• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 2,300 Views, 112 Comments

Blueblood's Ascension Part II; or, The Otherworldly Adventure of an Alicorn Prince - MyHobby

Blueblood continues to be an alicorn, despite the author's protestations. He now finds himself the victim of magic gone horribly right. He is flung into the world of humans and their odd subspecies known as bronies.

  • ...

In Which Prince Blueblood Does Not Meet a Potential Love Interest on Earth

Blueblood disembarked from the bus with all due haste. His hooves made clomping sounds on the floor of the bus as he cut in front of the other passengers trying to stand. The driver barely had time to open the doors before the prince shot through, freeing himself of the vehicle’s confines.

The bus had left downtown some time ago; he was now in a more suburban area. Houses of varying sizes and colors sat beside each other, trees decorated the lawns, and a very gentle river flowed through a nearby park.

It was the river that had Blueblood’s current attention.

A swan dive led him through the air and into the cleansing waters. The splash could be heard throughout the park, drawing eyes and ears to the alicorn prince bathing himself. The bus pulled away in a cloud of smoke, the driver not wishing to be even remotely associated with the bizarre furry fan.

The water was cold, just a few degrees short of freezing, or so the prince thought. Still, he was far more than happy to endure the chill if it meant that he was freed from the filth that had covered him for so long.

It had been roughly two hours at most, but far longer than he cared to imagine.

He didn’t so much bathe as baptize himself. He was completely submerged, only coming up for air. He scrubbed furiously at ever crevasse and cranny, cleaning himself down to the pores. He surfaced at last, certain that his body all but sparkled.

He found himself the object of attention for a small audience of people. Some had tiny camera phones trained on him. They all had an air of bemused incredulity. A small child near the center of the group spoke in a stage whisper. “Daddy, is that a pony princess?”

“I am not a princess!” Blueblood snapped. The crowd jumped back as the prince flared his wings. His grumpy face was terrifying to all those who were aware of what a pony really looked like.

“Great Scott, look at those huge eyes!”

“Is that horn real? Is he a narwhal?”

“Does it have a tattoo on its butt?”

“Yes, my eyes are large and expressive,” Blueblood said to the crowd. “Yes, the horn is real. No, I’m not a narwhal. What the hay is a narwhal? And I assume you refer to my cutie mark?”

The crowd fell silent, merely staring at the not-quite-a-pony before them. Blueblood narrowed his eyes and huffed. “If there is nothing else you wish to know, I’ll be on my way.” With that, Blueblood flapped his wings and flew off.

One skinny man near the back of the crowd shielded his face with his elbow and shuddered. “Witchcraft!”

Blueblood landed beside a house once he was out of the crowd’s sight. He rolled his shoulders and caught his reflection in a window pane. His teeth were good, his hair was drying fabulously (ahyuck), and his coat was back to its usual pristine white. He was the picture of Equestrian handsomeness.

A little red ball flew through the air and smacked into the back of his head, smashing his beautiful Equestrian muzzle into the window.

Blueblood raised his eyes to the sky and shouted. “I’ve been trying to be a perfectly respectable individual, you know! You can cut it out with the humiliation!”

The author will not be held responsible for any misfortune Blueblood suffers within this story.

Blueblood sighed and glared at the ball that had interrupted his reverie. Tiny hands picked it up off the ground and held it out, presenting the assailing object to him. He looked to the owner of the hands, a young girl.

The girl whose mother had sprayed his eyes with hellfire.

He leaped back, terror striking his features. “Please child don’t call you mother I’ll be going now!

“Wait!” she said as she held up an appendage. “Don’t go! I don’t wanna hurt you!”

Blueblood hesitated. He was almost certain that it was a trap, set by the horrid mother of the child. She would no doubt appear as suddenly as Pinkie Pie to spray the stinging substance in his eyes again. She would no doubt do worse to him.

