• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 27,845 Views, 882 Comments

64 vs. Equestria - Jman9877

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?

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Chapter 33

Chapter 33

64 POV

“I can get that...”

I simply jumped up in shock and looked around, wondering if I had finally gone crazy. I looked to Knight’s bloody and burned body, wondering if he had somehow regained the ability to speak after I smashed his jaw.

“64… it’s me…”

Holding Peacemaker in both hands in front of my face I simply stared at it, knowing I had finally gone crazy. It wasn’t Vi’s voice. Vi had a voice that felt as if I could repel the greatest of evils with its sweet tone, but the voice which was emanating from Peacemaker was chilling yet burning, as if simply speaking out of turn against it could burn me to a smoldering pile of ashes in seconds.

“Y-You aren’t Vi…” I whispered out, staring at Peacemaker suspiciously as tears started to flow down my face. I wanted to do nothing that beat this imposter to a bloody pulp, then throw its remains into the deep, dark pits of Tartarus.

“64… come and see me… it’s me…” The voice said, once again making me fear for my life.

“YOU ARE NOT VI! YOU MONSTER!” I screamed, shaking my head wildly, but still not dropping Peacemaker. I still had that last shred of hope that it was Vi, but I wasn’t about to let myself become too hopeful.

“Please 64… it’s me… why don’t you believe me?” The voice whispered, sounding as if it was starting to cry. I didn’t know who this voice was or what it wanted from me, but I knew I needed to find out what it was.

“I’m going in there, I’m gonna find out what you are.” I said, wiping tears and snot out of my face. Peacemaker was gripped tightly in my hands, and I began to focus my thoughts into it. I screamed as I felt the inside of my head start to burn with the intensity of 1000 suns, as my vision was filled with images of flames and fires. My body met with the ground as I continued to writhe in pain, gasping and wheezing for air.

“Try and relax… Just try and focus on anything but the pain…”

Even though I didn’t trust the voice, I had no choice but to try and listen to what it was saying. I tried to relax my tense muscles and think of my happy place, the same imagined image of paradise leaking into my head. It was starting to work as my vision began to be clear of the flames and burning, and instead became washed over with darkness. The pain eventually subsided, and I felt myself in the realm of the Peacemaker. Instead of the comforting warmth I felt on any other occasion, it was replaced by an incredible cold chill, along with black, dark walls instead of pristine white ones.

“O-Ok… where are you?” I said, looking around the darkness to search for the voice calling me into the Peacemaker.

I heard the whirring of pixelated pieces forming in midair, and they once again formed a humanoid figure. I stared in suspicion as they formed, waiting for whatever was going to form in front of me. As the figure finally formed, I felt a wave of déjà vu as I suddenly fell back in fear, as I backed away from what I saw.

Standing in front of me, was a figure in a red skin tight suit, with flaming hair and blood running down her face, stood an image of Vi, but I knew better than to know that is was her, it was just a figure posing as her.

“Wha- What in the fuck are you?!” I yelled, continuing to back away from whatever this apparition was.

“64… Please… It’s me… It really is me… What do I need to do to make you believe?” It said, moving forward towards my retreating body. Like in my dream I backed up against an invisible wall, as that thing continued forward towards me, as I kicked my feet against the ground, trying to go through the wall.

“No! A monster like you could never be Vi! You can’t be telling the truth!” I screamed still kicking as she got nearer.

“I am telling the truth 64… it’s me Vi… what can I do to make you see…?” It whispered, kneeling down to my level on the ground.

“Tell me something only Vi would know! Tell me something only we have shared!” I yelled, as the figure finally reached me, and put its hands on my shoulders, holding me down as I attempted to flee. I struggled under the apparition’s grip, but she held me down with a strength I could only dream of having.

“64, all you have to do is really look at me. Please just look a bit harder, it really is me!” It pleaded, as tears streamed down its face, turning to steam by the time they reached her chin. I wouldn’t believe it, I knew that Vi was dead. The dream, not feeling anything when I picked her up, feeling a strange evil presence after attempting to bring her, absolutely none of it added up to this creature being Vi. I wouldn’t believe it until I had some incredibly irrefutable proof.

“I… Will not believe… I saw…” I stuttered, until I was cut off.

“64! You have to believe it’s me! We’ve been through so much! Do you remember your first winter once we escaped from Canterlot?! Nearly frostbitten you were able to cut open an Elk carcass to sleep in, and then you went and slept inside of it while all of the guts and blood were still inside! Little Orange Grove! You went into a mad fury when you finally learned how to use healing magic a week after we tried to save her, and you nearly went to go dig up her grave to try and bring her back to life! Don’t you remember 64?! We’ve been through so much, yet here you are thinking I’m some sort of monster after I went and absorbed Super Nova’s evil magic to open the door to the Elements of Harmony! Please 64… it’s me!” She sobbed, leaning off of me and covering her face to hide her tears.

