• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 27,843 Views, 882 Comments

64 vs. Equestria - Jman9877

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?

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Chapter 9

Chapter 9

64 POV

The underground trail led all the way to Ponyville Train Station, and I made it about a mile past Knight’s Blockade. I finally reached the end, and saw a small hatch in the ceiling attached to a ladder.

64, refresh my memory, when did you discover this path?” Vi said perplexed.

“Remember when those Diamond Dogs wanted the Orthoclase Crystal I found? I traded it for any knowledge about shortcuts in Equestria, and they told me about this one. It’s like a small labyrinth, and these things lead to places from Mareyland to Fillydelphia.” I said blankly.

Then why didn’t you use it to get to Manehatten in the first place?

“Because, these things only open one way, and we weren’t near an entrance at the time. Now c’mon, we should be at the Train Station, in some supply closet.”

I climbed up the ladder and pulled the latch to open the hatch out of there. I peeked out, and saw no one.

“All clear Vi.” I said, as I looked at my wristwatch, tightened like hell to fit a human wrist.

9:30 PM, I had loads of time to prep for my plan; I just had to spread the word anonymously about Celestia’s plan, and create a few murmurs. Word would spread, and people would start to question Celestia’s actions. Someone would then go snooping around the castle, and find the treachery which is being performed at those Underground Labs.

All it takes is a small spark to light the flame I was setting out to light. Celestia needed to be taken down.
I popped out of the hatch, and adorned the cloak once again. If this city was like any other, they would just ignore me and let me get to where I needed to go. Peacemaker in my hand I went into my crawling form, and traveled out of the train station. After leaving the platform, I saw the layout of the city.

If city was the right word… It seemed this place was more of a village than a city, and the citizens looked a bit more interactive than others. This might be a hindrance.

“Vi, locate city hall, or town hall in this case…” I said, trying to avoid more crowded areas.

It seems to be in the exact middle of town, a large auditorium space for gathering and such, and a small balcony for public speakers. The office space is upstairs and is a simply office with a desk and many papers stacked on top, no doubt for getting arrangements for tonight ready.

“Amount of personnel within the building?”

I caught the gaze of a strange mare.

One, who appears to be setting up decorations, a Purple maned mare with a white coat.


I crawled as quickly as I could without attracting attention, and hopefully make it there quickly. One problem I usually had was walking on cement or concrete surfaces, due to the fact that I didn’t have hooves, and I didn’t create a sound when crawling. This sometimes attracted suspicion, and it proved to be very difficult to navigate stealthily when everyone is giving you strange glances while you travel.

The mare once again laid eyes on me from behind.

“Vi, am I being tailed?” I thought.

Yes, by a mare with a pink coat and pink mane. Nothing suggests that she is aligned with the Royal Guard.” Vi said.

“Give me an escape route just in case I have to make a getaway. Blue locators for Town Hall, Red for escape please.”

Right away.

I saw the Secondary Blue line appear, and I continued towards Town Hall. I sped up a bit, and saw the building in question in the distance. I turned my head back, and didn’t see anything following me anymore. I turned back to continue walking, but I still felt the feeling I was being tailed. I shook it off, and quietly opened the door.

The main ballroom of the hall was currently being decorated by the same mare Vi described to me, but I couldn’t let her know I was here. I quickly went into a crouching position, cloak still hanging off of my back, and snuck to a small staircase which led upstairs to the Mayor’s office. I looked down the stairs I just climbed, and saw that no one followed me.

Looking at the office there was a bulletins board on the wall, a couch for any visitors, the door which led to the interior balcony, and the Mayor’s desk itself. I saw the Mail-In stack of papers on the desk, and pulled out a small manila folder out of my satchel.

Inside this folder, there were reports of original plans of Celestia, involving things such as Operation Time’s End, which was a failsafe plan if The Underground Labs were ever discovered. Another plan was Project 65, which involved not only siphoning out Twilight Sparkle’s magic, but duplicating it as well. I can only imagine what would happen if they actually succeeded with that plan if Twilight lived long enough.

I put the manila folder on the Mail-In stack, and prepared to leave. It wasn’t until I heard a Mare’s voice outside that I stopped in my tracks.

“Excellent decorations Rarity! I simply need to go grab something in my office!”

“Shit.” I muttered. I looked towards the door which led to the Interior Balcony, and went upon it, closing the door behind my back. I crouched so no one who entered would see me up here.

“That’s strange, I don’t remember closing the Balcony door…”

Acting quickly, I leapt over the edge of the Balcony, but gripped the side and clung over the edge, feet planted at the bottom edge, I looked down and saw “Rarity” paying close attention to sewing a piece of fabric. The balcony door opened, and a small ‘Huh’ came from the Mayor, before she too closed the door. I prepared to climb back up, but I felt something starting to drip from my face. A small drop of sweat formed on my chin, threatening to drip.

“No, No, No!” I thought, before the drop decided to rebel, and fell.


“Huh?” Rarity said, looking around to find the source of the sound.

