
Viewing 1 - 20 of 148 results

Prereader verdict on new Midnight Rising chapter is in... · 2:33pm April 15th

And unfortunately, that verdict is unanimous:

Complaints were: too meta, hard to follow, does nothing to advance the plot, and potentially makes things worse while trying to fix them.

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The good news and the bad news... · 11:42pm Oct 9th, 2021

The good news is that the Midnight Rising chapter draft is complete, and as a bonus, I may shortly have much more time to be writing with. The bad news is that I may shortly have more time because I’m liable to lose my job at a large financial firm for refusing to obey a vaccine mandate. :twilightangry2:

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Unleash the Magic - Epilogue will post on Thursday... · 9:24pm Feb 23rd, 2016

Been a wild ride, but it has to end... for now. In suitably appropriate manner, of course... :rainbowwild: In celebration of the 300th like, making it easily my most popular story to date, the epilogue goes live on Thursday morning.

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One day delay for new Midnight Rising chapter · 11:43pm Oct 26th, 2022

So I can get more prereads completed and get another editing pass in. Sorry to make you wait, folks. But trust me—it’ll be worth it. Chapter will now launch on Thursday evening after I’m back from work.


Still working on Midnight Rising... · 9:21pm Aug 15th, 2023

My job is interfering, as well as worries over a couple troubled friends. The chapter is currently sitting at 11,326 words with at least 2-3k words more to go, meaning I was only able to put around 1800 words on it over the past week.

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Change of C&C plans... · 1:20pm Dec 17th, 2023

On the advice of prereader AJ_Aficionado, the-now 37,000 words I’ve written for the end of the Changeling arc is going into Eros instead of the main story. I realized he was right when he said that it was simply too big a scene for C&C and interrupted the flow too much. A single 4-5k word M-rated scene in the flow of the main story is fine, but I can’t afford to spend three whole chapters on it. I was already thinking about that, but he gave me the nudge I needed.

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Midnight Rising - Chapter 10 nearly ready · 2:29am Apr 11th, 2021

It's awaiting one more preread and a couple more editing passes before launch, which will likely be tomorrow evening. 9000 words of female dragon fun lie ahead, folks, as Pinkie Pie has her own surefire way to win them all over, converting six female dragons into large and lovely sex-loving lesbians... though one will take a little more work than the others!

Thanks for being patient, and be looking for the new chapter by Sunday night. Hope you enjoy!


New Midnight Rising chapter releasing on Monday evening · 2:23am Mar 1st, 2021

And I do mean new. As in, brand spanking new, with very little pulled over from the original story.

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It appears that the next completed chapter will belong to Midnight Rising... brief teaser included · 9:12pm June 27th

I’ve made good progress on the Lemon Zest chapters this week thanks to a quiet spell at work, which is especially welcome after vacation. In fact, part one is only a day or two away from draft completion, at which point it will be off to prereaders.

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Unleash the Magic... Unleashed! · 1:15pm Dec 14th, 2015

Story submitted! Look for it later today... thanks, prereaders!


TLaTU and Midnight Rising Bonus chapters offered for Patreon donations! · 4:30pm Mar 29th, 2018

For readers of The Lawyer and the Unicorn and Unleash the Magic: Midnight Rising, I've set up a series of goals on my Patreon account, offering omakes/bonus chapters to existing adult stories of mine:

Goal #1: $100

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Back to Feathered Hearts with a question for readers · 12:53am Apr 14th, 2021

With another Midnight Rising chapter in the books, where where I successfully made a tsundere out of Ember and had Pinkie beat her in a contest of heat with a little something called capsaicin, I'm now heading back to Feathered Hearts. The next chapter already has 3500 words written and with it comes a question for readers:

How would you like a little early implied adult (T-rated) action that might lead to an M-rated side story later on?

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As a thank-you to Feathered Hearts readers... · 8:07pm March 4th

For all the love and support I’ve gotten the last couple weeks over my blog posts on the story, I’ve decided it’s only fair to reward everyone with a new C&C chapter, which I will be starting this week. It will be sharing creative space with the next chapter of Midnight Rising, which I’m in the middle of writing as we speak, but I’ll aim to have a completed C&C draft out in three weeks, and a chapter launch in time for April 1st.

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Still working on Midnight Rising... · 7:47pm May 17th

At the rate of about 800-1000 words a day. That’s my key to getting stuff done that’s causing you issues; just be sure you put at least a little time in on it this day to have some forward momentum. The two chapters are now up to 24,100 words. I’ll work on it more this weekend, at least around continuing work around the maps and battle graphics I’m making for Feathered Hearts.

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Midnight Rising and Knee Surgery Update · 12:18am Dec 2nd, 2020

Sorry to not keep readers updated, but I've found it hard to feel creative over the past week. You'll understand, it's a little difficult to be interested in writing, especially sexual stuff when you're recovering from knee surgery (or really any surgery), as your body devotes its energy to healing instead of to more pleasurable pursuits.

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One new Nightmare Night chapter draft complete · 3:54pm Oct 24th, 2021

And I will do my level best to get a second one done in the next week. Don’t be surprised if it slips a few days, but I’ll at least have one out on Halloween.

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Next Gilda chapter paused · 4:14pm Nov 16th, 2020

In order to do a general editing pass and major update on the parent Midnight Rising story. I began it this weekend and now have three revamped and significantly expanded chapters done and posted. You are invited to check them out and comment, as I think they're marked improvement over the earlier incarnations, with a lot more detail and addressing some issues people have pointed out over the years.

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Revamped Midnight Rising chapter launches tonight · 3:28pm March 1st

Sorry for the delay. Was waiting for final prereads to come in, and I’ve been sick this past week with what might have been the norovirus due to symptoms I’d rather not mention.

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Trouble... · 9:37pm Sep 6th, 2023

Both personal and professional. I’ll start with the former: Following a bout with severe stomach pain a couple weeks ago (which turned out to be bad gas but distended my gut enough to strain some of the area muscles), I have been diagnosed with hypertension—high blood pressure—and thus far I’m having trouble bringing it under control.

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(Re)Work commencing on Midnight Rising... · 8:53pm January 23rd

As promised on a blog in early December, I’m coming back to Midnight Rising with the intention of rewriting the poorly done ending to the Molly/Vesuvius duel to something far more fitting and appropriate. And once that’s done? I’m proceeding directly into the next chapter with the intention of putting the story back on track, finally focusing on Lemon Zest.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 148 results