• Published 26th Aug 2013
  • 5,020 Views, 94 Comments

What's Done in the Dark... - Jade Ring

Even as she celebrates the birth of her first foal, Princess Cadance stumbles upon the affair between her beloved Shining Armor and her Aunt Luna.

  • ...

From the Rooftops

“In the space between chaos and shape there was another chance.”

-Jeanette Winterson

She relished these precious moments, the last minutes before she rose the sun. These magic minutes before the night faded into day. They calmed her, allowed her to center herself. And after a day like yesterday had been, Celestia most definitely needed to center herself.

She breathed in the crisp air and looked down from her tower at the city of Canterlot below her. As soon as she raised the sun, the ponies there would rise and begin their day. They would go to work and school, they would live their lives...

…and they would learn the news of the Crystal Empire's secession.

The events returned to her and she felt the crushing despair looming once more. She closed her eyes and sought to center herself once again. She tempered her breathing, focused on a peaceful stream in springtime...

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown, eh Celestia?”

The voice of the Lord of Chaos broke her concentration. With an annoyed groan, she opened her eyes to find him floating beside her. “What do you want Discord? It's too early for your nonsense.”

The draconequus nodded and popped his neck. “Early indeed. At least you slept, troubled sleep it might have been. I was up all night pondering the day's events.”

“I had a feeling there was someone else in that room.”

Discord laughed and leaned over the balcony. “Don't worry, I left after you had your little breakdown. I hate seeing such misery. It's... well, it's no fun.”

“I foresee a great deal more misery in the days to come.”

Discord sighed. “As do I. And that's why I'm leaving.”

Celestia did a double take. “What was that?”

“Leaving. Departing. Going away. Flying the proverbial coop.” His hand detached and flapped away like a bird before popping back into place in a flash of light.

“But you can't leave the castle! I forbid it! There's no telling what you'll get up to out there.”

“You misunderstand.” He chuckled. “I'm not leaving Canterlot. I'm leaving Equestria entirely.”

“But... but how?”

Discord snapped his fingers and a map of stars appeared before Celestia's eyes. “I am not of this world, Celestia. I was not born, I simply... arrived. Much as you and your sister did. The difference is that I am much older than you two and as such I remember what I am.”

Celestia observed the map. “And what exactly are you?”

“Chaos, dear lady. And chaos wanders. Chaos is random. Chaos goes from place to place, planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy... dimension to dimension.”

The stars began to whirl around Celestia.

“I pop into a world, take a form and a name, stick around for a few millenia, and depart. Such is the way of chaos.”

The stars faded. Celestia shook her head to clear it of dizziness and stared at the composite creature. “If that's all true... then how old are you, really?”

Discord shrugged. “Time loses it's meaning when you reach a certain point. I have already taken on hundreds of thousands of names... and I know deep down that my journey is not even a quarter finished.”

Celestia stared at him with wide eyes. “Then... then what are you?”

“In the easiest of terms, I could be called a 'god.' But then, so are you, my little pony. But you are young. You have many lives yet to live. Especially since your days in this particular world are numbered.”


He reached out almost as though to caress her flowing mane... and plucked out a single hair. He held it up for her to see.

Before she could reprimand him, the hair struck her dumb.

It was gray.

“I... I...”

“You're aging, Celestia. Old Clover's prophecy is coming true.”

“...the Twilight of the Gods...”

A snap of his fingers and he was standing before a chalkboard, a graduate's cap on his head and thick glasses over his eyes. He pointed at a crudely drawn chalk image of herself. “You are a young goddess, Celestia, and so you cannot move between worlds freely yet. Your current form must age and die before your astral form can move on.” The chalk Celestia withered and wrinkled with age before keeling over with large X's over her eyes. “Once that happens, you and your sister will travel to the next world. You'll take new forms, new names... And all of this will be as though it were a dream.”

Celestia stared at the drawing. “How long will it go on?”

