Trixie gets a surprise visit when a pony wearing a wedding veil teleports into her house. The pony has pre-wedding jitters and is just looking for some time to clear her head.
She also looks suspiciously like an adult version of Dinky Doo. But surely that's just a coincidence, right?
A Lunaverse story for the May 2013 Writing Event. Non-canon.
There should be an "Upbeat" tag.
I'm just going to preempt something here.
Those who know, know.
Celestia's volcano lair is based off of this, incidentally:
Oh, in case anyone's curious, the things I implied to be true by Future Dinky's time throughout this story:
- Ditzy is married to, or at least in a serious relationship with, Big Mac (you have to look carefully for this and read into a few lines, though). I also originally wanted to imply she dated/was companions with the Doctor for a little bit, but couldn't work it in.
- Trixie is a viscountess.
- Twilight and Trixie together mentored Dinky at least until she went to Luna's Magic Academy.
- Twilight also learned some breathing exercises at some point, as well as learned to think problems through before acting on them.
- Scootaloo will continue to be an extreme pony and will be able to fly, though her cutie mark will apparently be something of a surprise (I always assumed her special talent is dancing).
- Lyra & Bon Bon are married.
- Celestia has been reinstated as a full diarch by this time, and the government of Equestria is apparently getting somewhat re-structured to accommodate this. She also has a close relationship with Dinky, though she isn't one of her tutors.
- Dinky is apparently close friends with Spike, if he's one of the first people that she's worried about.
- And, of course, Dinky is going to marry Pipsqueak.
Remember that this story is non-canon, though, so some or potentially all of this is subject to change, depending on how the Lunaverse plays out.
Oddly enough, this might be my favorite thing you've ever written. I couldn't stop smiling the whole way through this.
This story is so much win!
The appearance of “Dazzler” reminds ma about the episode of Doctor Who, “The RunAway-Bride”:
Upbeat? Sirrah, this is dangerously close to chipper!
Well done, this was very good fun.
So, umm... I wasn't going to comment until I finished, but here in Ch2 there was one thing that, well, I just felt like I needed to address it.
You know, I'm almost surprised to the word "gay" used that way in Equestria. It's strange, but it kind of bothers me for some reason that I have difficulty articulating. I suppose some word needs to be applicable, but at the same time, I think this is the first time a Lunaverse fic (canon or otherwise) has made specific reference to sexual orientation.
I sort of really liked the idea that such things just weren't a big deal for ponies, that it was treated as just a matter of personal preference (like whether one prefers dogs or cats as a pet) and so not really warranting a specific word. So I guess personally I'd just prefer if Dazzeler's line had been something more like, "I…but I thought you two weren't…well, interested in stallions." With the response then being "Nopony’s that uninterested in stallions."
Otherwise though, I'm really loving EVERYTHING about this fic, so much so that if I commented on all the parts I loved it would be longer than the actual fic.
And now I almost want BonBon to be the one the uses the Mirror Pool, but I guess that wouldn't need to be a canon fic though.
Anyway, that's all for now; onward to Ch3.
I'll admit I don't really get the second picture. This is a very technically well written chapter, the characters dialogue sounded good and was easy to read; I do feel the scenery, could have used a bit more detail, but it didn't really take much from the experience and it was a very fast paced scene, though I don't necessarily think that counts against the chapter, just worth noting.
Now as for the characterization/story I think it works well for the most part, it ties in well with the previous episodes. Trixie and pokey play well of each other and Pokey serving to set the time frame was melded into the story and seemed quite in character; as was Trixie, boredom and back and forth sniping. There is a slight exception on the characterization front; this is personal opinion (naturally ) but Trixie freezing up like that for as long as she is seems a little off.
As for Dazller; it's difficult to discuss her character as we know very little about her character/personality in general and by this fics story she's twenty odd years older as well. SO I think I will leave commenting on her and two other events until I've read further into the story.
Celestia reverted to her original mane. I wonder when Mia Amora Cadenza and Twilight Sparkle will get fancy manes. The Princessipality Equestria will become a Diarchy again and PipSqueak and Dinky Doo will marry with each other.
Ditzy Doo certainly is the companion of the Doctor, but marries with Big MacIntosh. She certainly could not marry with the Doctor because his 2 wives are the Tardis and River Song. The spell Dinky uses for timetravel probably is the 1 StarSwirl the Bearded created, but modified with temporal knowledge from the TimeLords.
Aww... This was heartwarming!
