• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 27,843 Views, 882 Comments

64 vs. Equestria - Jman9877

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?

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Chapter 28

Chapter 28

64 POV

I tracked the signal of Twilight’s tracker and found she was with her friends inside of some cave in a hill, due to Twilight falling unconscious some time during the night.

“So, I see you’re still alive after you told me to drop you in the middle of all those things!” Rainbow Dash yelled at me, obviously chastising me for my recklessness.

“Hey, I’m still alive and fighting. And Ponyville was cleared out of all those things. Super Nova left after wasting all of her magic power in a fight against Princess Luna. But the fight didn’t end well…” I finished, not wanting to have to explain the severity of the situation.

“Princess Luna was there? Why in blazes would she be in Ponyville?” Rarity asked, a look of shock across her face.
“I’m not even sure. While I was on my way to Ponyville I came across what I thought were the charred corpses of every Ponyville citizen, but it was just a spell placed by Super Nova to turn them into some type of Ghouls. After Rainbow Dash saved me, I told her to drop me into some type of Magical Dome that Super Nova put up to fight Princess Luna alone, face to face.”

I sat down before I told the rest.

“After a small fight, Super Nova ended up beating Luna in magical combat… and Luna was sent to the moon. I saw The Mare in the Moon before the moon went down.” I finished, taking in the scared and confused faces of the 5 conscious mares. I knew that my explanation was very rushed and insignificant, but I wanted to get it out of the way so I could tell Twilight what Princess Luna asked me to inform her about.

“Well… if Super Nova put Princess Luna in the Moon again, then what can we do?!” Rainbow Dash said, showing a very scared side of her cocky personality.

“That’s why I need Twilight conscious right now; I think Luna might have given me a really important clue as to what can help to defeat Super Nova. Does anyone know if they can wake up Twilight right now?” I said, walking over to Twilight and shaking her.

“I think I know what can do the trick!” Pinkie Pie yelled, before pulling an air horn out of seemingly nowhere. I covered my ears before she let an ear-piercing blare sound out, and saw Twilight’s sleeping form suddenly jolt awake, looking left and right for what had scared her awake.

“HUH?! WHA!? WHERE?!” She screamed, suddenly shooting up and looking around, obviously roused out of her sleep by the sudden noise.

“Twilight, I need something explained to me.” I said, sitting against the wall of the cave, trying to get to business right away.

“What can you tell me about the Elements of Harmony?”

Twilight’s face reflected one of surprise, obviously not expecting me to ask that question.

“Well, they’re Magical Artifacts which when used together, can be used to defeat the Darkest of evils. There are 6 elements, each representing an element of friendship which can only work if wielded by the one who possesses the corresponding trait, and only if all are used together. The elements of Friendship are Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Loyalty, Laughter, and Magic. They are used in the form of 6 charms, 5 of which are in the form of necklaces, 1 being a crown of some sort. Why would you need all of this?” Twilight asked, finishing her explanation.

I took this information in, and knew why Princess Luna told me to ask about them. She wanted me to gather the Elements to use them against Super Nova, and to stop her before her reign goes any longer. I could only imagine what she was doing back wherever she teleported to.

“Twilight. Where are these Elements? Do you have them?” I asked, standing up and looking out towards the Sun, which was burning normally as if nothing was wrong.

“Umm, not really. They are all over in Canterlot Palace, in Princess Celestia’s possession…… Princess Celestia!” Twilight yelled suddenly, remembering why she fell unconscious in the first place. “Why is she like that!? Is that really her?! What in Tartarus would make her become such a demonic being?!”

I walked up to Twilight and grabbed her shoulders, trying to calm her down.

“Twilight! You have to keep it together for the next few hours, because we have a lot to do! Look, you know why Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon in the first place right?”

Twilight nodded, and finished my answer. “She was overcome by jealousy of Princess Celestia’s Sunlight, and the masses of ponies that frolicked and loved it, while her night was often slept through and shunned. Again, what does any of this have to do with anything!?” Twilight yelled, shaking my hands off of her shoulders and puffing a burst of steam out of her nostrils.

