Important disclaimer: PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS
This is a disgraceful thing. The only reason it's still here is because I don't have the spine to erase it from the internet. If I did, I would've torpedoed it a long time ago. I have left the original notes intact for posterity.

This is a tale of a simple pegasus living in Cloudsdale. He works evenings at a prestigious local business and never gets himself in any trouble if he can avoid it. And did X mention that this is set twenty years in the future? Sounds nice enough, right?

Well, as it turns out... This is the story of Alan C. Cake, fishmonger. History is completely different and Equestria seemingly now has a king. Oh well, just another day at the office for an Andrew Hussie wannabe of my caliber.

(Rated T for sexual references, strong language, and various forms of 100d humor.)

Edit: Hey guys. It's been a while. This is a little piece I wrote a while back that didn't turn out quite the way I intended it to. I now know that playing fast and loose with canon and promising to provide an explanation and some backstory later is not a good way to write an AU fic.
Even though it's been less than a year since the first (and last) chapter was published, I have matured a great deal in that time and now consider this work to be, put bluntly, a steaming pile of crap (or possibly urine). That being said, I would very much like to hear your thoughts on this story. I can't improve without constructive criticism, after all.

And in case you were wondering, fetish tag is for a particular scene that turned out rather more sensual than I intended. Thought you ought to know.

Chapters (1)

When Mr. and Mrs. Cake need to replace their destroyed dresser, Anon directs them to Ikea. Things go downhill fast.

Any franchises mentioned in this story are strictly used in a parodial manner.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Noir Spiderman: A Van Helsing Story.

Dr Sandy was a well known medical practitioner, and he was about to discover something that would bring him fame and fortune for the rest of his life. But something went horribly wrong, he turned turned himself into a monster.

Now he must find a way back, find a way to choose his better half. To try and protect his friends and the people of Cloudsdale from the Lizard.

Chapters (2)