Dinky was lucky that Equestria hasn't minted bits with both Princesses on them in the last two decades. It would have been much more difficult to explain than her golden coins.
So like I said back in Ch2, I really, REALLY like this fic, and overall I'd advocate for it being at least semi-canon. Granted, liking it alone isn't really a good reason to make that kind of declaration, but I also really do think it represents a very good future for us to work towards, while at the same time being so much mere implication that we retain pretty much all the same freedoms we always had. The only thing it really spoils is that Coron/Celestia attains redemption, but that was always meant to be a given anyway... oh, and I guess that Twilight gets caught and made to serve a community service sentence as Ponyville librarian, but then again that was pretty much a given already too.
Also, I think this is about as good introduction for Pipsqueak as we could hope for, so even ignoring Dinkie's time-traveling exploits, I think that part should be 100% fully canon. Although I also kind of wish that Pip had made an exception to his declaration about ALL the ponies being sold as slaves, and that he intended to take Dinkie as his personal cabin wench (not that any of the foals would know what that means).
Oh, and on a note about Ch3...
I really like this part was included. I like that it's legal in most of Equestria (well, maybe not implication that it is therefore illegal in some parts, but I can think of ways around that niggle, mostly involving the specifics of whether ALL ponies involved have to be married to each other or whether polygyny/polyandry are acceptable). Mostly I just like the idea that it further reinforces that ponies don't have our particular cultural hang-ups about how love supposedly works and that they are thusly open to a far wider variety of relationship types.
Sorry, if I seem overly preoccupied by such seemingly innocuous things like the word "gay" or the legality of polygamy and sub-varieties thereof.
Anyway, I also love the fact that Trixie is going into such exhaustively hilarious detail in trying to figure out what kind of advice to give this apparent stranger that just showed up randomly in her home. The fact that her response has an almost Twilight like flavor to it is also just plain fun; I like it when there are subtle implication that those two are more alike than either would ever want to admit to.
I could go on and gush at length about ALL my favorite scenes and moments, but like I said before, such would probably rival the length of the fic itself. So unless you're in desperate need of such explicit ego-stroking, I guess I'll just leave off here.
It's about time we had a time travel episode!
This is adorable! I don't actually think Dinky's choices of ponies to ask about marriage were the best ones (seriously, Trixie? ), but it seems to have helped in the end. And her first meeting with Pipsqueak was very sweet.
I like how Celestia turned out. She's obviously still rather distressed about the whole Corona thing, but she's moving on and is being a responsible princess.
You were right, this is an exceptionally upbeat piece, full of hope for the future! Although... did Dinky spur Corona into starting her next offensive against Luna early? Nice job breaking it, hero...
The opening for this chapter was a bit awkward and difficult to read, and sadly I feel that up until about half way through the second scene, most of the descriptions were a bit awkward or difficult to read, and in some area's the dialogue was a bit off putting, never enough that I didn't know what was going on, but I did draw back and re-read a fair few scenes. Sorry. For the most part I did really like the characterization of Lyra & Bonbon, it was amusing and heir dialogue was very in character, I really liked the added world building done with the coins and the like.
Dinky & Scootaloo felt, a little off to me, Dinky more than Scootaloo, Scootaloo's dialogue seemed to be a bit forced/overdone, but they may have been intentional. Dinky, especially in the marriage discussion, just felt odd to me; her responses were very sudden and her position/mood seemed to bounce around a air bit very quickly.
These two scenes, especially the dialogue/perspective were a bit awkward for me to read, but maybe it is just me, sorry regardless. Besides that, I think the Sparkler scene, could have done with a bit more detail to scenery and the perspective jumped around a bit to much early on. The marriage discussion between Sparkler and Dazzler was excellent though and the Dinky Scootlallo part was also well done, the lines flowed into each other very naturally. The ending of that scene and this chapter was also very well executed.
My apologies if this was rude at all, it was a good chapter.
The opening to this chapter was very well done, a bit sudden, but it works very well. The third paragraph was a bit odd to me, the description of Celestia/Corona's lair was magnificent! But jumping into his perspective seemed a bit random and he sort of laid his motives out very clearly, but without much impetus. The dialogue was very well done in this scene and it was rather interesting to see Solrathicharnon's blind perspective. This line felt a bit odd to me:
The next scene had a good intro for Celestia, I really liked the little "he thought hidden" bit in regards to Solrathicharnon's horde. It's cool to see Celestia adopting a more modern speech patter, she sound awesome in classic Equestrian but it does make more logical sense for her to use modern terminology; I can only guess it's Grogar she's referring to? I loved the line about Celestia being able to hear sunlight. Celestia's reaction was fairly well done, especially considering how crazy the situation was, though the foals thing seemed a bit odd, even for someone 1000 years out f date. I also find it very hard to imagine that her spell could be broken, especially so easily, but I won't try and argue that. With that lead out I almost expect Celestia to turn up again in this fic.