I had never shared those experiences with anyone before, and never had open conversations with Vi about them before. We had both gone through them without the need for recollection, knowing they would stay with us forever. Only she would know about them.

Only she could know what we had gone through before.

Free from her grasp I lifted myself up, still standing back from the sobbing form on the ground. I heard her continue to cry, and suddenly found myself kneeling at her side, wrapping my arms around her curled up form, crying right there along with her.

“My goodness… Vi… I’m…. I’m so sorry I called you a monster…” I choked out, pleading for forgiveness. Her arms grabbed out and wrapped around my body as she sobbed into my shoulder, crying as she saw what I had gone through when I thought she was dead. She was one of the only things in this world that still kept me moving forward, that kept me kicking against the forces Celestia had sent after me all these years under Knight’s deceiving, and when I had thought that I lost her forever I actually went mad enough to where I took enjoyment out of torturing the pony that had put me through so much in my life.

“I understand… I know what losing me must have felt like… I really was dead until you save me…” Vi sobbed into my chest. I rubbed her back as we simply sat there, releasing the pent up emotions we had both gone through within the last 48 hours.

I had outrun a cave in with Vi’s assistance, saved Twilight Sparkle from being crushed by the debris of a destroyed Clock Tower, fought Super Nova for the first time in the middle of Ponyville, got saved from her by Shining Armor, then traveled to Canterlot once again, to encounter Super Nova and Shining Armor who had been turned into a Molten Ghoul who I was then forced to fight, until I had defeated him, then I was stabbed by Super Nova through the back, unlocked the door to the Elements of Harmony using Vi infused with Super Nova’s evil magic as a key, escaped from Super Nova’s grasp once again to only outrun an incredibly torrent of Lava, to only fall from the Canterlot Cliffs, land with less than elegant grace, only to wake up and realize that Vi was dead, and I had to pretty much preform a Magic transfusion using Knight’s tortured body to bring her back to life, to the find she had been totally infused with Super Nova’s evil magic, transforming her into a fiery version of her past self.

Yeah, rough 48 hours.

“Vi… I know we are in a rough patch right now, but we need to get ourselves together. We need to meet up with Shining Armor and the Elements of Harmony at the shelter near the top of the cliff, I had told Rainbow Dash to drop me down her when I realized that she wouldn’t be able to hold on to both of us. How I managed to survive that fall I have no idea…” I mumbled, helping the both of us up from our position on the ground. Once we were both standing I saw Vi wipe away her tears, laughing slightly as she saw some burns adorning my chest and arms from when I hugged her.

“I’m sorry, I just… I don’t know what to do with this new form…” She said, looking down dejectedly. I knew that with this new form that she would get some form of new magic, and it might have been a problem for her to control it.

“I think you shouldn’t focus so much on try to control it. With this practically being a form of Super Nova’s magic, it’s probably uncontrollable unless you have Super Nova’s mentality, and that pretty much means becoming a blood thirsty psychopath and I don’t think that look would suit you very much.” I joked, trying to lighten them mood. “Simply do what feels right when you put the magic through my body, just try and let flow out. I’m gonna go back outside and see what we can do.”

Closing my eyes I exited Peacemaker, this time transporting without any pain between travels. I was still in a slumped over position when I awakened, still holding Vi in my hand.

“Alright Vi, let’s try something simple. I’m gonna see if your conjuration magic was affected in anyway.” I spoke, getting ready to make something using Peacemaker. Focusing Vi’s magical energy I formed the simplest weapon I could, just a regular old Dagger. I was slightly surprised to see what changes had been made by the strange magic which had affected Vi.
Instead of Blue light shimmering out of the Dagger, it was a Dark Red light, shimmering maliciously in the darkness of the forest. I turned towards a tree and swung downwards at it, and was surprised at the results. A clean slice went right through the trunk of the tree, with fire starting to burn within the wound.

“Holy crap… looks like you earned a fire affinity Vi!” I yelled in glee, pretty stoked for the ability she had just gained.

“I didn’t think getting this kind of magic would have any positive effects, they’ve all been downsides for all I know.” Vi whispered, sounding as if she was in pain.

I looked upwards, seeing the first couple rays of sunshine start to leak through the thick leafs of the trees above. I would need to get back up there quickly, to have our final showdown against Super Nova with the Elements or Harmony on our side. All of this Super Nova trouble needed to be put down once and for all, and I needed to be there to do it.

