• Published 21st Aug 2013
  • 4,137 Views, 311 Comments

A Black Belt in a Colorful Land - DismantledAccount

A martial artist wakes up in Equestria after suffering a concussion and he is not feeling the love... yet.

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Chapter 19: A Typical Day?

Chapter 19: A Typical Day?

The Same Day, Morning, Monday...

Ditzy woke up to the sound of her alarm clock ringing in her ears. "Ugggggh... fife mor minets..." she groaned, turning it off and silencing the room. She lazily poured herself out of her bed and stumbled towards the door. However, instead of going through the doorway, she tried to go through the door frame, due to just waking up and her left eye being crooked.


"Well, least I'm more 'wake now," she mumbled, shaking her head. She corrected her mistake and walked through the doorway, heading to her bathroom. She got into her shower stall and closed the curtain behind her. I need a nice warm shower to ease me into the morning, she thought, reaching for the lever. She yawned and pulled the lever. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed, now realizing that she had grabbed the cold water lever. She quickly pulled the correct lever and sighed in contentment as the warm water fell on her. I should really label these levers, the paint wore off years ago and now I can't even tell which is which anymore. Especially when I'm tir-


"Huh?" said Ditzy, hearing a noise over the sounds of her showering.


She turned off the water and cautiously peeked her head out of the shower, listening intently.

*Squeak* Came the quiet, telltale sound of her back door opening.

She nervously stepped out of her shower stall and reached into the cupboard underneath her sink. She pulled out one of her 'secret weapons' and gripped it like her like depended on it. Ditzy's secret weapons were none other than muffins, but with a rather important feature. She had used concrete instead of flour in the batter by accident. My muffins were returned the day after I dropped them off at the orphanage, along with a rude letter. Now all of my muffins have to be screened before they are considered fit for pony consumption. I know exactly what went wrong that time. I just knew I should have put that bag of cement mix far away from the similar looking bag of baking flour.

She nosed her way out of the bathroom and carefully sneaked her way down the stairs, her sopping wet mane clinging to her like a... well... wet mane.

*Squeak* Went her back door again, causing Ditzy to jump slightly.

She heard something moving towards the living room from the dining room. She readied her muffin and prepared to strike at the intruder as soon as it walked around the corner. Ditzy saw something so she closed her eyes and threw her muffin as hard as she could at the intruder.

"Ouch," said a familiar sounding stallion's voice.

Ditzy opened her eyes and saw, to her horror, Alexander sitting on the floor. He was rubbing his ribcage with one paw and holding her muffin in the other. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid. How could I forget about Alexander? she thought, feeling an embarrassed blush rising in her cheeks. "Heh, sorry about that... Don't be mad please," she said nervously, unconsciously drawing a small circle on the ground with her fore hoof.

"Is this... was this food at one point?" he asked, looking over at her then back at the muffin. Alexander quickly looked back at her again and said, "Is that a new look for you? I approve, guaranteed to reel in the stallions. Pretty damn sexy for a horse."

New look? Ditzy thought, looking around at herself. Her still wet fur hugged her body and accented her curves. "Oh... Um... You scared me and I didn't have time to dry myself off after my shower," she said pointing an accusing hoof at him, as she continued blushing. He's lying, no stallion could ever love me; my eye makes me too ugly, and I'm not even much of a looker not including my eye. "What were you doing outside anyway?"

Alexander crawled forward on his forelegs and hind leg, keeping his injured shin off the ground. "I have been here for over two days now. Its really not that hard to figure out, just think about it for a minute and it should come to you," he said, sitting down on her sofa.

"Uhhhhhhhhh... Because... you... like bunnies and want to pet them?" Ditzy asked more than said. "There is a large, friendly family of bunnies not too far from here."

"Yeah, you could say I love bunnies, rabbits, and most other small woodland creatures," he said, grinning.

"Me too! I love little animals and I always stop to say hi to some on my way to work-" Ditzy's eyes got very big all of a sudden. "Work..." she hissed. "I'm gonna be late!" she shouted. She slapped her hat on backwards and threw her mailbags on before rushing out the door, not even bothering to see if it closed behind her.

She jumped into the air and began flying to the Post Office. It seems that everyday is becoming 'one of those days' and it's really getting annoying, Ditzy thought, trying to adjust her hat and mailbags while flying and having minimal success. At least I should be dry by the time I get to work.

Ditzy was walking tiredly back to the Post Office after completing the last delivery. "Ugh..." she groaned. "Why do I always get the heavy packages? Oh, wait, I remember now; my boss doesn't like me."

