
Viewing 81 - 100 of 126 results

Fragile · 1:01am Dec 2nd, 2020

Zenex trotted through Ponyville with a cloak over his body. He didn’t want to get recognized by anyone. By now, he was seeing his face and picture everywhere. He had a mountain of letters from ponies who wanted to partner with him, he was getting messages from crazed fans. Hell, he even saw body pillows with him on it.

He HATED it.

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Report MlpHero · 89 views · #Zenex #Random Mares

Fang Gang Shorts #92 · 2:52pm Sep 19th, 2020

Pharynx, Mitchell, Hive, and Zenex over look a large building.

Pharynx looked at the others. “Okay, so, that’s where the Blade soldiers are?”

Zenex nodded. “Mhm. And there are a lot of them,” he informed as they moved up towards the building.

“Okay, so how do we handle this?” Mitchell asked as they stopped at the door.

Zenex smirked a bit. “Leave it to me.” With that, he trotted inside.

Hive blinked. “How is he gonna—”

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Fang Gang Shorts #71 · 10:47pm Sep 1st, 2020

“Okay, how do we take out those guys?” Mitchell asked, looking at Hive, Zen, and Kydra.

“Hm... how about stealth?” Ky asked.

“Yeah. Maybe we can get the jump on them,” Hive replied.

Zenex gulp. “Uh... guys? I... I chose the option that might be considered unethical...”

Hive looked over. “What did you do?”

“Well... I may have—”


They looked over to see a small mushroom cloud at the target building. They stared, mouths agape.

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The REAL Reason · 1:42am Dec 4th, 2020

Hero walked over to Zenex, who was holding a snowball. “Um... what the heck are you doing?”

“Nyah!” he threw the snowball, which landed on the ground.

Along a stone wall was Hive and Flutterwings, the latter of which was wear a standard issue fishnet infantry helmet. “Hive, the first shot has been fired! What should we do?”

Hive smirked. “Die Kälte hat mich sowieso nie gestört.”

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Boo 2 · 9:42pm Jul 15th, 2020

“So... What’s your plan, Zenex?”

“Simple. I exploit Mantis and Dagger’s biggest fears. The destructions of wagons and drowning respectively.”

“So... You’re going burn a wagon for Mant, then use Dagger‘s aquaphobia against him? Isn’t that a bit much?”

“Nope!” * Runs off*

“...” *Facepalms*

*Knocks on door*

“Coming!” *Walks out and sees ten burning wagons* “...”

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Report MlpHero · 153 views · #Hivehunter #Zenex #Mantis #Dagger

The Zenslayer 3 · 5:26pm Sep 20th, 2020

Zenex looked around, pointing the pistol every which way. He sighed and continued walking, passing by a few cages. One of the prisoners tried grab him, but Zen’s pistol put a bullet through his skull. “S-Shit...” Zenex muttered. He didn’t even bother with clean language.

He continued to walk until he found something. It was a suit or armor. Zenex blinked. He took the suit and slipped into it. Perfect fit.


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Fang Gang Shorts #40 · 4:42am Aug 3rd, 2020

Zenex happily walked through the hallways, holding his journal. As he walked, an older changeling snatched his journal and took off to a nearby crowd and began reading it aloud. Zen felt his heart drop like an atomic bomb as he started reading his more embarrassing entries. The crowd began laughing as the nymph stared in shock. He immediately ran off, crying.

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The Zenslayer 5 · 8:00pm Sep 20th, 2020

Zenex continued walking. He was holding the double barrel shotgun. he like it, as it seemed to have infinite ammunition. He didn’t have to reload or use any shells. He entered another chamber. This one had a familiar white pegasus in it.

He sighed. “Will you assholes ever learn? You’re not Melody.”

She turned around. “Ze—”

“Yeah, yeah, just make your introduction.”

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Report MlpHero · 167 views · #Zenex #Melody Song

Fang Gang Shorts #90 · 8:23pm Sep 18th, 2020

Zenex looked at his sidehoof crossbows. As he cleaned it, a changeling walked over. “Hey, you!”

Zen looked over. “Hm?”

“You’re that doll-eyed nymph that purple miss pigtails hangs with!”

“Um... yes...?” Zenex said, trying not to run away to Hive.

The female changeling glared. “That nymph beat the hell outta me!”

Zenex blinked. “Um... if she did, then you probably deserved it.”

The changeling growled, then a sheet of paper fell from her bags. Zenex examined them.

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Walk · 11:03pm Dec 3rd, 2020

*It wasn’t long until Hero got comfortable of walking around the hive with a leash and collar around his neck. Zenex also didn’t mind. In fact, he seemed to enjoy walking his best friend/brother-figure. But he never made an active attempt to embarrass him*

“C’mon Hero!”

“I’m right behind you.”

*Giggles* “Heh, are you sure you’re fine with this?”