Amusing lead into the final scene, but it seems odd that Trixie is taking it so seriously, especially for a mare she does not know. Trixie's ensuing escape attempt and her desire to give advice once the need had passed was great, I liked the divorce bit as well. Good reveal with Ditsy and grabbing things to hard; I like that Trixie figured it out first the mental image of her reaction is great. I can sympathize with needing a drink after meeting a future daughter.
why is this incomplete?
Eh, it was for the sake of an Archer reference. I'll change it, though.
Didn't disappoint! So many happy feels! Highlight of the day! Nothing constructive to say, just thank you for the very pleasant read.
The opening was a little awkward but not much. Interesting idea behind the manes, I can't exactly say I agree with it, (one of the flashbacks showed Celestia with a green mane and another with animate mane at the "Same time" as NMM) but it's your fic. I really like the idea of Celestia being aware of time travel and the like; though i'm not as much for the river idea as it's sort of implies pre-determinism. But enough about me as you said the mechanics are none canon)
There were a few awkwardly placed commas in the sentences that broke the flow a little bit, but not much and I do feel a great description of the surrounding scenery would not have hurt. But besides that very interesting and well executed scene, I rather liked seeing this calmer future Celestia as well.
Fantastic intro to the next scene, it really captured the childlike imagination. Amusing interaction between the foals, the Scootaloo bit was highly amusing and everyone felt in character. I find it a bit hard to believe that Dinky would actually debate messing up the game like that though, it just seems a bit odd for her.
This scene was a bit awkwardly broken up and a little hard to read, but maybe that's just me. Also it is a bit hard for me to believe Pipsqueak, or any child, pulling that off, but amusing mental image regardless. The surprise attack and mutiny was great. Shouldn't pipsqueak have more of an accent? Or was that put on for his NMM night disguise? That was a rather heartwarming ending.
I realized what one of my issues with Dazzler was, in chapter 1 she uses the Dinky cute face, which within L!verse essentially gets her what ever she wants, while it's likely still possible to be used as an adult it seems a bit manipulative for Dinky to use it knowing how/that it works and being rather... cocky about it I guess. Sorry if that was out of place or rude.
On an overall level this was a very well written fic; I do have some issues/disagreements but as it is none canon I see no reason to overly taint this with debate, so i'll leave them. Congrats, you got another like.
My sincerest apologies if any of this was rude or inflammatory, that was not my intent.
Not exactly...there is free will, after all, if there wasn't free will, then you couldn't change the past. But, if we abandon the concept of a static "present" (that is, the idea that the time we live in now is special in any way compared to every other point in time), then there must be some kind of constant flow of time from beginning to end. you choose to go left instead of right. That choice wasn't pre-determined, it was free will. But if someone travelled back in time and observed you, he'd be able to predict with 100% accuracy that you will choose left instead of right. The free will is there, it's just bound by the human limitations on the perception of time, namely, that we can only travel through it at a rate of one second experienced per one second observed.
As for the idea that the river tends to flow back together, that's not predetermination, either, so much as an acknowledgment that most of the choices we make in our lives are little things that don't really effect the whole in any perceptible way. If I go to Wal-Mart today instead of Target, that's not going to create a dystopian future wherein Wal-Mart rules all, unless that was already going to happen.
That doesn't mean the choice isn't made freely. It just means that it doesn't really matter in the long run, or probably even in the short term. As Celestia said, "butterflies can only flap their wings so hard."
I can see what you are saying and sort of agree with some of it, but while I feel I could also debate it; this isn't really the time or place. I should have edited that part of my review out, sorry. Thanks for the response regardless, it was very interesting reading.
Oh! Before I forget!
The Castle Tree is based off of a real tree in Lough Key forest park in County Roscommon, Ireland. Pretty sure this is a picture of it:
I dunno what's going on with it, but basically I think a few trees grew up right on top of each other, and at one point one of them was knocked over but kept growing somehow, or something, I dunno. The point being that the branches of the tree all kind of curve downwards, meaning that the central trunk is completely, almost down to ground level, surrounded by its branches, but there's wide-open space between the branches and the trunk, making a kind of natural fort with the branches as a wall. It's also, as mentioned, extremely easy to climb.