“Because, the reason she became Nightmare Moon was because a burst of negative energy coursing through her, affecting her entire being and turning her into that monstrosity. It’s basically the same thing which is going on with Celestia becoming Super Nova. A burst of negative energy came through her, most likely when she got word about the Clock Tower explosion, and due to my presence along with our less than friendly past, she immediately pointed me out as the prime suspect.” I explained, waiting a bit before I continued. “Twilight, she really does care for you, I can’t stress that enough. That is the whole reason she became that thing, to protect you from me. Although I know she has good intentions, she has a history in trying to solve them in less than positive ways. That is the reason she condoned the Underground Testing me and Vi were made in, to try and protect Equestria.”

“How can that possibly protect Equestria? By hurtin’ other ponies for fun?” Applejack butted in, giving her observation.

“She actually had a semi-good reason for all of that, but she could have gone about it in a better way. She was extremely paranoid about another incident like Nightmare Moon’s uprising happening again, and had to find a way to strengthen her power, so she started to build the Royal Guard up by genetically modifying them to become stronger, faster, and smarter than any other force in Equestria.”

I honestly couldn’t believe them I of all people was defending Celestia for her past crimes, but I knew that deep inside she had good intentions. I think I needed to get checked for Stockholm syndrome.

“Umm… It sounds like she was just trying to help ponies, but didn’t have any other way…” Fluttershy whispered, barely getting her words in.

“Almost Fluttershy, since she started this type of test a very long time ago, she didn’t have any other means of experimenting, other than using live test projects, and she just never changed her ways. She could have started animal testing or something…” I said, not being able to catch myself at the end of that sentence.

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide and her face paled at the thought of animal’s having to go through what I had shown and described to them, and she promptly fainted.

“Dangit 64! Why did you have to say that! She’s a caretaker of animals!” Rainbow Dash yelled in my face, not knowing that I already knew she took care of animals.

“Sorry! How was I supposed to know?” I responded, playing the naivety card.

“EVERYPONY! WE’RE GETTING OFF TRACK!” Twilight Sparkle yelled loudly, getting everyone’s attention. “Now what are we going to do about Princess Celestia running amok in Equestria!? We have to do something quick!”

“Well with 64’s strange question earlier it’s quite obvious what needs to be done, we simply must gather the Elements of Harmony to defeat the monster which has taken over Princess Celestia’s mind! Seems simple enough.” Rarity said, as I gave a nod of approval in her direction.

“Hitting the nail on the head there Rarity, but sadly things aren’t as simply as they may seem. Twilight, from your explanation of the Elements, that must mean Super Nova knows of their existence right?” I asked, as I practically knew the answer.

“Well, she has used the Elements twice before, so yes she does.” Twilight answered.

“Then that means she knows their capabilities, and what they can do to her. Her first action would be to fortify them as much as possible, in order to deter anypony who wanted to get their hands on the one thing that can defeat her, so we need to move fast and get to Canterlot, no doubt where Super Nova returned to lick her wounds until she can come back for me. We need to hit her while she’s weakened, and hopefully grab the upper hand while we still can.” I said, giving everyone in the room my idea, save for Fluttershy who was still unconscious.

“But how will we get there quick enough to stop her? Ah mean, she has to be back in Canterlot already, so wouldn’t she be already tryin’ to block off the Elements?” Applejack said, rubbing underneath her hat for a bit.

“My Underground Transit was recently blown up, so we can’t travel there through that anymore, and with recent events last night, no doubt the Train Station will be closed down… That leaves our only option as to hoof it there.” I said, hearing the groaning of the 5 mares still conscious.

“You can’t possibly expect such a lady like Moi to go on some hiking trip to Canterlot! That is at least 6 hour trip!” Rarity screamed, nearly making me collapse in pain at her nasally whine.

“I got that, but I need all of you to come with me! Without you 6, then the Elements won’t work, and we can’t stop Super Nova! A simply 6 hour trek through Equestria’s uncharted woodland territory is all it’s gonna take to stop her, so we need to act fast, and take Super Nova down. Who’s with me?” I finished, wait for their responses.

“I am!” Rainbow Dash said, flying in a quick loop before floating in midair with her hoof in a saluting manner.

