• Published 26th Jul 2013
  • 7,212 Views, 254 Comments

Octavia is Pregnant! - Redbook

What happens when an Upper-class pony like Octavia is pregnant and Vinyl is the father... wait what?

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Chapter one

The lights illuminating up the stage before her. The room went silent as the gray mare walked onto the stage with her cello on her back. Her body flowed like water as she took her position. Before she could even play one note to amaze her audience, there was a cry as some of the ponies in the front row pointed to her and shouted out, “She is pregnant with a fillyfooler’s foal.” To her horror, there was a bulge of her belly which knocked her cello to the ground.

Octavia jumped up in her bed, her body covered in sweat. She let out a sigh of relief that it all had only been a dream. She looked over to the mare sleeping next to her; Vinyl was fast asleep as always. Octavia was glad not to have woken her up. She didn’t feel like trying to explain how she was pregnant in a dream, what was she thinking? Vinyl would have been asking if I looked sexy with a pregnant belly or something like that. She lay back down to cuddle up next to Vinyl, if only to try and feel a little better. After what felt like hours, her mind finally drifted off to sleep again.

The sunlight blasted Octavia right in the face. It wasn’t bad enough that she already had bad eyesight, now the sun wanted to take a swing at her eyes too. She nuzzled her face into Vinyl’s mane to shield her eyes from the evil sun. There was now one thing missing that her face didn’t feel. Did Vinyl shave her mane in some crazy dare again? No, that wasn’t it. There is no Vinyl in my bed. That’s it. This caused her to jump out of the bed and look around the blurry room.

“Vinyl!” she called out in alarm. She didn’t know why she was in full panic mode right now. It might have been that crazy dream that ruined a rather good sleep she was enjoying. As she was spinning around trying to get her head around what was going on, there was some noise coming from the kitchen. This only caused Octavia to wonder who would be there. She hoped it wasn’t Vinyl, not after what happened last time. How can you even burn water? Octavia still couldn’t figure that one out. Before leaving the room she grabbed her glasses, she kind of needed Vinyl’s help to put in her contacts. You try putting those things in with a hoof. One mistake and you will be wearing an eyepatch.

Octavia slowly poked her head around to look into the kitchen and she about fainted. There was Vinyl, cooking a good meal. Not just some of those toaster things or cereal that she always ate every morning. She was making whole wheat pancakes and toast. Octavia didn’t know if she should walk in and say good morning or just stand back and watch her cook.

Vinyl was in her own little world. She had her headphones on and blasting that stuff she called music. A thought came to Octavia, this caused her to grin as she moved to the table. Making sure not to make too much noise, she kept an eye on Vinyl the whole time. Octavia was trying to fight the giggle fit that was trying to make its way out. This was a side of Octavia the world of Canterlot would never see. When she was out of the house, she just acted like all of the upper class Canterlot ponies she played for.

Vinyl just keep working, not even noticing Octavia sitting at the table as she was placing the food on the table. This was too much for Octavia to handle, but she was trying her best to not burst out giggling. Once everything was placed on the table, Vinyl made her way to their bedroom, she dropped her headphones down and paused her music to call into the room to wake her up. Octavia could hear a now panicking Vinyl turning the room upside down to find her.

“I’m out here, Vinyl.” Her voice was showing signs that she was about to burst out laughing.

“How the buck did you get out there?” Vinyl had a look of confusion written all over her face as she walked back into the kitchen. That was all it took to throw Octavia into a fit of giggles. She about fell out of the chair she was sitting on. Vinyl looked down with a sad look on her face. “I was going to surprise you by cooking you some breakfast and a good one.”

That just melted Octavia’s heart. It had to be one of the sweetest things Vinyl had ever done for her. She smiled and leaned over the table to lightly kiss Vinyl’s horn. “That is so sweet of you. You didn’t have to do this for me. And I thought you didn’t know how to cook. Or did you just trick me by burning that water?” Vinyl looked up at Octavia and after a little bit, they both burst out laughing.

“But I did, Octy. It’s been a year now. Don’t you remember? It was this day a year ago that you said yes to be my marefriend. And well, some of those gigs I went to, they were not really gigs, but cooking classes.” A blush was rushing to her muzzle. Octavia rolled her eyes and giggled. Only the world known DJ-PON3 would be shy about having to take a cooking class. Octavia loved seeing this side of her, only because it was something very rare to see.

The kiss on Vinyl’s horn made the white mare’s face change to a brighter red. Then what Vinyl had said just hit home in Octavia’s mind. It was their one year anniversary. Oh she was so bucked right then. Vinyl’s gift wouldn’t be here till sometime the following week. It was something she never seemed to leave the house without, her sunglasses. But like everything that ponies wear, they had begun to show their age. So Octavia thought she would order a custom pair that would last a lot longer.

“Ah, Vinyl. That is so sweet of you. You don’t know how much that means to me.” She knew that Vinyl would ask her what she got for her.

