiled, giving herself a pat on the back for being quick on her hooves, both physically and mentally.

"I see..." Rarity replied. "How exciting!"

"Totally!" Rainbow said. Rainbow thought Rarity was pretty cool. Then she remembered that she was supposed to be annoyed with her, and stopped thinking that she was cool.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Rarity asked. Rainbow took a deep breath. This was going to be really hard on her, but it was part of the foolproof plan, and the only surefire way to assure that Rarity would not be attending any slumber parties with Twilight tonight.

"I kinda wanted to see you cause I needed a d-dress..." Rainbow barely managed to say. She watched as Rarity's eyes sparkled. Rainbow Dash was not one to scare easily, but the eager glow in Rarity's eyes following that statement shook her to the core.

"You...you want me to make you a dress?!" Rarity exclaimed, looking about as happy as...uh...something that was really, really happy.

"Oh yeah, definitely," Rainbow said through a forced smile. "You know me! Always...wanting dresses!" Before she knew it, Rainbow had been whisked into the boutique by the excited unicorn.

Rainbow was forced to wonder if this was all worth it as Rarity whirled around her, taking measurements. Once she thought about how great it would be to have a slumber party without Rarity knowing, though, she had to admit that it was.

"My, Rainbow Dash, have you lost weight?" Rarity asked as she wrapped some measuring tape around her midsection.

"Yeah, probably," Rainbow answered, doing her best to sound enthusiastic. Rarity finished up her measurements and took notes as Rainbow thanked Celestia that she was allowed to move again.

"So!" Rarity said cheerfully, sitting down on a nearby cushion. "What occasion is this dress for? Are you looking to impress a...certain somepony?" Rarity began to giggle again, just like she did earlier with Applejack. Rainbow couldn't believe that she was laughing at her! Rarity always talked about wanting to make a dress for her, and now she was laughing at her for it? Still, Rainbow kept her smile. She had to keep Rarity at ease and not draw any suspicion.

"Nah, I've got...um...a wedding coming up," Rainbow lied. "For my favorite cousin. Who I've never spoken about because...reasons."

"I see," Rarity said, tapping her chin with a hoof, having clearly been totally fooled by Rainbow's great story. "And what kind of dress were you looking for? Let me guess...something 'cool,' correct?"

"You know it!" Rainbow answered. "But I've got some other specifics I'm looking for."

"Oh?" Rarity asked, intrigued. "Such as?" Rainbow took a deep breath. This was the most important part.

"I want a light red dress," Rainbow told her. "With sequins over the collar, but they've gotta be both silver and gold sequins, and they've gotta alternate and have a centimeter of space between them. There's gotta be a cape, made of a different color fabric and a little darker red than the dress itself. It should have big pink bows right near the tail, and the holes for the wings need to sparkle. It's gotta puff out a bit near my rump, but then be tighter around the bottom half of my hind legs. I want the sleeves to be made of that see-through stuff, but only the back halves of the sleeves. The front halves need to be solid and made of the same stuff as the cape, and they also have to be able to tear off and be reattached easily. And there's gotta be a matching headdress that's long enough to trail on the ground, but made of some kind of material that won't pick up too much dirt. And finally, my cutie mark should be embroidered into the back, in some kind of material that looks shiny. Oh, and I need it for tomorrow since the rehearsal dinner is tomorrow. Is that all doable?"

Rarity stared at Rainbow wordlessly, her mouth wide open. Rainbow could almost see the onset of panic in her friend's face. Said panic was quickly replaced by a bizarrely serene smile.

"...O-of course, Rainbow Dash," Rarity said weakly. "It might take me all night...but I shall have the dress ready for you!"

"Awesome!" Rainbow said. That was exactly what she needed to hear. She gave Rarity a big hug. Even though sappy showings of emotion were lame, Rarity deserved it for agreeing to all that. Rainbow did feel a little bad for deceiving her, and promised to herself that she would give her a big tip for her troubles, even though Rarity would be getting her payback when Rainbow actually had to model this thing she came up with for her. Rainbow bid Rarity a quick goodbye, comfortable in the knowledge that she would be a non-factor tonight, then took off, trailing her bundle of clouds behind her.