“Ah’m comin’ with ya as well. Ah can’t just sit idly by and allow that thing to go crazy throughout Equestria.” Applejack said, stepping forward as well.

“I’m coming too. Princess Celestia needs my help, and as her Faithful Student, I have a royal duty to help in this time of need.” Twilight answered with a confident voice, stepping forward.

“Oh! Oh! I wanna come too! It sound sooooo much fun!” Pinkie Pie said, bouncing in circles around me as she answered.

“Well…… since my presence is vital for the operation, I guess I too will be attending this mission.” Rarity answered, graciously passing her need for extremely cleanliness to get a bit dirty.

I looked towards Fluttershy’s unconscious form, and then looked towards her friends.

“Would she have said yes?” I asked, knowing he was a very timid mare.

“Uh…Well… Maybe…. Probably….” Were some of the answers I got, so I simply took it as a yes, and picked up Fluttershy bridle style.

“Ok, I can take Fluttershy back home to wake her up, but the rest of you go home and gather up some supplies that you’ll need for the traveling we need to do. We have quite a bit of walking to do.” I said, leading the 6 mares out of the cave while supporting Fluttershy in my arms.

“You do realize what we are about to do we will be possibly be risking our freedoms, along with your life?” Vi told me, not wanting me to do the most possibly dangerous thing I had ever done, infiltrating Canterlot Palace.

“Vi, remember all those years ago when you asked me why was I fighting? Why unlike so many other test Projects I stood and fought, rather than laying down and taking all of the punishments which would be dealt to me?” I answered.

“Yes, you told me that you fought so you don’t have to be stuck in a cell 24 hours a day, or be stabbed with knives on a daily basis.”

“That, and to fight for the freedom of Equestria, so nopony else will ever to have to suffer the injustice which I have gone through in life. And now that I have a chance to end Super Nova, I’m gonna grab it by the ass and ride it.”

“Colorful wording…”

“I know, I try.”

1 Hour Later

After I had informed Fluttershy about the situation at hand once she regained consciousness, she reluctantly agreed to accompany us on our journey to Canterlot, and I told her to meet at Twilight’s Library in one hour so we could get going. I had donned my Brown Tattered Cloak, and replaced my black long sleeve which had been wrecked by Super Nova’s shove against me, burning an irreparable hole in the shirt.

I crawled through Ponyville toward Twilight’s Library, a newly formed plan under my belt, and Peacemaker in my grasp. Although I knew most ponies in this city had already seen my true form, I saw no reason to go and scare them off again. I arrived at Twilight’s front door, and knocked three times, waiting for anyone to open it.

Twilight opened the door and gasped, shocked at the fact that I had my Cloak on.

“I was looking for that Cloak left and right all over this Library! Where in Celestia’s name did you find it!?” Twilight yelled at me, pulling me inside her home as I stood straight up once again.

“One word, magic.” I said, looking at the other 5 mares inside of the house. “Good, everyponies here. We ready to head out?”

“Yupperooni!” Pinkie Pie said, wearing oversized clown shades, diving flippers, and a balloon floater toy around her body.

“Umm… Pinkie? I think we should simply take what we need, and not anything too over the top. Like look at me, my pack has 2 water Canteens, some Carrots and Potatoes, and a blanket just in case someone get cold. Why do I feel if I opened your bag streamers and balloons would come shooting out?” I said, looking towards her bag.

“Well of course I need all that! What if we have an emergency party emergency?!” Pinkie said, attempting to justify her need for party supplies.

“It fine 64, we can manage just fine with the rest of the supplies we brought. Even Rarity surprised us by packing lightly.” Twilight said, jabbing a joke at Rarity’s expense.

“As long as you feel confident in your friends, then I trust you. Are we ready to head out ponies?” I said, overseeing everyone.

A collective yes rang out towards me, and I crouched down with all of them.

“Alright. Let’s get to Canterlot, I’ll explain what’s gonna happen on the way.” I said, going back into my Cloaked Stance, and walking out the door, with the 6 mares I needed to succeed in my plan.

Equestria, get ready for one hell of a ride.