• Published 14th May 2013
  • 3,098 Views, 98 Comments

I'll See You Soon - RainbowDoubleDash

Ponyville gets an unexpected visitor

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2. Candies and Gemstones

Bon Bon squinted at the coins that lay upon her countertop as she finished wrapping up the bag of sweets that the gray unicorn mare, who had introduced herself as Dazzler, was trying to buy. “These are made of gold,” she said. The coins looked newly minted, and were currently all face-down, displaying their values.

“Hmm?” Dazzler asked, looking at them. Her eyes widened as Bon Bon went to turn one over to look at its face. “Oops! Heh, sorry.” The coins disappeared, and after a moment a number of battered, older-looking silver coins appeared. “Sorry. I’ve been, um, traveling.”

Bon Bon grunted a little as she looked at the newly-appeared silver coins closely. They looked authentic enough, but she wasn’t particularly trusting of them – not when the unicorn had previously tried to pay with golden coins. “Just…give me a few moments,” she said, turning and trotting to stairs that led up to the second floor of the store. “Lyra! Honey! Could you come down here?”

Dazzler was smiling slightly when Bon Bon looked back at her. “I promise they’re real,” she said.

“Mm-hmm,” Bon Bon said, as Lyra came downstairs, her namesake instrument carried telekinetically behind her. She tapped her hooves together. “Lyra, I was wondering if you could tell me if these are real.” She tapped the silver bits on the countertop in front of her.

Lyra raised an eyebrow, horn glowing slightly as golden magic washed over the coins. “Looks like,” she said after a moment. “Why?”

“I forgot myself and tried to pay with golden bits,” Dazzler said, horn glowing as she conjured up a half-dozen gold coins for Lyra. “I’ve been traveling, and Equestria still mints gold coins for international trade.”

“Oh, neat,” Lyra said, taking one coin and inspecting it. The Equestrian seal was on one side, and the date of mint and the value of the coin on the other. Dazzler didn’t seem surprised at how casually accepting Lyra was of the color that was normally anathema within Equestria, probably due to the natural color of Lyra's magic. “How much are they worth?”

“You can exchange them inside Equestria on a coin-for-coin basis,” Dazzler remarked, nodding sagely. “But you can only use them in the exarchies, not inside Equestria, or outside of them. Their value is pegged at whatever the standard value for a gold coin is in the exarchy. It’s convenient since silver is worth so much less outside of Equestria.” She looked back to Bon Bon. “Sorry.”

Bon Bon let out a sigh. “No, it’s alright,” she said. She accepted the silver bits, put them in her drawer and hoofed over the bag of sweets that Dazzler had been trying to buy. “I’m sorry. It’s just…well, I’m sure you know that Ponyville was sort of Ground Zero for Corona’s return, and…”

Dazzler nodded. “And you were one of the ponies she kidnapped?” she asked.

Bon Bon nodded, even as Lyra extended a hoof, rubbing Bon Bon’s back. “I’m over it,” she said, though she nuzzled Lyra closely. “But…well, can you really blame me?”

Dazzler pursed her lips. “But her magic is gold,” she pointed out, nodding at Lyra.

Bon Bon blinked at that, and moved closer to Lyra. “Doesn’t count,” she noted.

Lyra chuckled, nuzzling Bon Bon closer. “We’ve known each other our whole lives,” she told Dazzler. “Or close enough, anyway. We literally can’t remember not being there for each other.” She puffed out her chest slightly. “Besides. I don’t like to brag, normally…but I’m Lyra Heartstrings, the Element of Loyalty. And I was just recently knighted. I can protect my Bonnie from anything.”

Dazzler smiled softly. “I believe that,” she said. “Really, I do. I know it’s true. I can tell.”

“Thanks,” Bon Bon said. Apart from her little faux pas, Dazzler seemed to be a very personable pony. “And enjoy your sweets!”