“Wait, before you go running up that cliff, let me try one more thing.” Vi interrupted, before I suddenly saw the vision in my left eye had instantly come back, and the charred skin covering it had completely healed, giving my entire line of sight back.

“Well… that was quick. Even with other burns it took a few hours for the new skin cells to completely form and replace the dead ones.” I muttered, lightly poking at the new skin adorning my eye.

“Wait… I wasn’t sure if the memory I received was real or not… is… is that really Knight lying on the ground?” Vi asked slowly, not wanting to believe what she was seeing on the ground. I turned and saw Knight’s mutilated body lying there, as he slightly whimpered under my gaze.

“What do you think I should do with him Vi?” I questioned, walked forward and kneeling down to his level.

“I CAN THINK OF A FEW CHOICE METHODS OF EXECUTION!” Vi roared in my head in a manner exactly mimicking Super Nova, slightly unnerving me. I felt the heat in the air rising as Peacemaker in my had begun to suddenly raise in temperature abruptly, burning my hand in the process.

“OW! OW! Vi, please… I need you to be a little bit calm for this.” I said through clenched teeth, trying not to cry out in pain any louder than needed. I eventually felt the heat subside and the pain in my hand disappear, as I put my hands on my knees and gasped for a bit.

“Alright… now that that’s over with, what are we gonna do?” I said once again, standing over Knight as his eyes stared fearfully into mine. I could only feel hate for this pony as his eyes tried to plead for forgiveness, and I almost chuckled at his weak attempt to escape.

“I know what to do.”

3rd Person POV

Shining Armor had ventured back into the Molten City of Canterlot, this time camouflaged by a molten rock body suit Rarity was able to craft together using her special talent, and was making his way towards the once beautiful Canterlot Hedge Maze. His part of the plan was to get Super Nova’s attention, so he could lead her through the maze until he got the signal from Twilight saying that they were read to blast her with the Elements of Harmony, then he would lead Super Nova back to the center, where the Elements of Harmony would be waiting for him.

“Alright… so far so good.” Shining Armor mumbled, finally reaching the decaying mass of bushes which was once a beautiful hedge maze. He was sweating bullets, for two good reasons. One, from the heat radiating from the Molten Suit of armor he was wearing. And two, he was nervous as hell about confronting Super Nova once again, and only hoped he could stay out of her grasp long enough to get back to Twilight and her friends. Shining already memorized the way to the center of the maze and quickly galloped through towards it, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.

Twilight and her friends were all underneath invisibility spells which masked them from prying eyes as they followed Shining from a short distance away, as Rainbow Dash walked along with the case containing the Elements of Harmony strapped to her back. They were going to wait until Shining Armor would be able to lead Super Nova away so they could prep the Elements of Harmony, and fire as soon as Super Nova appeared once again. It would be incredibly quick, and it would have no room for error. Twilight was sweating under the heat of Canterlot itself, along with the nervousness she was going through as well. If they failed, the fate of Equestria would lie completely in Super Nova’s evil hooves, and that would mean the end of ponykind as they knew it.

“I can’t wait for this to all be over, the heat is starting to be a pain in my flank…” Rainbow Dash grumbled, sweating just like everypony else was in their little group.

“Rainbow, shush. We need to stay focused right now, Shining Armor is gonna lead us to the center of the maze, and the second he sends a signal to catch Super Nova’s attention we have to get ready as quickly as possible so we could get the Elements of Harmony ready.” Twilight said, annoyed at Rainbow’s little outburst.

They followed the intricate pattern of directions to eventually reach the center of the Maze, and Shining Armor proceeded to stand directly in the middle of the small field within the maze, and waited for a few seconds to catch his breath.

“Alright… let’s do this.” Shining said confidently, before he charged an incredibly large magical charge within his horn.

“HEY SUPER NOVA! GET YOUR FAT FLANK OUT HERE!” Shining Armor yelled, before he finally fully charged his spell completely, and fired it directly into the side of the Throne Room, which was visible from the Center of the maze.

The spell hit, destroying the recently repaired wall of the Throne Room, once destroyed by Super Nova in her first appearance. The wall crumbled down with a small tremor, causing a large plume of dust to kick up into the air, blinding anyone near the explosion.

Shining Armor squinted and put a hoof to his brow, trying to see what affect his spell had on attracting Super Nova. The dust started to settle, and a figure’s silhouette appeared within the obstructive debris. Shining Armor got into a ready stance, prepared to turn around at a moment’s notice.