He flew straight up and bumped his head on the edge of the roof. His tumble to the ground would have won him a ten out of ten in diving, if his landing hadn’t been so soul-crushingly sloppy. The crumpled pile of Blueblood bits could only stare in horror as the girl walked up to him and placed a hand on his forehead. “Are you okay, mister?”

“Peachy,” he gasped. He untangled his limbs and rose to his feet. He looked up before taking off this time, making sure that he did not suffer a concussion. A tiny hand on his leg gave him a start, and he looked down on the girl.

“My name’s Alma, what’s yours?”

He glanced to and fro, searching for the terrifying visage of the mother. Seeing nothing, he figured it would do no harm to leave the little girl in awe of just who stood before her. “I am Prince Blueblood, Twice-Crowned Prince of Equestria. Perhaps you’ve heard of me?”

“Un uh,” she replied, unimpressed. “Are you really from Equestria?”

“Yes,” he sneered a small sneer. “How do you know of Equestria if you do not know of me?”

“I watch the My Little Pony cartoon!” she announced. “Do you watch the My Little Pony cartoon?” She gasped, her eyes opening wide. “Do you live in the My Little Pony cartoon!?”

“Cartoon?” Blueblood rolled his eyes. “Honestly, I’m a bit old for cartoons, don’t you think?”

“My mommy watches cartoons with me,” Alma said. “Are you older than her?

“I wouldn’t dare ask her,” Blueblood coughed. “Ah, did you ask if I lived in the cartoon? Why would you think that?” Childish naivety, obviously, Blueblood had decided. Still, he was feeling charitable that day, and sought to at least enlighten the girl.

“’Cause you look like Princess Celestia.” Alma shrugged, her argument made in full.

“I should,” he remarked. “She’s my aunt, after all.”

“You’re related to her!?” Alma’s mouth could not have opened wider without unhinging. “That’s so cool!”

“Well, ‘related’ is a relative term,” Blueblood mumbled. His uncertainty with the term was apparent.

She dramatically stomped up to him and took his hoof in her hand. “You gotta see an episode; it will change your life.” Alma all but whispered the last three words, her awe on display for all to see.

She dragged him inside and set him in front of a flat rectangular device. His eyes darted around for the mother he knew to be nearby. “So, ah, what ‘episode’ are you showing me?”

“’The Best Night Ever!’” Alma shouted. “It’s the best episode ever!”

“This looks ‘shopped.”

The picture that Lavern took with his camera phone had been passed around the room several times. The others present had all responded fairly similarly to Eudora’s dismissive comment.

Lavern snatched his phone back and stuffed it back in his holster. “You guys are… It’s a picture on my phone!”

“Like you couldn’t load a shopped picture onto your SD card,” Keefe snickered. The big man leaned back in his chair and smiled smugly. “What kinda doofuses do you take us for, Vern?”

“It’s a nice photoshop, Lavern,” John said with a smirk. “But really, an alicorn on the bus? Even I wouldn’t write that story.”

“Keep a lid on it, ‘Fanfic.’” Keefe stood and rolled his massive shoulders. “Nobody wants to read any of your fics anyways.”

Eudora looked up from her notepad, her pencil held loosely in her hand. “Play nice, you two. We’re all bronies here.”

John grinned up at Keefe, his mind’s gears spinning. It took all of his personal strength not to say “Neanderthal” out loud. He succeeded in that, but his strength failed to hold back the next thought. “Yeah, play nice, Snowflake.”

John saw it coming, but his flabby muscles were unable to move him out of the way of the assault. Keefe grabbed his collar and hoisted him into the air. “What’d you call me, Applebucker?”

“Snowflake!” John shouted breathlessly. “You know, that big muscle-y pegasus that says ‘Yeah!’ all the time!?”

“Cut it out, you two!” Lavern’s voice cut through the conflict like a knife through cheese. “Keefe, put him down.”

Keefe complied by dropping John to the floor. “Whatever you say, boss-man.” He bent down and glared at his would-be victim. “Keep your smart ideas to yourself, jerk.”

