• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 8,132 Views, 89 Comments

Shadows of Giants - kaiju and pony fan

Fluttershy, after being sucked into a mysterious portal and transformed, finds herself in a world where humans try to survive in the shadows of giants.

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Battle in Minato

Godzilla was gigantic, dwarfing Anguirus in size. His body resembled that of an upright Tyrannosaurus Rex but with grooved, charcoal-gray skin as opposed to scales and a very muscular and bulky build. On his back, three rows of bone-white spikes that resembled flames sprouted out of his flesh as if his vertebrae had grown exponentially into twisted shapes. The monster's long, segmented tail whipped behind him. His head looked like a giant wolf or cat mixed with a reptile and sharp, sword-like fangs poked out his upper jaw. However, the most defining feature about him were his eyes which glowed like smoldering embers and narrowed into a seemingly permanent glare. He was armed with eight claws, four on each hand. Unlike Anguirus' claws, his looked like they were designed to shred flesh. The newly arrived Kaiju opened his jaws and let out a roar that started with a screeching sound like scraping metal, continuing into an echoing reverberation and ending in a mournful-sounding moan.

Fluttershy stood aghast at the sheer size of this monster, this 'Godzilla.' Not even the largest dragon in Equestria would come close to how massive he truly was. She then glimpsed movement from the corner of her eye and turned to face Kenji who had turned his attention to Anguirus with anxiety. She followed his gaze and noticed the other Kaiju was glaring at the newcomer. She turned to see Godzilla had taken full notice of Anguirus and replied with a rumbling growl that even she could hear despite him being a few miles away.

Kenji then took notice of Anguirus lowering his head so that his horn was now pointed at the larger Kaiju and scraping the asphalt with his left front paw. Uh-oh. Kenji thought. Not good. With that he grabbed Fluttershy's arm and tried to pull her with him, knowing very well what would happen if two Kaiju were in the same area. "We gotta go. Now!" he told her.

"Why?" Fluttershy asked confused.

"Because they're gonna tear each other apart!"

Almost immediately as he said that, Anguirus let out a roar and charged at Godzilla with a speed that belied his otherwise stocky build. Godzilla tilted his head slightly, as though asking, "You're kidding right?" before responding with a roar of his own and running at the ankylosaur-like Kaiju, his giant feet leaving prints large enough to be Olympic swimming pools. Within seconds, both Kaiju collided with the force of a thousand trains slamming into each other and began to grapple.

The mammoth bodies of the Kaiju wrestled like twenty-story-tall sumo wrestlers in an attempt to gain the upper hand over their respective opponent. For Anguirus, this would be very difficult due to him being smaller than the much more devastating Alpha. Even standing on his hind legs, he just barely came up to Godzilla's chest. However, he was no stranger to battle as he bore the scars and chipped spikes to prove it. Sadly, that didn't account a hill of beans right now as Godzilla managed to reach through their locked position, grab Anguirus by the left side of his head and slam it into the ground. Anguirus then shook himself free from the much larger Kaiju's grip and, in one fluid movement, spun around and hit Godzilla with his tail, leaving gashes in the giant dinosaur's grooved hide.

Angered, Godzilla grabbed one of Anguirus's head spikes and pulled his head towards him. He then proceeded to punch the other Kaiju in the face. Before the armored monster could recover, Godzilla raised both his arms upwards and brought them down on his opponent's head. He then bent down and clamped his jaws on the Kaiju's neck, causing Anguirus to let out a howl of pain. In his thrashing, Anguirus managed to scratch Godzilla's leg with his horn, causing the Kaiju King to let go. This gave Anguirus a clear shot as he charged at Godzilla and drove him into a building, demolishing it on contact.

Godzilla's tail whipped out and struck Anguirus straight in the face as he stood up. The impact sent Anguirus flying into another office building, a building that was reduced to rubble, shattered glass and bent steel. Godzilla lumbered out of his own pile of wreckage with a roar and stopped where Anguirus had crashed. Suddenly, his spikes began to flash with a sharp electric krsh noise. His mouth opened slightly as blue light began to build up within. Almost immediately, Godzilla opened his jaws wide and a stream of silver blue energy shot out from his throat and struck Anguirus head-on, plowing him through several structures miles away before erupting into an explosion, kicking up more debris in the process. Godzilla still stayed put, as though waiting to see if his opponent still lived. He got his answer as the silhouette of Anguirus began to charge at him before launching out of the debris in a rolled up state like a giant, spiky soccer ball which slammed into Godzilla's chest and knocked him on his back, the impact wave causing multiple car alarms to go off and windows to shatter.