Dazzler nodded, lifting her bag telekinetically. She didn’t leave, however, instead sitting back on her haunches and tapping her hooves together. “Can I ask you a question? Both of you?”

“Depends on the question,” Bon Bon responded.

Dazzler considered. “How do you know if marrying somepony is a good idea?”

Lyra started at that, while Bon Bon froze a moment, before breaking away from Lyra and looking at her with a grin. “I’m not sure,” she said. “Lyra, what’s your opinion on marriage?”

Lyra stiffened. “I love marriage! I’m all for it! At the appropriate juncture!”

“And where is that?”

“Bonnie, I just want to make it big first, okay? Be hugely successful so that I can make all sorts of bits and take care of you!”

Bon Bon raised an eyebrow. “I have to be taken care of?”

Lyra put her hooves to her mouth. “N…not like…Bon Bon, you have your own business, of course you don’t need to be taken care of…”

“I think you want to head off and just party through Equestria. I’m here for you to settle down with after you’ve had your fun. Boring old Bon Bon.”

“No! That’s not true!”

“Come on, I’ve seen the way you look at Big Mac.”

Lyra stared, eyes half-lidded, at Bon Bon. “Everypony looks at Big Mac.”

Bon Bon opened her mouth for a moment, then sighed longingly. She didn't notice Dazzler fighting back a gag. “True…”

Dazzler blinked, looking between the two of them at the half-hearted fight that had seemed to end as rapidly as it had begun. “I…but I thought you two were…well…I thought you two weren't into stallions!”

Bon Bon giggled slightly. “Dazzler, please. Nopony’s that dedicated,” she said, though she came forward and nuzzled Lyra again. “I’m only teasing, Lyra.”

“I know,” Lyra said, taking a few deep breaths. “Marriage just seems like it should be…you know…icing on the cake.”

“I like cake,” Bon Bon said. She patted Lyra on the withers, then looked to Dazzler. “So…I guess to answer your question…you get married when you’re ready. When you’re in love…but just as importantly, when you’re committed to each other.” She nuzzled Lyra. “I love Lyra more than anypony else, and that’ll never change. But right now we’ve each got other things on our plates, things we’re working on. So we’re not really ready for marriage yet.”

“So basically that’s what you have to figure out,” Lyra said. “Are you ready to make whoever it is you’re considering marrying the number-one most important thing in your life? Not just to love them, but to commit to them? And are they ready to do the same?”

Dazzler looked down, thinking. “I…well, I have a lot…” she noted. “And so does he…but I don’t think any of it is more important than each other.”

“You’ll figure it out,” Lyra said. “As long as he hasn’t popped the question yet.”

Dazzler seemed to consider. “Not yet,” she said. “Not technically…argh. I’m gonna have some bon bons and go think some more.” She turned and trotted out of the store, deep in contemplation.

Lyra considered, tapping a hoof to her mouth. “Hey, she might be on to something,” she said. At a glance from Bon Bon, Lyra grinned. “About having some Bon Bons.”

Bon Bon smirked. “Bon Bons?” she asked, emphasizing the plural. “Is there somepony you need to tell me about?”

Lyra grinned playfully at the thought of multiple Bon Bons. “I wish, and I’m not even sorry,” she said, turning around and swishing her tail in Bon Bon’s face. “You still have a shop to keep open, but I’ll be upstairs…waiting.”


Look out!” Scootaloo called. The gray unicorn with the bow in her hair whickered in surprise and reared back even as Scootaloo turned her scooter to try and avoid her even as she slammed on the brakes. It wasn’t quite enough, and Scootaloo and the pony she had in her wagon both went flying. Hard dirt rose swiftly to greet them, but there was a lavender flash, and the two of them bounced onto a suddenly-appeared set of pillows. They tumbled off the pillows and landed on the dirt regardless, of course, but the blow was considerably softened.

“Oh my goodness!” a voice exclaimed. “Wow, that really does look dangerous from the adult’s viewpoint…”

Scootaloo sat up, hitting her head a few times to keep her eyes from spinning. She looked to her erstwhile passenger. “You okay, Dinky?”

