
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

Ho ho...NO! · 1:56pm Dec 21st, 2018

Guess who has pneumonia for Christmas? ME! And this is actually my first time. It’s not THAT bad, but the cough is annoying, not being able to jump on my excercise trampoline to get restless energy out is annoying, and the fact that it takes a while to get over is FREAKING ANNOYING. I hate this! If someone can think of a good side to this, I’d REALLY LIKE TO KNOW. :facehoof: :raritydespair:


My girlfriend the wuss is is too afraid to get vaccinated because is is afraid of needles, has the 'Rona and is doing so poorly that she needs to go to the hospital, but is too afraid of needles to do so. Please advice. · 12:24am Jan 23rd, 2022

0thly, my girlfriend is not a QAnonDeathCultist. She is simply a wuss afraid of medical procedures. This has already cost her many teeth in her 40s because she is too afraid to go to the dentist for maintenance and repair (her fear of the dentist causes her much more pain and suffering than the dentist ever could (at this point, her teeth are to bad from neglect that the dentist would probably have to pull all of her teeth and fit her for dentures)).

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Isolation, boredom, fevers · 11:10pm Oct 20th, 2016

Describes my day very well. This is day five of the fever. At least I'm drinking fluids now. Eating, not so much. I went to the doctor again today. I didn't almost pass out like last time! Pneumonia is fucking terrible. In Ye Olde days, people died of this shit. I'm not even dead, but I feel fucking terrible. I'm lying on my ass, taking pill after pill, and drinking so much fluid. I want to go to school. I want to see my friends. I really fucking want to sing again. I also really

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Hillary and I have one thing in common · 9:51pm Oct 18th, 2016


Great news, everypony! :D · 9:14pm Dec 7th, 2015

Disclaimer: If you cannot handle sarcasm, do not continue reading. Side effects of not understanding sarcasm include confusion, misunderstanding, and general disgust of this blog post.
Like the blog title said, I have great news!

waaaaiiiit for itttttt

I have pneumonia!
Apparently I've had it for almost a week and a half, and my doctor doesn't want me to go to school until Wednesday, if then. Gotta love makeup work from the week before exams! :D

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Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results