
Viewing 1 - 20 of 241 results

Question for Readers - work on Feathered Hearts: Eros underway · 6:07pm Apr 21st, 2021

It had not been my intention to immediately start work on the M-rated side story to Feathered Hearts, following in the wingbeats of Demon Eyes Laharl's own M-rated side story Feathered Heart: Preening. But my prereaders, to say nothing of my very muse, all but demand it, and it does seem to be coming to me (no pun intended) fairly readily right now. There are just too many ideas for scenes I want to get down, and my production team has been full of thoughts and ideas for this as

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Make that 8 side story chapters + Teaser · 1:29pm May 16th, 2021

Though the latest two are a bit of a cheat as I realized it would be better to break up a couple earlier chapters. In one case, I did it to bookend it around an important and very adult three-chapter arc regarding our surprise first human/griffon pairing. That involved fleshing out the broken-off chapter a bit more, as I'm trying to keep individual chapters to no more than around 5k-6k words. I then also decided to break up an early chapter that was well over 8000 words, putting some

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Weekly update on Feathered Hearts main and side stories · 2:16pm May 9th, 2021

Well, I've been a busy boi. In the past week, I have written a whopping 16,000 words on both the main and side story, though mostly the side story. I've worked on two chapters for that, with a brand new one completed at 11k words. Though at that length, there's a good chance I'm going to break it in two, and then turn what it describes into a three-chapter arc. That would give me no less than five finished side story chapters, and put us on track for a Memorial Day weekend (late May) publish

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It's a bit embarrassing... · 7:20pm May 22nd, 2021

But it turns out that all this time I was wrong about Memorial Day being May 24th. It's actually May 31st. I had it in my head for some reason that Memorial Day can't fall on the last day of May, but I was wrong. And it's a good thing I said something to my coworkers about it on Friday, or I would have stayed home on Monday without thinking and been essentially AWOL. :facehoof:

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T-minus 10 days... · 8:39pm May 14th, 2021

To the Memorial Day launch of Feathered Hearts: Eros, and I now have no less than six side story chapters ready to go--which was my targeted minimum for launch, along with a new main story chapter to help direct readers to the side story. I have until then to finish more side story chapters, and I will indeed target having 1-2 more chapters finished in time. This should mean there's plenty of material available for both the initial launch of ~3 chapters, and for daily releases of

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Prolific writing pace of Feathered Hearts continues — here's a teaser · 2:51pm May 12th, 2021

Skipping ahead a little, and thanks in part to a sleepless night when I decided there was no use trying and got up at 4am to spend the next several hours writing, I’ve completed the next main story chapter, which takes place two days following the events described in the M-rated side story.

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Feathered Hearts: C&C - initial release complete · 4:24pm Mar 23rd, 2021

Well, after putting on a massive push over the past week to get Feathered Hearts launched and then refreshing my browser about every thirty seconds for three days straight to look for new likes and comments, it's time to let that simmer for a bit while I head back over to work on Midnight Rising. But before I do, I did want to welcome and thank all new readers of the story for dropping likes and comments, and give a shout-out to the dozens of new watchers who came to me from the

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Back to Feathered Hearts with a question for readers · 12:53am Apr 14th, 2021

With another Midnight Rising chapter in the books, where where I successfully made a tsundere out of Ember and had Pinkie beat her in a contest of heat with a little something called capsaicin, I'm now heading back to Feathered Hearts. The next chapter already has 3500 words written and with it comes a question for readers:

How would you like a little early implied adult (T-rated) action that might lead to an M-rated side story later on?

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Post surgery update #2 + Feathered Hearts teaser · 4:23pm Sep 10th, 2021

They say time flies when you’re having fun. But fun is not what describes this. :pinkiesick:

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Feathered Hearts - 10 side story chapters finished! · 3:10pm May 24th, 2021

The latest chapter I was writing reached close to 9000 words by the time I was through with it, meaning it was big enough to be broken in two. It's now with prereaders, and this means that the US Marine M14 Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) belonging to the side story is now loaded with the full ten-round magazine I sought before launch.