Dinky shook her own head to clear it, her eyes temporarily as walled as her mother’s normally were. She glanced around as the conjured pillows disappeared into lavender smoke, looking at the pony coming through the resulting residue. “Momma?” she asked.

The pony approaching did look an awful lot like Ditzy Doo, but she was a unicorn, not a pegasus, and her coat had a slight purple tinge to it. She was the same blond, bow-wearing unicorn that Scootaloo had almost plowed into. As Dinky spoke, she paused a moment, staring uncertainly at the two fillies, before sighing and trotting forward. “No, I’m not your momma,” she said. “Are you two okay?”

Scootaloo and Dinky looked each other and themselves over. “I’m fine!” Scootaloo said, tapping her helmet. “Safety first!”

“Helmets don’t protect flanks, though,” Dinky moaned, showing off her side. She had a shallow scrape, about three inches long and streaked with red, though hardly bleeding and looking more ugly than serious. There was bits of dirt inside of it as well. She gingerly touched it, and winced. “Ow…Momma isn’t gonna like this…”

“Oh, we can’t have that,” the adult unicorn said as her horn glowed slightly. “Can I try something?” At a nod from Dinky, the scrape was covered in a lavender aura, and a moment later all the dirt and small stones that had worked their way into it were pulled out. Dinky winced a little, and a little more when the wound seemed to recede on itself, though only up to a point. It ended up being only about half an inch long. “There we go,” the adult said. “That’s about as good as my healing magic can make it. I’m still learning.”

“That’s okay!” Dinky exclaimed, spinning in place as she inspected her flank. It didn't seem to hurt much at all anymore. “Thanks!

“Do me! Do me!” Scootaloo insisted.

The adult looked Scootaloo over. “But…you don’t have a scrape,” she pointed out.

Scootaloo looked herself over again, then sighed. “Yeah, you’re right,” she admitted. “Thanks for the save, though. And fixing Dinky. That’s her, by the way. I’m Scootaloo.”

“Yeah,” Dinky agreed, nodding. “My Momma already doesn’t really like how fast Scootaloo goes sometimes. It’s fun, but we nearly plowed straight into you.”

“But it’s fun,” Scootaloo emphasized, raising a hoof. “Rainbow Dash never slows down!”

“Rainbow Dash can fly,” Dinky pointed out.

“I’ll be able to someday, too!” Scootaloo said, stamping her hoof.

“I’m sure you will,” the adult agreed. “My name’s Dazzler.” She looked at Dinky. “You should get a bandage for that scrape. Is your home nearby?”

Dinky glanced around. “Um, yeah,” she said. “But I don’t want Scootaloo to get in trouble…oh, I know!” she looked to Scootaloo. “Sparkler’s store is near, too! I bet she has a bandage.”

“Sparkler?” Dazzler asked, then smiled. “Who’s that?”

“My sister,” Dinky said proudly. “Well, half-sister, but I love her twice as much to make up for it!”

Scootaloo made a show of gagging, though Dazzler smiled. “Oh wow,” Dazzler said, giggling. “Wow, you really are adorable. Well, come on, let’s head over there. I’ll come with you and explain what happened.”

“Thanks!” Scootaloo said, smiling as she picked up her scooter and double-checked the cable that connected it to the red wagon that Dinky hopped into. The three set off, Scootaloo moving at a much more measured pace in order to not leave Dazzler behind. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around town before…”

“I’m just visiting,” Dazzler said. “It’s…kind of complicated. But I won’t be here long.”

“I like your cutie mark,” Dinky said. “What’s it for?”

Dazzler chuckled. “I think I’ll leave that as a surprise,” she said wryly, “but thank you, Dinky.”

