• Published 26th Aug 2013
  • 5,018 Views, 94 Comments

What's Done in the Dark... - Jade Ring

Even as she celebrates the birth of her first foal, Princess Cadance stumbles upon the affair between her beloved Shining Armor and her Aunt Luna.

  • ...

Behind Closed Doors

“It is said that passion may die and faithfulness endure, to which I reply: yes, and faithfulness may be accompanied by boredom and resentment, which may lead to deceit and infidelity, which may lead to vengeance. Passion’s sweep is predictable.”

-Benson Bruno

“How were your eggs?” Shining Armor asked, polishing off the last bite of his pancakes.

Luna swallowed the last bite of her breakfast and let out a contented sigh. “Exquisite.” She patted her cheeks with her napkin and looked over to her student, now entertaining the little Moon Shadow with minor magic tricks. “Thank you for distracting him Trixie; I can't remember the last time I was able to enjoy my breakfast in peace.”

Trixie smiled at her teacher. “It's nothing, majesty. It's a privilege for Trixie to entertain such a darling child.”

Shining Armor lifted the breakfast trays from the table and magically carried them over to the waiting cart. “Our compliments to the chef.”

The attendant nodded and rolled the cart down the hall.

Luna returned her attention to her foal and lifted him into the harness on her side. “It's late, my most faithful student. You should get to bed.”

Trixie bowed deeply. “As her majesty wishes.” A flash of light... and she was gone.

“That looked like my sister's winking spell.” Shining Armor remarked, impressed.

“It was the first thing she had me teach her.” Luna laughed and kissed Moon Shadow's tiny head. The foal gurgled happily and yawned. “Good, I was hoping he'd fall asleep early tonight.”

Shining Armor walked to her side and kissed the already dozing foal. “Better get that out of your system, little guy. If I know your mother, then I know she's going to have you up all night by her side.”

The parents walked together down the hall, each marveling at how quickly the past month had gone by. There had been nothing but silence from the Crystal Empire, but Celestia assured them that everything was going to be fine. She herself had been oddly distant over the past few weeks, but that was penciled up to ensuring the affair remained known only to a certain few in the castle walls and a few important dignitaries outside of it.

Their journey brought them to the moon-lit garden in the castle's grand courtyard. The night was alive with the sound of nocturnal life, of cricket song and cicada calls. They sat on the grass and let the cool air wash over them. Moon Shadow's tiny snores let them know he'd surrendered fully to dreamland.

It was Luna who broke the silence of their star-gazing. “Has there been any word?”

Shining Armor shook his head and sighed. “I send envoys everyday, but her attendants assure me that she's still meditating her decision.” He smiled at her and at the foal on her side. “All things considered... this has actually been kind of nice.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

He laughed. “I mean not having the burden of secrecy on me at all times. And just reflecting on how amazing it is that I'm the father of two perfect little foals.”

“...and that you have the love of two mares?”

Shining Armor's smile faltered and he looked away. “What are we going to do, Luna? This situation we're in... there's just no way to win, is there?”

“Maybe there is...”

“How? Let's say Cadance takes me back. Forgives me and let's bygones be bygones. She'll never let me come back here, not even to see Moon Shadow. She'll do whatever it takes to keep us apart.”

“Shining Armor...”

“And there's always the chance that she doesn't take me back. Bars me from the Crystal Empire... I never see her or Morning Dew again. I don't know if I could live with that.”

“Shining Armor, please listen...”

“I mean, I love you, Luna. I love you and Moon Shadow more than I can put into words, but I love Cadance and I...” Luna's lips against his silenced him at last. It was the first time she'd kissed him since the day their affair had come to light and he melted into it as he usually did. When at last they came apart, he looked at her with questioning eyes.

“Marry me.”


“Polygamy is frowned upon in this modern world, but not illegal. I love you, Shining Armor. I know that now. And I know that you love me. If we married, Cadance would have no choice but to allow you to live in both Canterlot and the Empire.”

Shining Armor thought about the idea. “Wouldn't that make things even more needlessly complicated?”