Rainbow eventually came up on Sweet Apple Acres, her bundle of clouds having nearly doubled along the way. She stopped before she reached the farmhouse, landing in a tree and grabbing a delicious apple off of it. She knew to only take one. As awesome and powerful as she was, even she knew to restrain herself, lest she incur the wrath of Applejack. AJ was happy to give her friends a freebie here and there, but she wouldn't allow herself to be taken advantage of. Even though Rainbow knew she could outrun, and even outwrestle, Applejack, she didn't want to be a jerk like AJ and Rarity had been about the slumber party thing. She made quick work of the juicy treat, then intended to head to the farmhouse. As it would turn out, there was no need for that.

"Howdy, RD!" Applejack greeted her. Of course she was still working. Applejack did nothing but work. Well, nothing but work and plan/go to secret slumber parties with Twilight.

"Hey AJ!" Rainbow answered.

"Whatcha got all those clouds for?" AJ asked. Rainbow silently cursed; how could both of them not be distracted by her unadulterated awesomeness? Thankfully, she had an excuse ready-made this time.

"Obstacle course!" Rainbow answered confidently. It had worked perfectly on Rarity. Of course it would work on AJ.

"Why'd you bring 'em here?" AJ asked.


"I...uh...found them on my way here!" Rainbow quickly stammered. AJ raised a brow, giving that annoying "I think I know everything" look she sometimes gave. She definitely didn't know everything. Otherwise, she'd be Rainbow Dash, and there was only one Rainbow Dash. Though it would probably be kinda awesome if there were two.

"Uh-huh..." AJ said. "...Well, what brings you to my neck of the woods?"

"I totally had the greatest idea ever!" Rainbow exclaimed, giving AJ a big smile. "I was thinking about how you and I still need to have a race where neither of us cheats or anything. So I figured that you and I should go and run a giant marathon against each other! We could start here and see who can do fifty laps around Ponyville first! Sounds totally awesome, right?" Rainbow beamed proudly as she finished that sentence. There was no chance that this couldn't work. AJ was the second most competitive pony she knew--Rainbow was the first, of course--and there was no chance that she'd turn down a race. She'd just need to start the race, then drop a bit behind her. The fifty laps would definitely keep AJ occupied long enough to keep her away from the slumber party. It was absolutely flawless. Just like Rainbow Dash.

"Hmm...nah," AJ said.

"Great!" Rainbow said. "We'll start...wait, what? No?!" Rainbow frowned a really big frown. Why would AJ choose now, of all times, to stop being competitive?

"Sorry, Rainbow," AJ said, like a big dumb jerk. "I was actually thinking of going to see Rarity tonight." AJ smiled a little as she said that. Rainbow narrowed her eyes. She knew what was going on here.

"Oh yeah? And why would you wanna go see Rarity?" Rainbow demanded. AJ's face turned a bit red as she kicked a hoof in the dirt.

"Thought she might wanna do something tonight," AJ answered.

"Riiiiight..." Rainbow said, giving her a glare. There was no doubt in her mind that the "something" AJ was talking about was more plotting against her.

"Besides," AJ continued, a big grin forming on her face. "Figured you might wanna go do something with Twilight too." Rainbow stared at her, completely baffled. She thought Rainbow wanted to "do something too" with Twilight? Why would Rainbow want to plot against herself with Twilight? And Twilight would never want to do that either. She was way too nice and sweet to plot against anypony, let alone somepony as great as Rainbow.

Then, like a ton of bricks, it hit her. AJ somehow already knew about Rainbow's plan. And if AJ let her go see Rarity, then she'd find Rarity working on the dress, and she'd tell Rarity about the plan, and then both of them would come and ruin Rainbow's one-on-one slumber party with Twilight! Something drastic had to be done immediately.

"...Hey AJ?" Rainbow asked. "Could I buy a few apples from you?"

"Of course!" AJ answered cheerfully. "What kind would you like?"

"I'd like some of the cold ones down in your cellar!" Rainbow answered quickly.

"Sure thing!" AJ said with a smile. She opened the cellar door, turned on the light, and headed down. Rainbow waited until AJ was deep in the cellar, then kicked the door closed. She heard AJ yell from downstairs and scrambled to grab a giant rock from nearby. She put the rock down on the door, barricading it. She then grabbed her clouds and flew away as fast as she could, AJ's muffled yelling still audible until she was a good distance away.

Despite her aversion to doing so, Rainbow figured an apology would be in order for Applejack. It could wait until tomorrow, though. She had a slumber party to get invited to.