• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 27,840 Views, 882 Comments

64 vs. Equestria - Jman9877

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Knight POV

“What do you mean he escaped?!” I yelled at Princess Celestia. “Are your guards so incompetent that they weren’t able to stop a severely malnourished and injured test subject who has had zero combat experience? And don’t go blaming me for any of this. The guards you assign to my Laboratory are low-rate, fresh out of training trash!”

I had just finished listening to Celestia’s recollection of Project 64’s escape, and I was obviously not happy. He was a weak, untrained, and unintelligent hairless ape. How could he have possible manned a successful escape from a Palace filled with highly trained guards with over 4 years of service?

Celestia simply stared down at me, a blank look on her face. Not of anger, not of sadness, just blank. She turned around and looked out of the window of her throne room.

I started to wonder if I had made a mistake yelling at her, until she spoke.

“Knight?” She asked, pausing as if she was going to choose her next words carefully, “Am I heartless?”

I didn't understand the question, what did that have to do with my question? Why was she repeating Project 64’s words?

“What does that have to do with anything!? How the hell did Project 64 escape?! That is the reason I am speaking to you right now!” I yelled once again.

Celestia simply stared out of the window, as if to search for an answer. It was obvious that she wasn’t going to respond to any of my questions for a while, so I decided to wait for her, not caring how long her response took…

--------------------1 Hour Later----------------------

Neither I nor Celestia moved a muscle. I was determined to get answer, and I swore to Faust that I would get it. She then turned around. It was about time.

“Finally. Do you have… an… answer…?” I trailed off.

Celestia’s eyes looked red and puffy, as if crying was about to come. And it did. Celestia looked down, tears spilling off of her cheeks and onto the floor. Why was her reaction like this? Did I somehow hurt her feelings?

“Knight, I have come up with an answer.” She started. “Twilight Sparkle will not undergo Laboratory Testing and Experimentation.”

I quietly gasped. She was pulling Project 65? What?

“Are you mad?!” I started, “You are pulling the most promising magical weapon testing that there has ever been since Starswirl the Bearded?! On what grounds?!”

Her eyes suddenly squinted into a death glare, staring me into the ground.

“On the grounds that Twilight Sparkle is a little filly with a promising future, and I will not be responsible for taking that away from her!” She screamed in the Royal Canterlot Voice, nearly throwing me off my hooves and into a wall. “And I also think that she herself can become a future defender of Equestria! Not just her magic!”

“But imagine getting that magic in every single Royal Guard! Keeping the masses paralyzed in fear when Equestria is finally under your Iron Hoof!” I responded, trying to get her to see what she was doing.

“And that’s another thing!” She once again yelled, “Operation Sun Down is aborted! I will not have this happening to my Kingdom!”

She didn’t. She didn’t just do that. She COULDN’T do that. It was enough that we lost the Project which was going to figure out how to stop pain from being experienced by our guards, but we were not going to lose the most powerful combative magic there has ever been.

“My word is final.” Celestia finished, tears still fresh on her face. She began to walk out of the throne room.

But I couldn’t allow any of this to happen. But… maybe if could get him… Yes. That would work.

“Celestia! What about Twilight? What of her safety?” I yelled, hoping to get her attention.

It worked, and Celestia immediately turned around and glared at me, walking at me menacingly.

“What ABOUT her safety?” She growled.

I internally smirked, but outside I looked as if I was worried.

“In your recollection of the events prior to Project 64’s escape, you told me that he himself remarked about Twilight Sparkle and called you heartless due to your plans to have Twilight become Project 65. But he does not know that you no longer wish to have her within the Labs. What option does that give him? Only to exterminate Twilight…..”

My plan worked, and Celestia’s eyes went wide.

“64 wants to destroy our Labs and get revenge on all of us for the “torture” we put him through. What better way to start than to kill the little filly the entire Lab is going to be soon riding upon? He knows her name, and that she attends your Academy for Gifted Unicorns. What’s stopping him from breaking into the school and looking up her student records? Finding out where she lives, or what she looks like? ”

Celestia started to shake, and eyes started to water once again with a fresh barrage of tears.

I had her right where I wanted her.

“We need to locate Project 64 before he reveals what you have been condoning in our Labs, and before his is able to exterminate Twilight. We need to capture and kill him before it is too late.”

Celestia then suddenly looked up, and spoke.

“E-E-ENOUGH” Celestia yelled in the Royal Canterlot Voice. She was shaking like a flag in a hurricane, tears pouring down her cheeks, and face as mad as a mother who had just found her child’s kidnapper. “I UNDERSTAND THE CIRCUMSTANCES COMPLETELY. 64 MUST BE FOUND AND TERMINATED. I MUST PUT TWILIGHT SPARKLE UNDER MY CARE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. I WANT PROJECT 64 DEAD!”

Celestia’s eyes began to glow with a white light brighter than 100 flames, and her mane began to burn red with flames. This wasn’t my exact plan, but it would work for now. I needed her to be calm for now though.

“Celestia, I swear on my honor, I will locate Project 64 and terminate him. I will not stop until he is captured and killed, but you must calm down before we can proceed.” I said, as I watched her mane return to its normal flowing colors, and eyes return back to their normal magenta color.

Although it looked like she was about to unleash her wrath upon the World, she returned to normal as if nothing had happened a few moments ago, with a calm yet determined demeanor.

