
Viewing 81 - 100 of 895 results

I'm dying, dude. I'm fudging dying. Dyyyyyyyyyyyying. · 5:43am Mar 16th, 2016

I'm not sure what I did to myself, but last night I was feeling rather undead until I was forced to get up at 2:00 am to go puke my guts out.

Today I did my best to focus on work and such, but rotoscoping 2000+ frames of poorly recorded footage isn't exactly the greatest of joys on a good day. This morning I spent most of that time being only half-aware of what I was doing. I'll have to take a peek tomorrow and see the result of that. XD

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My new girlfriend! · 2:49am May 3rd, 2020

I have recently fallen in love with a mare on this site. I am completely in love with her and I believe that she is the one. We have both decided to try a relationship and I will be happy to give you guys her profile name but she is shy so please don’t throw questions at her but her profile name is

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Yo, what's up with Chapter 3?? · 5:44am Mar 30th, 2016

Hello, my dears!

Considering I'm holding myself to a 12-day update schedule for my Twibra epic, Song of Eventide,
I suppose you may be wondering,
where is this promised cider?

Well, friends, any horse can make a claim, and anypony can do the same. But sadly, sometimes stuff happens that just kind of throws a wrench in the works.

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How many people have I helped? · 3:59am Oct 7th, 2019

I have been wondering how many people I have helped on this site and how many people actually remember me. I have been asking myself this question because I apparently have stopped a bunch of suicide attempts and I even ended a 2 year argument with just my own words. I can't believe I have done this amount of good and I still can't believe it. I am always going to continue to help people but I wanted to see if I have improved as many lives as I was lead to believe. I don't know how I help so

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<Personal Blog> · 8:58pm Jul 10th, 2020

Stories are still coming along (relatively) strong. But I'd like to take a moment to put out an offer for those who want to join me in my downtime, when it so happens.

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Report Deus Foalt · 206 views · #personal #tetris

Second Person but you are a named character? · 9:18am Jul 11th, 2021

I am working on a second-person story, but 'you' are a named character. In the story, you are Lyra Heartstrings, with three humans getting intimate with you. It's a very simple story. No Anon/human in sight. Plus, you are the pony getting made love to.

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Report Bendy · 190 views · #second person

Sight seeing! · 6:59pm Feb 20th, 2020

I plan on taking a trip through the United states and was wondering what you guys could suggest that I see. What states I should look at and what land marks. So please give me suggestions for this type of stuff because I need help.


Mentally and emotionally and physically is Bad! · 6:01am Jun 4th, 2020

So as you have seen I haven’t delivered on any of the promises but it’s been because of my health. I have been hit badly with a group of multiple seizures and recovering from them. My brain still hasn’t came around yet as my memories are not returning. I have been trying to relax but I am emotionally tired of my problems in life. I have friends irl that completely makes me wonder why I am even friends with them irl to began with. I also have been trying to stay away from my Ex but they keep

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Reflection part 4 · 3:30am Feb 21st, 2020

The reason why I choose to help people and save people is because when I was growing up I knew how bad my medical condition could get. I knew that the longer I had epilepsy the more of a chance I have of dying. I use to believe that I wouldn't live to see 19 but surprise I am still there. I am going to be honest I am very lucky in the life I have. I have had times where I would end up in the hospital half dead and then just insane close calls. I believe death has his eyes on me but I to

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Hello guy here’s what I have been up to! · 5:17pm May 9th, 2020

I made this video now I don’t own anything incept the video. The music is by Skillet and the art I couldn’t find the original link to but if you can find the original then please share the links I will upload them.


Personal Fandom Review: My "Brony Bucket List" · 5:07pm Oct 20th, 2021

Ok, so I'm bored and in a reflective mood, and thus I decided, "Hey, let's look back at my time in the fandom!"

And what better way to do that than to look at something I put on my FiMFiction page years ago: my "Brony Bucket List". Let's go through each thing on there. (Copy and pasted, I'll put it below and then review each in turn.)


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Report SaxPon3 · 161 views · #reflection #personal

Am I necessary Legend material? · 1:07pm Jan 31st, 2020

The reason why I am asking is because I found out that I may just be forging my own personal Legend after I found out that people I don't know started to act like I am a legend but of course I don't really go around flaunting it but it has me wondering. Everything that I have done to this point does it even warrant a Legend status? Sure I help people and save people's lives but does that really make me a Legend? I wanted to ask your guys opinion of this.


... So, it's been a while! · 9:31pm Jul 11th, 2021

Just dug up this old account to see what I used to write before I got too self-conscious about it, and I realized I never finished half the longfics I wanted to get through back in the day. Still haven't read through most of Fallout: Equestria, so that's on my new list... Never finished the Hard Reset series, gotta do that one too. Little things like that.

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Who's on First. I Don't Know is on Third. (Thoughts on Writing in First Person) · 1:08am Mar 18th, 2017

Besides the above being an obscure Abbott and Costello reference, the title of this short essay describes a difference between the narration of first person and third person stories. You know who is telling the story written in first person; it's the main character of the story. In a third person narrative, you usually don't know who's actually telling the story.

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Bronycan · 1:53am Aug 22nd, 2015

I'll be going to Bronycan on Saturday and Sunday. I seem to have committed an error in attending without ensuring I had people to meet there.

Cons are a bit more like bars then I had expected.

Report Obscure · 357 views · #Convention #personal

I am sorry. · 3:14am Jan 15th, 2020

I was kind of told that I shouldn't blog about my personal life and I should only use them to announce stuff about my stories. I guess I never noticed how much of a burden I can be. I always have thought of my Followers as friends and I guess I have become a burden on you guys I am sorry that I have annoyed you and have plagued you with my personal problems. I guess my personal problems aren't important enough to mention on here. I thought that maybe you guys would help me and you guys did but

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Personal Update · 11:56pm May 27th, 2016

Still nothing back on summer job opportunities. I'll be looking for more next week, though.

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Report TheDizzyDan · 208 views · #personal #update

Am I A Good Person? · 1:51am May 15th, 2019

I have recently found myself asking this a lot but I have always found myself successful in helping people but what happens when my luck runs out? I have made peace with the fact that I may be killed by doing this but what happens if you hurt a close friend and it's because you're luck ran out? I have seen some of my good deeds turned into crap and I just can't get away from the fact that I my be hurting people more by helping them then if I didn't. I have bleed and almost died quite a few

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Presentation · 11:56am Dec 18th, 2017

Hello everypony, let me introduce myself: I'm Lumino010 aka Lumino, drawer and writer to my lost times.
I want to clarify that I am French so if you found my English horrible I apologize. I hope that the fiction that I propose to you will please you although it may take time to get out because of the translation.

I wish you a good day and I look forward to talking with you.

Report Lumino · 246 views · #personal #presentation

This song describes what I have went through and am going through. · 6:45pm Jun 5th, 2020

Viewing 81 - 100 of 895 results