I quickly climbed back onto the Balcony, and saw a small ledge across the wall I could shimmy across to get to the front door. Looking down I saw Rarity was once again at her work.

I jumped for the ledge and quietly grabbed it, and pulled myself across towards the door. Once in range, I dropped silently, and put the cloak back over my head. I went into my crawling position, and proceeded to walk outside.

“That was easy enough, now I just have to—“


I froze, and tried not to look behind my back to the Mare yelling behind me. I simply tried to ignore her, and continued to walk towards Outpost #2.

“Hey! Got Cotton Candy in your ears? I said hi!” She continued to yell.

“Excuse me, I have somewhere to be right now, I don’t have time to chat.” I said, trying to avoid conversation.

“Aw, C’mon mister! Everypony has time to chat for a bit!”

What is up with this mare? I needed to leave, now.

“Sorry, but I have to go.” I said while continuing to crawl.

“Can you at least take off that Silly-Billy cloak so I can see you?”

Uh-oh, can’t let that happen.

“Vi,” I thought, “I need a quick teleport, now.”

On it, I couldn’t even sense this mare sneak up on us, like she wasn’t moving at all. Just… appeared out of nowhere.

An orb of blue light surrounded me, before I quickly landed inside of Outpost #2.

“Man, what was that mare’s problem?” I thought out loud, as I stood up inside the Outpost and looked out the window.

I’m not even sure, it like she just had a special power or something.” Vi said, just as confused as I was.

“I kind of hate using your magic too, not just because it hurts like hell, but because… well… you know…” I said, trying to shove off the sentence.

64, I know you are worried about my power supply running out and me dying, but tapping into it from time to time isn’t going to make a significant difference. I will probably last longer than your natural even if you kept siphoning power from me, so stop making it such a big deal.

I couldn’t exactly argue with that, it was probably all true too.

“I guess… Wait. You hear that?”

I heard the sound of hoofsteps, lots of hoofsteps. I peeked outside, and saw Knight’s Blockade moving up towards Ponyville. I guess there was a change in orders.

“Crap, I can’t remember any landmarks near Ponyville, not even at the Train Station. I can’t teleport out of here. Any ideas?” I asked.

Well,” Vi said, “We don’t have to move for about 4 hours, it’s only 10:30 now. Wanna… do something?” Vi asked suggestively.

I went inside of Peacemaker to face Vi.

“You asking… what I think you are asking?”

She winked at me, “Yep… Exactly that…

“Ok then, start it up… I’m ready when you are…”

Vi snapped, then a Chess board appeared between the two of us, and we sat down to play.

Princess Celestia POV

It was time for me to go to Ponyville is myself, and see the efforts of Twilight Sparkle myself. Hopefully she was able to distract herself from her studies long enough to put together the Summer Sun Celebration, and hopefully made at least one companion in her travel there. Maybe even a nice stallion? Hehe, wishful thinking.

“Princess Celestia? Travel for Ponyville is ready, and you are clear to go whenever you wish.” A Pegasus Guard alerted me.
“Yes. I’ll go now.” I replied. I looked at the wall clock, and it read 2am. The time to raise the sun was 5am, and I would need to make a small appearance before then. I got off of the throne and followed the Pegasus guard to the Royal Chariot, which was stationed within the Canterlot Hedge Maze.

The special magic cast within the Hedge Maze caused any X-Ray magic to falter, and Pegasus Flight to be disabled. This included my Alicorn wings, but luckily I knew the correct path to get to the middle of the Maze.

Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left.

This was difficult to remember, but luckily the pattern was the hoof movement to Twilight Sparkle’s favorite lullaby as a young filly. I traversed the Hedge Maze with Two Escort Guard accompanying me. Eventually we made it in the dead of night, and saw the Royal Chariot along with 4 Pegasus pilots already attached and ready to fly.

I walked onto the Chariot, and gave the signal for Flight. Immediately the Pegasi began to run forward and flap their wings, as we took off, and into the night. The night which did not belong to me.

No Celestia… Now is not the time to be thinking about the Bad. Now was a time of Celebration, and not of painful reminiscing. But as I looked out into the endless night, I couldn’t help but think. I created none of the stars, nor the Moon, but I controlled them. It was only the Banishment of my sister which allowed me to take responsibility.

“Luna…” I whispered silently.

The cold air around use gave me chills as we accelerated towards Ponyville, trying to get there in the quickest time possible.
I continued to simply stare forward towards our destination, but I suddenly feel the air become ten times colder. I could see my breath become drastically more visible. I looked around and tried to see if we were in any sort of turbulence, but I saw
something much more terrifying.

My sister’s mark on the moon was gone. Vanished like a small flame in a heavy wind.

“AHH!” A Pegasus Pilot yelled as he fell from the Chariot, plummeting towards the ground.

I stared in shock as the other three followed, and the Chariot began to plummet. I flew up and checked my surroundings, checking what could have possibly done this.

hehehehe……” A dark chuckle rang. It permeated through the air, as if it was everywhere.

“Reveal yourself!” I commanded, as I charged an explosive magic spell.

you really think you could stop me…” The voice whispered, as it began to sound louder and louder.