“Super Nova! Get out here! Come and get me you coward!” Shining taunted as Twilight and her friends watched in terror, wondering what Super Nova’s next move was going to be. Shining stayed crouched as the dust continued to settle, as Super Nova’s figure simply stayed standing there. The dust finally settled, and Shining Armor’s expression went from determined and nervous, to confused and relieved in a second. The dust settled to reveal that it wasn’t Super Nova standing within the hole in the wall, but a simple Molten Maid, standing there shambling and moaning.

“Ugh… looks like I’m going to have to fire another bolt.” Shining muttered, as he once again prepared a spell.


Shining immediately looked up, to see Super Nova flying directly downwards towards him, as he canceled his spell and leaped backwards, barely avoiding Super Nova’s downwards smash. He quickly got to his feet to see there was a decently sized crater where he was just standing, along with Super Nova still standing inside of it.

“COWARD? YOU HAVE THE GALL, TO CALL ME A COWARD!? I WILL SHOW YOU WHO THE REAL COWARD IS! COME AT ME THEN!” Super Nova called out towards Shining Armor, who was backing away from her as she advanced towards him.

“H-How about this!? You come get me!” Shining Armor stuttered, as he quickly turned around and galloped down a pathway, away from Twilight and her friends. Super Nova immediately gave chase, prepared to burn Shining Armor into a smoldering pile of nothingness, as Twilight dropped the invisibility spell and quickly picked up the case containing the Elements of Harmony in her magical grasp and set them opened on the ground, as each pony grabbed their respective Element and got into a circle.

“Ok, are you girls ready?!” Twilight said frantically, scared for her brother’s life.



“I-I guess…”

“Of course.”

“Yes indeedy!”

“Ok, I’ll go ahead and send the signal! Get in formation!”

The group of mares got into a straight line, lining up perfectly. Twilight charged magic within her horn, preparing to send the magic bolt straight into the air.

Back with Shining, he was galloping as fast as he could, pushing all four of his legs to the limit in an effort to try and evade Super Nova, who was still right on the heels of his hooves. Making a left turn he continued, until he realized that he was going too far from the Maze center, and prepared to make another turn to fix his mistake.

“STAND STILL CURR, AND I WILL MAKE YOUR DEATH LESS PAINFUL!” Super Nova yelled, as he pumped his legs a bit more, desperately trying to stay away from Super Nova’s grasp. Suddenly a bright light purple flare lit up the sky, and Shining instantly made for the center, desperately trying to get away from Super Nova, who had was quickly gaining on him.

“Shit… gotta move faster!” Shining yelled, as he saw he was only a bit farther away from the Center.

Twilight and her friends quickly began to charge the Elements of Harmony, seeing how Shining Armor would be there any second. They all started to glow white as they rose into the air, as Shining Armor turned the corner into the Center field and immediately dove out of the way to get out of the path of the shot. Super Nova quickly followed, and instantly noticed what was floating in front of her, threatening to end her.

“YOU LITTLE PESTS!” She yelled, as she dove towards the floating 6, threatening to kill them all.

Time seemed to slow.

The Elements were still charging.

Super Nova was leaping towards them, now too close for the range of the Elements of Harmony.

Shining Armor stared wide eyed as he saw that they had started charging the Elements too late.

Super Nova grinned evilly as she was once again going to be in possession of the Elements of Harmony.

64 would have none of it.

“YOU BITCH!” 64 yelled as he came in flying, drop kicking Super Nova out of the path of the Elements of Harmony. Super Nova was sent flying to the side, falling unceremoniously as the Elements of Harmony fired, completely missing and hitting the molten ground and reforming a small patch of it back to its grassy state, before it was instantly overcome by the other molten ground.

64 rolled once he hit the ground, and stood up to see Super Nova stumble back onto her hooves.

“WELL IF IT ISN’T PROJECT NUMBER 64! I CAN ONCE AGAIN ATTEMPT TO DEFEAT TWO BIRDS WITH ONE WAVE OF LAVA!” Super Nova yelled, as I unsheathed Peacemaker and made an two handed long sword, preparing for any attack she would make.

“Wait! I have something to show you Super Nova… You might even like it!” 64 said, before reaching behind him, and pulling out a bloody burlap sack, and tossing it to the ground toward Super Nova’s hooves. It rolled for a few seconds, before it finally opened, revealing what was inside.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends immediately put a hoof to their mouths, and Shining Armor stared wide eyed at what was inside.

The bag rolled open to reveal the decapitated head of Royal Advisor Silent Knight.

Author's Note:

Well Fuck. That's all I have to say.

That's right, this story which I have had an awesome time writing is coming to a close. I wanna say it had been a pleasure giving the community something to read to keep themselves entertained, and I look forward to continuing my writing when this story is over!