Discord shrugged as the chalkboard, cap, and glasses vanished in a flash of light. “I'd wager forever. Eventually, however, when you get to be my age, you'll remember your lives.” He sighed and, for the first time, Celestia saw regret cross his face. “Believe me, Celestia. You will long for the days that you did not remember.”

“So why are you leaving?”

The regret vanished and Discord rose above her head. “As I said, things aren't fun anymore. Too serious... and they're going to get more serious before the end.”

“Then we need you. Now more than ever! I had you released in case of a situation just like this.”

“You are making this situation chaotic enough without my help, Celestia.” He grinned down at her, his head resting on his hands. “Explain to me again how letting Luna and Shining Armor get married is going to make things better and not worse?”

Celestia flushed with anger. “And the alternative? Banishing my sister once again and surrendering her foal to Cadance? Would that have been better?”

Discord shrugged. “I don't know the future, Celestia. But old Clover did. Heed her words, if you are wise.”

Celestia scoffed and turned away. “Run away then. Go on to your next life. Pretend we won't need your help.”

He was silent for a moment. “I won't apologize, not for my actions and not for fleeing. But I will leave you with a gift.” He appeared before her and held out his claw. “Think of your greatest regret, Celestia. Imagine your greatest failure... but also your greatest victory. Think of the one moment in time that, had you acted differently, would have made things better. And, even knowing that, you wouldn't change a thing.”

Celestia concentrated. She thought of her sins, her regrets, her failures. She remembered the ponies she'd hurt, the ponies she'd ignored. She thought of the way things were going and their inevitable conclusion.

One word rang true.

Eden...” she whispered, a tear in her eye.

A shining apple of pure gold appeared in Discord's claw. “It is done.”

“What is it?”

“Chaos, my sweet princess. Pure chaos. Anypony who takes a bite from this apple will be imbued with all my powers.” He let her magic take it and smiled crookedly. “Guard it well, and may it be your last resort should things get too... heavy.” He began to rise into the air, looking around at Equestria one last time. “I had fun in this world, millennium trapped in stone no-withstanding, of course. I will miss it terribly.”

She tore her gaze away from the apple and looked up at him. “Where will you go now?”

He shrugged. “Haven't the foggiest. Wherever I end up, whoever I end up being, I just hope I'm a little more low key. It's hard being this crazy all the time.” He laughed and began to fade.

“How do I know this isn't a trick? That all this hasn't been some grand lie?”

He laughed again. “You mean besides the start of your old hag hair? Fine, a final parting tid-bit. Now that you and Luna are aging, you've each lost something hugely important.”

“And what's that?” She called up to him.

He vanished, but his final whisper rang in her ears as though he was standing right next to her.

Your purpose.”

She didn't understand... until she looked at the horizon. There, peeking just out of view, was the sun.

It was rising without her.

Celestia, her mind nearly broken, looked from the golden apple floating before her, to the gray hair on the ground, and finally back to the rising sun.

For the first time in her life, Celestia felt... old.


In Equestria, the moon sank and the sun rose, all on their own.

The goddess of the night took to her bed with her foal by her side, happier than she could ever remember.

The twice crowned prince dozed on the train back home, both worried and elated at what the future held.

The Crystal Empress watched the sun rise from her throne, preparing herself for her first day as a true ruler.

And the goddess of the sun, her world-view both enlarged and shattered at the same time, adjusted her crown, steeled herself, and carried the apple into the castle.

Immortal goddess or not, she was going to do whatever it took to defend the land while it was still hers to defend.


“Look to the skies, for the true rulers fall from the heavens. The land they strike shall be their fortress, time will bow to their every whim, and they shall rule until the Twilight of the Gods.”

“The sons of Armor shall go to war; one born of loving light, the other of lusting dark. The Apple is the object of their desire… and over it shall Equestria be plunged into darkness for all time.”