Luna laughed. “If anything, it would make them more simple. Our marriage would represent a permanent and stable alliance between the two kingdoms.”

“You're serious about this, aren't you?”

Luna only nodded.

Shining Armor considered the idea carefully. He was still new to royal politics, but Luna's point made sense. He recalled Busara the Wise, Luna's past zebra lover, and his idea of forging an alliance between Equestria and Zebora by making Luna one of his wives.

And he would be united with both the mares he loved.

But Cadance... Cadance would never go along with something like this.

But surely she would understand. It was the simplest way.

He opened his mouth to give his answer...


They both turned to find a purple alicorn landing just a few feet away. Still getting used to her wings, she carefully lighted on the grass and considered the pair with curious eyes. “I hope I'm not interrupting anything.”

“Twily! I haven't seen you since the coronation!” Shining Armor galloped to his sister's side and embraced her.

She returned the hug somewhat less tightly.

“I have matters to attend to. I shall leave you two.” Luna stood, bowed politely, and ascended into the sky.

Shining Armor watched her go and sighed. “I was hoping to introduce you to Moon Shadow. Luna says he's going to be smart like...”

Princess Twilight Sparkle struck him across the face with as much strength as she could muster.

To his credit, Shining Armor had been expecting the hit well enough that he at least didn't fall to the ground. He rubbed his sore jaw and looked at his younger sister. “I figured something like that was heading my way.”

“I have been running myself ragged introducing myself to all the heads of Equestria's allies, so much so that I don't even know what's going on in Ponyville right now.” Twilight seethed. “Imagine my surprise when word reaches me in Saddle Arabia that not only has Princess Luna given birth, but that the father is my own Celestia-blessed BROTHER!”

“If this is a lecture, you can save it. I already got enough of that from Mom.”

Twilight's jaw dropped. “You told Mom?”

“Of course. And aside from the circumstances, she's thrilled to death to have another grandson. Dad too.” Shining Armor raised his eyebrows in expectation. “Is there really anything you could tell me that she couldn't?”

Twilight swallowed the condemning lecture she'd been practicing all week and simply glared. “How could you do this to Cadance?”

Shining Armor huffed and started heading inside. “I couldn't expect you to understand.”

A flash of light and she was in front of him again. “Then explain it to me.”

Shining Armor snorted and pushed past her. “I don't need this, especially from my baby sister. I'm a grown stallion...”

Another flash and she was back in his face. “Exactly. You're a grown stallion... which is why it doesn't make any sense that you're acting like some frat-colt in the midst of heat season!”

“It's not like that!” He looked away. “At least... it isn't anymore...”

“But that's how it started, wasn't it? Had to sow those wild oats. I refuse to believe that Dad was as understanding as you're making him out to be.”

“You think Dad's never looked at another mare?!” Shining turned back to her and stared her down. “You think he's never thought about straying?!”

Twilight didn't back down an inch. “I know he has! He's a stallion! But I know that he's never acted on those urges!”

“You... you couldn't possibly understand! There was this... this pull around her. I couldn't control myself!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Couldn't you? Here I was thinking you were a somewhat intelligent pony, not some wild animal, a slave to your urges! Guess I was wrong.”

“I love her!” Shining Armor pushed his forehead against hers, his eyes blazing. “I love her and she loves me! And I do not regret that! Or my son!”

Twilight closed her eyes and sighed. “I used to look up to you, BBBFF. I never thought you could disappoint me like this.”

Shining Armor pulled himself back and willed himself to calm down. “The only thing I regret is keeping it a secret from Cadance. I should have told her when it started.”

“Yes. Yes you should have.”

The siblings stood in silence. It was Shining Armor who spoke first. “Traveling, huh?”


“...been to the Crystal Empire lately?”

Twilight shook her head. “Cadance hasn't returned any of my letters either.” She watched the sadness in his eyes. “You do still love her, don't you?”


“And you love Luna.”

“Just as much.”

Twilight sighed again and put a hoof on his shoulder. “And I love you, big brother. No adultery's gonna change that. But please, in the future...” she gave him her most severe look. “...keep it in your sheathe.”