Debated it with Pip, but I didn't want to ruin the innocence of the moment.
Yup, mentioning cabin wenches ruins the innocence, but mentioning slavery doesn't.
Fun fact: polygamy actually refers to one spouse with multiple other spouses who are not themselves married to each other, regardless of the genders of the persons involved. One husband, multiple wives is actually polygyny. But I guess that's far too many Ys in a word for anyone to take seriously.
I actually just wanted some kind of potential hot-button marriage issue. Obviously homosexuality isn't gonna be a problem, and I didn't want to get potentially X-rated (and neither would Trixie), so I settled on polygamy. Obviously there's probably no real reason to translate this over into the main continuity, though I think it'd be funny if it did come up at some point anyway, perhaps with Cheerilee.
Funny you should mention that...even though this story isn't canon, don't be surprised if perhaps one or two scenes or implications from it do show up in the main continuity...
I am so far behind on ponyfic it's not even funny, but I just saw this in my feed and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! You even used the line about half-sisters! I cannot even describe the warm fuzzies I have right now.
That's what this entire fic is supposed to be: a big warm fuzzy feeling spread out amongst ~14K words.
Actually, from what I've read on it polygamy (meaning literally "many married") can refer to ANY type of marriage involving more than two spouses. Polygyny is indeed a sub-category where one man has multiple wives who are not married to each other, while polyandry is the sub-category where one woman has multiple husbands who are not married to each other. All other combinations, from a simplistic tri-marriage to --heaven forbid-- some kind of Marige Dodecahedron fall under the blanket sub-category of group marriage.
Anyway, like I said, any problems I had with the implication of illegality, are largely nominal. The norm so far as what is socially acceptable is clearly that each "couple" decides for themselves how many ponies are involved, and any legal technicalities are just that –technicalities-- and might no more relevant than laws prohibiting fishing in central park while riding a giraffe on Tuesdays.
Simply put I more than expect that the default norm is that ponies practice monogamy, just like the default norm is that ponies are heterosexual. I just really like the idea that there's little to no social stigma against those that engage in non-normative relations (provided of course that all parties involved are fine with the arrangement), and thusly that there exist very few laws to restrict such variance, and what few laws might exist are rarely enforced. I prefer to think that when Trixie says polygamy is "legal" in most provinces, the implication is that those provinces have laws that specifically guarantee a pony's right to practice such, not that the other provinces have laws that explicitly forbid it.
However, I'm quite willing to let a lot of things slide for well-crafted gag. Though to emphasize the absurdity while avoiding real world hot button issues, I find any such gags best served by reversing standard expectation. A fic I once saw where some Canterlot nobles tried to block Twilight's princess coronation by envoking outdated (but still technically on the books) laws mandating that a princess must maintain an active harem comes to mind.
And it succeded at being such with flying colors.
The non-canon adventures of Archmage Best Filly. I loved every moment. Of course, I'm a bit biased when it comes to stories that portray future Dinky as a magical heavyweight.
In any case, thank you for this. It was a most enjoyable read.
"P", huh. Pipsqueak?
Twilight & Trixie magic tutors! Yay!
Ehh, doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
I so want this to be canon. I also can't wait for Lunaverse season 3, post-redemption Celestia is going to be interesting.
2575884 My guess is that Celestia doesn't really care diddly-squat about relationships, and pre-banishment Equestria was much smaller than it currently is, so she mostly thinks about marriage as just something that her subjects do for the sake of making more subjects.
D'awww. This story was a great, fuzzy pick-me-up.
Dinky + Pipsqueak = Love at first pillage.
2561624 I think I managed to catch most of those. The list of ponies/dragons she was immediately concerned about plus the order of that list was a pretty big hint.
Very fun story.
But did Trixie ever fess up and take her lumps for all the mind-bending she's doing in CoTE?
Wait a minute... those gold bits were presumably from after Celestia's reformation, right? So why didn't Lyra say anything about the date on them?
But on another hoof, the more alike they are, the more clear it becomes that Twilight isn't really a villain here, she just got dealt a bad hand by Fate.
Well, yeah, but so far as I'm concerned that's ALWAYS been pretty blatantly obvious. L!Twi has been somewhat of an antagonist, but NEVER a villain.
The Equestrian justice system is sure treating her like one, though.