Scootaloo frowned at the cutie mark. It was just five four-pointed starbursts, nothing really awesome. “I can’t wait for my cutie mark,” she said. “I want it to be purple lightning, like my mane, shooting out of a thundercloud! With wings on the cloud. Bat wings! Like the Night Guard!”

Dazzler smiled. “What will your special talent be, with a cutie mark like that?” she asked.

Scootaloo frowned. “Um…I dunno. But I bet it’ll be awesome! Something cool and exciting and extreme and – hey! Why are you laughing?”

Dazzler put a hoof to her mouth. “Don’t worry,” she said. “Even if your special talent turns out to be something…unexpected…I’m sure you’re the most extreme pony I’ll ever know.”

Scootaloo frowned. “I don’t know if that’s good or not,” she said, eyeing Dazzler.

“Well, I meant it in a good way,” she said, as she considered the two of them. “Say…and I know this is kind of coming out of left-field, so you can feel free to not answer this…but say that you were getting married – ”

Ugh!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“Well, that’s one answer,” Dazzler noted, looking at Dinky. “So say that you were getting married…well, okay, me, I’m asking about me. I’m getting married. But how do I know if it’s the right decision?”

Dinky blinked a few times. “Do you love the pony?”

Dazzler nodded. “Yes, definitely.”

“Then marry him.”

“But it’s a big commitment. A huge commitment. A lifelong commitment. That’s…kind of scary.”

“Well…then don’t marry him.”

“But he’s already popped the question! And I already said yes, and we're getting married in a week!”

“Then marry him!” Dinky said, eyes wide. “You can’t just gallop out and leave him hanging!”

“But I mean, what if that’s the only reason I’m getting married?” Dazzler asked. “Because it’s expected? Because we’ve gone through all the motions already and it’s too late to back out?”

Dinky put her hooves to her mouth. “That sounds terrible! You can’t marry him if that’s the only reason!”

“But it’s not the only reason!” Dazzler said. “He’s cute and he makes me laugh and he’s always there for me and his special talent is exploration, he’s even the master and commander of his own ship, and our honeymoon is going to take us around the world to Hind and the Qilin Empire and Zebrica…”

“Then marry him! Or…” Dinky’s eyes were wide. “Oh…I don’t know! I’m only a foal! What are you asking me for?”

Dazzler stared down at Dinky, then sighed. “I’m sorry,” she said, head hanging in shame. “I’m really nervous, and I thought talking to myself might help – ”

“My dad says that’s actually a bad thing,” Scootaloo piped in.

Dazzler blinked, then laughed. “R-right,” she said, looking to Dinky, who’s eyes were darting back and forth as she tried to sort out the conundrum that had been set before her. “Well…I guess you’re too young to have the answers. And actually now that I think about it I’m wondering if maybe the reason why I’m so unsure is because when I was a foal I met some mare who started asking me all these questions about marriage and filled me with doubts about it, and I just don’t remember meeting her.”

Scootaloo glanced at Dazzler as the three of them stopped in front of Sparkler’s jewelry store.. “You’re weird,” she said.

Dazzler nodded, not denying it at all. She looked to Dinky. “Just…forget I ever asked,” she instructed. “Don’t worry about it…you’re too young to worry about these kinds of questions.”

Dinky nodded. “Okay,” she said, taking in a deep breath and then letting it out, as though exhaling all her concerns and worry. She brightened almost immediately thereafter. “Want to meet my sister?”


Sparkler raised an eyebrow at the lavender-tinted gray unicorn that trotted in to her store with Dinky and Scootaloo. She looked decidedly familiar. “Hello,” she said. “Can I help you?”

The unicorn smiled softly, waving a hoof at Dinky and Scootaloo. “I’m afraid I might have accidentally caused Scootaloo, here, to nearly crash into me,” she said. “Totally my fault, but Dinky has a little scrape. I’m Dazzler, by the way.”

