• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

Jade Ring

The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.


This story is a sequel to Phases of the Moon

No sin can remain buried forever.

Shining Armor believes that his troubles are over; his beloved Cadance is soon to give birth to their first foal and his affair with Princess Luna has cooled off considerably as her own pregnancy enters it's last stages.

Princess Luna is at the end of her rope; Shining Armor still has no idea that he is the father of the foal growing inside her and his clumsy gallantry is making her genuinely fall in love with him.

One elated, the other tormented, the pair of sinners will soon be faced with one of the unquestioned absolutes of the universe...

...what's done in the dark will be brought to the light.

Cover Art by the tremendous Swirling Line.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 94 )

Favoriting now, when I have time, I'll be reading.
So nervexcited:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Well that got dark real quick.

The destinies go mixed now, it would seem it is Cadence was the one thrown to madness, while... the one who shall weep is now Luna...

Wow, what a twist. But then I'm sure Shining will take full responsibility, once the truth comes out, and prevent the children from fighting each other.

W OW!!!!:rainbowderp:
So... Fluttershy's child on next chapter?

It's out! And I've linked to it in my Deviantart. :raritywink::raritywink::raritywink:

So...Cadence becomes the twisted one now, this is actually a great twist.

I'm going to keep an eye on this.

3110741 Ha, I knew I'd forgotten to tell somebody.

3109847 I'd have to check my official timeline, but I don't think Scarlet's been born yet.

going to keep an eye on this one

This is bloody fantastic!!!!!!!!!!

Well that was, something?

This whole chapter felt rushed. possibly I'm just misinterpreting the main point of the story.

I'm not giving up though. You keep writing and I'll keep reading.

3118202 There's two more chapters on the way.

Originally it was one long story, but I cut it into chapters to give it a sort of soap opera episode-like pace.

Or are you referring to the beginning of Cadance's downfall?

...I barely even know where to begin...:derpyderp1:
I stumbled across your blog from a judicious bit of Googling and have spent most of today burning through both it and every one of these fics, because hey, they're relatively short, right? An unexpected affair here, a few surprise tidbits of character history there, a couple of sinister prophecies, and somehow these scattered tales interlock into something brain-breakingly epic (literally, I can barely stop thinking about it)!
Everypony seems largely in character, with the possible exception of "Apple Family Secrets"- but confession time- I kind of loved watching Celestia's mask getting peeled back.:trollestia: If something like that happened in the show, I think I'd squee, albeit partly in anticipation of the impending horseapple-storm on the net.
I apologize if this opens old wounds, but it's a shame that one inattentive pre-reader prevented this from getting the even greater attention that EqD would bring and I'm wondering if they might be more appreciative of "Lost in the Night" or "Morning Glory"....
In short, great work, looking forward to more.

Oh, and Shining, Luna and Veritas?

How did you manage to invoke every one of my emotions in just one chapter?

Comment posted by NocturneD85 deleted Jan 19th, 2014


I'm getting Deja'vu from playing Metal Gear about two brothers.

Well, I'm sure Shining Armor will stop this whole mess.

Hmm... A good chapter, well thought out so that your versions of Luna and Cadence not seem too OOC. :pinkiehappy:

I also noticed your prophecy does say which brother is good or evil. :twilightoops:

Given the way Cadence and Luna are acting, I'd Place my bet on Moon Shadow being the good one.:twilightsmile:

Finally! I've been waiting for this for ages! And it doesn't disappoint, and It goes well with my headcannon that the nightmare can ifect any alicorn whose element is belittled or attacked.

...and that was, when a fic has you on utter tenterhooks for the next chapter, make doubly freaking sure that you're tracking it.:facehoof: Good thing I'm obsessive about checking the comments.
Okay, now for an actual review... everypony's still reasonably in character. I'm relieved that Cadance hasn't gone fully Nightmare Heart(?) yet.

You are not the first wife whose husband has strayed, I assure you.

You would know that, wouldn't you, Grandma Sunbutt?:ajbemused:
I do look forward to Twilight's reaction to her brother's (literal) f***up, after having gone through that whole kerfuffle about getting to stand beside him as he took his marriage vows.:rainbowlaugh:

I'm not sure anypony here quite counts as fully good or evil at this point.