She wearily pushed open the door and walked in. The post office was deserted except for Merry, sitting quietly at her desk. Ditzy walked over to her and gave her the customer's signature on the packing slip. She took the slip without even looking at Ditzy and went back to sorting the already sorted mail.

"Are you all right, Merry?" Ditzy asked.

The black pegasus didn't respond.

"Hey! Merry!" She tried louder.

"Hmmm?" hummed Merry without looking at her.

"Is there something wrong?" Ditzy asked.

"No, I'm fine," she mumbled.

"Come on, I know you better than that. I can tell that there is something bothering you," said Ditzy, putting her hooves on the desk.

Merry slowly looked up at her and peered over her reading glasses. "So, you want to know what's bothering me?"

Ditzy nodded.

Merry slowly took off her glasses, folded them up, and gently placed them on her desk. She sighed and rubbed at her temple with a hoof before responding. "I stayed up all night wondering if you were even going to show up for work today."

"But why? I have to come to work today," Ditzy said, slightly confused.

"Because, Ditzy," she sighed. "You had a three tail length tall monster in your house with a bad temper last night; I was worried he might do something to you in your sleep. The only thing that kept me from calling an entire battalion of Royal Guards on him is the fact that you already contacted the Elements. Also the fact that you threatened to tell Big Mac I stalk him a little in my free time, but that's beside the point."

"But he never laid a hoof on me, ever. He likes muffins too, so that means that he is a good pony. And today I found out that he loves small creatures, so what's not to like?" said Ditzy, feeling slightly guilty about keeping her friend up all night.

"No-no-no-no-no-no, stop right there. you are not getting attached to that... thing. Do you know anything else about it?" asked Merry.

"...Well he said he isn't from around here," said Ditzy after a moment.

"Look... Ditzy, I'm telling you; Alexander gives me the creeps. I don't like him, not one bit. I tried to put on a pleasant face when I first met him because you said he was your guest. But now I think you should dump him on the Elements, make him their problem," she said, determinedly.

"We already tried that and he said that he wasn't going anywhere on his hurt leg, especially not to that tiny cage," said Ditzy.

"Just... watch yourself, I don't trust him." said Merry, staring intently at Ditzy with her blue eyes.

"I will," said Ditzy, slightly unnerved by the intensity of her gaze.

"You're my friend and I don't know what I would do if something happened to you that I could have prevented," said Merry.

"I'll be fine, stop your worrying," Ditzy said calmingly. "Oh, sorry, Merry, but I have to go; I have an appointment with Rarity," said Ditzy happily, looking at the clock. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen?" she said over her shoulder, running out the door.

Merry just shook her head sadly.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Rarity?" Ditzy called, knocking on the door. "Are you home?" There's a closed sign in the window but she told me to be here. "Rari-eep!" The door to the boutique was suddenly opened and Ditzy was pulled into the now open doorway by a blue glow.

"Hello, darling..." rasped a voice from a darkened corner of the shop as the light blue glow closed the door behind her.

"Hello, Rarity!" said Ditzy excitedly. "Well, I'm here now, do you want to get started?"

Rarity stepped into the light and daintily cleared her throat, returning her voice to normal. "Terribly sorry about that, darling, my throat is a little sore today," she said, "But it's nothing beyond what a little tea and honey can't handle."

"That's-good-so-can-we-get-started?" said Ditzy, slurring her words together in her excitement and bouncing in place slightly. Rarity's clothes! Rarity's clothes! Rarity's clothes! Rarity's clothes! Rarity's clothes! she chanted in her head, as Rarity led her over to the changing area.

"Alright, darling, just stand there and we'll get started," said Rarity. "I can't believe Alexander doesn't want to try on fashionable clothes," she mumbled to herself.

"So, what's first?" asked Ditzy. "What kind of dresses am I going to try on? Pink ones? Blue ones? Yellow ones?" she said excitedly.

"Well, I have been trying multiple ideas and hoping to strike gold, so to speak. And I think I have done it, I think I have made an absolutely beautiful collection of outfits that, while they may go out of style, will never stop being fabulous" she replied. "Let us start with this one, then we will move on to the others..." Rarity said, pulling out a shiny red object.

"Ummmm, Rarity?" said Ditzy shyly, beginning to blush. "That's a thong..."

"I know, darling; I know," she said with an impish grin. "This can't go out of style, sexy is always in style."

"B-but I'm not that kind of mare! I don't want stallions staring at my... uhhhhhh... you know... there." Especially not Alexander, I would never hear the end of it, Ditzy thought, slowly backing away from the offending piece of clothing.