“Show yourself coward!”

I saw a blue mist form, as it slithered and snaked in the air around me.

“Poor, Poor Celestia. Not even remembering who I am…”

The voice sounded familiar, and the mist began to form into a Pony Form, wait… no… Alicorn……….

I froze in fear, only by muscle memory did my wings keep me in mid-air.

“L-Luna?” I whispered, tears in my eyes.


Nightmare Moon fully formed, showing herself in all of her glory. Her face was one of rage, and her armor shone brightly in the moonlight.

“L-Luna… Please… come back to me… it doesn’t have to be this way.”

You. Will. Pay…

Nightmare began to charge a spell, and I simply closed my eyes. I felt a small shock across my body, and when I reopen my eyes, all I saw was White stone and Equestria above me in its planetary glory.

I was on the moon. I took my sister place. Tears filled my eyes as I understood the gravity of my situation.

“I’m sorry Luna…”

64 POV

“54 to 55, sorry Vi, you know you have to watch every angle.”

Vi growled at me then flipped the board, but it disappeared before it hit the ground.

“Ok, it’s about 3am, so let’s get going towards Ponyville.” I said, exiting the Peacemaker.

As I left though, I felt something different about the air. As if something was seriously missing.

“Vi, you feel that?” I asked.

“I can… the air feels colder, and much lighter. And… oh my goodness… the moon…” Vi said, terrified.


I looked to the Moon, and gasped. The Mare in the Moon was gone, and instead the imprint of Celestia’s Insignia replaced it.

“Vi, what happened? This doesn’t make any sense.”

“I’ll explain on the way, just get to The Summer Sun Celebration, we need to see if there is anything going on.”

“Yes ma’am.”

I grabbed the Scoped Bow I had, taking aim with the scope right above of the grip, and took one test shot at a branch protruding from a tree from the window.


Bull’s-eye, let’s go.

I ran towards Ponyville, making sure to keep an eye out for Knight’s Guards. As I ran, swear I saw a slithering blue mist traveling in the same direction I was.

“ARGH!”, I heard somepony yell up ahead.

“Shit… what’s going on…?” I muttered. I snuck towards the same direction, and saw a small clearing in the distance. I saw the same mist I thought saw, and two Earth Pony Guards being wrapped by the mist. The mist slowly pulled them apart, and ripped them in half, split in the middle of both their bodies.

“Holy shit….” I whispered as I tried to keep my lunch inside of me.

The mist consumed their bodies, as the entire scene was cleaned of all of the gore and blood. It floated there for a few seconds, simply hovering there.

Then it shot towards me.

I quickly pulled out Peacemaker and made sword, slicing at the Mist quickly. It seemed to react to the pain as it groaned, and pushed away from me. I lunged towards it, doing three swing combos trying to keep it back, and show it that I meant business.

It slithered away, as I stood there trying to catch my breath.

“Damn… Vi, what the hell was thaAAAT!” I yelled as my left ankle was taken by the mist, now returned, and was slowly being crushed.


My ankle snapped, and I yelled in pain. The mist apparently had enough of me, and it wound back, and tossed me through the trees. I flew through the trees, until I finally slammed into a tree trunk.

“AAH Fuck! My ankle!” I yelled as I gripped the bone in question.

I managed to stay conscious through the pain, and was able to find two low hanging branches to make a quick splint. I pulled out my cloak and used it to tie the splint to my ankle.

“Shit… Vi, what in Tartarus was that?” I thought as I tightened the splint down.

“That must have been what has been causing the strange feeling in the air, and it seemed to be out for blood, literally.”

“Ya think?” I groaned in pain.

“This is gonna take to long.” Vi murmured, as I suddenly felt my ankle increase in pain tenfold, and my vocal cords freeze up so I couldn’t yell.

“There, now take off that splint, you can use it painlessly now.”

I unwrapped my cloak off of the fracture, and Vi was right. I rotated my ankle a few times for good measure, then realized something.

“Vi, how much magic did it take to completely heal a fractured ankle?”

“Now’s not the time for that! You have to get to Ponyville now!”

A red line shined across the forest floor, leading me to Ponyville. I’m gonna get my answer soon enough.

“Ok, I’m going.” I said, as I ran in the direction of Ponyville, hoping to catch up with whatever snapped my ankle.

I ran as fast as I could, taking deep breaths of the cold night air to cool down my burning lungs. As I continued through the forest, I came across a few Guards who barely spared me a glance, but continued to run in the opposite direction of where I was going.

As one began to cross my path, I grabbed him by the wing, and pulled him close.

“Hey, Hey! What the hell is going on!?” I yelled in his face.

“M-Monster! Killing entire squads of us! I don’t care what you are! Just run away!” He said as he shook himself free, and continued to run away.

As I watched him run away, I pulled out Peacemaker once again, making my favorite sword.

“Vi, I think something just spiced up the Summer Sun Celebration.” I said, and continued running, my weapon glimmering in its light.

“My thought’s exactly.” Vi replied.

“We have a fight on our hands?”


Bring it on.