“Keep your meat-hooks to yourself,” John mumbled through gritted teeth. He rubbed his sore bum with distain.

Eudora sighed and put her pad away. “So much for ‘love and tolerate,’ guys. Do you act this way on the forums?”

“I don’t go on forums,” Keefe growled.

“Somebody sat on a bee today,” John whispered to Lavern. Lavern gave him a glare, causing him to shut up quite thoroughly.

Lavern walked over to his briefcase and pulled forth the golden disk that had once been an Equestrian tenner. “If a picture won’t impress you, how about this?”

Eudora came alongside him and touched the disk. “Is that… a hoofprint? Where did you get this done?”

“Geeze,” Keefe said. His mouth fell open as he examined the object. “That’s gotta be a hundred dollars worth of gold, man.”

“You know me, guys,” Lavern pressed. “Would I tease you guys about something like this?”

“You tried to convince us that Nightmare Moon had invaded Earth for Halloween,” John giggled dismissively.

“That was for my daughter’s benefit, and you know it.” Lavern gave John the gold to examine. “This is important; we might actually have a real, live pony on our hands. A prince.”

Eudora’s mouth worked silently as she contemplated. “You can’t be serious.”

“Do I look like I’m joking?” Lavern smiled. “Can it hurt to at least check it out?”

“Who’s the prince?” Keefe said, trying to appear uninterested. The evidence, and Lavern’s enthusiasm, was starting to grab them all.

“I didn’t catch his name…” Lavern produced his phone. “But he was clearly an alicorn.”

A spark shone in Eudora’s eye. “Pic ideaaaa!

“But, dude… Vern…” Keefe nearly pleaded with the other man. “This is flipping impossible.”

“'When all other options have been eliminated,'” John quoted, “'whatever option remains, no matter how unlikely, must be the truth.'”

“Have we ‘eliminated’ the idea that Vern was hallucinating?” Keefe placed a hand on Lavern’s shoulder. “He mighta had heat-stroke or something.”

“A heat-stroke that photoshopped an alicorn prince into his phone?” John’s grin grew wider as he began to win an argument against the bigger man. “A heat-stroke that gave him a hundred dollars worth of gold? I dunno, man…”

Eudora smudged the pencil on her drawing to create a shadow. “So, there’s obviously something funny. It might just be an overly-enthusiastic cosplayer.”

“I asked him if he’d heard about My Little Pony,” Lavern said. “He just gave me this weird look. He levitated the gold into my hand.

“Lavern’s on a mission, you guys.” John stood and surveyed the other three people in the room. “We can be good brony friends and help him, or be stupid jerks and leave him to his hallucinations. What’ll it be?”

Keefe shrugged. “Where do we start?”

“Where all great adventures start,” Lavern grinned. “The bus station.”

Twilight Sparkle departed from the train station with Rainbow Dash in tow. “This is gonna be so awesome!” the pegasus declared. “I’m gonna actually get to see a new world! I’m gonna be the first to see a new world! Well, after Blueblood, but he hardly counts.”

“Watch what you say, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight warned. “Who knows what the princesses will say if they hear you talking about their nephew that way?”

“Blueblood is missing?” Luna looked up from her tea with detachment. “What a shame, I was just starting to like him. Oh well.”

Celestia kept her stern gaze steady. “Luna, now is not the time for jokes!”

“On the contrary, Sister!” Luna exclaimed. “I tell you the truth; I was beginning to enjoy his company on some level.”

Celestia tried and failed to hold back a regal snort. “Well, when you put it that way…”

Twilight and Dash arrived at their room within Canterlot Castle in short order. Rainbow Dash dropped her single duffle bag next to her bed, while Twilight took some time to organize her sock drawer. Rainbow Dash hovered around the room like a honey bee searching for nectar. “So, when are we supposed to meet the rest of the team?”

“Not ‘til later tonight,” Twilight said. “Celestia said there were a few last-minute changes to the roster.”

“Yahuh, yahuh,” Rainbow spun lazily in the air. “So, what’s on the agenda until then?”