Anguirus unfurled from his ball and hit the ground with the same amount of force as a train crash. Godzilla got back onto his feet, his spikes lighting up again. This time, the smaller Kaiju curled up into a ball and let the blue fire lick around his armored carapace. Godzilla seemed to decide now was the time for a change in strategy, because he barreled toward the Kaiju and grabbed him by the neck. He then pulled back his muscle-bound arm and threw the Kaiju a few miles away from where Kenji and Fluttershy were. Upon crashing, Anguirus crushed several cars, one of which had a civilian in it who little to no time to react. Kenji and Fluttershy quickly bolted as Godzilla stomped down the street towards Anguirus, just barely avoiding his tail as it whipped behind him.

Anguirus lifted himself to his feet and shook the debris off him like a dog. He then stopped as he heard a low growl behind him. Upon turning around, he was face-to-face with an angry Godzilla. Before he could react, Godzilla grabbed his neck and slammed him into a building and then threw him into another. Anguirus leapt out of the building and collided with the King of the Monsters.

It was at this point the clash of the titans had now devolved into the Kaiju equivalent of a bar-fight with both monsters punching, clawing and biting at each other. During their fight, Godzilla hit Anguirus with his long tail and sent him into a pagoda, reducing it to rubble only for the Kaiju to leap out at the King.

As Kenji and Fluttershy watched the battle ensue before them, a squadron of jets passed over, their sonic booms causing Fluttershy to yelp, cover her ears and drop to her knees. "FLUTTERSHY!" Kenji called out to her as he rushed to her side.

One of the pilots, a man named Oiru Banana spotted the two dueling Kaiju in front of him. "Targets sighted. Engaging now." he announced as all six of his fellow jets launched their payload of Full-Metal and Frontier missiles at their targets. The missiles made their mark, causing both Kaiju to break away from each other and roar in surprise as the jets pulled up away from them only for another squadron take a shot at them. Eventually, the Maser division added their fire upon the Kaiju, kicking up smoke and dust clouds as they did.

After what seemed like hours of suppressing fire, the barrage ceased as the soldiers moved in while the jets circled around like vultures. Suddenly, a giant clawed foot emerged from the smoke, followed by Godzilla and Anguirus, both of whom had now turned their attention on both SDF and G-Force soldiers alike. Godzilla seemed to briefly exchange glances with Anguirus, who was now covered in bloody scratches and had a few burn marks received from the Alpha Kaiju's fire (or Atomic Ray as G-Force labeled it) before turning his fiery-eyed glare at the gathered humans. his spikes beginning to flash again. Before anyone could react, Godzilla let loose his fire upon the assembled army, reducing the tanks into smelted metal alloy and leaving a molten gash in the street. In one fluid motion, Godzilla swung himself around, knocking whatever vehicle, or human, in its path aside as well as smashing what ever building it came in contact with. He then turned his head towards a jet that was currently firing its mini-gun at him. He responded by unleashing his Atomic Ray at it, causing the jet to explode into a fireball.

While Godzilla was doing this, Anguirus lunged and rolled himself into a ball in mid-air, crushing anything or anyone that couldn't get out of the way like a giant bowling ball. He then unfurled and slammed his tail down on some Maser tanks, crushing some while sending two flying into the air. One of the tanks smashed into an apartment complex while the other slammed front-first just a few feet away from Kenji and Fluttershy.