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Report MlpHero · 100 views · #Hero #Zenex #Hivehunter #Mitchell

Cerberus: Drags Zenex to Tartarus · 6:52pm Sep 19th, 2020


Report MlpHero · 54 views · #Zenex #JT Music #Random

Hell isn’t Better · 9:51pm Sep 22nd, 2020

*Zenex has been slaying demon after demon, watching them fell beneath his hooves. However, he found himself bored. After all, slaying demons only got so fun*

*Sigh* “Spiders, imps, lost souls, ravagers, what else?”

*As Zenex walked, he heard a voice. However, it wasn’t a low demon growl, but a pony-ish voice. He walks over to see who it is. He soon found a pony with a camera*

“Um... hello?”

*The pony looks over and gasps*

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Report MlpHero · 81 views · #Zenex #Unlucky Pony

Fang Gang Shorts #68 · 1:02am Sep 1st, 2020

Zenex looked at his assassination target.

“Alright Zen, you remember what I said, right?” Hive asked.

“Yep. Use anything as a weapon.”

“Okay then. Go.”

Zen nodded and ran up to the pony. With no hesitation, he pulled out...

...A sock?

“What the...?”

“Ah! Oh go- Ah! Stopid! Stop it! Ah!”

“Well, you did say anything,” Zenex said, walking back from his confirmed kill.

“Dude... the fu—”


Fang Gang Shorts #73 · 1:18am Sep 2nd, 2020

Zenex looked at Hive. “Hivey, can’t we just... call this off?”

Hive looked over. “What? Why?”

“It’s stupid! We’re only destroying our friendship with Scorch and Flutters!” Zen said.

“Zenny Boy, we can win this! All we need to do is—”

Zen grabbed his crowbar and pounced.

Hive looked over. “What the—”


“Ahh! Zen! Ow, stop it! Ahh!”

Stinger looked at Hive, who was covered in bruises. “Um...”

“Not. A. Word.”

Report MlpHero · 94 views · #Hivehunter #Zenex #Stinger

The Zenslayer 7 · 10:00pm Sep 20th, 2020

Zenex examined the weapon that Hive demon was guarding. It was called the BFG 9000. He chuckled, knowing how powerful the cannon was. He smiled and entered another chamber. He looked around, then noticed Eclipse curled up. He smiled and ran over.


Before he could reach Eclipse, a giant dog ran up and swallowed Eclipse whole. Zenex growled and pulled out a weapon with multiple barrels. He yelled, holding the hoof-held gatling gun up. “Cerberus!!”

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Fang Gang Shorts #66 · 8:14pm Aug 30th, 2020

Hivehunter sat down on a bench, looking around while being bored as always. At least, until a pair of female changelings caught his attention. They were smiling like some of Pharynx’s mad fangirls.

“U-Uhhh… can I help you-”


What the buck?

“Ohmygosh! It’s really him!” one squealed, wrapping her hooves around him, making him squeak.

“Eep! H-Hey! Get off!” he squirmed.

“Aww! He’s so cuuuute!” they both said at the same time, moving closer.

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Some Time Away 4 · 7:08pm Aug 18th, 2020

Blue sat in his room, looking at an assortment of random junk items. First he counted. “Uh oh... we’re missing our favorite nymph. Where could he be guys?” he asked... the junk items.

He got up and walked over to his drawer, pulling out a quartz crystal. “Aww... there you are Zenex!” He then began tickling the crystal. “Coochie coochie coo!”

He walked over to an empty Sparkle-Cola bottle. “There you go Zenex. Right next to Hive.”

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Missed Date · 1:23am Mar 11th, 2021

(Follow-up to my blog last night, "Love Notes")

Zenex sat at a table in the cafeteria, smiling and waiting for his date. As he waited, it soon went from being noon to 12:30. Then 12:40. Zenex began to get worried, biting his bottom lip and looking around. He sighed and was about to get up, when a piece of paper folded into an airplane landed on the table.

Zenex grabbed it and opened it frantically. First, he saw his own note, but only the part with his question.

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Fang Gang Shorts #43 · 11:02pm Aug 6th, 2020

“Come on, Hive, let’s move.”

The Lieutenant nodded. The two officers marched out of the house and moved over to the next. Spiderfang bucked the door down and Hivehunter charged in. “Hooves in the air! Don’t move!"

There sat a small family of unicorns. The father shielded has family. “Get behind me.” The mother and the small foal did exactly that. The Lieutenant looked over.

“Parents and a kid.”

Spiderfang nodded.

“Alright. Nopony’s getting hurt. Just follow us and you’ll be—

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Some Time Away 5 · 8:02pm Aug 18th, 2020

Today was day six, and Blue was practically in the brink of collapse. He had more knife wounds and continued having conversations, so far even hearing the items talk back to him. It was driving up, down, and through the wall.

However, he couldn’t take it anymore...

He picked up a piece of paper and began writing, before grabbing a string of rope and tying around his wings. “Hm... the Canterlot bank is pretty tall...”

A few hours later...

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 126 results