• Published 13th Sep 2013
  • 2,274 Views, 64 Comments

Doggone it, Fluttershy! - Scantrel

An Equestria Girls story: Fluttershy's volunteer work for the Canterlot Animal Shelter takes an unexpected turn.

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Ch 5: A List of Twists

The ride home to Twilight's place was mostly silent, save for the occasional shuffling from Spike as he stood on the back seat to peer out the windows. Twilight was deep in thought, trying to come up with logical, reasonable explanations for what she had seen at Fluttershy's apartment. For his part, Shining Armor was just glad his kid sister was reunited with her dog and everyone was safe and sound. If he could read his sister's thoughts, however, Shining Armor's relief at how things had gone would have been quite different.

As they pulled into the driveway of the small house that Twilight's parents were renting for her, Shining Armor parked the car and got out to help take Spike back inside. The little pup was pawing eagerly at the door, clearly excited to be back home among familiar sights and sounds. Having one less angry rabbit to contend with was even sweeter.

Twilight muttered her thanks to her brother for the ride and fumbled in her pack for her keys, finally fishing them out. With an uncharacteristic clumsiness, Twilight unlocked the front door and stepped inside, turning on the light in the hallway.

Shining Armor carried Spike in and set him down on the floor, grinning as Spike dashed off towards his basket in Twilight's room. Turning to face his sister, Shining Armor asked, "Twily? Anything else I can do for you?"

Twilight didn't answer right away and when she did, her voice sounded preoccupied. "Oh, no..thanks, big brother. Everything's fine."

Shining Armor nodded at Twilight. "OK then, I should head back home, Cadance is waiting for me." Shining Armor walked over and gave Twilight a hug. "Call if you need anything." he said and then turned and went back out the door, closing it behind him.

Once he was gone, Twilight let out a deep sigh she hadn't been aware she was holding back. Everything was certainly not fine.

During the trip back home, Twilight had composed a mental list. There had to be a rational explanation for the photograph that she had seen at Fluttershy's apartment. She started reviewing the list in her head as she walked towards the bathroom.

Option 1: Previously non-diagnosed head trauma from the assault?

Possible, but not very likely Twilight decided. The doctors at the hospital had been very thorough during their examination after Twilight had gone to the Emergency Room the night of the attack. Twilight mentally crossed the idea off her list.

Option 2: Medication side effects from the painkillers?

Twilight stepped into the bathroom, turning on the light. The little bottle of painkillers was sitting on the vanity where she had left them, along with the information sheet from the pharmacy.

Vicodin - 500mg
Directions: Take one tablet every four to six hours as needed for pain.

Twilight scanned over the information sheet, looking for "hallucinations" or "dementia" listed under the side effects, but didn't find a specific listing for either of those symptoms. Setting down the bottle, Twilight crossed medication off the checklist.

Option 3: An elaborate prank?

This was, Twilight reflected, extremely unlikely. The only two people that Twilight could even think of that knew her well enough to be able to stage such a prank were her brother and his wife Cadance. But Twilight knew that neither of them would ever do anything to cause her actual pain or difficulties. Another item dropped off the list.

Option 4: Perhaps she'd been mistaken in what she'd seen?

While this was a very logical explanation, Twilight prided herself on her powers of observation and memory. She was certain that the image she'd seen in the photograph was what she thought it was. But given the impossibilty of what she had seen, she couldn't mark this item off the list just yet.

Option 5: The girl in the picture was someone else that looked extremely similar to herself.

The more she thought it over, Twilight felt more certain this was the answer. It would also explain why Fluttershy's friend had mistaken her for this other person. "No, wait." Twilight chided herself. "They made the connection to me from seeing Spike." So while the theory was still sound for explaining the picture, it didn't explain all of the inconsistencies in Fluttershy's story.

Twilight replayed the options in her mind and the reasons for her choice until she was satisfied she had reached a conclusion that fit the available data. Whomever this other girl was that looked like her was most likely one of the friends to which Fluttershy had alluded. Then there was the enigmatic response Fluttershy had given at Twilight's reaction to the photograph. Why was it so important for Twilight to meet with all of them?

Sighing with a little frustration, Twilight put off thinking about this new set of questions for now. She still had to study for her test the next day and focusing on her assignments sounded like the perfect way to unwind for the rest of the evening.