“Well, I was gonna…” Twilight trailed off as she placed another rolled-up sock in the drawer. Many ponies would have gasped in scandal at her enormous collection. Rarity, especially, found somewhere else to be when the subject was broached, but Twilight wasn’t certain what about it was so wrong.

Cold hooves are the last thing one wants during a late-night study session.

Twilight set aside her luggage with a visible strain. Her friend was with her, so personal organization would have to wait. “I was gonna show you the town, Dash! Have you ever been to Canterlot for fun, not just for a big event?”

“Nope!” Rainbow Dash landed neatly beside her friend. “There’s always been some gala or invasion or whatever. Where do we start?”

“I was thinking a quick trip to the museum would be in order…” Twilight grinned as Rainbow Dash groaned. “I thought you’d enjoy the new Wonderbolts exhibit.”

Rainbow pumped her hoof in celebration. “Booyah! I knew there was a reason I stuck around with you.”

“Took you this long to figure it out, hmm?” Twilight Sparkle raised an eyebrow.

“Well, uh, you know what I mean.” Rainbow Dash threw a hoof around Twilight’s shoulder. “C’mon, Twi, let’s show Canterlot what it’s been missing.”

They giggled as they trotted down the corridor. Their mingled laughter reverberated down the halls and filled the castle with metaphorical light.

The laughter was not enough to alert the pony just around the corner to their presence.

Twilight Sparkle and the other pony collided head-on, sending both flying backwards. Rainbow Dash caught Twilight before she could hit the ground, while the other pony fell unimpeded to the marble flooring.

The other pony was a royal guard; a pegasus pony with an orange coat and gelled blue hair. He wore the gemstone ephod of the Crystal Empire Royal Guards, and his golden armor denoted his high rank. His cutie mark was either a lightning bolt-emblazoned shield or a shield with a large crack running straight through it.

His head rattled within his helmet and his eyes bugged out. Though Twilight had hit her head unprotected on a solid-metal surface, it was uncertain which pony had been hit the hardest. Her earth pony strength may have given her a slight advantage over the pegasus guard.

Twilight recovered first and began apologizing profusely. “Oh, I’m so sorry! I’m so, so sorry! I didn’t see you and I-”

“It’s fine, Princess Twilight,” he said with eyes boggling. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

He stood to his feet and bowed. “You know, we really should stop meeting like this.”

“Meeting like…” Twilight’s eyes widened in recognition. “Flash Sentry! I didn’t expect to see you in Canterlot!”

“Princess Cadance has me as part of her personal detail.” Flash grinned in that cool-as-a-cucumber way of his. “She’s visiting Canterlot because of this magic portal you created, or so I hear.”

“She did? She is?” Twilight clapped her hooves together. “Great! I’ll have to talk with her soon.”

“Hey, I remember you,” Rainbow Dash said. “Aren’t you that guy Twilight was totally crush-” A hoof in her mouth silenced her words.

“Yes, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight answered without removing her hoof. “This is the soldier I met in the Crystal Empire. Flash Sentry, this is my good friend Rainbow Dash!”

“It’s an honor.” Flash bowed to Dash with a smile.

“Sure, sure,” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “You two really hit it off, didn’t you?”

“Why yes, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight grinned unnaturally. It seemed to be a mix between the Cheshire Cat and a shark. “We do seem to keep bumping headlong into each other, don’t we? Because I know you don’t have any other hidden meanings that I may have to take issue with, do you?”

Both Flash and Dash took an involuntary step backwards. “Sure, Twi,” Rainbow gulped. “Whatever you say.”

Flash Sentry swallowed the breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Well, I’ll see you around, Your Highness. Maybe we can meet sometime when we don’t cause each other bodily harm.”

Twilight’s smile warmed up considerably as the blood rushed to her head. “Oh, yeah, I think that’d be a very mutually beneficial social function-” Rainbow Dash bopped Twilight on the back of the head. “I mean, sure, we should talk sometime. Or something. If you want to.”