For Kenji, everything seemed to slow-down and his ears began to ring as he and Fluttershy ran through the ensuing chaos. He could barely hear the sounds, of tank shells flying through the sky and exploding as they made their mark, the roars of both Kaiju as they turned their fury towards the soldiers who tried in vain to stop them. In a matter of what seemed to him like two hours of running, him and Fluttershy made it out safely, both gasping for breath as they turned to watch Godzilla roaring and tearing apart Minato like a three-year-old throwing a tantrum, his tail smashing buildings like a whip crossed with a battering ram, his claws tearing through steel like a knife through butter and his fire consuming all that got in its path. He couldn't see Anguirus anywhere. Either he went off to lick his wounds and Godzilla let him, or he snuck away when the Monster King's back was turned. Kenji turned his head to see Fluttershy looking at him with a horrified face, the noon sun glinting off freshly shed tears. He just rubbed away her tears and gave her a small smile. "How about we go home?" he asked. Fluttershy nodded and they walked off, unaware they were being followed.

Twilight began to reconsider coming here in the first place. It wasn't enough for two of those monsters (or as she came to call them 'Kaiju' after what that man told her) but then there was nearly getting killed in their skirmish. However, during the battle of the giant beasts (one of which would make an Ursa Major look like a teddy bear), she had spotted what looked like Fluttershy with a human boy. After nearly getting killed by the monsters' rampage, they were now recovering from an adrenaline hangover. While they were still alive, they were covered in dirt and some scrapes. Rarity slipped off her shoes and rubbed her feet after hours of running in heels. "Well," she spoke up, "I think it's easy to consider why Empress Scribe declared this place forbidden." Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who were standing beside her, nodded in agreement.

Pinkie Pie looked as though she were on the edge of collapse, ironic considering her usually energetic nature. Her curly hair clung to her sweaty neck. She then turned her head and spotted 'Fluttershy' and the boy again walking into the forest.

"Guys, I think I saw Fluttershy, come on!" she called out, seemingly regaining her energy while the other former ponies and dragon tried to catch up with her. Rarity was furthest behind as she carried her heels in her left hand and ran barefoot on the grassy hill. As they followed them, they saw the two step onto a bus. The ponies and dragon-turned-human stepped up but were stopped by a man.

"Passes or 100 yen." he told them. Twilight gave him a "one-minute gesture" as she reached into her bag and pulled out her slip of paper that had now transformed into a bus-pass and handed it to the man. The others did the same. "Where to?" the driver asked.

Twilight paused. "Where does this bus usually stop?" she asked.


"Then seven for Shibuya."

Kenji and Fluttershy took their seat in the back next to each other, Fluttershy once again sitting closer to the window on her left. After a twenty minutes, Kenji heard Fluttershy whisper, "Why?"

He turned to face her.

"Why what?"

"Why did they have to do that? What reason did they have?" she asked, her voice sounding as if she were about to burst into tears.

Kenji began to think about how to answer that until he recalled a similar question he asked his grandfather during a visit to his grandparents when he was nine-years-old.

Kenji leaned in as he watched a news report of Godzilla rampaging through a small village in Kanto. "Kenji, don't lean in so close, unless ya want to be nearsighted like me." his grandfather, an old man with a long white goatee and glasses told him. Kenji sighed and leaned back. He then turned to face his grandpa. "Hey, Grampa?" he asked. His grandfather rose an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"Why is Godzilla destroying that city?" Kenji asked curiously. The old man sighed and shook his head, as if he was hesitant to reply to his grandson.

"Long before you were born, Kenji," he started, "Man did some terrible things to the world. They made Godzilla angry."

Kenji tilted his head. "What kind of things?" he asked.

His grandfather chuckled. "Ah, you're too young to understand."

He then began to continue solemnly.

"They made a huge fire and burned down everything in their path. Because of this, Godzilla can never forgive Mankind."

Fluttershy's eyes widened as soon as she heard Kenji tell his grandfather's answer before looking out the window and watched the world pass by. Kenji then rested his head into his seat, letting sleep take over him on the long way home.

Author's Note:

Behold, the very first monster battle in this fic. Don't worry, however, because there's more where that came from. Like always, try to guess the Easter eggs. I also chose Anguirus to be the first Kaiju for Godzilla to fight because, well, Anguirus was the first monster introduced in the Godzilla franchise not counting the Big G himself. I think it's fitting don't you think? Next chapter: Kenji Meets the Ponies (and dragon). Oh, and if you couldn't tell, I'm using the Kiryu-Goji design for Godzilla.

For those of you who don't speak Japanese, "oiru" means "oil". Now, tie that with Banana (or banana).