-Clover the Clever

Comments ( 46 )

I don't know why but when u read this chapter, I got that empty feeling you get when you finish a series. It's weird also, everything discord said just blew my mind. Everything is falling into place... can't wait.

Shouldn't this have a tragedy tag for the upcoming END that even Discord, with his near infinite knowledge of the world, through his perspective, means there is no GOOD Chance of saving everypony? If there is... then a happy ending, with not that much death will me my request for this story's end.

The fact that this story isn't in the Featureds baffles me.:twilightoops:
It's so beautiful, and gripping and heart-wrenching. :raritydespair:

Shoo Out The Clowns time, eh?
Does this mean Discord really is Q?:rainbowhuh:

3827203 No tragedy tag for this story, but rest assured there will be one for what is to come.

Are you saying it will have some tragedy but not enough to cause the tragedy tag?

3827974 I'm saying that the next story in this line will have the tragedy tag.

You think this is tragic? My friend, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

Okay then, count me out, I have a very distinct feeling Shining, Cadence and/or Luna are going to die, or when worst comes, Shining's children will also die as the war ends with not that many pony survivors left.

3828029 Every war has it's casualties. Don't get off the ride just yet.

I'll admit, I had my doubts about this portion of the story, but its serving its purpose.

I eagerly await the next installment

I know wars, but then it ends up as tragedy when it gets there.

I've read the installments previous to this, and I have to ask; wouldn't it have been easier just to compile them all into one large story? I mean, once you're done and all, since it seems like another installment is on the way.

I have enjoyed this read though, and I want to see where this story further goes. Tragedy tomorrow, comedy tonight!

Cadence ~ " For her transgressions,You must banish her... To the moon!" (Dun dun dun, cue Luna flashback)

Celestia - "It's a thought, but I wouldn't want to have to fight another war with my sister stuck on the moon till Shining's death. Especially since I have no idea who's side Discord is taking and you could go batchat crazy in the meantime..."


"I'm leaving, and your idea of Order is a lie." (cue trollface) ~Discord

"..." (Mind blown) ~ Celestia

3844273 I dunno, I think they work better as separate stories.

'Lost' is the beginning, the very start of the affair. It works as a stand alone story.

'Phases' is the first time the greater mythology and history comes into play. It's the first lift on the emotional roller coaster.

'Dark' is that last moment before the drop. It's all down hill from here..

A thought. The prophecy says that "the sons of Armor shall go to war" but it doesn't directly say that they will be fighting each other. Just that the "apple" is what they desire. :unsuresweetie: They could be working together to get the "apple" from whoever.

3844615 ...you're the first person to make that connection. Impressive.

Not saying if it's right or not, but still impressive.

Comment posted by Secret_Brony deleted Jan 26th, 2014

ok, i was wrong. they wont fight over AJ, they will fight over the apple of choas

Since the apple in the prophecy now refers to the apple of discord, with all of Discord's powers, that will most likely be what the sons of armor fight over. This now leads me to wonder what the prophecy about Eden refers to with the first born daughter of her blood. Of course Discord could have just been making up everything in order to confuse them; sort of a final Take That to Celestia before he left.

All of the stories (except Morning Glory) are now wrapped up. I can't wait to see what's in store next.

I'm on the train with everyone else I thought the apple they would fight for involved AJ but now clearly its the apple of discord.

I can't wait for what will hopefully be the continuation this story line.


Expert in the Leviathan books in which War World I ends fairly high note (its an alternate universe)

Comment posted by Jade Ring deleted Mar 11th, 2014
Comment posted by Jade Ring deleted Mar 11th, 2014
Comment posted by Jade Ring deleted Mar 11th, 2014
Comment posted by d716 deleted Apr 25th, 2014
Comment posted by Jade Ring deleted Apr 25th, 2014
Comment posted by d716 deleted Apr 25th, 2014
Comment posted by d716 deleted Apr 25th, 2014

Gonna have to side with Cadence. Luna and Shining are being like..selfish uber dicks.