“So Octy, what did you get me?” Her crimson eyes shimmered in the light. This was a trick Vinyl learned to break Octavia and get what she wanted. Which worked most of the times, but when Vinyl wanted to do something crazy that could lead to her getting really hurt. And well, we all know that Octavia broke under that look.

“I got you a new pair of sunglasses, custom made. I made sure they last longer than your old pair…” She let out a sigh, feeling bad that they wouldn’t be here till later the next week. “But they won’t be here till next week. I’m sorry, it slipped my mind that this week was our anniversary.” Now it was Octavia’s turn to look down at the table with a sad face.

There was a sudden intake of air from Vinyl’s side of the table. Then came the loudest scream that Octavia had ever heard from the DJ. “OHMYCELESTIATHATISSOCOOLILOVEYOU!” came rushing out of Vinyl’s mouth. It took Octavia a little bit for her brain to process what Vinyl had just screamed out in what seemed like one breath.

“I love you too, Vinyl.” She was giggling as the white mare was now jumping all around the room. It took a few minutes for Vinyl to calm down, so they could finally eat the food she had worked so hard to make. “Vinyl, once you are done jumping around, I think we should really sit down and eat. I don’t want all your hard work to get cold. In a blink of an eye Vinyl was at the table with a fork, held in her blue magic and about to take the first bite.

“So what are you waiting for? It’s time to dig in.” And with that she was shoveling food into her mouth at a breakneck speed. Octavia ‘dug in’ as Vinyl had put it. Once the first bit of food made it into her mouth, she almost dropped her fork. It was really good. She never thought that Vinyl could make anything this good. As Octavia was lost in the wonders of Vinyl’s new found cooking skills, Vinyl had stopped eating to gaze at Octavia.

Octavia looked up when she noticed that the sounds of Vinyl’s eating had stopped. She had a look like she was not going to be joking about what she wanted to talk about then. “Octy, are you okay? I’m kinda worried about you. I mean you keep waking up in the middle of the night in a sweat. You know ya can tell me anything, right?” Octavia thought her heart was going to stop. She could have sworn that Vinyl was fast asleep each time it happened. That odd dream was one that would come once in a while to kind of haunt Octavia.

Octavia let out a long sigh. She didn’t really want to tell Vinyl about the dream that she didn’t even understand herself. She thought it over in her head for a bit longer as Vinyl kept the look that Octavia would come to know as the ‘it’s business time’ look. She took a deep breath and told Vinyl about the dream. At least what she could remember. The whole time Vinyl just nodded her head and once Octavia was done, she smiled.

“I think I might have a thought of what all that means,” Vinyl said in a matter of fact tone. Octavia didn’t know what to say. Could Vinyl really understand what that crazy dream meant? She just hoped Vinyl wouldn’t say something dumb or anything. So Octavia nodded signalling Vinyl to go on.

Before Vinyl stated her little explanation of what she thought it was, she moved to Octavia’s side of the table so she could hold her close. “Well I think part of you…” Vinyl was blushing really hard this time, more so than she did before. “...wants a foal and you want it to be my foal.” Octavia eyes shot open at what she was saying. But she didn’t say anything in return as she wanted Vinyl to finish what she had to say. “And you are scared that you would be kicked out of Canterlot’s upper class for just being a fillyfooler and to make things worse, you carrying our foal.”

Octavia was kind of stunned at Vinyl’s thoughts of her dream and as she thought about it. Vinyl was on the bits with this. Now her mind was truly blown. That’s super rare, I mean Discord has a better chance saving the world then what just happened. Now Octavia was wondering why she would be wanting to have a foal. She was still a young mare, 25 if you really must know a mare’s age. You should be ashamed for even wanting to ask that.

What pulled her back to the world around her was a warm body holding her close. She smiled and looked up at Vinyl. “I bet you must think I’m silly for even dreaming of such crazy things. I mean how silly is for a mare to want to have a foal with another mare. The equipment we have doesn’t work well for that.” That was enough to get a giggle out of Vinyl as she nodded. Vinyl leaned down and gave Octavia sweet tender kisses on her neck. That caused her to shiver at how good it made her feel.

Before Octavia could even say another word, she was being pulled off her chair and into the bedroom. Vinyl looked like she had some master plan in mind and was about the start the first phase. And that she was about to rock Octavia’s world again. But that was nothing new there. Let’s just say after Vinyl was done, Octavia wasn’t going to be getting out of the bed any time soon. Vinyl just lay next to her with a grin, she had done something she would hope that Octavia would like. She got to try a little spell that she had been looking up how to do. Yes, ponies. You may now gasp in shock.


A few months had passed and Vinyl wouldn’t take off the sunglasses Octavia had given her. Lately Octavia had been feeling kind of ill. One morning she just had woken up before she rushed off to the bathroom. She was regretting not eating much last night. Even when her belly was devoid of food and anything else that might be in there.

Vinyl walked in and took a seat next to Octavia to rub her back. Octavia looked over to look at her. Vinyl had a smug grin on her face. “What are you so smug about Miss Vinyl?” Octavia only threw Miss at her when she was really not in a good mood. Before Vinyl could even get a word out, Octavia’s face was aiming back to the toilet to let another wave of stuff come out.