Shining Armor laughed and hugged her.

She returned the hug then looked at him with a smile. “Now, let's go meet my nephew.”


Shining Armor burst into the throne room to find Celestia and Luna already there. Captain Golden Haze and Trixie each stood by their respective mistress' side. Moon Shadow saw his father and gave a small cheer before starting to crawl towards him.

All eyes but the foal's were set on the large pink crystal currently floating in the room's center.

“When did it arrive?” Celestia asked the captain of the royal guard.

“Just a few minutes ago, highness. It flew in the window by itself.”

“What is it?” Trixie asked, scanning the object with her magic. “The Great and Powerful Trixie has never felt a magic like this.”

“It's a message crystal.” Luna said, worry hiding behind her eyes. “Ancient Crystal Pony magic. Our ambassadors used to send them as communiques.”

“I remember well.” Celestia approached the crystal. “We haven't had one in this chamber since Sombra seized the Crystal Empire.” With practiced ease, she lit her horn and touched it to the crystal.

A bright beam of light shot out from the crystal's top and formed into a cohesive shape; Cadance. The recording of her seemed to look down on the assemblage with cold detachment. “I have spent the past few weeks gathering myself and reviewing my options in this situation. I have consulted ancient texts and my wisest advisers... but in the end I must follow my heart.” The recording's eyes softened and almost seemed to fix on Shining Armor. “Shining Armor, my love... please, come home. I need you. Your son needs you. I know we can work this out together. I know, in time, I will come to trust you again.”

Shining Armor's face broke into an excited grin and he looked to Princess Celestia.

She nodded. “Captain Haze, please help the prince gather his belongings.”

“Yes ma'am.”

Moon Shadow saw his father galloping from the room and began to cry lustily after him.

Luna watched her love leave the chamber with the captain and started to call out.

“Luna, don't. You knew how this had to end.”

Luna knew her sister was right, and the call went unsent.

“Um... majesties?” Trixie drew their attention back to the recording. It had not faded...

…but the look of love on Cadance's face had.

“If I know my husband, then I know he's left the room by now. This next part is for you alone, Aunt Celestia.” The image of Cadance drew to her full height and again looked down on the assembled ponies. “While I have found room in my heart to forgive Shining Armor, there is sadly no room for his fellow conspirator in this little affair. For things to be set right, for all of us to move on, then punishment must fall on Princess Luna.”

Luna and Trixie gasped.

Celestia merely waited.

“I have considered all the appropriate punishments, and there seems to be only one that fits the committed crime; I demand that Princess Luna be once more banished to the moon.”

What?!” Luna cried, staring in disbelief at the image.

“I know that Princess Luna will obviously disagree with this course of action, but she can take some solace in the fact that I do not demand a further one thousand years of imprisonment.” The image of Cadance seemed to relish the taste of the next words. “I simply demand that she be sealed within the moon until the death of Shining Armor.”

Silence fell as the implications of the demand became clear.

“As to Princess Luna's foal, my husband and I will be more than happy to raise him alongside his brother.”

Rage began to fill Luna's heart and her eyes lit with power. “Who is she to demand such things?! To say such things about my son!”

Still Celestia was silent.

“If these demands are not met, then I am afraid drastic action must be taken. Specifically; if Princess Luna is not returned to the moon, if her transgression remains unpunished, then I will have no choice but to declare the Crystal Empire sovereign from greater Equestria.”

Silence fell again as the image faded. The crystal vibrated and shattered in a hail of broken stones and crashed to the carpeted floor like a rain of precious gems.

Celestia looked upon the pieces and eyed her reflection. She gathered her thoughts and faced her sister.

Luna's power had faded and she too stared at the tiny pieces of crystal in disbelief. She looked to her sister. “'Tia...”

“Luna, be silent.”

Celestia's words sounded like a death sentence. Luna grabbed her bawling foal with her magic and brought him close.

“Luna, your actions have brought the threat of secession and the possibility of war to this land and all the ponies that live in it. Your selfishness has not only cost Brother Veritas his sight, but now could cost all of Equestria so much more.” Her eyes lit with her inner power and her wings lifted her above the ground. She looked down at her younger sister without a single emotion. “I have been given the chance to keep the peace... and all I have to do is sacrifice your freedom for less than a century. My choice is clear.”