You know, for the harbinger of doom, Cadance seems to be taking things rather calmly.

3816233 Aside from ripping out Veritas' eyes... absolutely.

And that's why everyone should be very afraid right now.

Luna isn't cut out for politics...she just isn't... 0/10 would not deify again!

Sensing some deep storyline in this one.

I don't know why but when u read this chapter, I got that empty feeling you get when you finish a series. It's weird also, everything discord said just blew my mind. Everything is falling into place... can't wait.

Shouldn't this have a tragedy tag for the upcoming END that even Discord, with his near infinite knowledge of the world, through his perspective, means there is no GOOD Chance of saving everypony? If there is... then a happy ending, with not that much death will me my request for this story's end.

The fact that this story isn't in the Featureds baffles me.:twilightoops:
It's so beautiful, and gripping and heart-wrenching. :raritydespair:

Well, that seems to have worked out semi-nicely for now....

Shoo Out The Clowns time, eh?
Does this mean Discord really is Q?:rainbowhuh:

3827203 No tragedy tag for this story, but rest assured there will be one for what is to come.

Are you saying it will have some tragedy but not enough to cause the tragedy tag?

3827974 I'm saying that the next story in this line will have the tragedy tag.

You think this is tragic? My friend, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Okay then, count me out, I have a very distinct feeling Shining, Cadence and/or Luna are going to die, or when worst comes, Shining's children will also die as the war ends with not that many pony survivors left.

3828029 Every war has it's casualties. Don't get off the ride just yet.

I'll admit, I had my doubts about this portion of the story, but its serving its purpose.

I eagerly await the next installment

I know wars, but then it ends up as tragedy when it gets there.

I've read the installments previous to this, and I have to ask; wouldn't it have been easier just to compile them all into one large story? I mean, once you're done and all, since it seems like another installment is on the way.

I have enjoyed this read though, and I want to see where this story further goes. Tragedy tomorrow, comedy tonight!

Cadence ~ " For her transgressions,You must banish her... To the moon!" (Dun dun dun, cue Luna flashback)

Celestia - "It's a thought, but I wouldn't want to have to fight another war with my sister stuck on the moon till Shining's death. Especially since I have no idea who's side Discord is taking and you could go batchat crazy in the meantime..."


"I'm leaving, and your idea of Order is a lie." (cue trollface) ~Discord

"..." (Mind blown) ~ Celestia

3844273 I dunno, I think they work better as separate stories.

'Lost' is the beginning, the very start of the affair. It works as a stand alone story.

'Phases' is the first time the greater mythology and history comes into play. It's the first lift on the emotional roller coaster.

'Dark' is that last moment before the drop. It's all down hill from here..

A thought. The prophecy says that "the sons of Armor shall go to war" but it doesn't directly say that they will be fighting each other. Just that the "apple" is what they desire. :unsuresweetie: They could be working together to get the "apple" from whoever.

3844615 ...you're the first person to make that connection. Impressive.

Not saying if it's right or not, but still impressive.

Comment posted by Secret_Brony deleted Jan 26th, 2014

ok, i was wrong. they wont fight over AJ, they will fight over the apple of choas

Since the apple in the prophecy now refers to the apple of discord, with all of Discord's powers, that will most likely be what the sons of armor fight over. This now leads me to wonder what the prophecy about Eden refers to with the first born daughter of her blood. Of course Discord could have just been making up everything in order to confuse them; sort of a final Take That to Celestia before he left.

All of the stories (except Morning Glory) are now wrapped up. I can't wait to see what's in store next.

I'm on the train with everyone else I thought the apple they would fight for involved AJ but now clearly its the apple of discord.

I can't wait for what will hopefully be the continuation this story line.

"Sweet Equestria" Yeah, I'd have a hard time imagining Celestia swearing by her OWN name like that. :trollestia:

Anywhore, this is an interesting read so far.


Expert in the Leviathan books in which War World I ends fairly high note (its an alternate universe)

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