Re: Coins
I assumed that Dinky was telling the truth and golden coins were really an export version of Equestrian bit. However, after Celestia's reformation, the law was changed to allow their circulation within the borders of Equestria. Golden and silver bits being traded and interchanged freely sounds like something Luna would do to reintegrate her sister into society.
Re: Mint date
Metal coins can easily last for decades without the need to be replaced, unlike paper money. That said, ponies could easily create coins without mint dates at all.
... why am I even writing something like this, when I could have enjoyed a heartwarming story for what it is?
This. Though I had also imagined that "Dazzler" had initially tried paying with newly-minted coins, then disappeared them, then when Lyra asked, conjured up some of the actual coins she talked about.
Though your version's better.
She's not a villain, but she still committed criminal actions by using illegal magic to bring a dangerous wild animal into Ponyville and in so doing endangered the lives of the its citizens and also cause a not insubstantial amount of property damage. I don't think being required to do some community service equates to being treated like a villain.
I loved, loved, LOVED this story! This is awesome. The characters were hilarious, the premise great, and I loved the little nods to other Dinky stories: like loving Sparkler twice as much to make up for it from Clavdis Caesar's "Dinky Doo Debates Dexterity, Destiny, Dinner" and the castle tree from DawnFade's "Pirates for a Day!"
And the ending, that was just....eeee! I adore Dinky x Pip!
This was a truly awesome thing to read today.
Also, here's a plug for a Raindrops story that is heavily...well, totally, based on your interpretation of her (though not taking place in Lunaverse) "The Incredibly Grumpy Life of a Weather Pony"
Actually I read that earlier; it was quite good. I rather like the idea that Raindrops' personality may be spreading from the Lunaverse and into the general fanon.
Seems to be the case. I used your interpretation of her when I have to write for her.
Ahh... Time Travel... How I love you and your shenanigahns no matter how small.
That scene with Corona was amazing. It's one of those things where I wonder if it helped in some unseen way (even if it's not technically canon it's interesting to wonder if it helped put Corona on the road to recovery considering someponies treating her like a normal pony for once.)
The idea of polygamy being legal was interesting. I like the idea that Equestrian culture is just more naturally open-minded and tolerant, but at the same time no culture would be perfectly tolerant of everything. The way I see it, the idea of legalizing an issue like this shows that Equestria needed to establish that everypony should be tolerant, even if most of them already are. If the majority already tolerate ideas like that, the law is more of a statement and reminder that ponies should be tolerant in all things and a safeguard of rights in case society takes a turn for the worst. The image that comes to my head is Luna just sneaking it through as a small bill and everypony wondering why she bothers when it's accepted for the most part. It's because at some point somepony somewhere might decide to convince others to be intolerant of it.
Really loved this RDD! It was simple and just plane adorable.
Which is fine, as long as Trixie faces similar criminal charges for the forcible implantation of false memories that she does in 'Crisis on Two Equestrias'.
(I feel like I'm a little at risk of dropping a dramabomb here, and I don't want it to muck up the comments to this d'aawww story. But, I probably do need to talk about my issues with the Lunaverse somewhere, rather than letting them fester. Let me know if I'm going too far, RDD.)
This was an excellent fic! I'm really happy you took part in one of my little half-baked writing event, this was pretty fantastic!
Really touching and I so hope you include the first meeting of Pip and Dinky into canon!!
2577291 Don't you know Knights of Equestria have diplomatic immunity while travelling to another dimension?
That's what I'm talking about, really. Twilight goofs up and has to face justice for it, but Trixie does something similar and gets away with it.
2577692 The fic's not over yet. Wait until the story is done before claiming she got away with it.
Except that Twilight screwed up while engaging in a reckless abuse of magic motivated solely by a need to prove herself (and then running away because she refused to admit she was wrong), while Trixie screwed up trying to save te world. The actions aren't comparable and so there isn't any double standard at play.
What L!Trixie did was hardly all that different than what M!Twilight did in MMC: She woke in a world where destiny seemed to have been artificially altered (by the Tyrant Sun no less) and so like ine proper hero set about trying set everything to right again. Trixie was simply unaware that she was no longer actually in her own world. Also, despite apperances, she didn't actually brainwash anypony; all she did was share her own 100% true memories with the counterparts to her friends, but it was still by their own free will that they chose to belive in those memories over their own.
This was amazing. Completely forgot this month's theme until the end there, which tied it up brilliantly. Very well done
I had a hunch that might be the final disposition of her case. Canon story or not.