“Although my mind was not clear a few moments ago, I still request that Twilight Sparkle move into the Palace for her own safety until I deem her ready to protect herself. I ask that the reason for her move be confidential until further notice. I also order that Project 64 be captured and executed under the charges of Murder, Assault, and Suspicion of Treason.” Celestia said, standing tall with a Royal posture.

“As you wish Princess Celestia.” I said, before turning and leaving the Throne Room.

Project 64 needs to be captured, and Project 65 will not be aborted. It was about time Celestia took a permanent leave of absence.

64 POV

“Vi, I think we need to towards Canterlot so we can get the word out to everypony about The Canterlot Labs, and save Twilight before it’s too late.” I said, gripping Peacemaker in my right hand and a freshly skinned and raw Hare in my left.

It had been 5 hours since my escape, and all that I had on my mind was saving Twilight. I had no idea what my obsession was about, but I think it was to prevent another Project being created. As of right now, I was below Canterlot, in some obscure forest.

“64. We may need to face facts. I don’t think we should risk our lives to save a single unicorn filly that is already in the hands of Celestia. And…… there is another problem.” Vi said, sounding saddened.

“And what is that problem?” I asked, not really wanting to know.

“You have no proof. No one will believe a creature which stands on two legs and has no fur came from a secret underground Lab which is hidden under Canterlot Palace that is running inhumane experiments on other test project we don’t even know about. It just sounds ridiculous without any solid evidence to prove anything.” Vi said, sounding more and more depressed the more she talked.

My hopes of exposing Princess Celestia were quickly starting to fade, and I continued to fear that Twilight Sparkle would be dead within the next few days. All I could do was pace in a circle and think of a way to actually accomplish what I set out to do. How could I not take into account what the Ponies in Canterlot would do if I were to reveal myself? They would fly into hysterics and report me to the Royal Guard immediately if they caught a glimpse of me. I needed to me sneaky about bringing Celestia down.

“64, if I may propose a plan, I think…… there may be a slim chance of saving Twilight Sparkle if we move quickly…” Vi said, obviously trying not to get my hopes up.

“I’ll take anything at this point Vi, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself knowing I could have done something.” I responded.

“At this point we know nothing of Twilight Sparkle, or her whereabouts. So in order to find information regarding her, we need to infiltrate Princess Celestia’s Academy for Gifted Unicorns and find her records. We can proceed from there if you wish to do so.”

Vi’s plan sounded pretty sound, and I really didn’t know enough about Twilight to save her from Celestia. Tonight would have
to be another round of sneaking through a building, but luckily the Academy wouldn’t be as heavily guarded as something as big as Canterlot Palace.

“Ok,” I started, “We can move after dark, but for now let’s find a cave or any kind of shelter which is near a route back up to Canterlot.”

“Actually, I detect an abandoned hiking trail up the mountain to Canterlot which can provide quick travel to Canterlot and back within a 60 minute time frame. There are also many caves and mines which can be put to perfect use for a temporary shelter for the night. I can set a route now.”

I saw the trademark red line that Vi just put up, leading me into the forest , towards the mountainside. I brought the raw Hare up to my mouth, and took a big chomp out of it, slightly wincing at the unpleasant taste, but still happy to get something solid into my stomach rather than an IV drip in my wrist twice a week.

The route led me to a small path which ran alongside the mountain, covered by a large amount of brush and plants.
“Well at least I’m out of sight while going through here.” I thought, taking the first few step through the brush and up the mountain.

-------------------------------1 Hour Later-------------------------------

I finally got up the mountain side, but all I could think of while I was hiking up the mountain was,

“I just escaped this place, but now I’m gonna go back up?!”

But Twilight’s safety mattered more to me than myself at this point, much to Vi’s annoyance, and I wasn’t going to sit back a watch a young filly’s life be taken away by a group who wants to throw Equestria into a Dictatorship.

As Vi’s tracker led me into an old cave with nothing but a bit of twigs and leaves inside, an water dripping from the ceiling.

“Alright, I’m gonna set up a bit and go get some firewood.” I thought.

I went outside and saw a fairly nice stray branch attached to a tree, and used Peacemaker to make a hatchet. I swung, and missed horribly. It was only the adrenaline rush which kept me alive when I had to encounter those two guards who blocked the weapons cache. At the thought of the memory, I once again felt queasy about killing a guard like that.

I mean, breaking off that Unicorn Guard’s horn then stabbing it into the eye of the Pegasus guard? That was bad, but I knew when I left them in that cell they were both still alive. But the guard at the cache? He was dead, no question about it. What if he was a father? His family would probably mourn for years once they hear about it. Anyone he was close to had lost him forever, and I was responsible. What if he was a father? His family would probably mourn for years once they hear about his death, and it would be all my fault.

“64?” Vi said, trying to get me out of my funk. “Are you alright?”

“No… I’m the opposite of alright. I feel awful…”

“Why the change of attitude so drastically? Is it about Twilight?”

I waited a moment before answering.

“Vi, I killed somepony back there. I took a life that wasn’t mine to take.”

“64, I understand that you feel incredible guilt towards the actions you took, but you need to realize something. What is one
death compared to the hundreds of thousands there will be if we don’t stop Celestia? If we hadn’t taken care of him ,we wouldn’t have escaped the Palace, and we wouldn’t have a chance to stop all the wrong doings which are happening underneath Canterlot at this very moment.” Vi said, trying to give me solace for committing a murder. And it in a way helped, making me feel less guilty towards the guard’s death.

“Now c’mon,” Vi said, “Lets collect that firewood.”