The sun rises on its own; the sky is becoming more naturalistic.
> and over it shall Equestria be plunged into darkness for all time
If "over" here means "above", then maybe the Apple will be placed in the sky, such that at all greater altitudes is the darkness of outer space.

It just accorded to me. Does the story mention what Moon Shadow is? I can't find it. He could be an earth pony for all we know. Course Jade's notes mentions that he has the same (or similar) dream magic as Luna. That implies that he is a unicorn at the very least.

Comment posted by Jade Ring deleted Mar 11th, 2014

Whoa...just whoa. Congrats another powerful entry in the series; never stop writing them please

Dear Lord... That is the Apple the Sons of Armor will go to war over.

THAT WAS SO AWESOME I can't wait for the sequel

Ps your stories are awesome your one of my favorite fanfic authors

5317398 Yup. But alicorn foals gestate faster than normal foals, so Morning Dew is nice and healthy.

5317408 Thanks. I was wondering about that when they didn't seem to be treating it as being more serious than a normal delivery.

Ok had to re-wright this 5 times to organize my thoughts. We have Celestia and Luna dying. We have an "Apple" in the Applejacks family line as a direct descendent of Celestia. We have an apple, literally, that's chock full of all the chaos gods powers. We have to brothers of two different mothers who may go to war with or against each other. We have Twilight and cadence.. if i remember correctly Cadence has an extended life time and I'm not sure if Twilights life had been discussed.. btw i hope she doesn't get the chaos apple. her natural power plus discords... ya equestria is done at that point.

Ok now for less ramble. When i first read the prophecy i imaged both sons fighting each other as leaders of there respective countries for the love of Applejack who will have discovered her powers more fully at that point and may or may not be an alicorn herself but who I'm guessing will have an extended life span at the least. I could see her getting the apple strangely...

So far my end game imagination see's Cadence executing Shining Armor starting a a massive war, Cadence banished somewhere for a thousand years, Applejack using her abilities to restore the ravaged equestria and Twilight stuck in the end unhappily running the country.

Granted this is all speculation and the Author may just pull a red herring out from behind the moon and slap us all with it,.

Holy cow. You are amazing!

Man is Celestia selfish as fuck. She'd rather not have her sister gone for a hundred more years than have potentially thousands die in a war she's certain is coming. It's strange to me that they all think war is inevitable when secession can and often is, for the most part, peaceful. Hell, it has been peaceful but for some reason Celestia is adamant that there's going to be a war over whatever. The only way I could see a war happen is if Shining Armour can't convince his wife to show clemency and Cadence goes into a vindictive rage over Luna not receiving justice, and that wouldn't happen if Celestia toughened up and did what was necessary for her people and for peace.

I really hope there will be a sequel to this!

I finally got around to reading this one.
And, of all of the stories I've read in the DSBC (which is to say, everything except for The Changelings Have a King, the sequel to that, the entirety of The Many Loves of Ponyville Arc, and Dear Dinky Hooves), this is probably the first story that I can't bring myself to favorite.
Not because it's bad, far from it.
But more for the simple tragedy of the culmination of this particular arc on its own.

Oh my gosh, this ia the first story thats about grown up stuff that I actually like (except for game of thrones).

There's only one problem I find with that end prophecy: no signs of hope or end to the darkness. Are we even sure that it's a real prophecy in that case? I mean, the Bible, the Lego Movie (even if it was a fake one), and so many others had prophecies with hope for peace.

theres a reason there is a phrase called "no hope" shining armor has doomed the world because his sons will fight over that power plunging the world into war and since by that time id imagine that the only ponies who could stop them are dead there truly would be no hope

Is there going to be a sequel to this? I'm confused

I've read this story several times now and it's always just as good as the last time, but I find it disappointing that it wasn't continued or never got a sequel. It sounded like it was building up to something that would have been really interesting to see. Too bad it was wasted.

But the story itself is very good.

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