I'm back! · 1:28pm Mar 17th, 2016
Hey everyone. Sorry, I got busy. But hey, I'm back now, and I just sent off the next chapter of SS:AED to my pre-reader, so you can expect that soon.
BTW, yes, that is a hip-thrusting Elmo in that gif.
Hey everyone. Sorry, I got busy. But hey, I'm back now, and I just sent off the next chapter of SS:AED to my pre-reader, so you can expect that soon.
BTW, yes, that is a hip-thrusting Elmo in that gif.
I'm at 4 likes so far, but hey, it's only two likes away from 6. And when you're dealing with numbers, nothing really matters.
I'm releasing the 4th chapter. This does NOT mean the other two will be released soon, although 5 is pretty much done, but it does mean you're getting a special 25 Days 'Till Christmas present.
Currently, the next chapter stands at roughly 570 words, with more to come. I'm not gonna spoil anything, but I'll just say that it may or may not bring more focus to a certain question that has been asked in the previous guest chapter...
It's been a while, but I finally got a new chapter up for When I Say Goodbye and boy it's a doozy. Hope you guys luck what I have to offer and as always, props to Wildcard25 and Alphasteel for editing duties and once again, sorry for the long wait.
An epilogue for story is in the works, so hopefully there won't be a long wait for that one.
Peace out and Happy New Year!
Hey everyone!
Chapter 69 of my story Fallout Equestria: Clockwork Precision is now live and ready for your reading pleasure. I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter two had a bit of a surprise with a new pony showing up, and this chapter adds another angle to the whole situation.
But friends are good for hearing you out, especially when you're feeling down.
In Chapter 3: Helping Friends
*Ahem* Sorry. Anyways, new chapter, give it a look, would ya?
A Day Out
Small things precede the modification, but after words it's a day at the beach for everyone.
But not everything is is as normal.
An unexpected report finds it's way to Liara, who has to do some digging.
On the beach, everyone takes the opportunity to relax, and even play a new game.
Next time in A Balance of Fire and Light, Mikami has something to discuss with James.
From a darkened cave of words, the writing goblin emerges. Blinking against the blinding daylight, he deposits Chapter 27 on a nearby stump for others to read.
Looking around briefly to see if anybody is looking, he darts back into the cave to watch from the shadows. Eventually retreating further into his writing cave to continue his strange habits.
The disaster that had been left in Twilight's castle has been mostly cleaned and is now ready to be sorted and put away.
Talking with Starlight, Twilight reveals that not everything has been accounted for. If it were just a reference guide or a text book about magic, that would be one thing, but these were a bit more important.
What's gone missing?
Who has them?
Why were they taken?
When you notice one of your favorite stories is suddenly no longer on Hiatus...
I'm 55% of the way to posting the next chapter. This one will be a little different, but I'll give you more information the day before I post.
See you then.
Ok, this took so much longer to get out to you guys than I wanted. I finished this chapter back in December, but wanted somepony to proofread it before I published it. After trying to find somepony for a while, someone said they would be willing to help. Their life ended up getting busier than they thought and they were unable to give it a look like they originally thought, which I fully understand!
It can be found here: Chapter Two: Fake History
Go on... read it! You know you want to
I can count to 3 guys! HALF LERF TEE CONFIRMED
Lame jokes are lame.
Bad jokes aside, there's a new chapter. Let's talk about it.
I lived up to the new T rating a bit and set up the conflict. A bit.
I feel like I want this to be at least a 10 chapter story. Ya think so? Yeah, I think so.
I don't feel like writing anymore, so COOL SONG OF THE POST WEEEEW
Fitting as the new chapter features it.
I hope I don't get sued.
The first drafter of Chapter seventeen of Sin Whinny is now complete. As soon as I clean it up it will be ready to post. So expect it this week.
This chapter will be a whopper as we see what has been going on at both Canterlot Castle and Luna's new palace. Yup, Bon Bon is back, and she wants answers, and before the chapter is over she and Lyra get much more than they bargained for!
I've just finished the first draft of Chapter 22 of Sin Whinny. Now that secrets are becoming revealed things will be heating up for Duskwind/Johnny in a BIG way very very soon.
I expect the next chapter to be up by this weekend, but for those that can't wait, here's a dark little teaser...
I couldn’t help but to peer into the tanks that I passed by. But by Celestia I wished I hadn’t.
Yay I got rid of writers block, The next chapter is up. The Crystal Visit Hope you enjoy.
Another new chapter? I'm on a roll ya'll! haha enjoy. The next few chapters are gonna be a lot less dramatic this time around
Oh thank God!