"But, darling, you would look absolutely fabulous in it! You will look absolutely fabulous in it!" purred Rarity, stepping closer.

"Please, Rarity? Can't I just try on some normal clothes?" asked Ditzy, who at this point had run out of room and was backed into a corner.

"B-but w-why?" replied Rarity, tears forming in her eyes. "I thought you liked my clothes!" she said sadly.

Ditzy looked around quickly to make sure that nopony was watching them and that the shop really was deserted. "Rarity, I don't really want to wear a thong," she mumbled.

"I thought you would be different but now I can see that you're the same! You hate my clothes, you always have and always will!" Rarity wailed, not hearing her.

"Fine I'll wear it. But only if you stop crying," said Ditzy quietly.

"And you didn't even see any of my other 'regular clothes', as you call them. You just hate my designs, all of them! You're no better than Applejack." Rarity sat down and started to cry.

"Just give me the thong and stop crying!" yelled Ditzy. "Please!"

The tears disappeared from Rarity's eyes. "Well why didn't you say so earlier?" she asked with a satisfied smile. "Turn around and I'll put it on for you. Real models never put on their own clothes."

"But that's just... No! I'm going to put it on myself or not at all," said Ditzy, her blush returning.

Tears formed in Rarity's eyes.

Ditzy glanced toward the locked door of the boutique nervously. "Ummmmmm... I'm not really comfortable with this..."

Rarity started crying.

"It seems really weird and intimate and I don't really want to do it..."

Rarity's bottom lip started quivering.

Ditzy sighed in defeat and slowly turned around, looking over her shoulder.

Rarity's face immediately went back to a satisfied smirk. "It's for the best, darling, this is a very delicate garment and I don't want you damaging it. Now all I need you to do is lift you tail as high as you can so I can put on this masterpiece."

"No, no, no, no, no, no!" said Ditzy, "Absolutely not!"

"Darling, we are both mares here. There is nothing to be ashamed of; I won't judge. And anyways, customer confidentially is a specialty of mine. I've 'seen' all of my models and they haven't complained one bit," said Rarity, levitating the thong closer.

"No!" shouted Ditzy, turning around to face her.

Tears formed in Rarity eyes once again.

"I am terribly sorry how I acted earlier with the thong, darling. Very unladylike of me, I don't know what came over me. I hope you can forgive me. I should always respect the decisions of the customer," said Rarity dejectedly.

"It's okay, Rarity, we all make mistakes sometimes. Just please don't let it happen again," said a still blushing Ditzy.

Rarity nodded. "Well anyway, darling, here are Alexander's new clothes and an extra little surprise for you," she said, levitating a small pile of clothes over to Ditzy, who put it in her saddlebags. "Due to that whole 'thong incident', that will be forgotten as soon as you walk out the door, you only modeled a fraction of all the outfits that I had planned for tonight. Come over again sometime and we can work with the rest of these outfits," she said, motioning over to a clothes rack filled with dazzling dresses.

And more importantly, no thongs! "I would love that Rarity! I'm a huge fan of all your work, well, most of it," said Ditzy, smiling at the thought of being in a beautiful dress.

"Thank you for giving me a second chance, darling. Although, you should probably be getting home soon, before it get too dark outside. A lady should never be out by herself after dark," said Rarity, eying the evening sky.

"Thanks, Rarity, bye!" called Ditzy over her shoulder. Lady? I wish. thought Ditzy, jumping into the air and beginning her flight home.

Ditzy soon arrived at her house after an uneventful flight, only having almost crashed once. She walked into her house and dumped her saddlebags on the living room floor. She looked over at her sofa and saw a sleeping Alexander with a bowl of half-eaten soup on the floor by his head. He actually looks relaxed when he is sleeping, thought Ditzy, stepping closer to him. I wonder, what kind of soup is this? I don't remember having any soup in my kitchen... she thought, sniffing at the soup. It smells kind of weird. I should probably test it to see what kind of soup it is and if it went bad or something. Ditzy picked the bowl up in her hooves and took a large sip.

Author's Note:

Yay! Longest chapter of this story so far! You're welcome.

I am still lacking in the creative juices necessary to update as often as I would like. (Insert sad face.)
On a positive note I came out with another short story. It isn't a one-shot but it will still be fairly short. Check it out if you like!
Facility 0013
It is, once again, nothing like this story.
But if you check it out I'll give you... a... some... uhhhhh... The words I wrote? I guess...