“I was just seeing how morning sickness is treating you today. But I can see that you are doing good.” Octavia looked up at her and sighed. What the buck does she mean ‘morning sickness’? Only pregnant mares have morning sickness. Vinyl’s grin became even bigger as Octavia’s eyes grew bigger when the pieces came falling into place. And then in a flash she was on top of Vinyl.

“WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME VINYL?” Octavia was really pissed at Vinyl for whatever she did to her. Octavia’s front hooves found their way to Vinyl’s neck. She applied a little weight to it. Not enough to choke Vinyl, even if the thought did cross her mind.

“Nothing Octy. Just making your dream come true,” Vinyl gasped out, trying to get some air that Octavia seemed to deny her.

“What do you mean, make my dream come true?!” She was getting tired of Vinyl’s word games. She couldn’t remember what dream she was talking about. None of her dreams involved losing what little she had in her belly to the toilet.

“You know the one where I showed how smart I am…” Vinyl’s face was changing colors into a mixture of blue and red. “Our… Baby… Octy…” Vinyl gasped out. The word baby made her fall back in shock and freed the red and blue unicorn from her hooves. It seemed that Octavia wasn’t thinking and was putting more and more weight on poor little Vinyl’s airway.

In a very surprising calm tone of voice, that would send a shudder down anypony’s spine, she asked, “You are telling me that you, a unicorn mare, has somehow caused an earth pony mare, me, to be impregnated with your foal?” Vinyl was getting really scared now. Octavia only talked this way after something big was about to happen and that meant she was freaking the hay out, and her mind just didn’t know how to process it or show it. So Vinyl did what anypony would do when facing something that was about to rip your little pony face off, Vinyl might have even added that her face was hot.

Octavia just looked at Vinyl, not knowing what to do or think anymore. If what Vinyl was telling her was true, and part of Octavia was hoping that it was just some sort of sick joke that Vinyl was playing on her, then her dream would come true. But deep down, I mean really deep down, Octavia kind of really wanted it to be true. She had been wanting to make her family life complete. She and Vinyl had been living together for about four years now and in the next month or so, if the laws were to be added, then she hoped Vinyl would be the one to pop the question. But even if the laws weren’t passed, Octavia would still think what they had was very close to being like a married couple, just without the fancy papers as Vinyl loved putting it.

After what seemed like hours, Vinyl felt it was safe to move close to Octavia. Octavia was pulled out of her little never ending loop of thought and looked up to find herself in a deep loving kiss that only the mare of her dreams gave. She closed her eyes and kissed back with all her heart. Vinyl was the one this time to break off the kiss. Wait, Vinyl was always the one to break off the kiss, she knew that it drove Octavia crazy when she did that. Because she was always left wanting it to keep going.

“I’m sorry, Octy. I should have asked you first, instead of jumping into action. But in my head I was like totally doing you a favor or something. You told me that you’ve been having this crazy dream for a while now and were still having it lately.” Vinyl began to play with Octavia’s mane to help calm herself down and, well, Vinyl just loved playing with her mane. “I was going to tell you in a few weeks when I was sure that you where… you know?” Vinyl’s face was going from a mix of blue and red to a solid red now.

“Pregnant? Really Vinyl, this is something that should be talked about a little more than me just talking about a dream that I have had a few times…”

“I think three times a week is more than a few times, Tavi.”

“Oh hush, you. That is not the point I am trying to make here. It’s the fact that having a foal is a lot of responsibility and dare I say that is something you really lack right now. And I’m not sure I’m ready yet to have one.” Octavia sighed a little. This was a very big step for any couple. They would need a bigger place once the foal was older. A two room apartment with the other room turned into a music room.

The DJ just looked down at her with a smile that spoke volumes. It just told Octavia not to get her tail in a knot, that everything would work out in the end for them. “Why do you think I have been at a gig about each night for? Tavi, you are like an open magazine, I can look at the front cover and tell that you would say something about responsibility and needing a bigger house. Oh and baby stuff. So I’ve been pushing my fat flank to get some extra bits.”

Octavia’s jaw just dropped. Was Vinyl, aka DJ-PON3, trying to be a responsible pony? She had heard of babies changing couple’s lives around. But to think that it would do this with Vinyl. Octavia smiled and gave Vinyl a loving lick under her chin. This caused the white mare give a little shudder. “Thank you, Vinyl, for this wonderful gift, if you don’t mind me calling it that. You are the only pony I would want it from. I love you, Viny-” Before she could even finish saying Vinyl’s name, her head was back to the toilet.

Vinyl moved a hoof to rub Octavia’s back as she knew the poor mare was only few months into pregnancy. “I love you too, Octy, I love you too. Oh please try to keep it in the toilet. Throw-up doesn’t match my coat that well.” Vinyl chuckled and poor Octavia just groaned while the side of her head lay on the toilet seat. It was going to be a long, long road for them now.