“How could I say ‘no’ to that?” Flash Sentry walked off with a laugh. Twilight watched him go, a smile teasing at the edges of her mouth.

Rainbow Dash tapped her hoof on the floor while she waited for Twilight_Sparkle.exe to reboot. “I notice he didn’t say ‘yes,’ either,” she mentioned off the cuff.

Twilight’s mouth dropped open in a voiceless scream of horror. She turned to Rainbow and grasped her shoulders. “But, he didn’t say ‘no!’ Doesn’t no ‘no’ mean ‘yes?’ Or did I guess wrong!? Is he still trying to think of a way to say ‘no’ to a princess!? What have I done!?”

“Easy, Princess,” Rainbow chuckled. “I’m just teasing. You’re good.”

Twilight shook her head. She took a deep breath in through the nose and let it out through her mouth. Her blood-pressure lowered considerably, she led Rainbow Dash down the corridor. “Well, I’d be careful about that if I was you. You know what they say…”

“Whazzat?” Dash asked.

“What goes around,” Twilight smirked, “comes around.”

Princess Mi Amore De Cadenza was a pretty big fan of love.

Scratch that, she was love’s biggest fan. She was president of love’s fanclub. She owned all of love’s records. She knew the minute details of love’s life. She knew love forwards and backwards, inside and out. It was wonderfully synergistic.

She could explain, in great detail, the different types of love. Friendship’s love, romantic love, unrequited love, parent’s love, child’s love, sibling rivalry…

She was an especially big fan of the most innocent form of romantic love: puppy love. She could have written a thesis on just puppy love, and she would have enjoyed every minute of it. It came as no surprise that the puppy love currently on display was the focus of her attention.

Flash Sentry trotted up and bowed to her. “The perimeter is secure, Your Highness.”

“Thank you, Flash,” she said. “I knew you were just the pony for the job. Any interesting details to report?”

“Princess Twilight just arrived from Ponyville.” He gestured in the general direction of downtown Canterlot. “She said she hoped to speak with you later.”

“Mm, hmm.” Cadance touched a hoof to her lips. “And… did she say anything else?”

“Ah, yes. Well, that is…” Flash’s blush lit his orange face on fire. “She said ‘hi.’”

“Excellent,” Cadance grinned. “You may report to the barracks. Say hello to the captain for me.”

“As you wish, Your Highness.” Flash Sentry trotted away with a slight spring to his step.

Cadance danced her way to the audience chamber, where Celestia was taking her noon repast. The Princess of the Day munched on a delectable salad gleefully, her cheeks bulging with greenery.

“Aunt Celestia?” Cadance said. “I was wondering if I could speak to you about Twilight’s expedition.”

Twilight Sparkle stood before her mirror, which had been transported to Canterlot via Speedy’s Delivery Service. Celestia, Luna, and Cadance stood nearby, offering their support to her.

She and Celestia shared a quick smile before she turned to her audience. “Ladies and gentlecolts, I’ll bet you’re wondering why you’ve been called here today.”

“Not really,” Rainbow shrugged. “It’s all you’ve talked about for the past couple days.”

Twilight shot a pointed glare at Dash. “Well, perhaps some of the others might be interested in what I have to say?”

“Actually, I’m pretty up-to-date on Blueblood’s little wrong turn at Appleoosa.” Braeburn Apple, Prince of Pioneering, adjusted his hat. “I’m likin’ the fact that those darned changelin’s got the heck outta Dodge.”

“I did read the notes you provided, Princess Twilight,” Nurse Redheart, Princess of Hospice, said. “They were very… extensive.”

“Yeah,” Braeburn shrugged. “What’s up with these people and clothes? They bashful or somethin’?”

“Well…” Twilight shuffled her hooves. “They can’t really ‘tuck it away,’ if you get what I mean.”

If the room itself could blush, it would have done so. Instead, it settled for seeing everypony in the room blush. “Yeah, I c’n see that.”