Dinky showed off the scrape. It was fairly small, would probably heal up in a matter of days. Still, better safe than sorry. She nodded at Dinky and Scootaloo. “Upstairs, in the bathroom, you’ll find a first-aid kit,” she told them. The two nodded, and ran off. Sparkler’s eyebrow arched again. “So when you say totally my fault…

“Dinky doesn’t want Scootaloo getting in trouble with her mother,” Dazzler said. “And it is at least a little my fault, and it’s only a small scrape…so just, if Ditzy asks, blame it all on me.”

Sparkler considered, before nodding. “Luna knows that I covered for my friends when I was a foal…”

Dazzler nodded, glancing around the store, smiling wistfully. “It’s kind of amazing, how little changes over time,” she said, though she seemed to catch herself. “Foals covering for each other, I mean. And sisters.”

Sparkler smiled. “It’s a new thing for me,” she admitted, looking Dazzler up and down. “I’m sorry, but – we’ve met. I know we’ve met. I’ve got a good eye, it comes with being a jeweler. You look…really familiar…”

Dazzler considered. “Um…” she said. “I…went to Luna’s Magic Academy. Maybe we saw each other there?”

“What did you study?”

Dazzler smiled sheepishly. “Everything,” she admitted. “I had a pair of really good tutors when I was growing up, and my special talent is basically magic itself.” She bit her lip in thought. “I graduated two years ago.”

“Hmm,” Sparkler said. “I graduated last winter. Must have seen you around school…it’s weird, though, ‘cause it’s like I know you for more than that…”

Dazzler considered. “Well, um…” she said, considering, then brightened. “Well, my coat and mane and eyes are all pretty much identical to Dinky’s.” She smiled brightly. “Maybe I’m an older version of her! Or at least that’s what you’re seeing.”

There was a click in Sparkler’s mind as that all settled into place. “Oh wow,” she remarked, looking Dazzler up and down again. “Wow, you’re right. You do look like an older Dinky.”

Dazzler nodded, as she looked around the store, her eyes finally settling on a necklace made from comparatively thick, silver chains, with rubies set amongst them. “Hmm,” she said, examining it. “Very pirate-y,”

Sparkler nodded, trotting over to it and using her horn to take the necklace out and set it on the counter, wondering if maybe she could make a sale as well as an acquaintance. “I guess it does look like something from the Barbarneigh Coast,” she remarked. “I actually made it based off of some antelope designs I saw in pictures once.” She didn’t mention that the antelope jewelry had been gold. No need to scare away a customer. “Do you like it?”

Dazzler considered. “Well, it wouldn’t be for me,” she said. “It’d be for my fiancé. He’s…got a thing for pirates, and boats, and the sea. Our honeymoon is gonna be a round-the-world cruise in his ship.”

Sparkler nodded, brows raising. “Sounds like quite a catch,”

“I’m hoping so,” Dazzler said, as she considered, pressing her lips together and glancing at Sparkler. “I’m…I’m sorry if this is a personal question…but I’ve been asking just about everypony I’ve met today. How do you know if you’re ready to marry somepony?”

Sparkler blinked a few times, considering as she looked down at the necklace she’d set on the countertop. She’d never been married, but the question did bring a rather personal subject to the fore for her. “Um,” she said. “I’m not really sure…do you love him?”


“Then get married.” She looked at Dazzler, even as she imagined her father, her mother, and their complete inability to get along. Her parents were now separated, finalizing their divorce in fact, a process they had avoided and dragged out for years. “But…I think this is the most important thing. When you marry somepony…if it’s not working out. If it turns out you can’t live together…don’t be afraid to break up if it would make things better. Even if you have – especially if you have foals. Two divorced parents that can get along as long as they aren’t living together is way better than two married parents that can’t stand to be around each other. And you don’t want to stay together for so long that you start to hate your husband…or that he starts to hate you.”