Tears poured from Luna's eyes and she held her precious foal close against her. She closed her eyes and waited for the familiar cold, for the crushing vacuum...

“Trixie. Send word to all our allies; the Crystal Empire is no longer a part of Equestria.”

Luna's eyes shot open and she stared in shock as her sister returned to the ground, here eyes no longer glowing. Even Moon Shadow stopped crying.

Celestia started towards her throne, the bits of crystal crunching beneath her hooves. “I will not be ordered around by a heart-broken upstart empress that only has a throne to issue orders from because I placed her upon it. If Cadance wants to play politics, we shall indulge her.” She sat heavily and looked down. “In addition to sending word, have parliament begin drafting trade agreements and preparing travel visas and passports for all who wish to travel to and from the Crystal Empire. Inform the commanders to begin establishing patrols and checkpoints along our borders with the Empire. Prepare a selection of ambassadors and have the Royal Corps of Engineers begin designing our embassy.” She looked at the carpet. “And have the servants clean this mess up.”

Trixie bowed deeply, offered her mistress and teacher a smile, and vanished in a flash of light.

Luna stared at her sister and bowed herself. “Sister... thank you.”

Celestia returned the bow. “You are my sister, Luna. I will not lose you again.” She looked towards the great door. “You can come back in now.”

Luna spun as Shining Armor re-entered the room and walked to her side. “How much...?”

“All of it.” He answered. “Cadance has gone too far, but... maybe I can talk some sense into her.”

Celestia appraised him. “Once Cadance learns of my decision, she will surely bar you from crossing the border ever again once you've returned home.”

Shining Armor smiled at Luna and the foal clutched to her chest. “The way Luna tells it, there's a way around that.”

Luna returned the smile and looked to her sister. “If Shining Armor and I were to be wed, he would become prince regent of both kingdoms. He would be free to come and go as he pleased.”

Celestia gaped. “That... that's an old law, Luna. It hasn't been considered in centuries.”

“But it was never abolished, was it?”


“And Cadance could not object. She would certainly not risk open warfare by holding him hostage.”

“...couldn't she just divorce me?” Shining Armor asked.

“She won't.” Celestia was now seriously considering the idea. “She still loves you, otherwise she would not have made such a demand as secession. She will be angry... but her hooves will be tied.” She looked at the pair. “And perhaps, in time, she will come to accept it.”

Luna looked at her love. “You will be the bridge between our kingdoms. Your life will be the bond that keeps us together. Will you accept such a heavy burden?”

He kissed her. “I will.”

“It's settled then.” Celestia bowed her head. “As princess of Equestria, I declare you mare and colt. May your love persevere and may this not be a terrible decision.”

“What, no big wedding ceremony?” Shining Armor joked.

A withering stare from both princesses made him shrink.

“Return to the Empire, Shining Armor. As you now need a royal escort, take Golden Haze with you. She'll defend you should Cadance take this news... badly.”

Shining Armor knelt to Celestia, kissed his new wife, lay a hoof on his now calm son's head, and ran out the door once again.

Luna watched him go and returned her attention to her sister. “Celestia, again; thank you.” She said as she headed up the stairs.

“I love you, Luna. And I am happy that you've found a stallion who makes you so happy. I am a bit disheartened, however, that it took you tearing the kingdom in half to do it.”

The ancient sisters laughed and embraced.

“Go.” Celestia shooed her. “Send your husband off happy.”

Luna nodded and flew off, her foal tight in her hooves.

When she was gone, when the throne room was again empty except for her, Celestia finally let her resolve slip. She collapsed from the throne and hit the ground. Her crown fell from her head and clattered down the stairs.

She began to weep.

She wept for her niece, now a twisted shell of her former self.

She wept for her ponies, for the days that were coming that they had done nothing to deserve.

And she wept for Equestria, for her beloved land she had done so much to protect... and now, in the name of love, had so utterly failed.