“Well, then,” Twilight pointed a hoof at the mirror. “Maybe you’d be interested in how this works?”

“Magic?” Dash offered.

“Yes, Rainbow Dash, it runs completely on magic.” Twilight placed a hoof against each of her temples. “Congratulations, you win the no-prize.”

“If I can,” Redheart said, “I would like to know why you created it. What inspired you?”

“Well, you see, there’s this mirror in the Crystal Empire that works much the same way, except that it only opens once every thirty moons…” Twilight scratched her head. “However long that is. I sought to create a similar magic device that can be opened with the glow of a horn.”

“But why’d you make it?” Nurse Redheart asked. “What possible use could a portal to another world have?”

“Besides traveling to another world?” Twilight tilted her head to the side. “Do I need another reason?”

“Shoot, Princess Twilight, that’s what I was just gonna say.” Braeburn tugged at the sides of his vest proudly. “Ain’t never needed another reason to explore a new place ‘sides ‘it’s there!’”

Twilight grinned and produced a pile of cloth. “Here are the outfits you will be wearing, the spell will transform them to fit your new body.”

Rainbow Dash sat back with flared wings. “Hold on, ‘new body?’ Let’s back up a little bit.”

“Do… Do you mean…” Redheart snuck a glance at the mirror. “Does that mean that the mirror will change us?”

“Oh! No! No, no, no, no, no.” Twilight Sparkle beamed as she explained. “Blueblood’s still a pony, so we know that my mirror doesn’t change ponies.”

As Redheart sighed in relief, Twilight continued. “We’ll have to use a spell based on changeling magic to disguise ourselves.”

Rainbow Dash sighed, her shoulders sagging with the weight of her friend’s revelation. “Twilight, I didn’t know it was possible to share too much information and not enough at the same time.”

“Whoa now,” Braeburn coughed. “Not only a new world, but a new body? Kinda excessive, ain’t it?”

“Ponies can’t talk in their world,” Twilight said. “We want to maintain a low profile.”

“I approve of Twilight’s decision,” Celestia butted in. “The spell has been thoroughly tested, there should be no hiccups to speak of.”

Twilight Sparkle nodded at her crew. “Will there be any questions?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow said as she lifted her outfit over her head. “Do I really have to wear a business suit?”

Low profile, Dash,” Twilight said as her Cheshire Shark grin reappeared. “We can’t just run around naked and wild, you know…”

“Spoilsport.” Rainbow Dash fiddled with her sharp suit and sharper dress.

“Now then,” Twilight charged her horn to activate the mirror. “Let’s save Blueblood.”

“Am I late!?” Twilight turned at the sound of an oddly familiar voice, one that made her stand up a little straighter. “I’m sorry, I thought for sure I needed to be here right on the hour.”

She turned to gaze upon the frowning orange visage of Flash Sentry. She blinked rapidly, just to be sure she wasn’t dreaming.

To be fair, if she was dreaming, he probably wouldn’t be speaking to Cadance, rather than herself. He probably also wouldn’t look like he had just been told that there was a law against being orange and blue. Twilight decided that he looked kinda cute when he was panicking.

Cadance snickered a poorly hidden snicker. “No, you’ve arrived right on schedule, Flash Sentry. You are to be the military escort for the expedition to rescue Blueblood and explore the new Earth.”

Flash Sentry looked over to the four other ponies ready to cross into the portal. He shot Twilight a double take before giving Cadance a small smile. “I’ll protect them with my life, Your Highness.”

The mirror glowed and Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Braeburn, Redheart, and Flash Sentry stepped through. The leader, the lancer, the survivor, the medic, and the soldier. Off to adventure and discovery.

Naturally, they all landed in a dumpster.

Author's Note:

"Last minute roster changes" is in no way meta. Nope. No sir-ee Bob. :applejackunsure:

I found no reason to hate Equestria Girls. Mild disappointment, yeah, but not hate. I don't even dislike it. It was cute.