The next morning at Canterlot High, Fluttershy walked into the cafeteria for the usual group gathering and found herself immediately under interrogation.

"Was she fun?" Pinkie asked, practically bouncing in her chair.

"What was she wearing?" Rarity inquired.

"Was she as awesome as our Twilight?" Rainbow Dash chimed in.

"Give the girl a moment t' breathe!" Applejack admonished. "I reckon we're all just a mite curious how it went, an' what she said. Did she ask about us at all?"

Fluttershy collected herself as best as she could and brushed an errant strand of hair back from her face. "Well, she really didn't stay all that long." Fluttershy answered quietly. "She explained how she'd gotten separated from Spike after she was mugged, and..."

Rainbow Dash stood up sharply and cried, "Whoa, whoa! Mugged? Is she hurt? Who did it?!?"

Fluttershy shrank back a little at the outburst and Applejack reached up to put her hand on Rainbow Dash's arm, pulling Rainbow back down to her seat. "Calm down, Rainbow. Ain't nothing we can do about that now. Go on, sugarcube," Applejack urged, looking back to Fluttershy.

"She's ok, just a sprained elbow and some bruises. Spike chased off some Diamond Dogs that she ran into." Fluttershy continued. The other girls all grimaced a bit at the mention of the gang.

"The only thing that was awkward is she saw the picture we took at the Fall Formal with our Twilight." Fluttershy said in conclusion.

Rarity's jaw dropped a little and she said, "You let her see that? Darling, whatever were you thinking?"

Fluttershy blushed a deep rose. "I...I didn't do it on purpose, it's just out in my living room. I never even thought about it until it was too late."

Rarity gave Fluttershy an understanding nod. "I'm sure you didn't, dear, but she must be terribly confused. I know if I saw myself in a photograph at an event that I never attended, I would be beside myself with trepidation, to say the least."

"I tried to explain, but she just left right after," Fluttershy sighed. "She did say she would call again today, I'm not entirely sure why. I just don't know what to say to her."

"Well, if ya ask me, I think she deserves the truth." Applejack replied. "Sure, she may think yer crazy for sayin' it, but if she's anythin' like our Twilight, she'll appreciate the honesty."

Fluttershy nodded her agreement and the conversation at the table fell quiet as each of the girls tried to think of any other suggestions. Their collective brainstorming was interrupted by the sound of Fluttershy's cell phone ringing. Fluttershy twitched at the sudden sound, then reached into her pack to lift out her phone and answer it.

"Hello?" Fluttershy said tenatively.

"Hello, Fluttershy? It's Twilight Sparkle. I gave what you said last night a great deal of thought, and I have some unanswered questions as well that I'd like to put to rest. You said that I should discuss all of this with your friends and yourself. Would it be possible to do that tonight?"

Fluttershy's expression had given away who was on the other end of the line and the other girls each gazed intently, wondering what was being said.

"Oh...I suppose so, let me ask them, they're all here." Fluttershy pressed the Mute button on the phone and looked up at her friends. "It's Twilight. She wants to meet with us, tonight if possible."

"Wheeee!" Pinkie Pie answered, a huge smile nearly splitting her face in two. "I'm so there!"

"Yep, I'll be there. I'll just call Big Mac an' tell him I won't be home for supper." Applejack said, nodding her head.

"Hmm...I have Volleyball practice tonight, but I could get there about eight." Rainbow Dash said after a moment's thought.

"Yes, of course, dear, it will be a pleasure." Rarity said happily. "Although I'll have to change into something more appropriate to the occasion."

Fluttershy pressed the Mute button again, and said, "Twilight? I asked and they're all free. Would 8:00 PM be alright? Though if that's too late, I'm sure everyone would understand."

"No, that's fine." Twilight answered. "I'll see you tonight at your apartment at 8:00 PM" There was a little pause. "Oh, and will the other girl that looks like me be there?"

Fluttershy wasn't sure what to say. Finally, she said, "Oh...no, I'm sorry. That...that won't be possible. She had to return back home, she's not from Canterlot."

"That's unfortunate," Twilight said. "I was especially hoping to meet her. Well, I need to get to class, have a good day Fluttershy." With that, the call ended and Fluttershy looked back up to the curious gazes of her friends.

"Now what in tarnation was that last bit about?" Applejack inquired.

"I'm not sure..." Fluttershy answered. That was the best she could offer for now.