
Viewing 81 - 100 of 1,464 results

How's social distancing going? · 1:37pm Apr 10th, 2020

I'm continuing to plow forward as best I can, trying to find ways to amuse myself while I watch this thing develop. This is definitely revealing all the flaws in how I live day to day. My long term underemployment thing continues, which I am thankful for (God knows I don't need to be sitting around any more than I do), but this thing has seriously cut back on the little things I used to do to amuse myself. I now find myself sitting in front of the computer way too much, or watching the news way

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War Stories · 1:46pm Aug 3rd, 2019

I've been slowly moving forward on Chapter 2, and I've come up with an idea. I'm wondering if just maybe the story would work if I used "Saddle Row Review" as a source of inspiration. Of course, it would have to be quite different, and the interview format wouldn't be able to catch all the details, but it just might make the introduction of so many new details easier. Has any other author tried to use this template? I'd love to know how it worked for them.

Report CoyoteXray · 248 views · #story thoughts

To Fleur or not to Fleur? That is the question. · 1:26pm Jul 10th, 2021

In the last couple of days, I've finally began the process of moving forward with my writing. Hearing that may excite some and bum out others, as I have noticed that I can be very wordy compared to other writers out there. I think that looking back, even though I was introducing an original character and a new concept in "The Blue and the Grey" (namely the Royal Flying Corps), I really could have used an editor to help keep me from rambling so much and help me cut to the chase.

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2019 · 4:39am Mar 12th, 2019

Status of pretty much everything in 2019. The bar has sunk so low that it is in the Earth's molten core.

Report StubobNumbers · 146 views · #thoughts #random

Bumping up the Numbers · 1:36pm Oct 19th, 2020

Having gotten the latest chapter of "The Blue and the Gray" out and into the world, I find myself turning once again to my other active story, "Danger Close". I'm thinking that I can make some progress on that over the next couple of weeks, having finally gotten a critical character a bit more sorted out. Which is a good thing, because I seem to find myself rereading a lot of my own work these days. I'm not sure why exactly, maybe I'm still just a bit surprised that I was able to produce

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Finally Forward · 4:48pm Aug 16th, 2020

I have finally moved forward on "The Blue and The Gray", though it's a big one, over 5000 words. I've never written a chapter that long before, and I have to wonder if the length will be a turnoff. I know that it has been an issue for me at times, but I really don't have an editor to help me par it down, and I have no idea if it could be shortened and keep it's meaning. So, lets see how it's received.

Report CoyoteXray · 166 views · #story thoughts

Uncharted Waters · 11:50pm Jul 25th, 2023

I've been working recently at the latest chapter of "Danger Close", and I've run into a problem. I've wanted to let one of my characters have a speech impediment, namely an occasional stammer. But, not having any personal experience with anyone with this issue, and having no training in the subject matter, I can't help but worry about whether I can do this and not have the character just seem like a stereotype. Has anyone else out there had any experience like this? Is there a good way to do

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Random Thoughts · 12:12am Oct 4th, 2021

As seems evident by now, ponies can get by just fine in Equestrian society using only one name (Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, etc.)
Likewise, some ponies, like Celestia and Luna, are well known enough that they don't need secondary names. But I had the thought the other day that "Daybringer" and "Moonraiser" would make good surnames/honorifics for their civilian lives anyway.


Do Stories Have An Expiration Date? · 2:24pm Feb 1st, 2023

My story, "Danger Close", was originally started in the middle of 2019, right in the middle of the last season of MLP:FIM. I admit that it's been a long haul trying to figure out just how I wanted to structure it, and exactly how the story should develop. I'm not much of a writer, and even as a reader I tend to stick a little too much to history as opposed to fiction, which can limit one's imagination somewhat. But in the last several months I've gotten more momentum worked up and have gotten

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My Thoughts - The Nine Lives of Fritz the Cat · 11:12pm Sep 26th, 2015

I can't describe what actually happens in this one, because it would ding the 'no NSFW' blogs rules.

No. Really. Its that type of movie. :pinkiesick:

Ugly, ugly movie, made even worse by having such nice and fluid (I am so, so sorry) animation.

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My Thoughts spin-off series · 8:12pm Sep 15th, 2015

I've been thinking about a little side project. Basically, giving Let's Playing a whirl. Sort of like those 'My Thoughts' blogs for games I consider inspirations, but with YouTube videos of my horrible rusty gamer skills while I talk about the game/s, what I think about them, and what I learned from them as a story-teller.

You guys and galls any interested in that? Or do you want a proof of concept first?

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Cutie Re-Mark reactions · 10:33pm Dec 16th, 2015

I let slip a while ago that I had yet to see the season finale, and StrangeReasoning requested I give my first impression when I actually got around to it.

I have now done so.

That, and massive spoilers below the cut.

(All time-stamps are for the Netflix version, if there is any difference.)

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Thoughts on "The Break Up Breakdown" · 12:16am May 21st, 2018

Oh, joy, we're looking at SugarMac again. Yippee. :ajbemused:

But, hey, maybe if giving Maud Pie a boyfriend made her more tolerable for me, maybe this episode could give us some development on Sugar Belle and show us why she and Big Mac like each other and what the real foundation of their relationship is instead of providing cheap lip service and presenting them as a generic couple that like each other because... reasons that the fandom has to work on themselves.

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Thoughts on Grannies Gone Wild · 6:39pm Apr 15th, 2018


Thoughts On: The Maud Couple · 10:37pm Apr 1st, 2018

Some more quick thoughts on the latest episode. I may make this a recurring series of blog posts throughout Season 8, but we’ll see. As always, mild spoilers.

  • I liked the episode. Mud Briar was almost universally unlikable as a character from start to finish, but it's pretty obvious that's what they were going for, and the writers pulled it off really well.

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Thoughts on "Yakity-Sax" · 3:44am Jul 23rd, 2018

Can I just pretend that this episode is just a bad fan fiction and is therefore non-canon?

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Thoughts on "Molt Down" · 4:13am Jun 2nd, 2018

Well, here we are, the eve before the next episode because I procrastinated putting my thoughts up on last week's episode. To be fair, when I wasn't doing real life stuff, I was busy churning out the next chapter of Brotherly Bonding Time, which only turned out to be, oh, over 11,000 words long!

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Thoughts on "The End in Friend" · 6:19pm Aug 24th, 2018

Well, since I'm about to take a weekend trip, I might as well give you this before I forget.

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Thoughts on "Sounds of Silence" · 12:57am Oct 5th, 2018

Heh, here's the episode I got to watch at the convention!

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Second Thoughts and Other such Things · 2:56am Aug 5th, 2018

As some of you may have noticed, (though thankfully not too many of you) I recently pulled down one of my blogs. It wasn't much, though I put a lot into it. It was my attempt to talk at least a bit about what seemed to me to be a rather nasty sounding story. But it seemed a bit much for me to take on. Lord knows I am in no way an expert on much of anything, and I have no business giving advice.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 1,464 results