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My Muse is Loose - Feathered Hearts side story well underway · 3:19pm Apr 26th, 2021

I completed the first two side story chapters in under a week, typing in the 12,000 words between them like rapid-fire from a Marine M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) on my keyboard.

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Feathered Hearts: Eros - release week complete! What would readers like me to work on next...? · 3:44pm Jun 7th, 2021

The release of Feathered Hearts: Eros is complete, and I generally couldn't be happier with how it went. The Memorial Day launch of five chapters followed by five more at the rate of one per day worked--the story not only featured after an hour in fourth place and stayed on the board for most of the day, but it pulled a slew of new readers onto the main story as well, taking it from 66 likes to knocking on the door of 100 while picking up a whopping 90 new tracks. That alone makes

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Feathered Hearts - Eros: Introduction · 1:38pm May 31st, 2021

Greetings to all readers, both new and returning! Welcome to Feathered Hearts - Eros. It's become of a bit of a habit for me to write introductory blogs for new stories, especially ones I worry might cause some eyebrows to raise for one reason or another. This is very much one of them, given it's based on what was originally another author's story.

Who is the author and what is the story?

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'Twas the night before FH:E release... · 2:00am May 31st, 2021

And it would be a lie to say I don't feel some anxiety over it. Still some work to do, from writing the Author's Notes to the introductory blog. It's been a six-week journey coming to an end tomorrow... or maybe it's only beginning. How, I can't help but wonder, will it be received? You just never know. It might be a huge hit--you don't see much griffon/human action on site, so this could certainly be filling a neglected niche--or it could end up flopping and doing damage to the main story in

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Good news! · 6:33pm Sep 15th, 2021

The mods have approved me posting the updated original Feathered Heart chapters to my story! :yay:

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Feathered Hearts - Chapter 8 launches Sunday · 11:10pm Apr 17th, 2021

In the end, it all came to me quickly, as did the prereads, and thus I'm releasing it tomorrow—once I've done a few more editing passes and am fully satisfied with it, that is. It's normally a very good sign when I find the writing easy, and my prereaders thus far—AJ_Aficionado, SIlentwoodfire, and Silverblade5—have all said they enjoyed the chapter, which has also sparked no end of discussion from them regarding what should come after.

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Doubleheader on Wednesday... · 6:35pm Jan 3rd, 2022

In the form of not baseball games, but back-to-back releases of both Feathered Hearts: Continuation and Chronicles and the second full chapter of Harmonic Resonance. Yep, you heard right—you'll get both a warfic and a clopfic on Wednesday night. I think that pretty much covers all the bases!

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Another week past... · 12:10am Aug 15th, 2022

And another 15k words down on Harmonic Resonance between the final two chapters, with another 3500 down on Feathered Hearts. I’ve been a busy boi, but neither is near ready for release. It’s possible at this point that the last Harmonic Resonance ascension chapter will have to be split again and end up being a three-parter, but we’ll see what shape it’s in as I get closer to done with it.

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Midnight Rising chapter 10 is... rising · 2:56pm Apr 5th, 2021

With my second new Feathered Hearts chapter in the books—thanks to everyone who liked and commented!—I'm shifting back to Midnight Rising. The next chapter, which involves our favorite party animal showing a bevy of female dragons how to have fun, is already 4200 words long and growing quickly. Oddly, I'm finding myself making a lot of lore for the dragons in the process of writing

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There are no brakes on the Feathered Hearts: Eros train · 5:09pm May 1st, 2021

With now three full chapters written and a fourth starting production shortly, 20k words are already down on the side story in under two weeks. My muse has grabbed hold of this thing and will not let go. What sucks is that I have to wait to release the ready chapters until I've got the entire story arc written (6-8 chapters?) and then write the next chapter of the regular Feathered Hearts story to link to it.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 241 results