Dazzler nodded, grimacing. “I’m sorry,” she apologized, looking ashamed. “I…I shouldn’t have asked, it’s still too close a subject for you…”

Sparkler shook her head vehemently. “No, it’s good that you did,” she said, reaching across the counter and putting a hoof on Dazzler’s shoulder. “It’s better that you heard that. Better for you, better for your fiancé, better for any foals you might have…don’t get married unless you’re ready. But don’t feel like you’re trapped in it once you are. That’s my advice.”

Dazzler smiled, patting Sparkler’s hoof with one of her own. “It’s good advice,” she admitted. “I don’t think me and my stallion will be like that…but I guess your parents didn’t either.”

Sparkler bit her lip. “I’m sorry…I just made you doubt getting married at all, didn’t I?”

Dazzler shook her head. “No, I’ve kind of been going around Ponyville all day and trying to figure stuff out. Better I do this today then on the wedding day, right?”

Sparkler nodded as she telekinetically grasped the necklace she had been presenting to Dazzler, moving to put it back into its case. “I guess you won’t want this unless you’re sure – ”

“No, hang on,” Dazzler said, holding up a hoof. Her own horn glowed lavender – almost the same shade as Sparkler’s, actually – and she conjured up a bag of bits, smiling. “I know I love him. Even if the marriage doesn’t work, he’d love this – ”

There was a crunching sound from somewhere upstairs, not very loud, but certainly attention-grabbing. Sparkler and Dazzler both winced, glancing at the stairs that lead up to Sparkler’s home. Scootaloo and Dinky came downstairs, holding the remains of a first-aid kit between them in their mouths, both with wide eyes, though Dinky’s were additionally tearing up. “I’m sorry!” Dinky exclaimed as she set down her half. “I was getting the kit and it was where you said it was and Scootaloo was gonna grab it but then I said that I’d get it with my telekinesis ‘cause I need the practice, but I grabbed it too hard again – ”

“It’s not her fault, though,” Scootaloo insisted. “She was trying really hard to be careful and it was an accident and it’s only the case, everything inside seems okay – ”

“Hey, hey,” Sparkler said soothingly, trotting over to her half-sister and nuzzling her. She looked over the first aid kit’s remainders. None of the bottles or bandages that had been inside looked damaged. “It’s just a case, it’s fine, Dinky.” She glanced at Dazzler, smiling slightly. “Dinky sometimes grabs things too hard with her telekinesis. I think it’s a family thing, ‘cause I have the same problem. That’s probably half the reason I’m a jeweler – you can’t crush gemstones.”

“It’s not that uncommon,” Dazzler assured Dinky. Dinky smiled at her and her half-sister’s reassurance, as Sparkler levitated a bandage over and carefully placed it over Dinky’s scrape. She floated the remainder of the kit to her office in the back of the store, where it could stay until she found a new case to keep it all in.

“There we go,” Sparkler said. “Now you two get going, I’ve got a sale to make. What are you doing today, anyway?”

“Going to the Castle Tree!” Scootaloo said, hopping and wings buzzing a little at her exclamation. She looked to Dazzler. “It’s this big tree at the edge of Whitetail Wood. It’s real easy to climb and the branches and leaves have all grown together, so it’s kind of like a fort. We’ve got practically every foal in Ponyville getting together. We’re gonna break up into teams and one team’s defending, and the other’s attacking!”

“Hmm,” Dazzler said thoughtfully, tapping one hoof to her mouth. “That sounds like a lot of fun. And not something you’ll want to be late for!”

“We've got time,” Dinky assured Dazzler, glancing at the store’s clock. “We still have to pick up Sweetie Bell and Snips and Snails, though. We should get going!”

“Right!” Scootaloo declared, and the two foals set off, waving goodbye. Sparkler and Dazzler both laughed as they left. “I wish I was that young again,” Sparkler said, as she returned to the necklace. “So…do you want this gift wrapped?”

“Please,” Dazzler confirmed with a nod. “Then…there’s one pony I need to see, as long as I’m here.” She grimaced, glancing at Sparkler. “This is gonna be a weird question, but…do you have any gold jewelry?”