
Viewing 1 - 20 of 54 results

The Metaverse In Persona 5 · 12:11am Oct 10th, 2022

This post will contain spoilers about Persona 5, Royal, and Strikers. You are warned.

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Report Lucar · 319 views · #Persona #Metaverse

MetaVerse Update -11-25-18 · 5:29am Nov 25th, 2018

Seasons Greetings MetaVerse fans!

We've been hard at work making new content to all three of our series and its been remarkably silent i know. That's due to a few reasons:

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Rebrand: Fallout Themed Stories · 12:34am Jul 11th, 2019


Total Wasteland was originally a side project I wrote based on roleplays I've had over a period of two years.

Now that it's actually coming into it's own place we will be renaming it to be true to it's own roots.

Internally we are working with Fallout: Equestrian City as the new title.

However it still takes place in the multidimensional continuity known as MetaVerse so no worries there.

Heck who knows maybe one day our heroes will meet each other somehow ;)

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Fallout:Total Wasteland · 7:11pm Jul 17th, 2019

Just a quick note, after alot of internal discussion we have decided to retitled "Equestrian City:Total Wasteland" to "Fallout:Total Wasteland"

As usual it's a mature story with ties to Fallout but not part of Fallout Equestria (as I have never read that and probably won't just to avoid potential issues.)

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MetaVerse Update - 03-27-19 · 7:04pm Mar 27th, 2019

Hello MetaVerse fans,

One of the things we’ve had several complaints and rightly so on, was our prologue. It was quite frankly, awful. It gave no direction and felt a bit disconnected since the story is about Sunset and we start with Rarity.

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New Discord! · 1:02am Nov 12th, 2020

Greetings MetaVerse Fans!

We've recently upgraded and trimmed our discord server thanks to Spencer and the gang!

If you were pruned, left, or want to head in, here's our new invite code! Remember to read the rules :)

Due to Security issues, we can give out invites on a person to person basis for the moment :) Send a DM to me! :D


DarkMalcontent and the MetaVerse Team!


Website Down (Update) · 4:00am Nov 20th, 2019

Greetings MetaVerse fans!

Our current webmasters are now requesting before they allow our site to return to standard operating status we seek immediate legal council.

If we do not, they wish for us to sign a release of liability waiver.

We are currently taking an internal vote after a discussion and will continue to keep you all abreast of the situation!

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MetaVerse Gaming: Assassin's Creed: Revelations · 3:21pm Apr 8th, 2020

Part one of Revelations! Subscribe and like for more n.n!


Website Update · 8:04pm Jan 21st, 2020

Heres the latest and greatest on our transition.

Url is back up and heres a quick post!

Drop by sometime as we build the worlds



Website Update - Reloaded · 10:22pm Nov 23rd, 2019

Hello Metaverse fans still watching!

All three of you ;)

Spencer has informed me the first part of restoring the overlays to the website's shells is nearly complete. Well, I sorta paraphrased that as he said a buncha things that made my eyes roll back into my head techno wise.

The good thing is I logged in the back end of it successfully and began to update his access. So he should be updating me on the next steps we need.

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Milestone - 100 watchers · 4:27pm Mar 9th, 2020

Hey there everyone!

Fourshadow just noticed we hit 100 watchers and wow is that awesome!

Thank you each and everyone whose still an active account and reading this n.n

I never thought I'd get so much attention as 100 different people looking at my work!

We just released episode 19 so don't forget to stop on by and check it out when ya can!

TEquestrian City
It's been almost a decade since the Battle of the Bands and Sunset Shimmer has been trying to clean up the mess she made. After series of unrelated crimes, Sunset, now known as The Phoenix, may need to finally ask for help.
Malcontent · 177k words  ·  182  14 · 5.4k views

Thanks again one and all!

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MetaVerse Gaming - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood · 3:56pm Mar 30th, 2020

Hello all my MetaVerse fans!

No doubt your likely locked down or staying home! I'm working but it's a slow work so I've taken the time to edit and upload all of Brotherhood for viewing with emotes (sparingly unless it's not too annoying) and no commentary cuz...who really wants to hear me drone on about why this is fun and that's fun when its you that matters as the viewer?

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Regarding Alden · 9:35pm Jul 13th, 2020

Greetings MetaVerse Fans,

Today is a very sad day for the project.

As many of you may have heard, Alden was being put on a ventilator and then later a recovery chamber due to the deadly Covid19 pandemic that's taking the world on full force.

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MetaVerse Gaming: Brotherhood Part Two! · 3:55pm Apr 1st, 2020

Here ya go! Enjoy! Sub and like and please signal boost n.n I need exposure xD

The Equestrian City / MetaVerse

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Siren's Wail - Equestrian City · 8:56pm Mar 22nd, 2021

Drawn by..ME!

I'm still alive and writing, but with Covid and the world the way it is it's been NUTS. I have learned a bit on drawing myself, so here's my first image, and I'm nervous about sharing it ^^

Episode 20 (Huge Finale) is almost done, it's..WAY too big we may need to chop it in half, but stay tuned for an update!

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[ART] Queen Celestia - Concept art for unreleased project · 5:10pm Nov 1st, 2021

Hey all. Still churning out basic art for my projects and here is Queen Celestia. Magic wielding ruler of Harmonia.

And that's all I'll say for the moment;)

Here's the reddit link to the release! :D

Here ya go!

Stay tuned and spread the word ;)

-DarkMalcontent and Metaverse Studios


MeraVerse Update - March 12th, 2020 · 6:54pm Mar 12th, 2020

Hello MetaVerse fans!

Lots of things to address so let's get to it!

We recently acquired a new associate artist to help ease the burden from Moon Pearl. I'd like to introduce Princess Butter or Butters! You can find their artwork here on deviantArt! Heres an example of some of the work shes done for us so far!

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Total Wasteland - New Episode! · 7:19pm Aug 22nd, 2019

Hello Total Wasteland fans!

Today we published the latest episode "Benefits of Doubting" which is Mal and Dash focused!

If you’re a fan of Fallout 4, you'll know the last DLC, NukaWorld was ill received due to its rushed content. I've always wanted to go and expand on some of it and now I can! I will eventually when the mod team I work on touches Nuka World!

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Website Updates · 9:24pm Nov 26th, 2019

Hello MetaVerse fans,

Recently our former web hosts decided that it was in both our best interests to move to a new set of maintainers. We wish them their best as changes in their lives and careers have been bumpy at times.

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MetaVerse Update - 02-25-19 · 7:43am Feb 25th, 2019

Hello MetaVerse fans,

Let's start this out by ensuring this should be our last Verse argument xD

After careful consideration that it's not about heroes only and that it’s encompassing Total Wasteland under its umbrella, we think MetaVerse suits it just fine. Coupled with Pinkie discussions we seem to end up having her have it seemed fitting.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 54 results