Something new · 2:27pm Nov 16th, 2015
No art for today folks. Working on something big and have only finished 1 out of 5 drawings. Here’s a little Maud Pie to help brighten up your day!
No art for today folks. Working on something big and have only finished 1 out of 5 drawings. Here’s a little Maud Pie to help brighten up your day!
The Abundance Of Capitalised Words In The Blog Title Pretty Much Explains Everything In This Post!
But yes, I'm nearly done with my new fic, that I've kept under wraps for a while now. And it features everyone's favourite geologist-pony!
Just saw an old artist's sketch of a stretch of coastline titled 'The Boulder Bank' which made me think of Maud accompanying Rarity on her trip to make another payment on Tom.
Generally, when I publish a new fanfiction, I have sort of an idea of how it'll perform. Sometimes it'll take off, sometimes it'll do a middling level of activity, sometimes it'll hop onto the Feature Box for five minutes then slip off, never again to make it back.
One thing I never understood is why whenever a show has a pairing, fans go ballistic and claim it ruined their ships. For example, in the episode, "Hard to Say Anything", Big Macintosh started dating Sugar Belle, and many fans who shipped him with Miss Cheerilee or other characters were not happy. In the recent episode "The Maud Couple", Maud Pie now has a boyfriend named Mudbriar. Fans are going nuts, claiming their fanfics shipping Maud with Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, or other characters, are
Shepherd walks into Sugarcube Corner, where Pinkie Pie is flitting about happily. A gray mare is sitting at a nearby table.
Pinkie: "Shepherd! HI! Come meet my sister Maud!"
Shepherd: walks up and sits down at the table "Oh, hello Maud Pie. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Maud: "Yes. I am sorry I could not be here with the rest of my family when they met you. I am pursuing my rocktorate."
Shepherd: "Oh? A rocktorate? We call the study of rocks geology on my world."
Shepherd went out with Pinkie Pie to hear one of Maud Pie's stand up routines. Pinkie was as excited as she ever was, practically bouncing up and down in her chair. Shepherd sat in the other chair, a bit cramped given it was built for a pony, but he tried to be as comfortable as possible.
Shepherd: "So, Maud's a stand up comic?"
Pinkie: "Oh yeah! She's hilarious! You'll love her!"
Shepherd: "Well, I'll give it a shot."
Before I watched the episode, I knew from the title that it was a reference to the classic Christmas short story "The Gift of the Magi". If you're familiar with the story, then you can pretty much guess the plot.
About the new pony episode today? Other than The official site discussion blog post, I haven't seen anyone post on it. I need to know whether I should love it or hate it before even watching it. I need to know!
So yeah, not a fan of the Mudbriar guy. Maud's quirks are charming and funny at times, but Briar's is just the "technically" joke done to death. I don't know how they managed it, but he somehow made that joke old by the FIRST time he said it. That's badness.
Oh, also we learn that Maud hates parties. Good job I didn't just make a fic about her going to a random Canterlot donkey's party then, am I right!? Hahaha KILL ME NOW
The first 'normal' episode of Season 6 and it was good. The tone of it was what I had expected for the first 'normal' episode. No storyline where Equestria is in the possibility to being destroyed. No, it was a Slice of Life episode with Rarity and Pinkie Pie going to Manehatten with Pinkie's sister Maud. This the third straight season that there had been an episode based in the city of Manehatten, along with straight season with an episode that has Maud in a major capacity. Both the city and
If so, what would you guys recommend?
Marble and Limestone.
Pinkie and Maud (Minus Diamond Cutter)
Or whatever you have in mind, I'm open to ideas.